'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
A Rude Awakening - Printable Version

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- Kiara Amarok - 01-06-2012


Dated January 12th.

Word Count → 438

Everyday her wounds were healing and her range of movement was getting better and better. Now Kiara barely noticed her scars, especially because many of them were hidden by her thick winter coat. The scar on her belly was the most prominent, while the one on her neck was nearly invisible. They barely bothered her while she ran, her large padded paws moving quickly over the snow. Her breath came in a quiet whisper, the air before her steaming with hot with her breath. Each step she took had a renewed vigor, and each breath she took was full of life. The ordeal with Amy had been a trying one, and even now the memories plagued her dreams. But during the day, Kiara was full of life and worked to push the images out of her mind.

It was a wonderful day. The snow was falling, adding to the already packed layers beneath her feet. Snow suited the arctic wolf perfectly and compared to the harsh winters of the arctic, the weather in Nova Scotia was mild at best. Still, it had been a long time since Kiara could just enjoy herself. Between her injuries, her duties as the Ikusei, and the traumatic loss of Shiloh's puppies she was unable to go out and freely enjoy the snow. Kiara was determined to change that, and she had set aside this day for the special purpose of enjoying the snow.

Before her attack, Kiara would have run to the mountains in the neutral territories to make sure that she was not disturbed by her duties to the pack. Now she chose to skirt the edges of Ichika, keeping just within its boarders. Eventually, the snow wolf came to a stop. Her sides were heaving, and her wet tongue hung out of her gaping mouth. With a delighted sigh the snow wolf flopped down on the ground and let the snow collect on her body. Her double layer of fur keeping her warm and preventing any heat from escaping. She blended in almost seamlessly into her surroundings, only her black nose and sapphire eyes gave away her form. Even those soon became hidden. The snow wolf curled up, tucking her nose beneath her tail to keep it warm. Her eyes closed as sleep overcame her and soon the snow wolf settled into a light sleep, her dreams for once filled with fun rather then terror. Unfortunately for the snow wolf, in all her excitement she had traveled outside of the pack boarders without even realizing it. Kiara was sleeping several feet away from the boarders, blissfully unaware of the circumstances.

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- Aeron Ganesa - 01-06-2012


ooc text. 262

Aeron Ganesa

Ichika it was ichika once again. Though she hate to admit it she was getting quite used to where the border was and where she had to stop. The coyote female didn't want to travel far from home but she wanted to get Io Off her back. She just figured it'd be best to go and roam.

Aeron huffed as she looked down at her arm which was tucked closely to her. Aeron hated losing and she hated the way Io made it seem. She was thankful that she had run into Matteo though she knew that he should not come to Anathema anymore. He was not welcomed and that was that.

was enjoying watching the snow fall it was a lovely day and aeron found herself at the whim of her feet. She wasn't sure if she was just taking a walk near ichika since it and Anathema were close or if she would speak to anyone today. She knew where the boundaries were and she was sure to never cross them. She was building respect with some member and that was important.

She wasn't paying attention to where she was stepping and soon enough she found herself on something that bid not feel like snow or grass. Trying to move another step she stumbling a bit as she looked down. What on gods green earth was oh my. Aeron caught her balance and turned herself. It was a wolf what the heck was it doing in the snow. It was white she huffed hoping she didn't hurt the darn thing.

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- Kiara Amarok - 01-06-2012


Word Count → 370

The snow was wonderful, and surrounding Kiara were the members of both her families. To her right were the members of Ichika, their smiling faces and large bipedal forms and each had a beautiful instrument that made the most amazing sounds. To her left were the members of her birth pack, their tails high and each were howling to the wondrous tunes. Kiara ran greeting everyone, her happiness evident in her wagging tail. Suddenly, the sky came crashing down, crushing the arctic wolf under its weight.

A painful yelp escaped from the snow wolf's mouth as she woke with a start. Her ears and nose twitched as her eyes searched frantically for what had crushed her. There, standing next to her was a copper colored coyote, her body riddled with scars. Many of them old, but the ones on the coyotes arm look fairly new. All Kiara could do was stare, her mouth opening and closing uselessly as her words failed her. Kiara did not recognize this coyote, and she did not smell like a pack member, although the scent of another pack hung heavy on her coat.

Eventually, Kiara remember her fear. Her ears flattened against her head and her tail tucked itself close to her belly as Kiara slowly backed away from the stranger. "Y...You...You are trespassing. This is..." Kiara's voice trailed off as she realized no, in fact, the coyote was not trespassing. She had somehow crossed outside of the Ichika lands without noticing. The snow wolf made a mad dash towards the boarder, only daring to stop and turn around once she was inside. She stood only a yard away from the borderline, but being back in her own lands made Kiara feel a little safer. Quick as her injuries would allow, the arctic wolf turned around to face the coyote.

Feeling a little braver, she addressed the coyote. "Namaste. Who are you, and why have you come to Ichika no Ho-en?" Although Kiara tried to be polite, her words were still coated with fear and anxiety. But, unlike with Insomnia she was not being outwardly aggressive. Her posture continued to be very submissive, with her body low, her tail tucked, and her ears pinning back.

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- Aeron Ganesa - 01-06-2012


ooc text. 273

Aeron Ganesa

Aeron had not really been in a bad mod mut the yelping sound of the wolf she had stepped on was enough to make her feel bad. though the sympathy was soon turned to slight annoyance as she listened to the girl and watched her. It seemed that reality had set in as the girl made a dash for the borders.

Aeron chuckled to herself lightly as she stood here she had managed to catch herself. She had made no attempt to fallow her. She wasn't sure what fire had caught this wolfess but she wasn't wanting to find out really. She figured she would just turn and be on her way and not morry about what the other had been dealing with. It was cruel but Aeron was beginning to lose care.

The girl the greeted her and aeron was stopped. should she just walk away. "Well I was out on a walk. clearing my mind one should not sleep where others may walk. She said not moving from her spot though the fact being her arm had limited movement still she didn't want to break the stitches though soon enough she was going to pull them out. I don't see why you ran I didn't see you in the snow. Besides my arm hurts there is no way I'd be able to hurt you. She stated.

A lie in truth she could still kill the girl but she didn't want to nor feel like she had the time. She had been out enjoying her walk now she was stopped and looking at a wolf who seemed scared of her own shadow.

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- Kiara Amarok - 01-06-2012


Word Count → 311

Kiara watched intently as the coyote turned around, why was she leaving? It appeared as if the coyote wasn't really going to Ichika, she simply wandering around and happened to travel near Ichika. It was allowed, after all the neutral territories were places anyone could go. Not to mention that the copper female was right, Kiara had been sleeping in an silly place. The snow wolf was a little annoyed though, why couldn't the coyote be more mindful of where she stepped. It was rude to step on someone even if they are napping in silly places and she should apologize. Kiara didn't say this of course, but that didn't stop her from wanting to.

The coyote's words seemed to prove true. Her arm looked like it was in bad shape and it would prevent the coyote doing any harm to Kiara. With this assurance, Kiara slowly stood up. Her tail uncurled and one ear flipped forward. Fear had been replaced with curiosity, and slowly but surely the snow wolf's happy mood returned. Kiara felt safe in Ichikan lands and she felt safer still knowing that the stranger was injured. Although, she did sympathize with coyote as the injury looked like it was really painful.

Her fluffy tail wagged a little bit and a small smile stretched across her face. "Okay, sorry your hurt. Um, I'm Kiara. Kiara Amarok. What's your name?" The arctic wolf didn't dare approach the stranger, even if she was hurt. Still, Kiara felt bad about treating the strange coyote with fear again. She needed to get past this stupid fear of others, it was rude and really trying on her nerves. Her legs were shaking a little as the adrenaline rush had subsided. In order to try and minimize the shaking, Kiara sat down and hoped that the coyote hadn't noticed the tremors in her legs.

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- Aeron Ganesa - 01-06-2012

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She lays down on the sidewalk
Never very analytical
She is something simply beautiful
Re-appear when you feel magical
WC :: +243 OOC :: set early morning on the 7th

Aeron stood there as she spoke the girl not really moving though Aeron wasn't going to move and cause her to freak. She looked at the Arctic woman. She didn't know many of the Ichikans but she was beginning to. soon enough she'd be in that pack she mused with a giggle.

She was not cut out to be a kind and caring Ichikan. War flowed through her veins though she was beginning to tame that need to fight and kill. With each passing day she was more able to ignore the need to fight. Though she was helping Mido train and gain rank though it wasn't her job.

'Very nice to meet you. I didn't hurt you too bad did I She asked being as kind as she could. She did sorta feel bad but what did the white wolf expect from sleeping in the snow. Aeron wasn't going to look down everytime she took a step.

"Aeron Ganesa I live in Anathema, I'm an Iblis. I'm working to make friends with Ichika." She said giving a bow to the woman.Aeron still made no move towards the border she felt now would be a bad time to. She could sense the tension in the girl, then it slowly sank in. the wounds on her were not that old. What she the reason there had been blood on the border? She had also smelt Amy that retched trader that came to Anathema.

To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
Yeah you know we're gonna win again

Template by Revo Modifications by Nat and Marie <3


- Kiara Amarok - 01-06-2012


OOC here!

Word Count → 284

It was odd, seeing a coyote giggle. Especially when said coyote was covered in scars that looked worse than Kiara's. The snow wolf couldn't help but wonder what was so funny. Was it something Kiara had said? Was it her strange behavior? She didn't think any of these things had been funny, and her large head tipped to the side in confusion. The question burned in her eyes, "What's so funny?"

Finally, the coyote apologized, sort of. Kiara smiled and her tail thumped against the ground. "No, I'm fine. You just startled me is all. Sorry...for earlier." She meant it, she really did. Kiara didn't like being afraid of meeting new people and she hated how afraid and aggressive she acted towards them. Kiara's ears dropped a little out of shame.

Aeron, so that was her name. It was a pretty name and fit a pretty coyote. Not that Kiara knew enough about coyotes to tell if one looked good or not. She had always regarded them as smaller than wolves with a funny howl. Although, the snow wolf was small as well and any luperci was bound to be larger than her. Kiara bowed her head, returning the polite gesture and her mood brightened even mood with the mention friends. Making friends was something Kiara loved to do, and she had never met someone from Anathema before.

"Um, I don't mind making new friends." Kiara stood and approached the boarder hesitantly, not entirely sure she wanted to cross it. Eventually she decided to cross the boarder, but just barely. Kiara smiled, her stupid grin stretched from ear to ear and wagged her tail furiously. She was proud of herself for being so brave.

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- Aeron Ganesa - 01-06-2012

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She lays down on the sidewalk
Never very analytical
She is something simply beautiful
Re-appear when you feel magical
WC :: +276 OOC :: set early morning on the 7th

Aeron had to admit she was happy that she had not been riding Elzar today. She could only imagine the state the girl would be in. He had almost stepped on her before. There was no way that the girl would have come out with out a scratch.

She looked at the girl as she spoke she was trying to catch wind of her scent to confirm what she had smelt that day. there had been so many scents by that on area and Aeron had to sort through her memory to figure out if it was this girl or not. The fresh looking damage was enough to tell aeron she was most likely right.

"No no I really should be the one sorry I just never expected to find an arctic wolf under the snow." She stated looking at her. She really had to know it was killing her she wanted more reason to hunt the trader down to kill her.

"I know this is going to sound very rude." Aeron stated as she looked at the girl. "you were attacked those wounds are pretty new. If I'm right I know who did it." She said the woman's scent was all over the crime scene. Aeron had just been late getting there. Everyone seemed to have disappeared before Aeron got there. "I was here talking with other members and stumbled upon the blood and the scent.I'm glad to see your still walking." She had no idea what the golden demon was capable of but now she had a rough idea.

the poor thing it was all starting to make sense now all of it.

To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
Yeah you know we're gonna win again

Template by Revo Modifications by Nat and Marie <3


- Kiara Amarok - 01-06-2012


Word Count → 342

Finally, a proper apology. Kaira didn't think it was so unusual to be sleeping the snow, especially if one was an arctic wolf. Perhaps this was a luperci thing, perhaps luperci didn't sleep in the snow. Kiara remembered many times when she had fallen asleep in the snow after a long day of playing or hunting. In fact, once Kiara became older she stopped sleeping in a den. Dens were for puppies and old ones; not for fit, healthy wolves like Kiara. The only reason why it was a silly for her to fall asleep where she did was because she hadn't been inside the pack lands. Otherwise, there was nothing silly about sleeping like she had.

The snow wolf flinched. Aeron's question wasn't rude per say, but it brought up memories that Kiara had working to keep suppressed. Kiara listened to Aeron's explanation, but only half-heartedly. The frightful memories worked their way through her mind, and she flinched again when the torrent of feelings threatened to overwhelm her. Her ears drooped again and so did her tail. Despite the fact that Aeron was also covered in scars, Kiara couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of her injuries. She was no fighter, but the fact that she had been injured so was still humiliating. Your right, that was me... and Amy. Thanks, I had a lot of help from my pack. I take it you know the dog?

Kiara wasn't sure if she wanted to hear about Amy. All she really wanted to do was forget, to push the events out of her mind and as far away from her conscious as possible. But the idea of learning more about her attacker slightly intrigued the snow wolf. If she learned more about the yellow dog, then perhaps she could understand why Amy had hurt her. Kiara had spent several nights wondering what had possessed the luperci to attack her. The snow wolf had not threatened her and had even properly submitted to her. So why? Did Aeron know anything about it?

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- Aeron Ganesa - 01-07-2012

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She lays down on the sidewalk
Never very analytical
She is something simply beautiful
Re-appear when you feel magical
WC :: +222 OOC :: set early morning on the 7th

Aeron was hardly wrong when she got a good scent. She still made no attempt to move closer to the girl and she understood why she had been so flighty. Being attacked by someone who had more power and skill then you could be a terrible thing.

"I understand now." She said bending down she slowly knelt on the ground. She shifted a bit. "I don't need detail. I'm glad you are fairly ok though." She said as she looked at her. She opened her bag and sorted threw it. She had to find something to give the girl.

She wanted to know more and see what else she could find out. "Is that the first time she's been around here? She asked looking for a good serious answer. She had many more

Finally she pulled out a fur that was wrapped around meat the animal had not been skinned right so she used the damaged fur for transporting meat. "Are you hungry?" She asked raising a piece. "Those I have met have been so kind to me I'd like to do the same. Has Ichika done well since you joined here? Many pups born?" She asked looking at her.

She was tossing a million things at the girl at once she felt sorta bad she stopped talking and just stayed unmoving.

To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
Yeah you know we're gonna win again

Template by Revo Modifications by Nat and Marie <3


- Kiara Amarok - 01-07-2012


Kiara's a blabber mouth.

Word Count → 486

Kiara nearly ran off again when she saw Aeron take out her bag. But Aeron was injured and had already shown that she was not interested in hurting Kiara. With a mixture of anxiety and curiosity running through her, the alabaster woman simply couldn't sit still. What really interested Kiara was the smell of meat that wafted up from the open bag. It made her stomach growl and her eyes stared hungrily at the bad. Although she hadn't been hungry before, the enticing smell was enough to make her mouth water. Hesitantly she stood and took a step forward, her head down and cocked to the side. The snow wolf's black nose twitched and her eyes sparkled with curiosity. Even so, Kiara did not move more than a few paces and each one was placed delicately and slowly.

The arctic wolf was so busy wondering what Aeron kept in her bag that she nearly missed the question. Kiara blinked, and her head rose a little. Remembering her manners, Kiara sat down again and thought about everything she had heard. "As far as I know, I am the only Ichikan to meet Amy. I don't think she traveled to Ichika no Ho-en. After all, no one seemed to know who she was. Vesper had to tell everyone what she looked like. And I don't think she will be welcomed if she ever showed up at the boarders."

When the food was offered to Kiara she nearly jumped up with delight. Her tail wagged ferociously back and forth and she said in an excited voice, "Yes, please!" Kiara quickly trotted over to Aeron, all of her anxiety forgotten over the promise of food. However she stopped her jaws just short of taking the meat. "Um... are you sure?" Kiara was not one to turn down food when offered, but she didn't want to seem rude.

Again, Kiara was asked more questions. Her head tilted as she thought some more, counting the vast number of puppies in Ichika. "Naryu has given birth to puppies, but I forget how many she had. Jace had four puppies and all of them are growing strong. Um, Shiloh found one puppy who is well, and she gave birth to more but... none of them survived." Kiara's face fell a little as she remember the horrible nightmare. Shiloh had been so heartbroken over her loss, as was Kiara. Her face soon picked up though as she remember the rest of Ichika. "Overall, everyone is fine I believe. The pack is strong and from what I have seen is growing stronger. We have had a lot of newcomers as well, although some of our brothers have left us for different packs." Kiara couldn't help but smile as she remembered meeting Aleo and Neela. They were both great friends and great canines. Kiara was proud of her pack, and it showed in her words and expressions.

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- Aeron Ganesa - 01-08-2012

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She lays down on the sidewalk
Never very analytical
She is something simply beautiful
Re-appear when you feel magical
WC :: +212 OOC ::

She sat there with her hand held out to the other. She watched as she moved closer but stopped before taking the meat. Aeron smiled a bit as she looked at her."I swear its fine She said as she looked at her. She listened though to everything she said about Ichika. There was so much to learn still though making friends was such a good start.

So many born this year to Ichika. That was wonderful though the loss of pups was not a good thing either. She tried to brush it off as she looked at her. That good and I'm sorry for the losses Ichika has had to deal with she stated trying to be as kind as possible.

Thoughts of her own dead son came to mind her face took on a frown. She hadn't realized that she wasn't focusing on the ichikian in front of her. "Oh sorry I was daydreaming I guess you could say She said as she looked back to her.

Aeron wasn't sure if the girl was a luperci or a true non effected one. Are you able to shift?" She asked looked at her. She just wasn't to gett to know why Amy wanted to attack her without traumatizing the Arctic female.

To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
Yeah you know we're gonna win again

Template by Revo Modifications by Nat and Marie <3


- Kiara Amarok - 01-08-2012


Word Count → 476

The snow wolf was spell bound. The succulent smell of meat made her practically drool, drawing her in closer and closer to the coyote. Once the final okay was given, she grabbed the meat up as faster than a speeding jackrabbit. Kiara's tail wagged furiously as she snapped at the meat, taking a few moments to adjust the piece before downing it in one gulp. Kiara licked her jaw quickly, her pink tongue running over the two incisors and her black lips. Thanks to the little piece offering Kiara was had completely relaxed. In her simple mind there was no way that someone who fed her was evil, and thus she placed her complete trust in Aeron. "Thank you."

Most would agree that the loss of pups was a sad occasion even if the pups belonged to another pack, yet Aeron seemed to take the loss to heart. Her face became downcast and her thoughts drifted far away. Her apology was sincere and kind. Kiara shook her head, indicating that she didn't mind the slight lapse. "I appreciate your condolences. It was a hard loss, but with so many puppies to keep us busy not many have had the luxury to dwell on it." The more time Kiara spent around Aeron, the more she liked the copper coyote. The arctic wolf was blissfully unaware of Aeron's abilities, but now that Kiara had decided she liked the woman, those things hardly mattered.

Aeron's next question was completely random and caught Kiara off-guard. Although it was well know inside the pack and among a few trusted individuals that Kiara was unable to shift, she never expected someone to have found out so quickly. The alabaster woman doubted that even Amy knew she wasn't infected with the virus. It wasn't a secret per say, but the snow wolf didn't walk around boasting about it either. Kiara's surprise was written all over her face and woven into her words as she was not one to hide her emotions. "Uh, yeah. I can't shift. I come from far up north where it is actually rare to find luperci. So, you can imagine my surprise when I get here and I'm the odd one out." She laughed a little, remembering how she had practically gapped at Razekiel. To her, the luperci were strange beings and there were times that she wished to be a luperci. However, Amy's attack had taken all of those thoughts out of her head. Kiara remembered being so scared of the chance she had become a luperci. Although she still envied them for their abilities, Kiara no longer wished to undergo the transformation.

"Just wondering, how did you know? I don't smell do I?" As if to answer her own question, Kiara twisted around to smell her own coat, wondering if she smelled different or just plain bad.

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- Aeron Ganesa - 01-08-2012

No table sorry 258 WC

Aeron watched not really knowing what to say the girl seemed so interested by the meat as she toyed with it for a few moments and even aeron couldn't help but smile as she watched the girl gulp it down in one movement. There were so many signs that told aeron what she need to know and that was ok with her.

She looked at her and smiled. Having so many puppies is a good thing I'm glad that not many have dwelled on the losses. She stated she had not really though about her son a lot. She tried not to let things bother her mind she was strong and Aeron was going to prove to Io that she was everything Io wanted. She loved Io and knew that Io loved her.

looking at her she smiled and laughed. No no you do not smell but most luperci shift and speak in the say form. you did not shift and I would if I didn't have stiches I feared ripping. she stated looking at her. Golden eyes just looking at her. So there were still few that chose not to be like the rest. A life choice for them but she didn't mind. She glanced at her bag and thought. I don't have many gifts left but I'd like to give you one for taking some time to face your fear and speak with me. She said.

She had jewlery and meat left some furs but really nothing she thought Kiara would like. She just wasn't sure.

- Kiara Amarok - 01-08-2012



Word Count → 262

Kiara was so focused on the meat she had been given she didn't even notice Aeron's amused face. Although she knew that luperci were different from regular wolves, she didn't realize that even her basic behavior was different. If she were a luperci, she might have saved the meat. But it was inconvenient to carry the meat all the way back to Trenton because it would tie up her mouth. So, she had chosen to simply eat it there and then. Not to mention the arctic wolf was not nearly patient enough to actually carry the meat ALL the way to trenton. It smelled far to enticing for such things.

The impromptu explanation of luperci behavior caught Kiara's attention. Despite the horror's Amy had committed against Kiara, it hadn't suppressed her fascination for the infected. The arctic wolf listened eagerly, drinking in all the information that Aeron was provided. It was doubtful however that Kiara would remember it all. To her the most fascinating point was that luperci couldn't shift when injured. It made sense when she thought about it. Kiara noticed Aeron staring at her and wondered what the coyote was thinking. She tipped her head to the side again, and stared back at the copper female.

The question about her form caught her off guard, but the offer for yet another gift threw the arctic wolf for a loop. "Oh, no that's alright. I'm fine with the meat you have already given me. I have had a lot of fun and I can't really give you anything in return. So...yeah."

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- Aeron Ganesa - 01-09-2012

230 WC

Aeron was not always a good coyote nor was she a good anything but today she had come to see that she could do good. She had helped a wolf who still suffered from shock of an attack that she couldn't even protect herself from. This had stired some issues up for Aeron.

Looking at her she stood and dusted off the snow. Well then I will come back when my arm is feeling better to help you with that confidence. she said smiling. She hated to see women so weak here and there were many that were not like the women back home.

She smiled a bit. Try not to sleep where one may step on you. She said . She pulled her cloak tight and waved. I'll come by to see you some time you take care of yourself until then. Enjoy all those puppies. she said as she continued the way she had been going. It seemed like Ichika was the land of Aeron meeting others. She found herself mulling over the thoughts of the yellow mutt.

She had attack a wolf for no reason that she knew of and the poor thing couldn't fight back that just wasn't fair. Maybe a bond between Ichika and Anathema was needed to help both packs and to help her gain more status among Anathema.