'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
you touch it than you move away - Printable Version

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- Nella Fantasia - 06-13-2008

She'd met her nephew, and he'd told her where to find Deuce! Instead of rushing over there, she'd returned to Whisper beach, as it was named by the locals. It reminded her of the shores of Ireland. The shores of home. But it was said by many a wiseman that you couldn't go home again. And it was true. She belonged here now. For better or for worse. The stars had willed it so.

Pastel eyes gazed out at sea. She wished life could be how it used to be in Ireland, beofre father's death. Before she'd been sent on this journey. But at long last, to mee thtis fabled Deuce? Why did she feel so...miserable? She'd succeeded against all odds! No one had really expected her to make it, and yet here she was. She'd already been through Deuce's home once. It was nothing to return now, now that she knew where her sister was. Right?

The raven colored woman let out a sigh. She wasn't ready. two years of looking for Deuce, and she wasn't ready to find her.

- Firefly Sadira - 06-13-2008

Firefly had set off at a groundeating lope across the beach, trying to get back to her packlands before she'd been noticed missing. She'd stopping in the dewy woods to roll in the damp musty ferns, their spores masking the scent of the other lands and her mother as she smiled, wondering what she was gonna find when she got home, another thrilling battle of the sexes or some new strange mission into the depths of darkness, whatever was waiting she knew it was going to be interesting.

Lifting her emerald eyes to the shoreline she caught sight of another soul on the beach, the scent that drifted towards her drew the sweet memories of Ireland to her as she slowed down her pace and slowly approached the newcomer, wondering why in the hell that scent was here on the beach. She knew that the exotic aroma was drifting off the lady on the beach but she wanted to know why. Strolling up to the new face she flicked her ears back as she called out, her soft irish voice drawing over the breeze. "Dia duit.." the language of the celts rose from her maw like they belonged there, so different from the sharp contrasting english garb.

- Nella Fantasia - 06-13-2008

The woman looked up, to where the voice came from. The phrase rang in her ears like gold. A bright smile lifted her face, brightened her pastel eyes. Ah! An' God be wit' ye as well, lass! Her tail wagged excitedly as the woman pulled to her feet, the Irish peasant skirt billowing about her exotically. Her dark mane was pulled back into a ponytail which laid down her back, smooth and unruffled, much like the woman herself.

She knew the celtic tounge, of course, but for the most part, the only time it had been spoken in the Tribe was on formal occasions. And as the Tribe had been dying, the formal occasions were futher and fewer between. But Father and Mother had made sure the woman knew it, though some phrases that father rolled elagently off his tounge came off rather infantile off her own. But she knew it well enough.

An' isn't it wonderful to find someone else from the homelands? I'm Nella Fantasia, an' who might ye be? She was excited to find another from Ireland. this one didn't smell as storngly of it. infact she smelled mostly of these new, strange lands. But that was okay. She was still happy to meet another like herself.

- Firefly Sadira - 06-13-2008

The bronze and cream fae smiled as the excitement seemed to flash in the other's eyes as the home tongue was brough upon her ears. Finishing her stroll to where the lady sat the Sadira child moved to stand beside her looking out to sea. Firefly had hardly ever worn the dressing of the tribes that she'd visited with but she'd kept the knotwork gifts that they'd laid upon her. She wore the bands around her arms as well as a torch around her throat. The tribe's royalty had adopted her and her siblings as family though she was the only one of the three that had fully embraced it, though DaVinci wore his moad markings and torch still she knew it was only out of respect for those who'd adopted them into their fold. Firefly was wholehertedly inlove with the lands across the sea but when her siblings returned so did the lass.

The lass glanced to the lady beside her, taking in the simple rustic look of Eire, one she hadn't seen in so long, shaking her head softly she sighed. "It did grow to be home... but I'm actually from these lands. Firefly.. Tine Cuileog.. in Eire.." her eyes were filled with warm thoughts of her home away from home. A little runaway barely four moons old she'd headed overseas with DaVinci and Magdalena, with the blessing of their mother and a promise to return to the motherlands... though those lands were nomore, the fire having rampaged through them. She shook her head and inhaled the scent of the sea and the scent of home that still clung to the woman beside her. "She's easy to miss.. Ireland.." she murmured as she gazed off listening to the call of the sea.

- Nella Fantasia - 06-24-2008

The woman took in the sight of the younger female. Ah, adopted royalty? Few have that distinction. An myself, I'm the daughter of a baird. From the lightpaw tribe in Dublin. She gave a warm smile. You've been home more recently than I, I'm afraid. I came over looking for my sister.

"She's easy to miss.. Ireland.." Nella smiled sadly. Aye, that she is. But one walways misses home. An' ye can't go back again. The last was tinged with melancholy. But then Nella smiled again. Sit, sit lass. I'd be glad to hear of your adventures in Eire. Tell me ho you got to be there, if your home was here.

- Firefly Sadira - 07-02-2008

She smiled as the other spoke of Firefly's strange relations to the clans of Ireland, she shook her head and agreed. "We were more than surprised when they took us in, I mean, as blood. Once you got to know them the hill folk are quite lovely..." She could still remember running through the hills and valleys with the other youth from the clan, how they'd creep up on the adults in the wildlands and try and raid the actual hunting parties as they returned. Too soon it seemed that they all had to grow up and play real roles in life, but she'd enjoyed every moment of it at the foot of her ollamh, the old ways of Eire and the secrets of the dreamers. She'd dreamed true dreams but had left them behind in the mists of Ireland, too far she'd roamed from the green lands to dream now... and she wished it wasn't so.

Raising her eyes to the other she admitted. "I would have loved to have stayed, but I made promises to return here.. though I can't call these lands home truly." with the encouragement of the other woman Firefly sat upon the sands with the lady and ran her fingers through the fine grains as she smiled and began to tell her a bit about her wayward life and the adventures that belonged to her.

"Once I lived here with my three siblings, I guess we were a happy family as the come, our father was the alpha of Storm, or mother respected.. but she hadn't belonged to Storm like our father had. She'd had a whole other life before coming to those lands, and we had half siblings and adopted kin as well. I guess our father didn't trust my half brother, though he was of a darker broading nature.. in the end DaVinci left the lands to find his own sister and I followed. Everyone assumed that he'd kidnapped me.. mother didn't believe it and left the rest of our family to find us..." she grinned at the though and admitted the truth. "About the time that we found Magdalena our mother found us.. She didn't even know that Mags was alive.. something bad had happened in their past and my sister was believed to have been drownt in the sea.." Firefly gazed off into the distant waves as she remembered her own story. "After the tearful and joyful reunion mother allowed me to stay with my half siblings and we made up our minds to sail to Ireland.. with the help of some travelers who were returning home to the emerald island.." She smiled at the other and paused, tossing out a question to the other lass as she picked at a seashell. "What was it like really belonging to the lands?" she'd always been jealous of those from Ireland who could claim to be part of the dark and mysterious history, while Firefly only became part of it through chance.