'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Loner Joining - Printable Version

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- Fischer - 12-03-2011

Character Name: Fischer
Character Birthdate: May 18th, 2009
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf/dog. Third generation with mixed parents.
Is your character a Luperci?: Yes
How you found 'Souls?: I'm coming back -Tear-
Are you joining a pack?: Loner for now.
If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: I would do it ICly.
Profile or three writing examples: I am going to do writing examples, since I don't know who Fischer is yet, beyond this first scene.

They called us monsters.

He ran. There was nothing more that he could do, but run. The escape he had always pictured was wild, filled with confidence. Never easy, but without obstacles, beyond what he was leaving behind him. They were always furtive, fleeting thoughts to get him through the day, because he knew that if he thought too long, they would see it in his eyes. Then he would never get his day.

This was not his dreams. His heart beat so hard he felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest, and he could barely catch his breath. The foliage tried its best to hold him back, branches scratching at his face, vines grabbing at his legs. He ran blindly, and they ran behind him. His pulse in his ears deafened him to the world.

Someone snagged his ankle, and he howled in panic, losing his balance and flipping into the undergrowth, his attacker wrapping foul, calloused fingers around both of his legs. His momentum flung the half-were over him, but it wouldn't let go. He flailed and twisted, kicking desperately, and snapped at his second pursuer as it approached, in full wereform.

"We've caught you, beasty," it snarled at him. Fischer cried, scrabbling to roll over and regain his feet, but held in place from the hips down. Pain shot up his side. The werewolf lowered its head to his, crouching down to do so, and breathed on him, the scent of gore rolling heavily off of its heavily bloodied face. Fischer almost retched. The were's jaws parted again, and Fischer's panic peaked. I can't go back! He wrenched his body sideways and upwards, slamming the side of his muzzle- and a mouthful of sharp teeth- into the werewolf's face.

He was on his paws, but they were no longer paws. He kicked his feet, but the were that had had him so firmly by the waist was already being pushed away as his legs grew, painfully cracking and jolting, agony rolling up his sides like a wave. Kicking hurt, like a shockwave into his spine, but the werewolf was caught off-guard, still hugging his legs, and got a heavy paw full of sharp claws in his gut. He whimpered, and Fischer kicked again, and again, his breath coming in short bursts as he struggled to get away not just from the halfling dying at his feet, but from himself.

He was seized by the neck, a thumb pressed up into the soft part under his jaw, as the werewolf wrenched his head around and looked him in the eyes. The were's lip was split in three places, bleeding from the gums, a snarl affixed to his scarred face.

"You disgusting whelp, you can't change wh-" Fischer lunged forward, using the halfling behind him as leverage. Blood trickled down his throat, but the fur and flesh under his teeth was his goal. He bit down, scrabbling frantically to throw what weight he had against the were, whose hands closed tightly around his neck. He felt half-hearted grabs at his feet before the halfling grew still. His head swam with pain, the trees grew stars in their branches, and the werewolf at his mercy bubbled out something unintelligible before his hands grew still and fell away.

Suddenly being left with all that weight, Fischer fell to the ground as the werewolf slumped, dead. He gasped for breath and lay there, shaking.

Move. They're still coming. Move.

He couldn't bring himself to.

They called him a monster. They had made him one of them.


Omg, so long. Here are two of Agani's threads, 'cause... I have no idea what happens to Fischer next. I have an idea of prior to, but not the whole thing =3

Agani 1

Agani's joining thread.[/html]

- 'Souls Assemblage - 12-03-2011

Welcome to 'Souls!

Congratulations! You've been accepted into the craziest bunch of roleplayers on the vast Internet! We encourage you to keep checking out our information; you can find a wealth of it on the RP Guide. Don't feel pressured to read it all at once -- the guide is a huge resource and is meant to be used as a reference.

If You've Joined the Game As a...
  • ... Loner, do begin considering which of the packs you'd like to join. Survival as a Loner is less realistic -- wolves and other canines are generally social creatures, preferring to live in a pack structure!
  • ... IC pack joiner, you can now begin posting -- you may start your IC pack joining thread whenever you're ready. Make sure you check the pack information to see if the leadership requires anything extra from you!
  • ... OOC pack joiner, the leader still has to respond here before you can start roleplaying -- don't worry, though; if you're rejected from the pack you'll be titled as a Loner, and you're free to pursue other packs or the same one later.
Post-Joining Process
  • Make an In Character post within five days. Post a thread request to get started, or consider starting or replying to an open thread.
  • Please let us know in the Absentee Thread if you plan to be absent for more than four days.
  • Keep reading! While there's only a minimum of three topics you have to read to join the game, we provide a wealth of information for a reason -- we expect players to read and reference this material often while they roleplay at 'Souls.
  • If you're leaving us, please try to let us know in the Player Updates forum. There is no penalty for leaving; you're free to re-join at any time later.
Still Need a Bit of Help?

Post any questions you may have in the Questions and Help forum. Check the FAQ first, though! The Mentors can assist you with writing, roleplaying, and understanding 'Souls concepts. Failing all else, contact a staff member.

If you need help getting adjusted to your pack, you should talk to your pack leader! They can help you to understand the pack's rank system and how to get a better rank, as well as direct you to plots, potential thread partners, and active members of the pack who may be interested in engaging you.

- Dawali Amara - 12-03-2011
