'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
A little maintenance - Printable Version

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- Neela Garcia - 11-26-2011


Neela is in Optime form. Takes place in the morning

Word Count → 326

A gust of cool morning wind hit Neela head on as she stepped outside the Abbey, the chill of the air kept at bay from her skin by her thick fur, though the momentum of the air caused said fur to sway and ripple as she continued making her way outside at a brisk walk.

As Neela began to head towards the gardens she heard a shrill cry from above, quickly followed up by a pricking on her shoulders as Grynn swooped down and landed, the Peregrine digging her feet into the thick fur there, as she was wont to do when Neela didn’t have an arm free to use her arm guard.

Neela had been handed the task of assisting with the weeding of the Abbey gardens when she had first joined the pack, but with the last few days having been filled with her thinking and adjusting to actually living on land again, she was only now getting around to it.

Reaching the garden Neela frowned slightly at the state of it. While her thick fur and natural affinity for the cold meant that the current weather was comfortable, at worst, for her it was apparently cold enough to form a layer of frost on the ground, which had yet to be heated by the sun, being as it was early enough that the sun was only just beginning to peek above the mountains around her.

With a sigh Neela knelt down and unhooked a small hunk of metal with a wooden handle that looked vaguely like a trowel from her belt, all the while feeling glad that she had thought to bring some of her smaller tools with her along with certain valuables and her guitar. She spent a moment bouncing the trowel in her hand, feeling the heft of the crude tool, before she got to work, striking hard into the hardened ground near some of the weeds that needed removing.

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- X'yrin Exultare - 11-27-2011

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ ... e_01-1.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right:5px; padding-top: 300px; ">

ooc: 377 words. .

Her role within Ichika had not changed despite her unceremonious absence. The scenelet played beyond the valley was known to few but to those that played a part. The wild stage was left where it was, the performance kept ignorant to those that need not know what transpired. For the key player, such a role was not left to obscurity. Remaining fresh upon her mind, she carried it shamefully burdened by the guilt she had brought upon herself. What a selfish fool she had been, to believe events would unfold in her favor when clearly she hadn’t the slightest idea what she was doing, or what provoke such rash actions.

Confidence withered to cowardice, once powerful steps falling silently upon the chilled earth. Her golden light dulled by shame whilst a dark cloud loomed over her towering form. There was little pride in her tasks such a short while after her embarrassing feat. It was a wonder the woman could hold her head up at all. Wandering from the haunts she had taken to, she ventured deeper toward the heart of the community. The religious realm often avoided was now that only place she could thread without worrying her path would soon cross with that of an enraged and hurt mother. The Nomad had never done so poorly as this to incite a retreat from her home in order to avoid confrontation. Though it was well deserved on part of the mother she had wronged. For a moment, she wanted to thread without fear.

Only once had the woman wandered to the abbey and after that eerie occurrence, she opted not to return unless commanded to. Yet here she was upon sacred land, a sinner having committed a personal wrong to a sister of their family. What would be the course of action now? What direction was there for a lost soul to take? A lost pup of the mother Ichika, she wandered the heavily weeded path on silent paws with tail subtly slipped between her legs. A veil of auburn concealed the lifeless gaze of the lost soul, peering blindly at the skillfully constructed path beneath her paws. Her mind so withdrawn from what surrounded her, she hardly noticed the obstruction to her way, purposefully weeding away.


- Neela Garcia - 12-03-2011


Really sorry about the delay, University application and coursework got em a bit busy. Bit of PP here based on the end of your post. If you want it changing just tell me.

Word Count → 305

Removing the weeds from the frozen ground was hard and tedious work, but the surroundings were pleasant and the weather bearable, so she set about her task without any complaint, not that there would have been anybody to complain to anyway had she been so inclined.

After she had been working for a few minutes the sounds of somebody walking down the path towards her met her ears. For a moment her ears twitched curiously towards the sound before they settled down. Anybody in the gardens at this time of morning had likely come up here for a bit of peace and quiet, and she preferred to get her duties done so that she could relax for a while.

Neela carried on ignoring the presence right up until she felt a body crashing into her, causing Grynn to fly off her back with an angry screech. Instinctively she rolled to her feet swiftly, swinging out a hand to try and support whoever had walked into her, assuming that the collision had left them off balance. Once she was standing Neela quickly backed away a few steps, muzzle lowered as she glanced towards the stranger.

Her eyes quickly scanned over the stranger before something more urgent took her attention. Grynn had apparently taken exception to the stranger's carelessness and had started flying towards her swiftly, claws outstretched. Neela let out a low angry bark and swung her left arm out, causing Grynn to break off the attack and land on the outstretched arm, glaring balefully at the stranger.

Quickly glancing at the bird to make sure that she wasn't about to try and attack the stranger again Neela turned her own attention to the unfamiliar wolf. "Are you okay?" She asked politely, her soft voice contrasting with the gruff bark she had let out moments before.

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- X'yrin Exultare - 12-03-2011

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ ... e_01-1.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right:5px; padding-top: 300px; ">

ooc: 304 words. Believe me, I understand Smile

If one was going to be oblivious to their surroundings, than the other part of the whole could not afford to be. The ever watchful eye of the owl remained trained on his master, hooting irritably to himself as the earthbound woman continued to sulk. However he made no attempt to jar her from her depressed state even as she continued to wander near a canine tending to the abbey garden. His only warning was a sound cry before the female collided with the other; a surprised yelp reaching him from his impressive height. Served the idiot right...

The Nomad’s mind was too clouded to react in time, rendering her useless to regain balance or keep herself from collapsing to her knees. It wasn’t until she heard the shriek of an unfamiliar avian that her awareness returned and her eyes showed with genuine fright for the bird descending upon her with talons aimed at her face. But a sharp call cancelled the attack leaving the woman knelt in her stupor. A rush of wind to her face and a solid peck on the back of her head returned the woman to the present. The weight of her perched companion now upon her shoulder reacquainted her to where she was. The pieces of what transpired slowly came into place but the clearer picture came once her eyes rested upon the canine’s unfamiliar face. Her ears perked attentively and brows receded beneath her veiling bangs.

“I am terribly sorry,” she uttered quietly, at last rising to her feet with her owl companion relatively balanced. “I am alright, but I fear I wasn’t paying attention. I haven’t hurt you, have I?” The owl exhibited his balance as he remained upon the Nomad’s shoulder as she dipped into a subtle bow of apology. “Truly, I am sorry Lady…?”


- Neela Garcia - 12-12-2011


Should be able to update regularly from now on, until I leave for my holiday, touch wood.

Word Count → 343

The odd wolf took a while to raise herself up and respond. While waiting for the canine Neela took the opportunity to examine her, noting the golden fur and red mane, as well as the owl that had swooped down, landing on the wolfs shoulder in a similar way to how Grynn would perch on Neela's when she was in a better mood.

Speaking of Grynn, Neela was glad that the bird wasn't on her shoulder at the moment. Grynn had quite a powerful grip when angry and it was far more comfortable for her to squeeze out her aggression on the leather band Neela wore for such an occasion than on Neela's flesh. Neela took a moment to puzzle over Grynn's behaviour; ever since Neela had landed in Ichika no Hoen the bird had been especially aggressive to anything that even looked at Neela the wrong way, which was slightly confusing. Neela was broken out of her thoughts as the wolf that had run into her raised herself back up and began to speak.

The woman's soft tone reassured Neela slightly, and even Grynn seemed a bit mollified, though she still glared at the wolf. At this point Neela couldn’t tell if the bird was actually angry or just trying to save face and had given up even trying to tell.

Instead she focused on the stranger, who seemed apologetic about the collision. "No I'm fine," she said, smiling reassuringly, I've had many a worse fall myself dancing, nothing to worry about." When the woman bowed Neela paused for a second, trying to remember if the bow was the Ichika greeting. Though she racked her find Neela couldn’t recall what the greeting was, and so mimicked the woman's bow, "I'm Neela." She finished the others sentence, going back down onto her knees and retrieving her trowel as she spoke.

Pausing to once again turn to the woman Neela looked up at her, eager to try and fill her tiresome task with some conversation, "So, what brings you to the gardens this morning?"

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- X'yrin Exultare - 12-12-2011

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ ... eowl-1.jpg); background-color:#531F11; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right:5px; padding-top: 350px; border-radius:15px; -moz-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius:15px; border-bottom-left-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px; -moz-border-bottom-left-radius:15px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:15px; -moz-border-bottom-left-radius:15px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:15px;">

The Exultare was lost in her own world, mulling over the trouble she had gotten herself into with Shiloh than showing her attention to the bird glaring in her direction. If she learned anything from her avian companion was that the slightest look could antagonize even the most docile birds. And the one perched upon the canine’s shoulder looked none too kindly. She left the creature to its fuming and instead took notice of the girl’s tool. A trowel?

X’yrin looked from the misty ground to the path that led through the gardens littered with rebellious weeds and unkempt flora. So this girl was tending to them, then? The answer appeared to be obvious, so she needn’t ask at all. The offered name jarred her from her distracting thoughts to remember that she had in a sense asked for this latest addition’s name. How distracted was she to have forgotten that quickly…? “It is a pleasure Neela,” the woman hastily recovered from her stupor. “I am X’yrin. And again, I am sorry for my intrusion. I hadn’t meant to take you from your… pardon, but is this your initiation task into Ichika?” Again her curiosity got the better of her. “I ask because your face is not familiar to me… and it seems to be a tradition to task those that are new with some manner of mission.”

ooc: 000 words.


- Neela Garcia - 12-16-2011


Sorry about the crappiness of this, I had trouble thinking of something to write..

Word Count → 295

Neela waited patiently for the seemingly distracted wolf to answer her. It didn’t seem an unreasonable guess to Neela that the wolf had come to the garden to find some peace to think about something bothering them, Neela had done so herself not long ago.

Eventually the other wolf spoke and Neela leaned back on her haunches as she listened, before leaning back down to her work as she replied. "Yes, this is my initiation task. I joined the pack about a week ago, arrived by ship to the north." Neela turned her head around, flashing a small smile to X'yrin, her hands continuing their movements as she did so, "It's nice to meet you X'yrin"

That said Neela returned to her work, busily working her way through the stubborn weeds. Part of her longed to say more, to try and start a conversation or even ask what was bothering X'yrin but she squashed it. She was too unsure of her place in the pack to risk conflict with any standing member, and beyond the common courtesy that a civilised canine would show to somebody they had walked into X'yrin had shown little interest in socialising.

Plus if Neela was honest she found herself a little intimidated by the large wolf, not overly so due to their surroundings and X'yrins actions so far but the height difference and the muscles Neela could see, compared to Neela's own thin form hidden beneath her fur, left the wolfdog feeling slightly overwhelmed. She didn’t voice any of these feelings but they were evident in her body language if one looked carefully, a minute lowering of her ears and tail and the way her eyes refused to quite meet X'yrin's, even when looking at the golden wolf.

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- X'yrin Exultare - 12-17-2011

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ ... eowl-1.jpg); background-color:#531F11; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right:5px; padding-top: 350px; border-radius:15px; -moz-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius:15px; border-bottom-left-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px; -moz-border-bottom-left-radius:15px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:15px; -moz-border-bottom-left-radius:15px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:15px;">

She felt a little bad for the female being tasked to such a menial chore, but she supposed it was for the sake of instilling patience and showing that none were above even simple tasks like this, which could have easily been said for the standing female as well.

She could sense the awkward air slowly filling the space between them, no doubt the result of her less than normal presence. She hadn't thought of herself as an intimidating figure, but knew it was a truth to herself she could not be rid of. Among the Exultare, she had always felt herself to be smaller than her brethren and less imposing than the males of her generation. It was not until she come to this land that she had even an inkling of just how daunting her presence was when compared to some of the smaller own. It made her self-conscious though her often smiling face made none the wiser to this.

In the hopes of easily this discomfort, the she-wolf knelt down to be level with the tending canine looking curiously from her tool to the unkempt garden. "Would you like help?" she offered despite her dislike for the garden. "It might go faster."

ooc: 000 words. Attack of the short post! Let's get Neela official!


- Neela Garcia - 12-22-2011


Word Count → 307

Neela blinked and looked sharply upwards, surprised by the offer. Surprised didn’t mean ungrateful though, and Neela directed a wide smile towards X'yrin, "Yes thank you, I would appreciate some help" Despite the larger female's imposing appearance she had been nothing but polite toward the collie, so Neela saw no reason to be rude and ungrateful by refusing her offer.

Neela started fishing around in her many pockets and pouches to try and find something that would work as a suitable tool for X'yrin. Her questing hands found all manner of small tools and knives that she had kept with her simply by merit of them being in her pockets at the time she left the boat, until she only had two pouches left to choose from. Screwing her face up as she inspected the two Neela chose thelarger pouch and stuck her hand in, only to yank it out with a snarl and a curse.

The pouch had been fishing supplies and her finger had come away impaled lightly on a fishing hook, the barbed metal thankfully just barley going under the skin and not penetrating the flesh of her finger. Having experienced similar injuries a thousand times before Neela simply removed the hook and placed it back into its pouch, unconcernedly popping her pierced finger in her mouth while her other hand continued its search.

"Figures it'd be in the last bloody pouch I check." Neela muttered around her finger as she pulled what she had been seeking, a flat piece of metal shaped like a diamond. Neela had no idea what the tool was actually for but it would serve as a decent makeshift trowel. Taking a moment to inspect the cut on her finger, which was thankfully shallow and nothing to worry about, she held up the odd tool for X'yrin to take.

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- X'yrin Exultare - 01-02-2012

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ ... eowl-1.jpg); background-color:#531F11; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right:5px; padding-top: 350px; border-radius:15px; -moz-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius:15px; border-bottom-left-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px; -moz-border-bottom-left-radius:15px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:15px; -moz-border-bottom-left-radius:15px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:15px;">

She wouldn’t have thought herself to be the gardening type, but for the sake aiding another, she could adopt the persona for a time. Her kneeling form was drawn completely to the ground, situating herself upon folded limbs as she looked at the remaining tuffs of foliage that needed tending. Obviously the weeds would have to be pulled, but perhaps by a more elegant means than the violent upturn of soil that the woman had in mind. Perhaps she could use her claws as some kind of a tool, she pondered, already prodding the tips of her formidable claws into the hard, weed burdened soil.

An ear twitched then swung toward the sound of rummaging made by the inductee. At her mumbled words, she turned to see the offered tool and carefully took it between her fingers. It looked nothing like the trowel in Neela’s grasp, but would indeed serve the purpose of their task. Patiently she watched as Neela returned to her chore, her once idle form now coming to life with purpose, mirroring her ministrations to tend the flora. Their rhythm was methodic but strangely soothing, bringing the faintest smile upon the troubled woman’s lips. It wasn’t as bad as she thought… in fact it was relaxing. And with the two of them working productively in this comfortable silence, there was no doubt in her mind that together they would finish in a timely manner.

ooc: Im sorry for the delay x.x I hope you dont mind a little pp so we can get this finished. If you want to make another post with Neela, feel free. Then either one of us can have this thread archived. 000 words.
