'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Bringing home the Bacon - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Bringing home the Bacon (/showthread.php?tid=22476)

- Gunnar Donte LeStrange - 11-16-2011


Early morning at the edge of town, Gunnar's waiting on Fia so the two can go hunting.

Word Count → 000

After the meeting, Gunnar had turned to Fia, asking her to come hunting with him. Surely the two would make a good team, and this was the test to prove it. She'd agreed and a meeting was set up between them the next morning, in the grazing hour.

Come time to meet, Gunnar sat at the edge of the town, as planned. He was in his secui form, casually picking at his claws and patiently waiting for his would-be girlfriend to arrive. Did this count as a date?


He smiled to himself as he thought about it, about how well they seemed to fit together. Even though he'd tested her plenty of times, trying to skirt around being serious with her at first, in fear of falling for the girl... he'd still tripped and landed at her feet, in love and unable to deny it.

Go figure. Raised to not believe in something and the moment he left his mother's side, the truth came into light. But god damn, he couldn't have asked for a better reality check; Fia was beautiful, funny, great to be around... he'd even admitted his feelings to her and she'd returned them.

All he had to do now was prove himself to be worth the ceremony, the vows. He wanted Jazper to approve of him being her mate. He didn't want her to have to choose between the two. He wanted her to have her very own fairy tale come true.

...Jesus, when did I become so sappy? He muttered to himself, still smiling that crooked smile of his, his tail flicking happily behind him. Fia... Derpy lovesick dork.

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- Fia Marino-Knight - 11-16-2011

The sun shone brightly and beautifully, shimmering perfectly on the fae's white fur. A smile was plastered onto her face as she walked happily with a bit of a bounce in her step. Today was going to be the day that Fia and Gunnar where going to hunt for the first time together! Oh how wonderful this day was going to be.

Prancing in her halfling form, the fae's eyes brightened even more when his scent was close by. Her tail begun to wag quickly, making woosh, woosh sounds as it batted at the wind.

The woman and Gunnar made a perfect pair, Fia being small yet loving, while Gunnar large and protecting. The two fit together like peanut butter and jelly. The thought made a small giggle erupt from the girl. Gunnar was brave and strong, fearless yet caring and loving. He may have a few scars and a raspy voice, but Fia didn't care at all. He was wonderful, more then the girl could ever ask for. How could she, she have gotten such good fortune?

The brute always made the girl smile when she was down. He always made her laugh, and he always made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. She felt...... special when she was around him. Silently the girl wondered if Gunnar planned to have a future together with her....if one day they'd become mates. Of course the head-over-heels girl loved the idea, but she was too afraid to bring up the subject. What if he didn't like her that much?

Shaking her head and ridding the thoughts, she made her way through the bushes and vegetation to reveal him standing there. Her heart beat a bit faster when she saw him, butterflies swarming in her stomach. "Gunnar!" She barked excitedly, bounding up to him and brushing softly against him. "You ready to get defeated by the master? She teased, grinning. Fia was a horrid hunter. Sure she knew a thing or two, but she wasn't very good. She'd probably fail horribly.

- Gunnar Donte LeStrange - 11-18-2011


Big Grin lovesick another day

Word Count → 000

He snapped out of his thoughts to find the real thing suddenly standing beside him. With a grin, he leaned over and nipped gently at her ears. Heh. I didn't realize your dad was coming. He joked sarcastically as a retort, standing and stretching with a yawn and a series of cracks.

Hmm. Fia, you ever hunt in your secui form before, hon? He'd only ever been successful in a hunt in his secui form, and that was because of his damn leg. It took a different sort of technique to hunt in the halfing form, that much he did know. Going for the legs wouldn't work nearly as well as going in for the neck.

In their secui forms, it was better to hunt like a lion or a puma would, rather than a canine. Hopefully Fia knew this... or else Gunnar had some explaining to do.

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- Fia Marino-Knight - 11-18-2011

Big Grin Fia will always be head-over heels

Fia grinned at his retort, gently smacking him with her tail in a playful way. Her ears flickered at the sound of all those cracks. "Looks like your gettin' old hm?" She teased. The fae arched a small brow at his question. "To tell you the truth, I've never actually been...good at hunting in any form.." The woman answered truthfully, blue eyes looking to the ground then flickering back up to his lovely face.

The girl new a few things about hunting. She wasn't completely clueless on how to hunt. Her father had taught her a tad about hunting, the basics of it. But the gril was used to her father always going out to hunt. Now she was being put to the test, and she was standing there like a deer caught in headlights.

Though Fia hid her uncertainty. She tried to act like she knew what she was doing. Maybe that would make him think more of her than just a mere petite little fae? Hopefully. Fia didn't want to be little miss I can't do anything to save my life girl. "But I'm willing to try!" She yipped, feeling like she was a young pup again, speaking to her father when he tried to teach her.

- Gunnar Donte LeStrange - 11-22-2011


xD These two. omg

Word Count → 000

Fia's comment on his getting 'old' sparked a sarcastic sneer to cross the dark male's face. He shot her a look and laughed dryly. Careful, sweetheart, you might be right there. He retorted, swatting her with his tail playfully, not meaning anything by it.

I'll show you the ropes of hunting, at least like this. Never go for the legs, always the throat. We're too tall like this for the usual legs thing. He explained, moving towards the forest at an easy pace. C'mon. We'll track down the herd that's west of here. No doubt they're still there; it's the only grazing area left this time of year. The herd being deer, though he'd hunted horse before.

Somehow he doubted Fia would be very happy killing and eating a wild horse.

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- Fia Marino-Knight - 11-22-2011


Got an awesome new table thanks to Aly Smile

Word Count → 000

The fae laughed at his comment. "But gray hairs would be more visible in your pelt" She said, laughing again when he swatted at her. The young woman kept tabs on his words, listening carefully. She kept up with him easily, her tail wavering in excitement behind her.

"So, what are we going to hunt?" The girl asked, a bit of a bounce in her step. She was excited, how could she not be? She smiled, bright blue eyes looking at his tall, black furred form. Fia's eyes didn't even notice the scars. In her eyes, there was no flaw about him. Well, except that he was getting old . The fae smiled to herself at the joke once again.

Suddenly though, thoughts about her mother flooded into her mind and her smile wavered a little bit. Though, Fia was determined to not let that hurt her, nor would she let Gunnar see it. Pushing the thought to the back of her mind, she ignored it and her large smile returned, awaiting an answer from him as they walked.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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- Gunnar Donte LeStrange - 11-22-2011


Ooo, pretty. <3

Word Count → 000

True that. He laughed to her retort. When she bounced along beside him, asking if they were going to hunt, he laughed again. No, we're going to look for a pot of gold. 'Course we're gonna hunt. Gonna bring home the best catch of the season, too, I bet. He murred, smile becoming almost cocky as did his walk, tail flicking higher naturally.

A moment of quiet left him looking towards her, her eyes earning the most attention. I oughta ask her sometime soon. Maybe if this goes well and Jazper's impressed, I'll ask to talk to him... and then... and then I'll ask her. His lips pulled back into a relaxed smile, though a flick of his ears said that he wasn't as relaxed as he seemed. ...just need one more thing to make it perfect.

Gunnar was observant, despite his thoughts. He noted the falter in her smile and a flash of concern passed through his eyes. He brushed against her gently as they walked, nudging her cheek with his nose in what could've been considered a kiss. Excited? He guessed, smiling. First hunt together. Kinda sappy, but I've been looking forward to this all night. He looked away at this, almost shyly glancing at the landscape around them. Emotions sucked.

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- Fia Marino-Knight - 11-24-2011


occ :3

Word Count → 000

Fia grinned at his response, laughing softly. A small brow was arched as his walk became 'swagger like' with a smarty tang to it. The fae laughed once again, her own tail swaying behind her with a sort of attitude.

That moment of silence made her look over as well, and their eyes ended up meeting. She smiled softly, looking deep into his pools while her own blue eyes flickered. She could tell there was a sense of.....longing....or a sense of him being at war with himself over something. And the flick of his ears confirmed it all. Though, the fae said nothing about it, nor did she show anything that would give hint that she had noticed.

The soft brush of him against the young Knight made the spot tingle. She smiled even wider again, when suddenly he pressed his nose gently on her cheek. Was that....a kiss? She wondered silently to herself as butterflies fluttered around inside her, as if she might implode. "You think your the only one" She said, laughing and turning a bit red. She forced herself to not look away though. If something was going to happen between them, they had to start showing how they felt around each other, right?

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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- Gunnar Donte LeStrange - 11-28-2011


Hopefully the PP's okay. Gunnar's being bossy. xD

Word Count → 000

Gunnar grinned at her reaction and his tail waved behind him. I was hoping I wasn't, actually. He replied in an easy tone before falling into a calm silence as they moved along.

Eventually the herd came into view and Gunnar dropped lower into the brush, signalling for her to do the same. His voice became a whisper, barely audible. Alright... let's check out our options here. He murmured to Fia, eyes on the herd.

Ahead of them were about four or five deer, three of them does, a young buck and an older stag. One doe seemed vaguely fatter than the others, suggesting pregnancy... and another moved with a hesitant limp. Either an injury they couldn't see from afar... or a bad joint from the cold weather. The two bucks still had their antlers; the younger one only sported two branches, the older almost six from what Gunnar could tell.

He relayed the information quietly. ...our best bet would be the doe with the limp. She'd be the easiest to take down. He whispered, feeling very much in-tune with the situation. I'll play ambush, since this is your first secui hunt. Chase the herd away and try to seperate the injured doe from the rest, okay? Herd her towards me and I'll do the rest. He looked over to Fia and perked his ears, a gentler look entering gray eyes.

Stay down wind and wait for my signal. You ready? Always the avid leader, and so unused to sharing the hunt... hopefully they'd do well together. With any luck, Fia would be able to keep up.

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- Fia Marino-Knight - 11-29-2011


occ: Yep, it's good! Smile

Word Count → 000

The woman hid in the bush, her ears tilted in the direction so she could catch every word of his. She tried to remember which doe he was talking of so when the blur of action had slapped her in the face, she'd grab the right doe. The young woman was nervous, of course she was, but a small nod of her head and a light bob of her midnight hair indicated she was ready. Pine needles and branches from the bush poked and prodded her annoyingly, irritating her, though the young Knight tried to keep her head in the game.

'I should be able to do this...right? I am a Knight.....a daughter and sister from one of the best hunters there are. I can do this.....' The girl said to herself in her mind. Fia Marino-Knight...A fae that was born to be a Knight, just like her father.... Taking a slightly shaky deep breath, the fae closed her eyes and pictured her and Gunnar taking down the doe, Gunnar flawlessly as ever. She pictured herself taking it down, and crunching the life out of it as it took it's one, final last breath. Opening her white eye-lids to reveal stunning bright, baby blue eyes, the girl nodded. "I'm ready" She said in an even tone, looking her love straight into his gray eyes.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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- Gunnar Donte LeStrange - 11-30-2011


Never done a hunting thread before, not like this. XD This should be interesting.

Word Count → 000

Gunnar chanced one more moment to look into her eyes, shivers down his spine from the cool determination in baby blue pools. Then, he smirked, nodding. Let's go.

He moved away from her quickly, keeping low enough to the ground that the deer wouldn't spot him easily. His trek led him over to a spot just down-wind and to the east of the herd. Finding a good spot between two thick bushes of holly, he hunkered down to wait until Fia was in position.

The moment she was in the right spot for the chase to begin, he signaled her with a sharp flick of his tail, eyes locking onto the targeted doe as soon as he was sure she'd seen him. Waiting sucked, but being the ambusher... he had to keep still until just the right moment. C'mon Fia. It's on you now, baby girl. Show me what you can do. He thought to himself as he readied his muscles, crouching low and sliding his tongue across his teeth in anticipation. Soon...

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- Fia Marino-Knight - 12-02-2011


occ: XD Yeah, Neither have I. Never done a hunting thread peiod.

Word Count → 000

The fae crouched in the bushes, watching Gunnar carefully. As soon as he gave the signal, the woman ran out of the bushes, blakc hair flowing beautifully behind her. A wild look shone in her eyes, glimmering fearlessly. 'I can do this' .

The herd suddenly began to run, the other does screaming their calls of danger. One thing was on her mind now. Blue eyes kept sight of the injured doe as it limp-ran, falling behind of the others. The fae snarled loudly, the roar powerful enough to snap a tree in half. The herd scattered at the roar, beginning to run sepereate ways. Fia locked on to the doe, ignoring all the sounds around her.

The doe cried out for help, though the sound didn't make it to the she-wolf's ears. The only sound she heard was the quick Ba-dum, Ba-dum, Ba-dum of her racing heart, and the steady rythm of the doe's hooves. In the back of her mind, some place else, she hoped Gunnar was right behind her, about to spring. The wind whipped her hair widely behind her, white furred ears slick against her skull. Black dotted paws beating like a drum along the rythm of her heartbeat beneath her. She loved the feeling of this. This....This adreneline of hunting. The feeling. The wind. She loved it all.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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- Gunnar Donte LeStrange - 12-05-2011



Word Count → 000

As soon as Fia had seperated the doe as planned, Gunnar was certain that they'd be able to bring her down. He readied himself as the herd fled away, leaving the doe unprotected against the predators hunting her.

With a burst of adreneline and force, Gunnar shot out of the brush, teeth bared as he sprinted for the doe head-on. The limp didn't show now as he cut off the doe's route of escape, closing in with speed most wouldn't suspect the crippled male could possess.

In seconds he was on her, teeth snapping over the doe's throat, forepaws gripping her haunches and hind paws digging into the ground to avoid being trampled by cloven hooves. His jaws were locked and it'd only be some time of struggle before the doe would stop breathing.

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