'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
ce qu'elle me lance de vie - Printable Version

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- Magnolia Takekuro - 11-26-2011


For my beloved bobbi <3

They had agreed to meet up in the morning, when the frost still coated the grass and the sun lazily hid behind the trees. Magnolia woke up earlier than expected; her mind had been fretting all night. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the hybrid; the dog, in her mind, was an enigma she couldn’t figure out. What was she going to do about their whole situation? Was she going to walk into this confident, as if nothing had happened, or nervous and over-anxious?

No. She was a beautiful, young girl who could conquer the world if she wanted to. The yearling walked over to the assigned meeting spot (her favorite old-growth tree right by the Pictou where she normally started off her rounds). She sighed, trying to hold her feelings in when Denver finally came into view. The morning sun shone in her eyes and everything felt difficult to comprehend. “Ready?” she said simply, avoiding the gaze of her… friend? Lover?

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Table by Alli <3

- Denver Mathis - 11-26-2011



Denver was not oblivious to Magnolia's affections; that night had caught him off guard, but now he stopped to consider it. He'd had little success in relationships in the past, and had truly valued few of those. This one, though, had come naturally. Like Liliya had said, it was a small world. Maggie had become a consistent person in his life, something that he hadn't had since he'd lived at home. Those thoughts still troubled him, and together with the confusion of the present Denver's head throbbed. Rolling his eyes and sighing heavily, his hands drew tight around the thick rope lasso he carried. Things had been awkward since their heated, drunken encounter, but Denver couldn't say he regretted it. Still, a dull nervousness seated itself in his chest as he approached the familiar tree, speeding up into a jog once the tree was in his sight.

Even now when he neared, she didn't look at him. He was ready, of course; this was what he'd come for. He hoisted the lasso over his shoulder and nodded. "Mmhm," he mumbled in agreement as he took off beside her. They had a job to do here today, and with his improved rank Denver was trying dutifully to impress the leadership. Salsola's borders were familiar now; just as barren today as most others. Stray wolves didn't often wander this way. "How've y'been? You've been awful quiet..." Denver started finally, pale eyes staring around thoroughly for a moment as they moved. If she didn't want to talk, then neither would he; but what a boring trip it would be. A twig snapped and his head turned, but he saw nothing.

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- Magnolia Takekuro - 11-26-2011


It wasn’t very often Magnolia was at a loss for words. She often found herself talking too much, blabbing away to whomever. Denver, on the other hand, was the only other male other than her father that could stop her right in her tracks. The dog had that piercing blue gaze that made her mind reel and her body melt. She didn’t know what about him drew her in so much; he was a dog that she didn’t know how to interact with. He challenged her; he knew when she was being a pain for the sake of being a pain. She liked his honesty; it was quite refreshing in a place that was so secretive and stark.

His statement gripped her throat like a vice. She spluttered, coughed awkwardly, and turned away from him. “I’m sorry,” she said awkwardly, holding the knife around her neck with dear life. But suddenly, she turned around, and stared directly into those beautiful, blue eyes of his. “We’re... we're still friends, right?” it was a ridiculous question to ask, she knew; they were both destined to become pack scouts, they would have to work a lot more together. But for now, she just wanted to make sure everything would be okay. Awkwardness in the future could be avoided, she guessed, if she really tried.

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Table by Alli <3

- Denver Mathis - 11-26-2011



Friends. Denver hadn't had many true friends in his lifetime, but hers had so far been one of the few he'd cherished. Her company was always easy and pleasant; since joining Salsola, he'd become somewhat more social, but it was hindered by his lack of motivation and desire for other company. Most days, his own company was enough, but on long days patrolling the borders like this, friendly, talkative company was more than welcome. Magnolia was proving to be less than that, though, and he frowned as she turned away and coughed, apologizing afterward. Her jade eyes were filled with unspoken emotion as they locked with his, and Denver nearly laughed at her question, a single chuckle coming from his throat. "'Course... why wouldn't we be?" he asked with a grin, glancing around again, trying to move on with their walk to settle the tension. "I thought we had fun..." he added, hoping to down-play their recent hook-up. It wasn't such a huge deal to him, but he supposed he should help make her comfortable with it, too. No way was Denver going deal with this treatment long-term. He needed his friend back, after all; he'd been bored the past few days.

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- Magnolia Takekuro - 11-26-2011


Maggie settled into an easy pace beside her co-scout. The two optime animals walked along the trail that had started to appear after months and months of repetitive walks. Maggie smiled as he spoke, averted eyes staying by her feet. She didn’t know how to react to his answer. That was what she was expecting to hear, but still. The last comment made the young woman giggle; she hadn’t expected that to come out of his mouth.

“I did too,” she said quietly, tail hanging low. “It’s just…” she trailed off, watching a squirrel hop from branch to branch on a tree to Denver’s left. “I’ve never, you know… done that before,” her ears flattened on either side of her petite Mohawk. It’s not that she felt embarrassed or ashamed about what happened…. She was bound to get deflowered eventually. She just hadn’t put any thought into the action, it was just instinctual. And that’s what scared her. It felt too easy with him.

Maggie wondered how many girls Denver had slept with then promptly realize she didn’t want to know; the thought of it made her a little nauseous.

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Table by Alli <3

- Denver Mathis - 12-06-2011



He stood balking at her for only a moment, eyes unblinking. Had she said what he'd thought? She'd been a virgin, and he hadn't known. Denver cleared his throat, looking down and then away. "Oh," he said after a moment. Well, it was over now; couldn't take it back now, even if he wanted to. And really, he didn't regret it. "Well, uhm...how, uh..." he started with a nervous laugh, scratching at the back of his head awkwardly. "How was it?" It didn't hurt to ask, after all. Denver was convinced he was a skilled, experienced lover; in truth, he'd only been with a handful of women. His confidence spoke of higher numbers, he'd ensured, but when it came down to it Denver still needed practice. Maybe he had been just awful, and that was why she was acting weird. He tried to think back on the night but the details were blurry and unhelpful.

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- Magnolia Takekuro - 12-07-2011


too cute for words.

Maggie wasn’t quite sure how to act. She couldn’t decide if she had feelings for him or not, and she definitely couldn’t discern Denver’s emotions through his attempt at a poker face. This was a weird situation for both of them to be in, and Maggie really hadn’t thought about what their conversation would be like if they ran into each other again. They were bound to meet each other again, though, so she mentally kicked herself for not thinking of a plan earlier.

“It was fun,” she said carefully. The next morning she had found her bed sprinkled with blood which had been a shock to her. She had freaked out a little but had, like always, found some way to deal with it without mentioning it to anyone until now. Maggie sighed as she kept walking, every once in a while checking the traps as they came up. This would be the most awkward border scout ever.

“I’m sorry Denver,” she said after a time, her jaw in a bizarre configuration as she tried to spit out her words. “It wasn’t a mistake, it’s just…” she had no idea what she was trying to say. That she felt like she fucked up their friendship? That she wanted more? That she didn’t want to face what actually happened? “I don’t know, I’m being silly,” her gaze took in everything directly ahead of her and she kept walking the trail, without a single look in his direction.

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Table by Alli <3

- Denver Mathis - 12-12-2011


awww, denver.

There is a certain sort of attachment that develops after intimate contact, and Denver was not an exception. It seemed Maggie wasn't, either, as she fumbled with words just as he had. Comforted by her similar awkwardness, he managed to shake some of the tension rising in his muscles. It had been a consensual encounter; she had come at him first! But now, as women were so prone to, Magnolia was acting different. Bashful, shy, embarrassed. All things that Denver too felt but did not show. He tried to protect himself from displaying outer weakness; it was no way to get noticed in a place like Salsola-- or anywhere, really. The mutt wouldn't fault her for being affected by her own emotions and confusion; he was just as confused, and sought only to clear the air. "We don't have to talk about it if y'don't want to, y'know," he offered, stopping for a moment to hoist himself up onto a low branch of a leafless tree, using the platform to stare out over their path. So far, there had been no anomalies, and Denver was getting distracted. "But," he started, climbing down. As his feet hit the ground again, he tried to catch her elusive emerald gaze. "I like you, Maggie," he blurted out as she tried to look away again. "And... I dunno what to do 'bout that. You're m'best friend; my only friend, pretty much," he corrected with a laugh. But were they more than friends now? "Anyways, I don't think what we did should come between us. We're too good for that," he finished, grinning at her as a pink-padded palm reached out to cup her cheek briefly, something like affection flashing across icy eyes. "C'mon, we've got work to do."

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- Magnolia Takekuro - 01-02-2012

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Yep, I suck. Hooray for a new thread right after this though!!
sosu: 206

His touch on her cheek sent some unfamiliar feeling down the small of her back; it took every ounce of strength she had to not shiver in front of him. Why was she being so weird all of a sudden? As she listened to him talk, she agreed with everything he said. They were great together, and his comment about her being his only friend sent a rush of warmth to her face. She had no idea what they were doing but at that moment it didn’t really matter. The feeling went away in her face as he walked away, and her hand moved up to where his was just moments ago. The feeling of his body on hers was not something she wanted to be without. How the hell was she supposed to deal with this crap? It didn’t make any sense.

Maggie continued walking at Denver’s request, though she stayed silent. She was focusing on their border patrol which she hadn’t really given any thought about until then. She was enamored with the man before her…. But at the same time she wasn’t. Shaking her head in disbelief at herself, the girl kept walking, black-dipped tail dragging behind her.

Image by Sean McMenemy, table by Tammi!