'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Was it all a lie? - Printable Version

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- Lucifer - 06-03-2008

It was a start of a new life, Lucifer was living his life with no female to hold him down. No female to tell him that his lust his weakness was holding them back. Lucifer was free, well to a point. He had childern and had a rank that needed him to be some what of a good boy. The male had to find some one, he had to know if what happened really happened or was it just something he had wanted for so long that he dreamt it up, and thought it to be ture for so long that it was in his mind.

Lucifer had picked up his sent around the lands, he gulped as he stepped over the borders into the hills. Lucifer sighed as the shifted male looked around, and sniffed around. God....Lucifer had to put his mind at rest. If this wasn't real, he would have to find some one to make it real, if it was real the male wanted to know more about the male that he had slept with, he wanted to know if he enjoyed it, if he would want Lucifer to keep coming back around. So many questions.

- Jasper de le Poer - 06-03-2008

He'd gone to Twilight Vale, that was what they had called it, to look for the mysterious dark male that he'd spent that blurry night with. The end result had been something more horrible than he had been expecting. He only wanted to see the other male, put a face to faint memory of feelings and emotions that had come from that night, but instead he had found a whole world of trouble. His mate, ex-mate, as it were. She hadn't been happy when she realized who Jasper was and, being the feeble type, Jasper wanted nothing more than to fix things. Instead of fixing them, though, he'd only managed to make things worse for himself.

The young tan male was tucked firmly against the base of a tree, his feet planted firmly against the ground, knee's in the air. His elbows rested against his knees, palms pressed against his face, sobbing in to the fur that had already begun to dampen. She said it would all go away if he just listened to her, did what she wanted to do, but instead of making it all go away she taunted him, made fun of him. The young male sobbed into his fur, whining quietly through cries, no longer caring who would see or hear him.


- Lucifer - 06-03-2008

There was the hushed sounds of crying, the tone hadn't hit the male right off, he knew it, he knew that it was someone's that he knew. Lucifer slowly moved towards it, hoping by the time he got the crying sound the pitch would click in his head. The closer he got, he was finding him-self no closer to figuring out who's it was. Though the sent...the sent sent his heart further up in his chest. It was him...would he push him away, would he even know who he was. Lucifer couldn't help but to worry. As the male moved down towards the male, he reached out, as he wanted to hold him. He didn't want to see him cry, or be up-set. Lucifer quickly pulled away as he rocked back sitting on his heels. Looking to the pale colored boy.

"Hi.." It was all that Lucifer could muster out to say. He wanted to come off with something cool and all touchy freely let me melt your heart away saying, but nothing more then a simple hi. His blue eyes looked up and down as his hand went to the string around his neck. He felt like he was going to get sick, he was scared, here he was probably learning that it was all just a lie, and that he didn't want him around.

- Jasper de le Poer - 06-03-2008

Jasper hadn't heard the other male coming, the sounds around him drowned out by the thumping of his heart and the sobbing that came from his own throat. His nose no longer worked for picking up scents, but even if it had he would have likely been unable to smell the other male anyways being completely clogged due to just how upset he was. Thin fingers rubbed at his eyes, forcing the tears away only to have them replaced by more each time. No matter what Jasper did, whether it was trying to fix a problem or just to do something nice for someone, it always seemed to come back at him in a bad way.

The voice hit flattened ears and for a moment the young male froze, unsure who it was there near him. Bi-colored eyes
searched for the form of the other as soon as he removed his hands from his face, blinking to force away the tears that made his vision fuzzy. All his eyes seem to take in was black, the fur and that face, the necklace. He could remember it all like it was a clear picture. "Lucifer." The name came out as nothing more than a faint whisper, cracking a smile despite the tears that rolled down in his face and the sadness that filled him to the brim.

- Lucifer - 06-04-2008

It was clear with the smile upon the sand colored male that he knew who he was, and he was happy to see him...or he was just smiled when he was mad. Though there was a feeling that there was no anger. Lucifer smiled with a soft giggle with a nod, as he opened his arms to great the male with a hug. It bugged him to see him cry, Lucifer knew that the male wore his heart on his sleave, and it was easy for him to get upset or discouraged. It pained him, never the less about the whole matter. "Yeah!" He laughed with a nod, just happy to see him. His arms still out stretched and would remain as such till the male made the choice to come into him or stay where he was sitting.

He took in a deep breath, he had to know what was wrong. If he was going to make the male happy again, and if Lucifer was going to find out if every thing that happened was a lie or real he had to make Jasper cheer up a bit. "What happened?" Lucifer would take blood if the male had but hurt to hard. Messing with the one's that he loved was not something he took to lightly.

- Jasper de le Poer - 06-04-2008

The young male almost felt like a giddy child at the sight of him and, having only suddenly realized it, it almost seemed as if the other male had been seeking him out also. His tail, though pinned in odd placed between himself and the tree, gave an excited sort of quiver, just waiting for him to move to bust out in full motion. The open arms were a welcome sight, one that brought tears back to his eyes, though they weren't the same kind as they had been before. Without a word the younger male practically threw himself at Lucifer, head immediately pressed against the darker male's chest and arms pulling in to rest comfortably between them. His tail wagged now, sweeping just barely across his bent legs, almost snuggling in to the older male.

"I just wanted to see you." He admitted quietly, hiding his face in the dark fur as sad tears threatened to return, the pain was apparent in his voice. "I went to that place, Twilight Vale I think it's called." He paused a moment, struggling to get the events together in his mind. Before he could even speak up again though, a quiet whine left him, and he lifted his head to gaze at the other male's face. "There was woman there white and funny colored eyes like mine." Not exactly like his, of course, but he hadn't met anyone else with two different colored eyes besides himself. "She said you used to be her mate and she knew about.." He trailed off, silence. "And she was angry. And she said if I did things to her that she wouldn't be angry anymore and it would all go away. I didn't mean to make her angry, I really didn't." He was practically babbling, words tripping over each other as he spewed them out in a single breath. "And she made me touch her and do things. And she lied because it wasn't okay and it didn't go away and she laughed at me." He was sobbing again by the time his words faded off, his head dropping back in shame and once more buried against the fur of the other male's chest.


- Lucifer - 06-04-2008

Hear how Deuce had pushed him into having sex with him, wasn't that rape? Wasn't that grounds for having her kicked out of the pack. Lucifer was going to have some few choice words with her. What happened with him and Jasper was between the two of them, he felt sorry that the male that was now in his arms had allowed her-self to twist the male around. Lucifer sneered as he nuzzled into the male happy to have him in his arms once again, and happy to hear that what had happened between them was something that did in fact happen and not just a dream that Lucifer had made up.

"I will have a strong talking to her. I'm sorry that she did that to you. I should have been there to stop her. Jasper, don't let her get to you again. She out to make my life full of misery." Feeling the male push his head into the male. Lucifer pulled back looking at him with a tender smile. Deuce was clearly in the wrong. What Lucifer felt with Jasper near him....was so different then what he felt when him and Deuce had first said they where in "love" with one another. "She's a bitch. If she even comes near you again. I have something she wants and this will only keep it away from her longer. So yeah..." Lucifer sighed softly as he moved back towards the male, cuddling into him, running his maw though the top of Jasper's head, breathing in his sent, also covering his own body with the male's sent."I...I..missed you sweetness....I MEAN....I'm glad to see you again." Lucifer gave a stiff cough as he gulped his heart raced in his chest as the words just sorta feel out of his mouth.

- Jasper de le Poer - 06-04-2008

To think, all of that time the moment that he had been dreading most had turned out to be something tender, something that made him want to smile despite the horrible memories and thoughts that wracked his brain and his heart. He felt comfortable finally, despite the fear that he had of them meeting up in general. Hell, he really hadn't even expected Lucifer to remember him. Now that the moment had come though, all seemed well for the most part, aside from the nervous feeling that swirled in the pits of his stomach. The words of the older male were comforting and, as Jasper blinked away a few tears, he could only nod his head in response. Something bad would happen again, he supposed, and he'd have more reason to feel horrible later on.

"I couldn't remember much, just a little bit about you." He whispered in to the soft fur, words almost catching in his throat and refusing to come out. "I..I just wanted to see your face.." Jasper wouldn't have ever dreamed of admitting something like that so quickly but..there was just something that told him that it was okay. "You made me feel warm and safe.." And he'd only wanted a face to put with those feelings. Something to think about when he couldn't sleep at night or the day was going exceptionally bad. "I missed you too.." Or at least, what all he could remember of the other male.


- Lucifer - 06-04-2008

Lucifer sighed softly finding it to late to take back his own words, though thankfully the light colored male's action wasn't to push him away, nor was his words ones that would make him want to cry him-self. Lucifer smiled as he gave a smile pulling him-self into the male, he had opened him-self up and on such a tender subject. It was nice to know that he wasn't alone in his feelings. It sounded like every thing that happened that night was in a foggy mess. That was fine, just as so long as they both knew it happened.

Lucifer took a deep breath as he took the pale male's hands with in his own as he shifted his weight to be on sitting on his knees. "I'm glad I made you feel that way. Jasper I not going to lie...Deuce was my mate the time we...did you know...but now she's just the mother of my children and a member of a pack. There is another female that wants to be with me...I want to be with her...she is very pretty...but I want...I want you..I want to be yours....I want to take it slow..get to know each other, and I want to show you how wonderful it felt that night that you..you did me. I can't think of any other male that I could allow my-self to lay down with. I guess what I'm asking is....will you go out with me...be like my boy-friend?'

- Jasper de le Poer - 06-04-2008

Jasper shifted himself slowly, bringing his knees back up close to his chest, but this time he maneuvered himself around just enough so that he was also pressing himself against Lucifer, making sure that he stayed close to the other male. Turning his head up toward the larger male, Jasper allowed his eyes to settle there on his face for a short moment, a very thin smile parting his lips. It was about that time that Lucifer took his hands and Jasper let them go willingly, idly moving his fingers across the fur of the other male's hand, watching his face with sudden curiosity. He seemed different now, the look on his face, something serious.

His full attention was on Lucifer as he spoke, ears fanned forward and eyes trained perfectly on to him, absorbing the things that he had to say. It surprised the male just a bit, leaving him sitting in silence even after Lucifer had finished speaking. After a moment, attempting to gather the many thoughts that strayed through his mind, he spoke. "Someone else too?" He questioned then, ears falling back slightly, obviously confused. "Does that mean I have to stay away?" What good would it be if he couldn't see Lucifer whenever he wanted, or if he had to hide to be close to him? "And the other woman..the one I told you about. She won't try and get me again?" Because Jasper wasn't entirely sure what exactly to call it.

- Lucifer - 06-04-2008

The male gave a nod, with a gulp. Yes there was Colibri, she was a female and he did like her love...that was something he was going to have to figure out. Lucifer looked to the male, taking on of his hands away from the other male's hand as he placed it softly on the male cheek, rubbing his thumb on him. "Yes. She's a older female. I'm not officially with any one. I've never had dreamed in a million years that I would find my-self wanting to be in your arms.I would be hurt if you stayed away. I want every one to know that I have feelings for you. Jasper...you made me feel...so alive that night. I was scared to see you again, I though that I had wanted you so much that I made it all up, and if it did happen that..that you would be so disgusted in the fact you had sex with another male you would push me away." Lucifer didn't care if Colibri found out about him, didn't care if Deuce knew, he was happy...he had found out that this dream was real.

"If she ever bothers you again. I see to it that she pays...After hearing what she did to you I going to have it out with her." Lucifer looked to Jasper. he hoped that he would agree, after all there was no harm in having two lover now was there? There should only be one mate, but lovers? No and if they knew of each other....was it that bad?"No never ever stay away...You make me happy...I like you alot..."

- Jasper de le Poer - 06-04-2008

The hand against his face brought a feeling of relief with it, carefully putting further pressure against it by leaning into the touch, smiling very faintly. His ears cupped forward to meet the words of the male, listening carefully as he spoke. "I wasn't disgusted.." He said quietly, even though it was probably already apparent to the other male. "I was scared I did something wrong." Because, truthfully, Jasper couldn't even remember what had started it all. Did Lucifer ask him to do it? Did it just sort of happen? Jasper wasn't the type to take control of a situation like that, at least not in his right mind, so he had been left confused about it all.

"That woman..the one that used to be your mate.." He paused a moment, hesitating and embarrassed. "She wanted to..use her.." He didn't really know how else to put it other than in her own words. "But I couldn't..it went away and I couldn't." It had been that moment that Jasper had realized, beyond on certainty, that he was not meant to be with a woman. "And with you I did.." He was hiding his face again, head tucked in and pressed close to the other male. It wasn't something that he was proud of, not being able to finish like she had expected him to, and he wondered in silence if it meant that something was wrong with him.


- Lucifer - 06-04-2008

The male had gotten him off, and Deuce wasn't able to. That was to funny. After she said that she had sex with some one that was more then half the man he would ever be. Lucifer didn't care, he had all he wanted right now, Jasper and Colibri. Jasper knew about Colibri and he was going to have to tell Colibri about Jasper. He wouldn't leave Jasper, not after all that he had went though just to find out that all the feelings he had been having about him wasn't a lie, they where all real. Lucifer played with the male's hair twisting it and brushing his talon's though it. "That's fine. I'm glad you where not able to with her. I guess it means that you like what I have to offer just a bit more." Lucifer smiled down to the male as he jumped into a risky spot after not having an answer. Leaning down the male kissed the male upon his cheek as he looked at him. "She just out for a reason to hurt me. She knows that I have feels for another male, she was never sure it was you until that night. I can't believe she thought she could make you...finish...I have a hard enough time my-self. I tend to be rather drunk, way way past the point that any one should."

- Jasper de le Poer - 06-04-2008

Jasper hadn't been in his right mind when he ran into the female on the Twilight Vale borders. She'd been fine until the point that she had realized he was looking for Lucifer and then it had all gone to hell. When she'd offered him a way to make everything better Jasper had foolishly believed her and moved on to try and do so, despite how badly he just wanted to run away. It had hurt both because she had lied to him and because he had ended up in a situation that he didn't want to be in, and Jasper was a fragile one at that. Now, though, resting against Lucifer, he could feel the worries over the situation sliding away. Certainly it would come back to haunt him at some point, the pain wouldn't go away completely, but at the moment he was feeling better.

When Lucifer leaned down to kiss him Jasper moved his head forward, welcoming the feeling and moving it along right in to a very gentle nuzzle, a bold move for the shy male. "I thought something was wrong with me." He admitted quietly, and though the words of the other male were slightly reassuring, he was suddenly questioning the night that they had been together in his mind. Had it been because he was drunk? Maybe there really was something wrong with him. "I'm sorry I don't remember much.." He said quietly, suddenly ashamed of that as well. He'd tried so hard to remember, to remember because he knew that it had been good, but now matter how bad he wanted to he didn't seem to be able to piece it all together.


- Lucifer - 06-04-2008

Lucifer knew as soon as he looked to the male in front of him that he had said something wrong, with a soft whine the black male lowered his head in shame. He messed up He rolled his ears back against his head as he dropped his hands to his lap, his pitch lowered, shame in his own words."I didn't mean that what happened with you wasn't good. I'm just sad that I also can't remember every thing. I know I had never ever felt like that. I know I loved how you felt under and over me. Deuce...I think I ended up with her...because she was some one I knew...some one that I felt like I had something to prove...." He paused as he sniffed, fighting back the tears. Lucifer hadn't cry in well over a year, but he felt like it could happen. He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth as he chewed upon it. Lowering his head back down. He didn't want to hurt the male. Hurt Deuce...yes but not him.

- Jasper de le Poer - 06-05-2008

Jasper, after listening to the words of the older male, folded his ears back solemnly, head tilting to the side just a bit. Bi-colored eyes washed over Lucifer's face for a very brief moment, watching his expression, which was something he knew all to well. Finally, after a moment of silence and stillness, the younger male lifted one shaking hand up to Lucifer's face, brushing gently at the fur just beneath one eye, an attempt to help fight off the tears that he knew lingered there. "I'm glad you found me." He admitted quietly, pulling his hand away from Lucifer's face to press it against the ground. He lifted himself just slightly then, scooting to the side so that he was close to the other male. Using his free hand, he brushed the other male's hands out of the way, sliding himself into Lucifer's lap with little effort. To make the position less awkward, Jasper turned himself to face Lucifer, one leg on either side of him, so that they were facing chest to chest. Finally comfortable, he leaned forward, laying his head in the crook of Lucifer's neck and bundling up his arms between them.

- Lucifer - 06-05-2008

Lucifer's tail hit against the ground. As the male moved into to cuddle with him. Lucifer smiled with a sniff. He was glad that the male was here, he was glad that he knew just how to touch him, to warm him inside to the out. Lucifer snuggled his head into the male, wrapping his arms around his waist. With a soft sigh Lucifer held him close, enjoying his warmth. Lucifer licked his own maw, this was bliss. The male was there in his arms holding him was soo....heaven like. It was a feeling of wholeness. "Me...to."

Really was there much more that needs to be said here? They where in each other's arms, after finding out each had wanted to find the other. Now where was only one unsaid topic that needed to be put out there. Lucifer wanted the male to be with him till he was old and winkled when he was no longer able to walk far with out being beat. Yes, he wanted that love that lasted a life time.