'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
the great escape - Printable Version

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- Toulouse - 06-11-2008

With her new home already starting to feel unpleasantly stuffy and her fur freshly spruced, Toulouse simply saw more reason to strike a course away from the manner than she saw cause to linger. By dusk of course she would reclaim her modest niche inside of the oversized shack, but for now she just wanted out. And so it was with her trusty shawl draped lazily about her waist that the female stepped out of the domestic setting and into the wild. That was the untamed locale of their back yard. Relishing the feeling of having grass underfoot once more the she-wolf closed her eyes for a moment as she trusted the lawn not to trip her up in her now unguided romp through the yard. Exhaling slowly, with time the she-wolf also brought her paws to her head where she chose to rest them for a spell. Ain’t nothin’ like the great outdoors. Sashaying her tail fluidity as she finally opened up her hooded eyes, the action took place just in time for Tully to notice the tree that had come into her path.

Relatively unalarmed by the formerly impending danger, the Corvus merely moaned gently again as she moved to embrace its trunk with an open arm. Humming some random tune to herself as she swirled slowly about the oaks base, it was obviously with little regard for time in general that the British mix made her moves.

Finally though Toulouse managed to end her slow motion sequence as she noticed a branch higher on up. However even in her most erect stance the she-wolf was no where near reaching it. Well this calls for a bit of ingenuity. Throwing a hand over her brow in a gesture to protect her eyes from peeking rays of sun it only took the wolf a couple of minuets of deliberation before she’d come up with an acceptable plan.

Looping her shawl around the bark once the Corvus then proceeded with grace of all things to scale the tree with almost expert form. Launching her paws over the curve of the branch, Tully couldn’t help but to watch as her scarf made a fluid decent back down to earth. Undaunted though the fairly figured wolf kept her goal in mind and with a bit of squirming and tugging she finally managed to adorn the tree in a straddle. Not resting in such a position for long though the two-year old found greater comfort in drawing in her knees and throwing her head against the tree for support. Now this is more like it. Inhaling slowly as she went about catching her breath it was with great pleasure that Tully noted how much more breathable the outside atmosphere seemed in comparison to the stifling air inside the house. A girl could get used to this.

- Nella Fantasia - 06-12-2008

((I don't mean to monopoloize your threads, but I gotta post with my sweet nell. LOL))

The Irish lass was enjoying surveying these lands that she'd found. She'd not met any one who belonged there yet, but she was sure it wasn't far off. After all, she'd been in and out of pack lands all morning, since she'd stepped foot in these lands. She was still seeking her adopted sister to inform her that father had died. She wondered how long it would be until she did find the woman. Father had always spoken highly of Deuce. He'd adored his adopted daughter. Mother had not; she'd called the child willful and spoiled. The most flattering comparison was to Scarlett O'Hara. Pre- butler love, that was. Pre-marriage, even. The belle of the ball.

Nella had no such aspirations. She just wanted to live out her life as destiny would have it. She wanted to live her life as the stars willed it. She wanted to be free and untamed, unfettered by doubts and worries. And so far, the biggest worry the woman had was where her adopted sister, Deuce, was. The raven hued woman took another look at the portrait of a yearling Deuce, then put it away again. She took a drink from her canteen, her bi-colored eyes looking around curiously.

She'd wandered again into a pack land. She didn't hold much with boundaries, actually. Never had. never had wanted to. Couldn't if she was going to find her sister. She'd promised she'd find the snowy woman and let her know what had happened. She wouldn't go back on it. That was how Nell was. if she gave her word, she kept it. Forever.

- Toulouse - 06-12-2008

ooc: no problem I can relate Wink

The urge to indulge in a good old catnap was becoming increasingly engaging to the British mix with each passing moment spent in her bough wrought comfort zone. Allowing her tail to curl about her paws loosely, the wooly banner served as the perfect minuscule blanket against the cooled environment. Folding her arms limply over the two lump mound created by her creased knees, with this action and her swaddling tail combined Toulouse had created the perfect little bubble of warmth.

Permitting her eyes to become hooded with the weight of lethargy, as such was common for the girl she began to hum gently as they went about closing. Also as usual though the tune was measureless and hard to predict, but all the same it helped the brunet get to a place of conscious relaxation.

However total relaxation wasn’t to be Tully’s just yet at least as a worrisome gnat suddenly set about violating her ears. Crumbling the fixtures defensively, unfortunately for the young Avris the trick just didn’t work. Eventually moved to unfasten her eyes once more, the girl quickly set about attacking the air that bordered her body. Dang fly. Cursing lightly under her breath as she went about batting, it was only when Tully felt her position on the branch wane that she was forced to reconnect with the world outside of the battle and her created paradise. Whoa Nelly! Instinctively drawing her claws into the bark it was with a bit of luck on her side that Toulouse managed to stay fixed firmly to her place.

Heaving a sigh of relief, while she was now safe and sound the adult’s concentration had indeed been lost. Adorning a tired and aggravated expression Tully allowed her twilight inspired gaze to flutter back down to earth where she was greeted with yet another distraction. Oh great another bother. Of course on these terms whether or not Tully was disturbed was entirely up to her, but seeing as she was a nosy little being the choice might as well have been in the other party’s hands. Checking the air for the girl’s natural recommence, it didn’t take long for Toulouse to figure out the basics. She was indeed a female, considerably young, and yet most importantly of all she wasn’t a member of the pack. Well that’s strange. Giving her head a good scratch, the Southerner as always was quick to draft up a conclusion.

Yo there, this chick was trespassing, this is private property you know little darlin'. Or at least that’s what Toulouse assumed. After all the leader her greeter her at the borders with a stoic sensibility so she could only guess that such treatment was routine. Not to mention little miss Frosty treatin’ me so sour back there even though I was a member. Suddenly resolved to do her part in keeping out the rift raft, while Tully was no where near as stoic as those before her that wasn’t to say that she didn’t have her own methods.

Descending from the tree far less gracefully than she had arrived, it was nothing short of a miracle that the British mix managed to land on her feet. Taking out a minuet to collect herself and her shawl, the young adult had tied the wrap loosely around her waist before making the short jog to meet up with the dark woman. Howdy name’s Toulouse Avris, offering the girl a genial smile, the Corvus also extended her own chocolate hand in greetings, I don’t know if yall’s aware of this or not but you’ve stumbled into Twilight Vale.

- Nella Fantasia - 06-13-2008

((I already have a plot with someone about discovering Deuce lives in these lands, so is it okay to ask that Toulouse not tell nel about her?))

Watercolored eyes blinked at the being coming across. The stranger looked friendly enough, so Nell gave a sweet smile, brushing a lock of minight hair out of her face. Aye, I knew I'd stumbled into a wolf's territory. I'm lookin' for someone. Perhaps you know her?

Nelly pulled the portrait out of the pack. The portrait was in black and white, and of a yearling Deuce. An unshifted young Deuce. There were no markings on the face, no piercings of any sort. Just a vauge, daydreamy look. An almost submissive look. Just an ordinary wolf with an ordinary face.

My names Nella Fantasia. Her Irish accent made it almost hard to decipher, but she pronounced the last name Fahn/TAH/see/AH. Most just call me Nell. I came from Ireland to tell my sister our father died. Sadness dropped over her eyes like a palapble blanket. It's been two years now since he died,actually. And my mother just two days after? But such is destiny I suppose.

The stars were cruel and unkind, but they could give the greatest fortune too. It depended on their whims, and they were fickle. But such was life, the woman supposed.

- Toulouse - 06-13-2008

Elated at the prospect of finally having met someone without a ready set grudge against her, Toulouse was accordingly eager to promote the woman’s forthright benevolence. Turning up the sheen on her own radiant smile, soon enough the Brit mix’s tail had also set about worrying the wind at a decent canter. Wholeheartedly festooning her old Southern Bell charm, the she-wolf added a kind phrase to emphasize such before getting to the darker wolf’s bidding. Heavens knows I haven’t been here long enough myself to know who’s who sugar, but I’ll give it a go anyhow. Shrugging gently as she reorganized her focus on the picture, regrettably it was only a second into investigating the photo that Tully withered into a more deceptive persona. So she’s lookin’ for ole Icy is she…tough luck darlin, damn shame though seeing as I was actually fond of you and what not.

Dedicated to a role as always though, the brown bitch managed to feign conviction in her search for a moment longer. Aw I’m sorry darlin but like I said I haven’t been here long enough too rightly’ place a name with a face. Pulling the ends of her lips down into a sympathetic frown the Brit soon came to collapse her ears in a similar fashion. Of course Toulouse could only imagine that her con would do what perhaps an hours worth of harm to the girl’s search but still she felt good about getting back at Deuce by any means necessary. Sides’ it’s not like I didn’t warn her to spare a little kindness.

Vaguely lost in her own world of Orion loathing as the dark woman went on with her spiel, it was only at the mention of death that Tully managed to reel herself back in. Instant remorse was indeed the Southerners though more so out of guilt than anything else. I’m awful sorry about your losses, so you have my condolences of course. Dang Deuce why’d she have to be related to such a sweety! Obviously eager to avoid all things Orion involving Tully soon pulled from her magical bag of subject changing phrases a winner. Um…what about you though. I mean what’s your new life plan beyond looking for her. She has such a way with words.

- Nella Fantasia - 06-24-2008

((sorry about the wait hun!))

Nell perked up as the woman studied the picture, her spirits drooping when the woman said she didn't know her. She put it away after studying the familiar face for a moment. Um…what about you though. I mean what’s your new life plan beyond looking for her. Tuly's words made Nell look up, perplexed. I don't rightly know. I've spent the last two years lookin for her, it's hard to imagine finding her.

She shrugged gracefully. I don't even know that I will find her. I mean..she cold have died, or gone a different way, or something. I don't know. It's hard to tell anymore. You know what i mean? She sounded a little dejected now, a litle frustrated.