'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
It's hope that will save us. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: It's hope that will save us. (/showthread.php?tid=23947)

- Noah - 01-01-2012



The male knew that there was more to these lands that meet the eye, he knew that there was placed in these lands that he had never seen before, nor had he really taken the time to explore them and know the lands like he should have. The male stuck to the paths and routes that he knew and had marked, never really once going off the marked paths. Today, well today was not one of them days. Today was a day where he was going to go off that path, and he was going to find something different, and he would not turn back till he found something different.

So the male set out, he knew he needed nothing but the coat of grey furs upon his back that he was blessed with upon his birth day. The male looked at the cabin he lived in with the every so sweet and lovely Rendall and gave a nod; the male two feet upon the ground took him down the path towards the town.

Heading down into the town the male had never been this far into the town he had messed around on the out skirts of the town. He had sat upon the street and looked down in the town; however this was all new to him. The male moved slowly though the town looking at everything that there was for him to take it. It was like it was a poorly kept museum. The building needed work down upon them, and the streets really could do to be cleaned up, however it was still very interesting to look at what use to be an area ran and maintained by nothing but humans. It was complete mind blowing how they could have mastered the fire that came on and off with nothing but a flick of a switch. Mind blowing!

The male looked into every window, it was strange. It was like he was watching what was a cemetery, like Pompeii, except none of the humans where covered in ashes, and most humans where already decomposing, and they were just bones, and not shells. Shells that had held that they had died type of shape, after hundreds of years of being dead.

The male shuttered as he moved down further into the town, heading further and further into an area that he had never been to. One foot after another, the male saw the cement building, his interest was perked, this was something new, and something different for the male to do. So his feet picked up the pace as he moved closer and closer, seeing more and more details.

The male stopped at the front of the door as he looked it up and down, with a gulp his heart beat was speeding up. Walking into the prison the male went to the intake area, he sniffed around, looking at everything, taking everything that he saw with his good eye. With a chuckle the male thought about how nice it would be nice for every pack to have one to lock up wolves like his father, and wolves like the one that hurt Kira. A sigh came out heavily from the male mouth, as he moved further into the prison area.

Looking into each room, looking and sorting though the trash and junk that was upon the ground. The male walked into one room, as he looked back he saw it, the large door that was once open, now slammed shut. The silver male growled…of course that was just his stupid luck. He was now locked into this little room, walking over the male gave a soft tug on the bars, nothing. He sat down taking his good hand as he ran a plank of wood over the metal bars, as he huffed every so often sitting there. ”Wonderful…” The male spoke to no one but did his voice ever so heavy with the dripping sarcasm.

The male closed his eyes, as he lay back as he kicked his legs out, he felt the door move, he jumped back up exited that he just might have found a way out, the male placed his shoulder into one of the rails. Slipping his arm around one of the bars, the male then brought his arm in, and gripped onto one of the bars and pulled towards the hole in the wall where the metal cage had slipped out of. With a grunt the male felt the bar slip back, his tail whipped side to side. Pulling more and more, while he jerked it back and forth, till the door finally gave in and went into the hole. The silver Sawtooth male pumped his fist into the arm for his victory over the metal door.

Stepping out from the cage that he had placed him-self in; the male quickly took off, running back to the pack lands that held everything that he needed.
