'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Meditation is best - Printable Version

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- Asphyxia Holocaust - 05-30-2008


Asphyxia quietly sat by the lake that was ever so serene, ever so beautiful. This was all mostly something to clear her mind, get rid of all the bad and bring in the better and more positive her, although she was barely ever like that. Never was the black lady actually there as just someone peaceful, of course not, she was the wild beast that was going to rip your head off and wish that you never were where you are at that very moment, especially doing the stupid and walking on Inferni lands.
Red eyes were not noticeable as they laid behind black eyelids. Count to five, breathe out, count to five breathe in. Meditation was best for the crazy, especially after having moments of torture. The ebony lady was sitting, legs crossed and arms upside down, wrists against knees, back straight, good posture. Her face was facing front as well with an almost, peace.


- Ahren de le Poer - 05-30-2008


______________THAT I'VE DROPPED

_____ Ahren had meditated before. His breed had been much different—the sluggish breath that came with heroine, the focus on a game of pool, the times he had sat above the abandoned freeway and trailed strangers with the crossbow. He did not meditate to find serenity, and was never quite conscious of the change. It was a quiet thing that made his vision narrow and left it on one object alone. Sometimes, truly, that was all he needed. Other times, though, he felt the crawling desire in his blood and knew it craved the terrible things he had left behind.
_____ It had been a long time since he had seen anyone else. The trinity that his son and his best friend formed had evolved to the point they did not need to see each other. They lived as strangers, exploring the vast wilderness that had been claimed not so long ago. There had been the impulse to seek out others, but Ahren never acted on this. He would not survive in such a situation; his baser nature would seep in and he would seek domination. One foot passed another as he came upon the dark-coated female seated by the lake, going still. He did not intend to break her solitude.

I won't lie no more you can bet
I don't want to learn what I'll need to forget


- Asphyxia Holocaust - 05-30-2008


Asphyxia had no idea anyone else was there. This was her moment, her time just so she can try and be real again. The female was usually noisy and obnoxious, so to even somewhat get quiet was a real big step for her. Ever so slowly, she stopped breathing for a moment and then opened her eyes slowly with each breath. She heard someone right then, turned around and seen a face. Unfamiliar, but that was good, she didn't need familiar, preferred strangers, except for well.. Haku.
Nodding at the stranger, as to note to him that she knew he was there, it was also a nod of consent to step forward if he wished and join her. Asphyxia turned back, looking out at the lake, glowing red eyes watched as the sun was soon to go down.


- Ahren de le Poer - 06-05-2008


______________THAT I'VE DROPPED

_____ The woman reminded him, for a brief moment, of Misery. She was aging, she was bitter, and she was only pretending to be at peace with the world. Her eyes were nearly the same shade as his, though Ahren’s eyes had changed much in the past four years. Now one was blind and the other older then he would like to admit. He did not advance into her space, choosing instead to remain in the half-shade of the tree-line. Instead, he drew a cigarette and struck flame, breathing in smoke.

I won't lie no more you can bet
I don't want to learn what I'll need to forget


- Asphyxia Holocaust - 06-08-2008


Quietly leaving her thoughts again, she finally got up and walked over to the male. It was weird, he looked familiar but yet she knew she had never met the man before, "What is your name?" she wanted to know, maybe needed to know who she was dealing with and maybe just maybe, he could have been related to anyone she knew because then it would make a whole lot more sense of why she thought she knew who she was speaking to.


- Ahren de le Poer - 07-11-2008


______________THAT I'VE DROPPED

_____ He exhaled, and looked at the soot-colored woman quietly. He knew her scent as Inferni, as he would have expected—she was a coyote, not an undersized wolf as he had previously guessed. “Does it matter to you?” He sounded apathetic, bitter, and yet in some small way concerned. Ahren had never known what to expect from people who reminded him all too much of older, long-gone ghosts.

I won't lie no more you can bet
I don't want to learn what I'll need to forget


- Asphyxia Holocaust - 07-20-2008

we are going to pretend that this was here weeks ago. xD

You are the weapon I choose.

Asphyxia looked at him and sighed, "Does it matter if it matters to me?" she simply looked around, "Asphyxia Holocaust. Now what must I name you?" the she-wolf was irritated by the way he just went around topic on her question. Why did it bug her so much? Maybe it was because he reminded her so much of herself, the part that everyone else hated about her. However, she never let her irritation show and instead Asphyxia smiled, as if she was having a blast, but not too much as if she looked crazy for smiling widely.
