'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
the musty smell of decay - Printable Version

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- Firefly Sadira - 06-20-2008

Firefly had grown slightly bored in the packlands since the declaration of war on the coyotes. The pack would ban together though it was obvious that there were some slight misgivings on the whole thing. She did not care either way. She loved her brother but that didn't mean she had to love every damn coyote that crossed her path. She smiled at the idea and narrowed her eyes, the stale scent of coyote musky in these damp forest lands. She had decided to start trying to understand these strange new lands and was slightly disappointed that she couldn't find Haku to drag him out to, but she was fine being out alone, it wasn't like she was going to be eaten by the first strange creature she came up upon, who knows she might even be the one playing games.

Hopping up onto an old rotting tree she gave the surface and sniff as she tried to figure out where she was going from here. It was obvious which direction the coyote's lands were, but she wasn't in the mood to go pester a bunch of halfbreeds and ignorant filthy creatures of habit. She doubted they would get out of the rut they were in, or even if they would want to, they probably liked thinking of the wolves as prey. She snorted at the idea and leaped from the decaying flesh of the trunk to dive into the woods once more.. There had to be more out here than old musty woodlands.

- Zephyr Le Bach - 06-28-2008

http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... _04bot.jpg) no-repeat bottom; padding-top: 20px;">

Devlin had been on his mind for the better part of the day, still plauging every thought and action. Fishing made him think of Dev...how his lover had been so great at it, while Zephyr had needed help each time...running made him think of him, and hunting. Things had been so very different on the boat, and Zephyr was having a hard time adjusting to life on land.

He missed his parents, too, but could control when he thought about them. He knew that they were alive, after all, safe back in their little Scottish village. The stormcloud colored wolf stopped sharply when he heard something up ahead of him, hiding behind a halfway rotting tree and watching. A female, a younger one...all the way out here? How strange.


- Firefly Sadira - 07-02-2008

She'd landed softly and almost in a flash she was up on her toes again while her ears flickered everywhichway trying to catch the sounds of the woods and identify them. She smiled to herself as the animals around her grew quiet, the shriek of a jay told her of intruders and she assumed it was herself, though the animals had had time to grow use to the bronze and cream female who was walking among them. Shaking leaves from her pelt she grinned a toothy grin up at the jay cawing up above, just tempting him to get closer when suddenly the wind changed and a new scent flooded her nose.

Shaking her head softly she turned and gazed into the woods, silently thanking the jay's callings of stranger danger as she lifted her muzzle once more to the sky and drank in the scent of the other. The musky scent of male clung to her senses as she called out, "I know you're there.." Her muscles tensed as she thought about the fact that it might be a coyote, but her brain told her different, the unseen one didn't have the pungent overcast scent that DaVinci did, just the musky scent of another wolf. She scanned the dense undergrowth for a sign of his where abouts before turning her head and letting her ears do the work as she tried to concentrate on something else.

- Zephyr Le Bach - 07-06-2008

http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... _04bot.jpg) no-repeat bottom; padding-top: 20px;">

"Well, I certainly hope that I am here, missy, or I'd have some fear fer your sanity" His low voice came out in a chuckle, his posture an opposite to that of the fem's. He came out into the open, a light smile across his face, a smile that reached up toward his reddish eyes. Zephyr hadn't expected to see someone all the way out here, but was glad that he had someone to talk to, now. Someone who could take his mind off of everything.

"Could I ask yer name, fair lass?" He inquired, sitting down.


- Firefly Sadira - 07-07-2008

She grinned as the male emerged from out of nowhere, her tail gave a friendly wag as she realized that the lurking shadow wasn't of Inferni and seemed to hold an accent that could challenge her own. She chuckled at his word and raised a brow. "I don't fear for my sanity, ever.." she was confident in the things she said and with much reason, she'd seen in dreams things only others could dream of and the wise shaman of the clan had shared with her the clarity of such dreams. She might not seem sane to the rest of the world, but deep inside she was secure in her own ways.

When he sat down and asked her just who she was she nodded and joined close by him, adjusting herself to where she was comfortable. "They call me Firefly...." of course her family called her all sorts of names, some good, some bad, depending on who was asked. A name was only what you made it, she just got by, the name an attachment given at birth to tell her apart from others. She'd be a million different names before her life was over but it would be no matter.

- Zephyr Le Bach - 07-11-2008

http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... _04bot.jpg) no-repeat bottom; padding-top: 20px;">

He did enjoy a good game of cat-and-mouse every once in a while, but a nice, civilized conversation was always welcomed, too. Zephyr had kept to himself on the ship, the crew mostly ignoring him and Devlin, so it was a refreshing change to speak with someone else. For the last few months, before he had ventured to these lands, he had travelled most of the continent, up to the far, cold parts and then down here to this more temperate climate.

"Zephyr. Pleased t'meet ya. Believe me, I'm glad I'm real too. I don't think it'd be much fun to be a hallucination or a ghost." He was not sure if he even believed in ghosts. He hadn't seen Devlin around anywhere, so he could not say that he had ever seen one. "Ya don't come from 'round here either, eh, miss Firefly?" He did not recognize the accent, but realized that it was foreign as well.


- Firefly Sadira - 07-13-2008

His response made her grin as she tried to imagine what in the world it would be like to live as a ghost. She knew she believed in ghosts because overseas she'd seen the dead rise up when summoned by their beloved in ceremony. She never really spoke of it but she knew that they did lurk, even if it was hidden in the shadows until willed or wanted to be seen. Firefly had no real want to see the dead so she never gave notice to them or had want to. What did she want with the dead, they were mourned and left to rest in peace, not to be disturbed by constant whimpers and wants of the living. Life went on, that she knew.

Flicking her tail across her paws and off again she agreed with the male. "I believe I'd like to remain resting once my days are gone, not roaming the world with no meaning.." She shivered slightly at the thought, a life with no purpose but to wander and drift, that was not her type of life at all. She shook the images from her mind and smiled as he questioned her on where she was from. Sadly she had to correct him though. "Oh, I'm from here.. originally, but I left as a young pup and have just returned. Ireland was home for too long.." Her voice was slightly wistful as she imagined what life would have been like if she'd stayed home instead of returned to the lands of her birth. She missed those lands but she wasn't sure if she could return now.

- Zephyr Le Bach - 07-19-2008

http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... _05bot.jpg) no-repeat bottom; padding-top: 0px;">

"Me either. Some days I am nearly convinced that my ol' mate is running round here, though. Tried calling for him, but he's never tried contactin' me. Spirits can be tricky like that." Maybe she did not believe in those things, though. Perhaps she would think him a silly wolf for thinking that Devlin was still hanging around him, maybe protecting him.

Zephyr offered her a smile and a nod of empathy. "Aye, I know how ye feel. Our village was pretty small, as they go, but it was where I was born. I'll always carry a bit of it with me. Back in my den I've got a few things from home that I took with me. Some books and necklaces and such. I would be pleased if you would come by sometime, whenever you are not busy" She seemed very friendly, compared to what he had seen on the ship.

"So what sights and sounds do these lands have to offer? Must be somethin' that's keepin' ye here"


- Firefly Sadira - 07-30-2008

Firefly really thought nothing of those of the past, except that if they did come around it was more for the livings sake than their own. They had to be in a better place if they weren't here all the time, or perhaps they'd forgotten the whole world they'd once belonged to. She really didn't know, they could sit here forever and ponder the ways of the ghostly and yet still never know anything so she jusst smiled at the words and shrugged. "You never know why anything happens really..." she said matter of factly to the stranger.

When he spoke of where he was born being like home she didn't stop to correct him that these lands here were where she was born and should have been home, yet she would never truly claim them as thus, her spirit belonged somewhere else, or to someone else, not to these lands of her birth. She smiled a slight smile when he moved on and invited her to see the treasures of him he'd stolen away to these strange lands. She nodded in agreement as she spoke. "I'd like that.. these worlds are filled with so many differences it's hard to believe the changes, even when you'd lived here I while I'd bet.." She of course didn't know herself, she'd only been here a small while too, but maybe in time she'd find out.

That slight smile fell upon her lips again as the smoky male as her what in the world was keeping her here. She honestly didn't know. A promise, a dark and dangerous male, a wonder of tomorrow. She couldnt' truly answer him but she could try. "I'm not certain, perhaps just dreams of what tomorrow may bring.. but just walking the lay of the lands and all the beauties here is enough to take your breath away. There's an old human city to, for a little adventure into their strange and mysterious world.. but I've always been a drifter somewhere deep inside.. maybe that's why I'm here. It was a steady life in Eire, here.. there's always something new crammed into this coastal valley." She wasn't for certain if she'd spoken the truth or lied through her teeth.. tomorrow would only know.