'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Here I stand - Printable Version

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- Naniko D'Angelo - 05-23-2008


I have no clue where this thread is going. Big Grin

So beautifully wrong

It seemed like her life was finally back on track. She had gotten to go out on her own the day before, but today little Sirius accompanied her on her trip out of the territories. She did worry about him sometimes, but she knew that if anything seriously dangerous came that she couldn't fight, she could grab him and run. Naniko was in her two-legged form today, so running wouldn't be a problem at all.

She led the rust colored boy through the territories slowly. They'd taken most of the morning strolling along, and now it was nearly noon. It was warm enough outside that she wasn't shivering, but a cool breeze swept over the pair of them occasionally, making it feel a few degrees cooler. "We should have brought a blanket" The white female commented as she came to a halt, looking out over the land. They'd reached some sort of a field, one with plants that were beginning to grow. Sirius approached one, batted at it with his paw, then frowned. "Ssshap" He said, pulling his paw back and examining it. "Howts"

"Sharp? Oh, sweetie...you shouldn't touch those. I didn't realize. These plants must be the poky kind. Let me see" She kneeled down beside him, picking him up and looking at the paw. "Not bleeding--I think you'll be all right. Just be more careful" She kissed the paw and put the nearly two-month-old back onto the ground. This was the farthest they'd wandered now that Sirius was able to walk more on his own...but he seemed full of energy. "Ssshap pwat howt SSSisi" 'Sisi' was the best interpretation of his own name that he could get out; he had troubles with the letters R and S. Just his luck that his name included both of those letters.


- Antonella Gallo - 05-28-2008

hai! Big Grin
Antonella had barely left the immediate area of Insieme, her new home. She simply hadn't found a reason to, until this particular day at least, and even then there wasn't a reason, more of an on the whim travel. She decided that it was about time she saw more of this place anyway as if things went well, it would be her home for some time to come.

Anyway, she traveled near the shores, a comfort item for her as the ocean had always been present in her life, whether it was her time in Italy, or her new life here across the seas. The ocean had always lured her, fascinated her immensely, and strangely enough, having it in sight felt safe especially considering that she didn't know where she was going exactly. She knew that as long as she traveled near the ocean, returning to Insieme wouldn't be too hard, much easier than winding forest trails at least, that was for sure.

The ocean aside, she soon found herself heading towards an interesting place. The birds were chirping overhead, and things looked rather lovely around here from the nice grasses to the shrubbery. Curiously, she slowed her pace and peered around, finding the sight of a white-furred individual with a youngster in tow. Her ears flicked forward, and her tail gave a momentary wag. Antonella opted to watch from a distance for a brief moment just to see what they were up to, then finally she couldn't keep quiet any longer she tossed an arm in the air to wave as she greeted "Hallo!" happily to the pair. She was eager to meet new folks, especially one outside of the family, but little did she realize that her lack of English-speaking could possibly be an issue.


- Naniko D'Angelo - 05-29-2008


I like your avatar Big Grin Hiii!

So beautifully wrong

Naniko felt that she would probably do all right with pups of her own. She had thought about talking to Conri about it, about them having some now that Deuce's two and Dierdre's two were getting old enough to be out on their own. She didn't want to overload the pack with pups, and make things hard for Lucifer, the head hunter, but she couldn't help herself. Watching her sister's children was all right, and she enjoyed it, but it wasn't the same as having little ones of her own. Besides--who else was left to pass down the family name?

When she heard a voice she turned around, on the defense for a moment. She didn't know these lands, or the wolves in them, and had no power here. In Twilight Vale she felt completely secure, but here...things were different. Her posture relaxed as the other approached, jade eyes observing no hostility from this stranger. She felt a little foolish, her tail returning to its relaxed position, even flicking back and forth lazily a few times. Naniko was too used to being in danger, so much so that she construed every action as an act against her or her nephew.

"Hello!" Friendlinesss was refreshing. "I'm Naniko, and this is Sirius, my sister's boy. I...haven't been out here much. Do you live out here?" She didn't know the scents of the neighboring packs, or if this female was a part of one of them.


- Antonella Gallo - 05-30-2008

thanks! Big Grin
It had barely dawned on the smoky lady that language would be an issue, until now. In Insieme, Italian-speaking was common, and of course, the same went for back home in Italy, but she couldn't expect everyone here to know that particular tongue just for her. Antonella's English speaking was painfully limited to sloppy, chopped-up sentences at best. Thankfully she could usually pick out words she recognized when others spoke, enough words so that she could usually understand the basics. But, listening and speaking were two different entities.

Her issues aside, she did her best to listen, to capture as much english as she could and simultaneously gather up the words to reply. It sounded happy, not angry in the least, which was certainly a plus. Also, it sounded like an introduction for the most part with some other unknown items afterwards. She only wished she could understand the unknowns, but English just was not her forte. "Antonella Gallo, of Insieme." she said, gesturing to herself since she didn't know how to make the introduction besides providing the facts. Even the simple "of" between the name and pack was difficult and it felt terribly foreign on her accented tongue.

"Bad English, Italiano che lei vede." she said, not meaning to say much in Italian in case it would be insulting to Naniko and the young boy, Sirius. She felt kind of bad for not being able to carry on a proper conversation, and realized that she would probably prove to be quite frustrating for any company she'd come across.


- Naniko D'Angelo - 05-31-2008


Naniko had met with some Itallian speaking wolves before; Beppe and Maria had taken up residence in Clouded Tears with her before the fire. From the pair she had learned a bit of the language, some pieces...certainly enough to be able to converse back and forth, but not enough to say that she had mastered the language. Not by far. French, perhaps. She had been trying to influence Sirius, saying different words to him in different languages so that he might grow up knowing each of them...and so far it had been working out well for all of them. The pup was eager to learn, and he'd picked it up very quickly.

It was young Sirius that spoke first, his tail whipping back and forth as he recognized what she was saying. "Conosssssco Itallian!" He seemed pleased that he was able to speak with this stranger in a way that was comfortable with her despite his lisp, his green eyes alight.

"Sirius ed io conoscono la piccola quantità di Itallian" She tried. Either way, this conversation was definitely going to be interesting. "Insieme. Ah...we are from Twilight Vale" She said. She wasn't sure how to say a few of those words, so she'd switched back to English.

Sirius came closer to the dark female, looking up at her. "Voussss parlez français ausssssi?" He inquired in French, gazing at her with curiousity.


- Antonella Gallo - 06-02-2008

She certainly hadn't expected either of them to know Italian, let alone the young boy. Either way, it warmed her heart to see him respond so happily to her words, and even more so when he proclaimed that he knew her language. He was probably a smart little guy, to know at least some Italian when he probably wasn't entirely surrounded with the language. Hell, she didn't even know English, and here he was knowing Italian. "Ciò è fresco!" she exclaimed, smiling and wagging her tail to him wondering if he'd know that much.

Anyway, she nodded as Naniko explained that they knew small bits of Italian. Even if they only knew bits, it was still quite impressive in her eyes. They obviously knew better Italian then she did English, so that was major points. Then, she went on to say something about a Twilight Vale. It sounded like possibly a pack title from the words leading up to it, and she continued to nod and take that information in. She didn't know squat about the other packs around here, let alone where they were, so opted to ask! "Twilight Vale" she repeated, hesitantly. "Where...dove è? " she inquired. She didn't want the exact location, longitude, latitude, and the like, just the general whereabouts of the place just for curiosity's sake.

Then, the little boy further took her by surprise and spoke in French! Antonella was quite impressed, as it appeared he had bettered her in language skills and then some even in his youth. "Seulement quelques-uns. Vous le parlez aussi?" she asked, her French much slower than her Italian. It had been something she had kind of picked up while living in Italy, but her speaking skills were limited to simple words and phrases. Nothing complicated, but enough to get by.


- Naniko D'Angelo - 06-04-2008


I'm going to only have them speak in Itallian, so I don't have to keep looking up the hover-over thing and translating everything XD;; -lazy!-

It was interesting that they were able to communicate despite their language problems. Naniko really enjoyed learning other languages, and she hoped to start Sirius on learning it too so that he could speak with whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted. She was so proud of his progress so far; she'd been worried at first that he might not like the lessons or that he might be too young to really understand that they were three separate languages, but he'd picked it up really quickly.

She figured that it was easiest to continue the conversation in Itallian, using whatever words she could to communicate. The white wolf wasn't sure what they could do in these lands besides explore the field, maybe reach the ocean. "Limited" Naniko offered. "Some...but not a lot. Sirius speaks small French"

But what could they do now? Sirius was entertaining enough, looking off into the distance at a fluttering butterfly. "Do you have young ones in Insieme?"


- Antonella Gallo - 06-10-2008

Antonella nodded slowly, still very impressed with the linguistic skills Sirius possessed. She knew that if she ever had children of her own that she would want them to know a multitude of languages just because it was such a fascinating thing. But, she realized that was rather unlikely as her own knowledge of the different languages was limited, and therefore she would really only pass down Italian and bits and pieces of other European languages. It was a shame that her family didn't teach her so many different tongues when she was young; all she could recall was a ton of Italian and, again, some other various European languages.

She watched as Sirius entertained himself with a nearby butterfly, but didn't stop listening to Naniko of course. "No." she said, somewhat somberly, to her question regarding puppies in Insieme. The closest thing they had to a pup that she was aware of was Beppe, and he really wasn't one at all anymore. In fact, she figured that calling him a puppy at his age wouldn't make him very happy at all. "We small pack, also new, very." she went on to explain in sloppy English. Naturally, she didn't know everyone and everything about Insieme, so this was just based on what she did know, but it was pretty accurate at least.

"Sono lí molti altri cuccioli in Twilight Vale?" Antonella queried, smiling as she watched Sirius.


- Naniko D'Angelo - 06-15-2008


Sorry for the wait!!

Naniko had been wondering if it might be easier for youngsters to pick up languages. It almost frightened her how quickly Sirius had been able to say the words, though his English was still a bit broken. He'd delighted in the challenge, and it had helped to distract him from a few of the things that were going on in his life. She had wondered if he missed his mother, or his father...and if he might go to stay with Pilot someday, and leave Twilight Vale behind.

"Three more...and one half-grown" Naniko answered, nodding. It was actually a combination of two different litters, Deuce and Dierdre's, that made up the pups of Twilight Vale. "More coming soon, we hope" She patted her belly. She and Conri were planning on more, but they weren't sure how long it would take. It would be Naniko's first litter. "I like pups. You do, too?" She asked.


- Antonella Gallo - 06-17-2008

Three other pups in the pack? That was about half of Insieme's adult members it seemed, but then again, their pack was probably a little more established than Insieme. "Lle congratulazioni.. un piccolo prima di corso. " she said with a polite smile. She wished them both the best of luck, even if she had no idea who her mate was or anything of the sort. She had never really thought of pups of her own very much, but maybe it'd be something interesting to consider sometime in the future. Honestly, Antonella was pretty content with the way things were right now, but that didn't mean that she loved pups. Nodding, she smiled. "Non oh sì, potrebbe come un? " she said with a little laugh, glancing to Sirius. Of course, there were folks out there that didn't like pups, but that was mostly her feminine side talking.

Pausing for a moment, she glanced back to the general direction of Insieme. It was probably time for her to heading back to check on Maria, and possibly find Beppe. She was eager to meet up with her nephew again and see how much he'd grown since the last time she had seen him. He was probably a handsome fellow by now, his dark fur sleek and shining. Beppe and family aside, she turned back to her company. "Dovrei andare " she said finally. "Arrivederci, entrambi lei!" Antonella said, grinning, before turning and returning to Insieme.
