'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
How Many Legs? - Printable Version

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- Terra - 12-19-2011


Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

Terra woke up in her nest inside the mattress. Stretching she climbed out, a large yawn on her mouth. She shook out the dust and dirt that had settled in her fur, and poked her nose into her closet. There wasn't really anything in there but the pair of knives that Terra owned, but she still checked, pretending there might be something more.

Done with her brief inspection of the room Terra trotted out happily, considering what she would do for the day. There were no particular plans she had, nobody to visit and no games to play. She'd already dragged in a corpse that she'd found for storage, so there was nothing to do there either. At last she settled on going for a patrol along the borders. It wasn't necessary, but it gave her something to do. While at it she would practice using her optime form as well.

Sitting back she let her shape change, shivering slightly as the fur moved on her skin, thickening and spreading. The bones moved lightly, letting her change position to standing while the shift happened. Completed Terra grabbed the knife Frodo had given her and headed out. Hitting the snow Terra frowned. It was difficult wading through the snow in lupine form, but in optime it managed to become even more challenging for her. The snow dragged at her feet, but refusing to give up Terra plodded on, though moving much more slowly than she would have in either of her other forms.

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- Augustus - 12-19-2011

OOC / +487

Hidden beneath a coating of fresh snow Augustus dozed away the morning hours. The abandoned structures in the Cour des Miracles pack lands provided no rest for the unsettled black and white male. Instead, he’d holed up in a niche in the ground underneath the stars. He’d dug a small hole in the snow and curled up in it for the night, letting the fresh flakes fall upon the thick fur of his back until he was hidden from sight completely. It quickly conformed to his body, insulating him against the chill and providing him a more natural sort of shelter to protect him from the elements. The scents of his pack comforted him, allowing him to sleep peacefully through the night. It was all in the shadow of the Chien hotel, a place Augustus understood to be the home for several members of the pack. When he first came across it he couldn’t bring himself to pass the gate. It loomed high above, another remnant of the things that were before. It made his fur bristle as it loomed ahead, unnatural. A wolf was not supposed to live with his feet so far from the ground. The earth was stable, man made structures were as flawed as men had been themselves, and he would not put his trust in them, he had not come that far yet.

The souls canines lived in a way that remained peculiar to him. It disquieted him at times, and he found it hard to fit in. So far, they seemed to be thriving. ‘True wolves don’t really exist.’ Shaw’s words were becoming closer and closer to the truth. So far, he’d only met one other like himself. He’d been overjoyed to have found her, but had not seen her since. In the waking world Augustus was shifting. The snow above him broke and fell into rubble as his eyes fluttered open. All was white around him and he blinked until his yellow and green eyes adjusted. He poked his head above the surface, his white fur crusted with snow. It fell into the gap he’d left. When he emerged he shook himself free of the remaining snow which clung to his fur.

The hotel loomed before him as it had the night before, but today he’d somehow muster the courage to explore it. The humans were gone, what did he have to fear? All was white like a dreamscape before him, and the sun was reflected upon the drifts. He squinted in his sleepy state and rose to disturb the once perfect white shroud with his footsteps as he brought himself nearer the hotels lofty expanse. Perhaps he’d even run into another of pack mates, and all the better. He needed to make himself known here so he would not be seen as in intruder, and in case he was ever in need. For after all, what were packs for?

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- Terra - 12-19-2011


Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

The sound of another canine working their way through the snow caught Terra's ear. She shifted around in the snow, turning to see a white wolf trudging towards the hotel. Was it Shandom? Had he come back? Overjoyed at the throat Terra lit out a yip of laughter, forgetting to check the scent. She tried to plunge forwards, only to end up tripping over the snow. Shaking herself Terra glanced back up, tongue lolling from her mouth. Closer now Terra realized the scent wasn't Shandom.

Feeling a little sad Terra pulled her legs in, only to realize that the scent was one she recognized. Head cocked to the side she sniffed the air. Augustus? Not bothering with the effort it would take to stand up again Terra crawled through the last few feet of snow. Next time she went out Terra was definitely sticking with secui form. It was so much easier to break a path that way.

Terra remembered how they'd met, how injured Augustus had been. She was pleased to see him doing better now, but remembered his fear of luperci. Would Augustus recognize her? Quiet now she waited, legs tensing to send her tackling him as soon as he got close enough.

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- Augustus - 12-22-2011

OOC / +269

A small bit of the white powder still clung stubbornly to his snout as he trudged through the snow. His large paws were well suited to the drifts and he was able to balance above the surface. His ears perked sharply as the sound of her yip reached him. He paused, eyes searching the horizon. A bipedal figure was working their way, rather awkwardly at that, towards him. He couldn’t help but stiffen, but unlike Strel, this one was not clothed and he eased a little. His fur bristled slightly, but he kept his cool, and gazed attentively at the approaching figure. When she was near his nostrils flared with her scent and he did a double take. It was vaguely familiar -Terra- his mind told him, but there was something wrong. The body did not match the scent. Terra wasn’t a Luperci…Was she?

He cautiously crept forward, watching her carefully as he brought himself towards her. His eyes roved over her from head to tail. The coloring was right…He pushed his muzzle out further, eyes narrowing. When she spoke his name he froze, ears twitching. It had to be…Terra? He questioned, his voice quiet and uncertain. He took the last few steps towards her and came to a halt a couple feet away. He could see her in full detail, and was assured that this strange creature was the same coyote/ wolf hybrid he’d met months previous. He had little to say however, and gaped at her instead, at a loss. When he noticed her stance he couldn’t help but cock his head to the side in curiosity.

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- Terra - 12-22-2011


So Augustus did remember her. Terra had been rather worried about him, though she hadn't found the time to go back and check up to see if he was still alive. Terra had been far too busy for that, stirring up trouble as she went around. Terra's cocky smile broke out on her face, much different from the helpful attitude she'd presented when meeting him. At that time she'd been dealing with an injured wolf that could lash out at her. Now she was dealing with a pack member.

Terra pushed out with all her might, ready to tackle Augustus down. Her arms opened wide. Surprise! It was clumsy pushing through the snow, but the length of her legs had allowed her to close the distance, as it turned into a part fall on top of Augustus. Dogpile!

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- Augustus - 12-22-2011

OOC: His face right now O-O ! Too cute / +317

He was surprised, truly. It was her indeed he could see it now, clearer than before. He didn’t know what to say, what to do, or how he felt about it. This was the same coyote that had cleaned his wounds, and given him food. Granted, the meal she provided had been long dead, but it was better than what he’d have been able to scrounge for himself. It was proven later as the best he’d found had been a hare strung between the wires of the formidable barbed fence of the Serena Reserve. Even that hadn’t been truly his, he’d shared the meal with the good hearted, though ultimately haughty Caspa, a lanky long furred white dog he’d come to form an awkward sort of friendship with. She was a member of this very same pack, and he’d seen her just a few days previous.

He gazed at Terra with narrowed eyes, watching her movements all too carefully. It made him think, of all the other canines he’d met, how many of them were Luperci? Their different forms confused him. Four paws no longer denoted a normal canine, it was frustrating to sort out the truth from the lies. Could they change forms at will? How often did they? All these and more plagued him, and he had little confidence in every truly knowing the answers. For now, he gazed at her strangely, his face contorted awkwardly in an expression of confusion and uncertainty.

She clambered closer to him. His eyes widened the split second before she came tumbling into him as he realized she was falling. Unable to turn away he was caught in her arms. He fell to the ground with her in her clumsy embrace. Alarm sent his heart racing and the heat rose in his cheeks. His body stiffened beneath her and his paws scrabbled at the snow to pull himself free.

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- Terra - 12-22-2011


Terra laughed happily as she hit the wolf. Clumsily she untangled herself, brushing the snow from her coat. There was no point remaining in optime form since Augustus was on four legs himself. Moving back for some room Terra began to shift. Her bones shortened as she dropped to all fours, fur retreating and moving along her skin. It was a peculiar feeling, but soon enough she was back on four legs, just the way she liked it. Terra reached out to lick Augustus' cheek when she saw how shocked he was.

Are you okay? Sorry for not telling you before. You were injured, and I was worried you'd try to fight me in your condition. Whining softly she looked up at Augustus, automatically crouching into a more submissive posture. It didn't matter that she was technically higher ranked than him, as ranks meant little to her. She just wanted Augustus to still like her and keep being her friend. She wouldn't shift into an optime again if that made things better.

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- Augustus - 12-23-2011

OOC/ +297

Augustus broke free of the bipedal giggling creature, leaping a short distance and turning to face her awkwardly. He’d hardly any idea what had even happened and took a few moment to gather himself before mustering up a nice to see you, too rather weakly. To his horror the female’s body began to shrink and bend, in his mind, gruesomely. His pelt bristled and his eyes widened. He lowered his head and body, lips wrinkling upwards in a half snarl. At least that had answered his questions. They could shift at will. How a creature could endure something like that he’d not the slightest inclination.

Never. do. that. again. In. front. of me. He was careful to stress every word. The warning was clear. He had to bite his tongue so as not to yell it at her. It was hard keeping his control in the situation, but he’d managed in the presence of a ….friend. A tentative one at that. With her change completed he settled in the slightest, but kept his guard up- still visibly shaken. He hardly felt her tongue on his cheek as stiff as his body had become. When the tension finally began to settle did he give reply. I’m fine… He said through gritted teeth. ‘Although, I could be better.’ His eyes, fixed on the horizon, shifted to glare at her momentarily. Her whines brought his conscience from its slumber and his gaze softened. I wouldn’t fight you Terra, you’ve done nothing but help. Calmer now. He aimed a feeble nudge at her shoulder, and expression of his guilt for reacting the way he had. It still made him uneasy. He’d have those images in his head for a long time to come. For her sake he let it go…this time.

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- Terra - 12-23-2011


Bristles stood up along her back at Augustus' violent reaction to her change. She'd merely shifted so that they would be on the same footing. Soon enough though he relaxed to accept her apology and explanation. Terra shook her head as he spoke though. You say that now, but obviously you've accepted luperci to some extent, or you would definitely panicked a lot more. What happened anyways? Her tone was curious, wondering what could have happened to allow Augustus to accept what she was without freaking out.

Backing up a short distance Terra sat down in the snow. It was chilly, not something she particularly liked. Staying curled up with Augustus wasn't something she wanted to do either though, still not completely trusting that Augustus wouldn't turn around and snap. His guard was still up, after all. Terra wondered if he remembered her telling him that she'd come to the land looking for luperci. Would he make the connection?

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- Augustus - 12-28-2011

OOC How was your Christmas ? / +399

I didn’t panic. He objected. I’ve never seen that before. How would you expect me to react, Terra? I’ve only come so far, don’t send me hurtling back. That he was frustrated you could see. His pelt was all puffed up along his spine, his ears folded oddly backwards, and his breathing was shallow. He’d never meant to snap at her, after what she’d done for him, but there were some things that he wasn’t quite capable of dealing with yet. For as far as he’d come, he still had a long way to go. He did not want her thinking it was okay, and hoped not to see her that way again. He could have handled the situation much better if she’d approached him in lupus, or stayed in Optime. The shifting utterly terrified him, the sight burned into him, ensuring he’d never forget. It was unnatural and frightening to him who’d seen little of the Luperci to begin with. His being okay with any of it he had to attribute to the large tan and crimson male Shawchert who nearly had to knock some sense into him. He was grateful he hadn’t, in the state he’d been in he would not have been able to defend himself as readily as he would have now.

Let’s just say, someone showed me the error of my ways. He grumbled. Although he could not credit it entirely to Shawchert. The Luperci male had only checked what behavior he’d already resolved to change. He’d merely caught him in it and called it, allowing Augustus to adjust himself and stick to his convictions. He would not be his father. As disgruntled as he often was, he was not without a conscience, but was very much in need of listening to it more often. He was bound to get in trouble one day and chase off the few friends he’d only recently made.

He heaved a great sigh and his gaze traveled along the drifts. It paused on Terra sitting a bit further away in the snow. He was disheartened to see that she’d actually backed away from him. That caused his ears to tilt forward and he raised his head to look at her more directly. She shivered then and he was tempted to go to her, but he stopped himself. She probably didn’t want to be anywhere near him right now.

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- Terra - 12-28-2011

OOC My Christmas was really good. And yours?

Terra chuckled lightly. So we'll call that little reaction of yours a twitch then? Her smile belied the teasing words, making it clear that no harm was done. She still cared for the male, even if she had frightened years off his life. Hearing that someone had taught him the error of his ways caused her tail to wag slightly. She could just picture what kind of lesson that was, Augustus stubbornly clinging to the fearful belief as a powerful luperci yelled at him about his stupidity.

Still, Augustus was a good guy. She dipped her head slightly, acknowledging his friendly movement. She didn't move closer, but allowed him to come closer if he wished. Two bodies would definitely be warmer than just one. I don't think you need to worry about seeing me shift again. I only change to match those around me, and I'm usually in this form. You just caught me while I was practicing. Walking on two legs is hard. Terra didn't mention that she should have been practicing for a while, and had decided not to because of the snow.

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- Augustus - 12-28-2011

OOC Mine was lovely Smile --Whoot 50th post xD / +386

His eyes narrowed at her jest, but he let it go, exhausted by the events that had taken place minutes before. One of the corners of his mouth twitched then into a feeble half-smile. His gaze shifted to the ground sheepishly as his cheeks heated. He grew suspicious when he noticed her tail wag and his brows furrowed. He didn’t comment as his heart was only beginning to settle down in his chest, his moments of aggression having stirred the adrenaline in his veins. His fur settled down along his neck and chest and his limbs began to loosen. That was when the embarrassment settled in. He’d shown his fear to the smaller coy wolf, and he felt emasculated. To try and make up for it he stood a little taller, and raised his tail in the slightest, although his ears had fallen to his skull.

He saw her lower her head to him and he felt almost immediately better. Slowly he stepped towards her, his large paws crunching into the crisp blanket of snow. He mused at his paw prints as they crossed hers from before. When he came to her side he reclined to his haunches, sitting a bit closer to her than he was comfortable with, but in doing so, allowing her some of his heat as it radiated off his well insulated body. The arctic pelt was thick, double lined, and mostly light. This allowed him not only the advantage of surviving in weather well below zero, but it worked as a sort of camouflage when hunting prey. The only thing they’d see would be the small hints of black about his muzzle, ears, and back. It was strange to him that she would be so cold. He was hardly bothered by it at all, the chill only able to penetrate the small, now- healed gashes in the left side of is face. He sat at her right side, his scarred cheek and muzzle facing her.

His ear twitched to her. I’m glad, he replied gratefully. I’ve no idea why you’d want to. He rolled his shoulders and gazed over the opposite, letting his thoughts drift. Did it hurt-shifting? He wanted to ask, but kept to his thoughts for now, he didn’t exactly want to think about it- not at the moment.

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- Terra - 12-29-2011


Glad that Augustus had moved over Terra briefly nuzzled him before pulling back. All was forgiven, and once more right in her mind. Technically she should have pulled rank when he decided to posture, but Terra was lazy, and didn't feel the same need for dominance as pure blooded wolves did. She basically just did whatever she wanted, dominance and submission a tool for her to achieve that. If it made her friend happy, she'd submit. If it was demanded of her, she'd do her best to defeat them. Even inside a pack, Terra very much belonged to herself, despite her strong ties of loyalty.

She cocked her head to the side pleasantly. Well, it's not going to go away, is it. I might as well find some use for it. Wouldn't it be worse if I lost control and didn't know what to do? Terra knew very little about luperci beyond what she'd experienced herself. She'd had to be told that it was a virus, simply believing that it was a freak mutation of her genes passed on by her father. It was only his words when he'd left that had given her any clue she wasn't the only one in her isolated part of the world.

Ignoring the slight discomfort she felt about her own ability Terra turned her head to face Augustus directly. There was no need to explain to him that she was fighting her own fears of the unknown with each shift, or that Terra only felt comfortable shifting because she was around others that could do so as well. What brings you here, anyways? Are you visiting?

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- Augustus - 12-30-2011


He relaxed and allowed his tail to curl about his forepaws. The smallest of sighs dropped from his muzzle. He gazed absently at the hotel. How come whenever they met there were always in the shadow of some overlarge human structure? Was it an omen? He pondered this all in silence, feeling her body next to his. It was a possible reason for his added tension, but it kept the light from him as he slept, allowing him to transition more readily into the morning hours. He knew he could never live in such a place, preferring the feel of the earth or snow about him, and grass and dirt beneath his paws. His ears twitched to the sound of her voice and he turned his head to listen. His head cocked slightly. I suppose… he admitted, though did not truly agree. He never wanted to be more than he already was, their ways of life strange and new, and unsettling. To live so much likes the humans felt very wrong. He was glad she preferred this form, four legs were far better than two. He felt very tall sitting next to her and soon sunk to the ground in a lay, stretching his paws out in front of him and curling his hinds towards his body. Yes, this felt better. On a more even level he was able to watch her more comfortably.

I was invited. He started truthfully, and later replied, no…staying. to her query of visitation. The words were said very uncertainly, still doubting that he even wanted to be here. If it hadn’t been for Terra and Caspa he wouldn’t have even bothered. They’d been the only two to show him some kindness and he wanted to return the favor…in his own way, of course. Neither gracious or overly thoughtful it was harder for him than it had been for them. His pride an issue as well as his breed. He was neither dog nor Luperci, and their lack of unity was deterring. His gaze drifted idly over the terrain, doubting he’d every truly belong.

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- Terra - 12-30-2011


Terra's ear twitched questioningly. It sounded a lot like Shandom. There was a battle waging inside Augustus, to accept or not accept. Unwilling to allow herself to get attached to someone that would probably leave, Terra stretched out. She shook the snow from her coat, and smiled kindly at Augustus. You don't seem too sure about that. Well, what does it matter. If you really don't like it here, you can just go north like Shandom. Terra didn't know what had happened to her friend, but she felt sure that they would get along. Their thinking was very similar.

Playfully she bowed down before Augustus, tail wagging. She was asking to play in the snow together, to wrestle and fool around. They were close in age, so Terra hoped he wouldn't be too dignified for a simple game with her. Wrestling together would be a lot of fun, even if she wasn't very strong. The enjoyment from being around her pack and the security made her light hearted, ready for pretty much anything.

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- Augustus - 01-04-2012

OOC No muse today, forgive the short post / +243

His ears titled to the sound of her subtle movements as she brought herself from the snowy ground. His head soon followed and he gazed at her curiously. She could not have been warm already, surely? When she shook snow rained down upon him in a flurry, but he was not bothered. He let the delicate flakes melt atop the guard hairs along his body. Neither moisture or chill could penetrate this layer. He gained all four paws soon, echoing her movements. When she spoke of his indecision he lowered his eyes to the ground. It was not shame that bade him divert his gaze, but the truth she spoke. One thing struck him as odd, though. A name. It was unfamiliar to him. Shandom? He queried, raising a brow. He lifted his head, glad for the change of subject. Little did he know this name would soon become familiar to him, the name of a brother.

He was curiosity was further intensified when he noticed the small female drop to the ground in a playful bow. His pack had been small, and there had been no pups for a long time save he and his brother, and their play had been only when they were very young. Augustus had little memory of it. He cocked his head at her, and he twitched his tail. Cautiously he approached, eyeing her strangely. He halted just before her. What are you doing? He asked innocently.

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- Terra - 01-04-2012


Shandom, a wolf just like you. Wasn't comfortable with luperci, so he went north to live on four legs all the time. Terra didn't mind the question, enjoying the chance to share her friend. He might not be close, but she still considered him a good friend. They'd played together and talked, and briefly Terra had felt that she'd even helped him settle in. They'd picked out a room in the hotel together, after all. Besides, it was nice knowing someone else who ran around on four legs instead of two. It might be Terra's inheritance, but she definitely didn't know how to use it.

His next question caused Terra's head to cock to the side, wondering how he couldn't know. Asking you to play. You know. Don't you? It was one of those things most were born just knowing, an action hardwired into their bodies. Yet Augustus didn't understand it. Well, from what she'd heard Augustus hadn't lived a very natural life, being chased out by his pack and betrayed by his father. He'd known about luperci as well, and they did tend to be more humanoid.

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- Augustus - 01-06-2012

OOC The second paragraph of the post is him remembering- just so there's no confusion / +450

The name did not ring any bells for the young male, but he assured himself that one day he would meet him. It was an admirable calling. Augustus could see no happier life than one on four legs, and commended the mysterious Shandom for his choice. Perhaps, I will meet him some day? He said, half in thought. His tail swayed at the prospect and his eyes drifted in the direction of the border. He wondered just where he could have gone. There was no place for wolves like them in this world it seemed, and Augustus was not the only one who had realized it. He felt better for being so uneasy here knowing he'd not been the only one. Shandom, you say his name was? He wanted to be sure of it, in case he ever found himself running in to him. He felt compelled to find this one, for perhaps he knew something Augustus hadn’t himself.

Of course I know. He announced defensively. He simply hadn’t grown up in an ideal situation where play was encouraged. It also helped that besides his brother, there were no other pups for him to play with; and Augustus knew just how brief his brother’s life had been. He straightened, eyeing her carefully in case she tried to catch him unawares. He braced himself, widening his stance and anchoring all four paws to the ground. He lowered his head in case she aimed a leap at him, in which case he’d be able to deflect it, and send her hurtling instead. It felt odd to him, as there was a side he’d never shown to anyone save one. She had been like a dream, the deep chocolate female with the yellow and blue eyes. Their time together certainly resembled it. For a moment he let his guard down, wondering after her mysterious disappearance. Would he see her again?

It was night and fog loomed thickly in the air. He stood half submerged in the stream bed, dripping, but happy. He’d been content in its crystalline waters. They soothed his soul from its former distress, and then he saw two luminous orbs in the distance. The fog parted from around her figure and revealed to him a dark chocolate wolfess, very near to his own age. He remembered calling to her, and her immediate uncertainty which died away after he shook the water from his pelt and onto her. The game that ensued, the playful licks stolen, the seductive smiles. He’d been all charm then, young, strong, and alive with desire. The scene played again before his eyes. And he was lost to the world, to the coy wolf before him; to memory.

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- Terra - 01-08-2012


Stiffly Augustus braced himself, trying to mimic her playful stance. He was much too serious though, bringing a laugh from her mouth. It was sharp, yipping through the air. One would think she was part hyena from the sounds of it. He really didn't know how to play properly at all, carrying a far too dignified air. Well, that was about to be rectified. Terra wanted to help him get over his painful past. His acceptance of luperci had been the first step, watching her shift the next. Granted, he'd rather forgo that one, but Terra had and so he'd seen. Now she would let him play, feeling safe.

Gathering herself together Terra pounced, aiming to land on his back. For a moment everything blended, a perfect match of white against snow. In lupine form everything was going perfectly, Terra knowing exactly how she would land and move without the awkwardness of two legs tripping her up. It was glorious, almost flight, as she spun towards his exposed back.

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- Augustus - 01-11-2012

OOC / +239

The world around him became a haze as the female danced before his eyes. His tail was also caught in the sway of memory and wagged a couple times behind his exposed back. His paw’s grip on the ground lessened and his body relaxed, all expectations of the little coy wolf attack lost to him. Her sharp laughter broke him out of his reverie and he looked at her strangely with a raised brow. He hadn’t heard such a sound from her before. He continued his widened stare, wondering just what had caused it in the first place. He didn’t remember doing anything particularly funny. His brows furrowed now as he tried to think over his actions from moments before. He didn’t seem to recall any slip in composure and dismissed it as one of Terra’s outbursts. It hadn’t been the first time she’d puzzled him after all.

The split second before Terra pounced Augustus’s eyes widened in shock and he tried to gather himself. He lowered his head, bracing for impact. His paws clung more desperately to the earth below him and he hunched his upper half. It was no use. The strange coy wolf came crashing into his back and the large male felt his paws fall out from underneath him. He was falling. Falling towards the side with Terra on top of him. He hadn’t anticipated her aiming for his back and he toppled over awkwardly. His paws fumbled to regain ground. He hoisted up his head and attempted to slide her off him from the side.

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