'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
New To Task - Printable Version

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- Apaqt Saqaliet - 08-07-2011


OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny; Sorry this is so fail. Wasn't certain exactly what you wanted to do but yay! You have his first IC post

The male was new to the area, that was too the whole territory as well as the tribe. Granted he wasn't new to tribe life though. His own tribe resided on an island. It was the influx of activity that had caused him to be curious and to leave his island behind. Granted he had left his tribe before then. Or well, there had been a rift created in the tribe that was his fault. He had refused to marry his distant cousin, though what he had never told anyone that it was at her request. No, he had taken the fall for it. He would have been fine with suffering alone but it had caused rivalries among the tribe and ended up dividing them. It certainly wasn't something that he was proud of. He had tried to prevent it but it had been without success. So previously he had been spending his time alone trying to decide on the best way to repair the rift when he had noticed the flurry of activity.

He hadn't approached the area with the activity directly but instead had decided to observe things instead. And it was during that period that he noticed that there was even more activity across the mountains. So of course his interest had been diverted. And it was while exploring the large landscape that he was approached and offered a place within the tribe that he was now currently residing in. He had no idea of the upsets in the tribe. He hadn't been informed as to what was going on but merely offered a high placing based on his ability to take down a moose. He wouldn't say he was specialized in any sort of rank. He wasn't strictly a hunter or warrior or craftsman though he had done all of the above. No, the tribe he came from everyone worked together and didn't specialize in a single area. The whole tribe was expected to help out with each and every task. So he was just well rounded rather than a specialist.

The male sat near the fire in the center of the village. He was using the light from it to be able to see what he was doing as he made to sharpen the stone head of his spear. For some reason he always felt more active during the times of soft light, whether it be dawn or dusk. Then again those times seemed to be quieter without the constant bustle of activity. It made it easier to just sit and listen to the sounds of the world about him. So maybe it was actually the silence that made him alert. For even now, as he focused on maintaining his single weapon, his ears twitched atop his head to listen for something other than the crackle of the fire and the sweep of the wind. He was still getting used to the way things worked in this tribe. After all he hadn't met any but the one that he was to follow the orders of.

Table by the Mentors!

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- Chitsa Amara - 08-09-2011

Sorry for the wait! <3

Time spent with Maska had, while not returning her to what she had been, improved her mood significantly — it didn't matter that the small tribe was burning down around her. It didn't matter that she was one against what seemed like hundreds of angry AniWayans who had sided with the Great Tribe. It didn't matter. She was happy, despite the concern she felt for her elder brother's health. It felt like home again. How she missed her home. Work had kept her busy, away from the less pleasant lives of her fellow tribesmen. The Great Fire comforted her displeasure. There was nothing that bothered her now.

That morning was no different as she rose from her place in the Town Hall to enter the world outside. Firewood was to be collected, torches made, and then she could relax with time to herself if there were hours left in the day. She set on the familiar path to the forested region with sling in hand to help carry back the bundles of kindling. Hours were passed in the forest as she collected, and still more time was wasted on the journey back, but it was a wonderful release from the rest of the world. Feet following the path back home, her lungs released puffs of air as song escaped her fiery jaws. Days were always so similar, and so the song never changed as she found her way back to the light of the Great Fire.

The presence of another surprised her as she came to rest within the giant hearth-like area about the flickering flames. Periwinkle eyes watched the slate-and-coal colored man as he worked to sharpen...well, what was it? A spear? An arrow? She wasn't a hunter and had no eye for weaponry, but it left her curious none the less. Slow steps carried her close, but silence kept interacting with him at bay until she couldn't find a reason to simply watch anymore. "What is that you're working on?" The question was quiet, respectful as she recognized that he was a stranger, but inquisitive regardless.

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- Apaqt Saqaliet - 08-09-2011


OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny; It is fine hun, no worries. I know stuff comes up. Also I found something interesting, basing Apaqt's regards to women on this. I also found an interesting things about spiritual journeys here

He heard the approach before he ever saw it. An ear twitched and turned towards the sound but he didn't react. The scent was that of a tribe member she he felt no reason to be wary. He had no idea that there were upsets in this place. He didn't know that the one whom he had met with had removed the prior leadership of the place. No, he only knew that his skill set had earned him a place within the tribe. He saw it as an opportunity to start over in a new place. Perhaps, given some time, he could right some wrongs in his life. Maybe he could observe the way that this place worked in order to figure out how to repair his own tribe.

Even though the male kept his head bowed he allowed his gaze to lift and peer up at the female that stood silently nearby. He offered up a gentle smile before focusing on his task once again. He kept his own silence namely because he figured that there needed to be some sort of chaperone present in order to initiate communication. He was still learning the ways of this tribe and so he didn't know the social standards here. He simply knew that where he came from he would not deign himself to speak to a woman first. No, he saw that as a disrespect. He would not push himself on another. After all it was the woman who chose who was to be her friend, lover, and husband. So he had learned to hold his tongue around women and allow for them to make the first move. To him it was to show respect for their decision to choose.

It was her breaking of the silence that gave him a pause from his work. He lifted his head to finally look upon the female, though he was careful not to stare at her. Even though his head was lifted and his face was angled towards her he managed to stare off beyond her. It was simply respect that he was showing since this was their first meeting and he had to wait for her to decide the terms still. "I am simply sharpening my spear. I can lay it aside should you require assistance." He knew he was walking a fine line with his words but he was trying to remain as respectful as possible. He had answered her question though he fretted he may have caused dishonor with his offer. Still he had felt it necessary to lay it out there that just because he was working on a personal it didn't make him unavailable to apply his services to wherever else they might be needed. He simply wished that she saw it as a humble and respectable offer rather than him trying to dictate the flow of conversation and relations for he had not meant it that way at all. He was trying hard to uphold his own customs while trying to get a feel for the customs here.

Table by the Mentors!

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- Chitsa Amara - 08-10-2011


The respect the stranger showed in the way he moved and looked at her was surprising -- she'd never met someone so reserved, though Kotori had been close to it. His gaze went past her as he looked to the source of her voice, but it wasn't until she spoke first that he replied. Sharpening a spear, but he was willing to move away from his task if she needed help. How considerate of him to be so selfless if she was in need of assistance. A smile brightened Chitsa's features as she shook her head and waved one hand to tell him no. "Please, don't stop on my account." She knew nothing of his ways, and felt no reason to feel superior to a man she had only just met -- a Guardian no less, who outranked her by proximity to the Council alone.

Without asking if she could, though with all the care of someone who genuinely worried she was doing something wrong, she took a seat beside the dark man and leaned to study the spear. "I've never seen weapons like these before -- it's made differently than ours are." Where was he from if he made his weapons differently? She turned her head to study him, taking time to study each difference in his appearance that wasn't there in the features of AniWayan men. Most notable was the red marking on the forearm of his left arm -- a stylized arrow she had never seen before in any AniWayan dye pattern. "My name is Chitsa; how are you enjoying AniWaya?" Her words were spoken down as she found her attention wholly focused on the strange additions he had that weren't present in men she'd seen in the past.

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- Apaqt Saqaliet - 08-17-2011


OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny; There, in case you want to know how the name is pronounced

He allowed the female to have room to sit next to him. He wanted there to remain space between them because he didn't want the wrong impression to be given to a passerby. After all he certainly wasn't trying for anything. He respected her too much to want to come across as being forward. He didn't wish to ruin her reputation or his own. Because yes, he still hadn't lain with a woman at his age. To him that was best saved for the marriage bed. He expected the exact same for whomever he ended up being chosen to be with. It was simply the way it worked where he came from. There weren't loss morals within the tribe.

When she seemed to be interested in his weapon he smiled and carefully made to lay the head of the spear upon her lap so that she could inspect it closely. He was careful because he didn't wish to harm her with it since he had just been sharpening the head to make sure it remained ready for use. It wasn't anything fancy at all, just simple sturdy but it served its purpose well. "This is the only one I have. Others in my tribe are skilled with a bow where I am not." He didn't do so well with distance but it hadn't hindered him. He relied on his spear, his one and only weapon, and it hadn't failed him yet. "I had no idea there were other ways to make a spear. Perhaps at some future date I may be allowed to view them and watch them being made." He had only learned a single way to craft what it was that he had. But he was interested in learning other methods. If there was something that gave them more sturdiness and precision then that would be knowledge that he would really wish to gain.

He kept his hands placed upon his lap and his gaze redirected. He just couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze and to look upon her fully. No, he was relying entirely upon peripheral vision in which to view her. After all she hadn't asked for his direct attention and so he wouldn't end up forcing it. "It is a pleasure Chitsa. My name is Apaqt." He remained formal, returning his name in the same fashion that she had presented her own. "I must admit that I am still getting used to things here. They are some things that are different from the tribe I was born into." The big thing for him being the ranks. Where he was from everyone did everything and wasn't limited to only a certain set of tasks. So that was something that was quite different for him. He didn't know where he would really fit in here. He hunted, crafted his own weapons, and would place himself out to protect his tribe. So that there were three ranks in this place but for him it was only daily life to be able to do all of it.

Table by the Mentors!

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