'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
[M] Death Row - Printable Version

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- Chishio Itou - 09-11-2011


OOC here!

'Oh, fuck it!' Chishio was in a foul mood, one that had stretched on for a few days. Originally it had stemmed from a lack of food. Or more specifically, a loss of food. He had been hunting a certain rabbit and when that had fell through his hunting stopped and his anger spiral had, well, spiralled out of control. He was in Halifax now, sitting down flopped over a small table, trying to will himself away from desperately crawling round in search of worms and beetles. Yes, he was that close. He raked his hand through his shadow like hair in pure desperation.

Chi wasn't in any danger of starving though, since normally he was a decent hunter. But the defeat had irritated him and set him off into his frustration period. He had to give in though, so with a snort of annoyance he stood, knocking the chair over as he did so, and stalked out the door. The grey male winced as the sunlight hit his eyes, just realising that he had been in there a long time, since before the was at it's fullest. He stood for a moment, considering where he could get food in this shit hole. It didn't look promising to be honest.

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- Barrett - 09-17-2011

Been awhile since I joined a random AW thread. Big Grin Plus Barry knows where to find food around the city~

Barrett's ears tipped back instinctively as a curse and a clamour sounded from one of the nearby structures. He paused in his steps, cast a wary glance in the direction of the noise, and had just enough time to take one long, thoughtful drag on his joint before a clearly disgruntled male burst onto the street up ahead. The two year old flicked the spent roach off to one side and scratched his head. It was a lovely day; why all the fuss? He wondered if somebody objectionable had set the greyscale male off, but he couldn't scent anybody else nearby.

Normally he'd duck out of situations like these--it wasn't his style to impose himself on grumpy strangers--but odds were the scarred luperci had seen him already. He was, after all, halfway up the block. Turning around now might be awkward, but a thoughtless advance might create undue tension. And so, his ears slipped back to half-mast and his tail swished once in its neutral position. Everything about his body language was calm, non-combative, perhaps even a little sympathetic.

Rough day, huh? he proposed casually, hypothetically, not really expecting a response. Passing interactions like these were inevitable in populous areas like Nova Scotia, but only rarely did they turn into a lengthy ordeal.

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- Chishio Itou - 09-17-2011

OOC:: lol, may as well use this thread as where he finds the key for his home XD

Chi had been paying not attention to his surroundings, so the voice had startled him some what. He looked up to see another male, his stature was neutral, calm, disinterested in any squabbles. A strong differance to Chishio's own half hunched, battle ready stalk. The other male spoke, his voice irritatingly stressless and chilled. 'Rough day, huh?' It took a moment for the words to take effect, the scarred male's face froze while he mulled over the comment. He pressed his eyes shut and when he reopened them it was with a loud, arrogant scoff. 'Like you'd know' he hissed, the snake whisper low toned and razor edged. He couldn't assume that this male hadn't been exposed to the same, or at least similar experiences. But he liked to think that he was unique.

Chishio's ears flickered about as a breeze rattled down the thin street. There was silence after that for a while, And with no one speaking, Chi found his eyes wandering away. There was a key lying on the floor, not too far away from him. Lying beside the door of a long abandoned car. The entry way had been long rusted off and foliage had begun to spiral up through the engine section and inside the cabin itself. He'd pick that up later, not that he knew what it opened, or where the thing was, but shiny things appealed to him. The silver clump and the celtic cross sealed that fact.

- Barrett - 09-18-2011

._. Shortest thread evar? XD;

Life dealt Barrett a better hand than most, it was true. His parents had raised him in a loving, stable environment, and although he was instructed in combat from an early age, he never really had to use those skills. That was not to say his life was without strife, but most of his trials were typical teenage bullshit. So perhaps he did not know, but he also believed much tragedy in life was self-made. What was that saying in Taijitu? Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Thus, although the stranger's sour reaction left a bad taste in his mouth, he had no interest in escalating or imposing himself further. He muttered a quiet, simple Guess not, and continued on his way, eyes averted and stride even, but ears alert. Even the cruellest of their species were unlikely to challenge a wolf displaying such passive body language, he figured, but if instinct failed him, he'd be ready to run at the first sign of trouble. Fortunately, it seemed the other male was already preoccupied with something else.

Perhaps in another time or place, Barrett might have directed him to one of the many parks where prey gathered in some numbers, or to a lake to fish. Maybe he would even shared some of his own special blend of merriment. But alas, it simply wasn't in his nature to force his presence or a conversation when someone so clearly desired to be left alone. He didn't know it, but this interaction had just exemplified another Taijitu teaching: You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger.

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- Chishio Itou - 09-18-2011


OOC here!

This stranger male spoke very little, and that was another thing that irritated Chishio so much. He gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes. Clearly this conversation was getting very one sided since Chi couldn't think of a decent reply to his simple, 'Guess not'. He shrugged of the idea of a conversation and moved over to the key. Whatever'. The guy moved along any way, and Chishio made no attempt to stop him. He bent down towards the key, pulling it from the broken concrete with his claws. The rumbling in his stomach started up again, Chishio reacted badly again, 'For fuck's sake man! Fucking give me a break!' The words came out in a loud hiss, nearly causing his to throw the key down the street in anger. But then he'd have to go and get the damn thing so he chose not to.

When the monotone grumbling has ceased he inspected the key. It didn't seem too special. But as he twitched it and it glinted in the light he could make out words on it. ' 6235 Upper Water Street'. Must be the place the key opens, Chishio thought, pocketing the object and leaning against the car. He'd have to get some food soon. There were parks abundant with prey all around the god damn city so he was bound to find something slow enough for him to catch.

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