'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
New person epidemic - Printable Version

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- Yiska Perethpaw - 10-12-2011

The woman had made her way to another new area. She had spent a few days with the coywolf and the wolfess in the other areas learning alittle about the world she had stumbled into. This..souls place...it was different, she had never seen such a big area where wolves, luperci, and coyotes all lived in harmony. Lost in her thoughts she wondered around her the area near the base of the mountains and made due with trying to find prey. A few rabbits here and there, but nothing too interesting.

After spending the morning trying to learn the land and finding little prey she decided it would be a good time to head back to the den she had established. She turned on heel and headed back, following her scent. After a while though she realized someone else's scent had criss crossed with hers here and there. And although this wasn't the first time she had this happen, she was still paranoid enough to keep a keen eye out for anyone else she might have to stumble into. She already met one too many people and she really didn't feel like attending to anyone else.

Though much to her displeasure the more she continued the stronger the scent got. She slowed her pace and carefully picked her way around. She wanted to avoid confrontation and get home but it seemed inevitable. The scent practically filled and invaded her every sense. Unhappy with yet another meeting, the weary she-wolf didn't bother to even hide herself, she stayed on the open path and waited for a sign that would allow her to know where this person was.

- Kiara Amarok - 10-15-2011

OOC: Hello, still in the process of entering InH but I think I can still rp with you.

Kiara was still trying to get used to the land and it's territories. It had been just two days since she had encountered the Ichicka no Ho-en pack. The pack had treated her with so much kindness and she hoped more than anything that she would soon become a member. Till then, she decided to wander around in an attempt to get a better understanding of the area surround the Ichika pack territory.

Some time after she began her little side quest, the arctic wolf came across an unknown scent that went off in a different direction. Though the trail made her pause, the young wolf decided to dismiss the strangers scent thinking it was simply another, unnamed member of Ichika who had also decided to wander outside of the pack territory. Kiara continued on in her original direction but made note of the strangers trail in her mind. Kiara truly felt at home in the mountains, and as she walked her tail wagged and her ears were pricked high. That's when the snow wolf heard it, the most beautiful sound in the world, the sound of a babbling brooke. Kiara raced towards the water and barreled into the stream. The cool water felt great on her fur as she began to jump and role in the shallows. Kiara decided that after her play she would go fishing farther down stream where the brooke might be deep enough to house a good tuna or american eel...but not just yet.

- Yiska Perethpaw - 11-03-2011


Sorry about the way long wait! lol!

The sound of clear water attracted the female, she was parched from the morning hike and found it a good idea to get a quick drink before heading back to the den. The older woman made her way towards the water and finally found it. She lapped up the water greedily before realizing she was not alone. The female slowly turned her gaze upward to find te owner of the scent she had been crossing now and then. The brilliant white being was not far from the creamy timber. Slowly, the woman lifted her head and observed the female just a few yards away from her.

She was careful not to alarm the female as she stood up and let herslef be seen. The female was about the same size as her and a very pretty white. Though she looked abit ragged from her journey from or to wherever, she seemed in rather good health. A bit thin but that could change from some lucky hunting. Yiska cleared her throat and let her dominant side show. She didn't want to frighten the she-wolf off nor fight her, but just to simply establish that Yiska wasn't a push over.

"Hello there. I'm Yiska. What is your name." She hoped not to threaten the white wolf, though the grouchy old woman wasn't being entirely social. This weary traveler looked as though they could use a break too. Yiska sat down next to the creek and observed the female, wondering where she was going and where she came from.

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- Kiara Amarok - 11-15-2011


Same here! I got sick Tongue

Word Count → 264

The cool water felt great against Kiara's skin. Although it was fall and the air could be considered cool to most, the arctic wolf was excessively hot. Farther up north winter would already be grasping at the land and Kiara's thick coat was designed to keep her warm during these cold months. Now, that same coat made her hot and she only preyed that the temperature would drop soon. After rolling around in the stream, the arctic wolf stood in the shallows and shook herself a little. Although the water was cool, an excessively wet coat only caused problems.

Kiara turned her attention to the water and began to start her search for something the eat. The fish would be a good source of calories and would allow her to regain the weight that she had lost on her trip to Nova Scotia. Before the snow wolf could get very far the wind brought about the scent she had picked up earlier. The young wolf's head snapped up as she looked around for the owner of the scent. An older female stood before Kiara, her body position as one who is dominant. In response to the stranger's inquiry Kiara responded, "Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Kiara Amarok." Kiara gave the older women a smile as she respectfully lowered her body into a submissive position. Unfortunately, the alabaster wolf lost her footing and landed muzzle first into the stream. Shaking her head a little, she gave a sheepish smile. "Sorry. You wouldn't happen to know if this a good place to fish, would you?"

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