'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Down came a blackbird - Printable Version

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-11-2012


For Ariadne! Sorry, he ran away with me a little. ^^; :: Word Count → 774

After being here for a while, Drakien had decided he quite liked the ghost city. It had a number of brilliant treasures, just waiting to be dug up and hocked. He'd been rummaging for the better part of the day, having found a large bag--some sort of cylindrical shaped thing, nothing like the sacks he was used to, but it had been in a large store filled with metal-and-wood sticks--he recognized them as guns, which he'd only ever read about, but he'd been too wary to pick them up, let alone even think their name, even to himself--and other outdoors-men goods. He'd proceeded to go through the city and pick through everything, grabbing anything that looked relatively shiny or that might produce alcohol, or actually be alcohol, such as the bottle of "Jack Daniels" he'd found that had turned out to simply be better-brewed, if not quite as strong, Moonshine.

Now, on the edges of town well away from the crumbling buildings and eery streets, Drakien had built a small fire, and was setting his loot out before him beside it, glancing up at Breixo curiously to see what he thought of each item. There was a rather flashy necklace, with diamonds--he remembered importing them from Africa, and the jewelry that many European dogs wore incorporated precious stones such as those. He tucked that away in a hidden inside pocket of his cloak for now, running his fingers through the rest of it. Gold and silver rings, though when he tested them with his fingers, the gold didn't bend and break beneath his fingers; he estimated it to be around 14 karat, based on the rings he'd relatively demolished back in Russia; the best gold, he thought. It would fetch him a decent price, he supposed. It could be worn, after all, gold being a softer metal. Luperci had yet to make decent metal jewelry of their own, at least as far as he knew; most of the humans had taken their secrets with them, though he'd found an old book on the road that explained the rates gold had gone for back when the humans had been alive. It had taken a lot of questions, but he, and a few others from the caravan, had figured out the basics--pure gold didn't make good jewelry, was relatively useless, and could be molded easily with only a warm hand. The book had explained the concept of the "karat", but the most Drakien had gotten out of the lesson was that humans would pay more for more gold, and an estimation of about half, or 14 karats, was best.

The silver was relatively the same, all good jewelry--he could probably use it to bribe people, or save it for when he got a mate...pretty things for a pretty mate, he'd learned, would just about buy him out of any punishment. He swept the things back up into his new bag, taking a few of the finer pieces and stashing them strategically on his person and throughout his other things. If he were robbed, there was no way they'd get everything, and he realized he'd have to get a journal like the elders had kept and keep a log of everything he had just to make sure he didn't get robbed. Then he turned back to the rest of his loot. With all the pretties stashed away, there was very little left; a few old books he'd found that looked promising, if a little water-logged, two and one-half bottles of the Jack Daniels he'd found so delightful--so delightful he'd looted the rest of the town drunk, drinking a few mouthfuls whenever he began to sober up and thus losing half a bottle--and some clothes. Those he found particularly useful; it wasn't his style to run around naked, and wearing the same shirt and pants for the last few months had brought him to somewhat despise his lack of a change of clothes. He'd even gotten lucky and managed to find, if not silk like his current shirt, at least a soft, smooth blend of the stuff, and colorful, at that, something he absolutely adored. The jeans, denim if he wasn't mistaken, were also welcome, and he packed them away with a little grin that belied the fact he was still somewhat drunk, flying high on his successes.

Moments later, he'd taken out his lute, and his careless strumming soon turned into much more than banging on the instrument, as a song fell from his fingertips and his drunken singing filled the area.

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- Ariadne - 01-11-2012


Word Count → 379 :: No worries! Smile Assumed he was probably singing in Russian, but I can fix if I was mistaken

The Greek woman had been here in the city for about a week now and she was starting to know it's spider-web layout better and better. Of course, that still didn't make her quite pleased with her situation; thoughts of torturing Damianos still flitted frequently through her mind. But for whatever else she was, Ariadne was a survivor and always tried to make the best of even the shittiest situations. At least she had fallen in to an acceptable arrangement right off the bat. Barrett had not only proven a good lay, but had offered her a place to stay as well. She hadn't really gotten to know the other housemates that shared the compound well yet, but if Barrett thought they were worth his time she was inclined to trust the wolf's judgement.

Today though, she had woken feeling particularly lonesome for the ship and Mother Greece. Ari had grabbed one of her precious few bottles of ouzo (at least Damianos had left her that small kindness) and had headed out to wander the city on her own. This Halifax must have been quite the sight in its prime, she thought as she took small swigs of the anise-flavored drink. It was still something to behold now, she supposed, even if the picture was more than a little desolate and sad. Nothing would ever compare to the beauty of Crete though. Ariadne had been to many amazing places, but nothing would ever outdo her home.

Soon a distraction reached her ears though as the sound of a lute and singing came wafting through the dusty air. Intrigued, the Cretan followed the sound. As she grew closer she was able to pick up on the language: Russian. It was not a tongue she was completely fluent in, but she surely knew enough to get by. It seemed she was not the only soul in this place to be far from home. When she finally made her way to the minstrel a toothy grin lit up her slender face. "Поздравления, товарищ!" she said, throwing out her arms. Ari remembered the human Russians had called each other that at some point in history. Who knew if the canines there now did the same, but what the hell, why not give it a shot?

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-11-2012


Nope, you're right! ^^ :: Word Count → 337

He'd barely made it half-way through the song when Breixo began snorting and stomping his feet, warning Drakien that someone was in the area. He paused to listen, his fingers stilling on the lute though the last note he'd played echoed in the still air. Only a moment later, someone came forward, and he saw by the light of the fire a woman. He didn't have much more to observe about her before she threw her arms open and greeted him in Russian, and a wild grin crossed his lips, though he did not move to greet her as he might have someone who'd proven Romani.

"A vam , tovarishch." He gave a little half-bow, and picked up his lazy strumming again, not going back to the song but rather simply plucking the strings in whatever mixture of melodies suited his mood. "Pozhaluĭsta , prikhodite posidetʹ u kostra pogretʹsya ." He gestured with a nod of his head to the spot open on the other side of his small camp, though really there weren't any seats taken, and he'd welcome her sitting beside him just as well as across the fire. Breixo from behind him snorted, and folded his legs beneath him, turning his face away haughtily. Drakien ignored him, nodding his head gently to the music flowing from his fingers, and then began singing softly again, mostly nonsensical words that could, if one were listening closely, be strung together into a sort of ballad. His hands of their own volition began plucking the melody to another old song, and he flowed from his warm-up to the performance, before glancing up at her and grinning. "Vyvtoroĭ ya vstrechalsya , kto govoritna rodnom yazyke na moem puti." He complimented, and then added, mostly as an after-thought, "Etozamechatelʹnaya veshchʹ , kak ya yeshche ne vy·uchil angliĭskiĭ yazyk."

He finished his song and then set the lute aside, and rested his arms on his knees, his eyes shining. "YA Drakien Laska . Priyatno s vami poznakomitʹsya."

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- Ariadne - 01-14-2012


Word Count → 271 ::

Vaguely Ari was aware that the man was not completely alone—he had a horse with him. Equines were not something the Cretan paid much attention to aside from to admire their ascetic beauty. She was a sailor and horses and the sea simply did not mix. Even if the wolf hadn't immediately greeted her with a returned grin she was certain she could have made herself welcome at his fire after a bit of smooth talk, that was a gift of her's after all. Thankfully her tact had worked and he was simply happy to meet someone who spoke his tongue. He invited her to take a seat and she returned his half bow in kindness. "Моя благодарность за вашу доброту," she said before plopping herself down next to him. Ariadne preferred to feel the heat of other bodies close to her, no matter the situation.

The wolf continued to pluck the strings of his instrument and sing softly in Russian and the hybrid woman took another pull from the bottle, eyes closed momentarily as the sharp heat slid down into her stomach. Molten gold orbs opened lazily back up as he spoke again, training on his face. "Mmmm...Мать к Вам, но не ко мне. Моя Мать - гордая Греция." Her accent was becoming heavier as the ouzo seeped wonderfully into her bloodstream. "Английский...это не настолько твердо. Я мог помочь преподавать Вам." She was lucky languages came so easily to her, she knew many did not share that talent.

As he gave her his name, she shot him another winning smile. "Почему мы не начинаем теперь, да? I am Ariadne, Drakien, and the pleasure is all mine." Loathe as she was to share her precious ouzo, she held out the bottle in offering. "Care to try a Grecian's Mother's Milk?"

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-14-2012


OOC here! :: Word Count → 645

Drakien bent his head graciously as she gave her thanks, and then sank down beside him, close enough that he could feel the heat radiating from her body, just as he could from Breixo resting behind him. He smiled warmly at her, and then set his lute aside, feeling it was somewhat impolite to focus on something else when he had a house guest. And she was a house guest, even if he didn't exactly have a house, or even a vardos, a wagon that he could make into a living space, in which to invite her into. The fire was his home now, and wherever it was built, the warm glow cast around it was his living space; even now, within the faint edges of light cast from the sputtering flames, one could see his bags, settled in various places still within reach of where he sat, and along one unoccupied side of the campsite, his long cloak, and the various other sleeping furs he'd obtained, were already set up to make his bed, with the skull Cai had gifted to him resting up above them.

He paused and looked at her, raising a brow curiously at her admission. He'd been to Greece in passing, as he'd been to many places across Europe, but the city he'd been to had preferred to trade with their own people than a rag-tag band of Romani. Of course, that was most likely because a few of the families among the caravan had also stolen several newborns for the Daciano, a group that bought and sold children for purposes Drakien had never quite understood, himself. He could understand why some people wouldn't want to deal with them after some of their own went missing.

"Ekh , matʹ ... ona ne tak mnogo dlya menya materʹyu , libo." He admitted, and eyed the bottle she drank out of curiously. He was more polite than to ask for a drink, though, and he'd been drinking all day, so he only went on, "YA vzyal natsyganskom naslediya v molodom vozraste. Tsygane moya semʹya syeĭchas." He brushed a hand through his long mane, and then smiled a bit at her offer. "I would be very much appreciative." He said, revealing that he was not so terrible at English as he'd led her to believe. "I have mostly mastered the language, it is only being some of the sentences that are confusing me." He admitted, and then paused to eye the bottle she held out to him.

After a moment, he took the bottle carefully, holding it up to his nose to sniff and then taking a cautious sip. It wasn't bad, rather like molten honey sliding down his throat and settling like a warm fire in his belly. He handed the bottle back, leaning back against Breixo behind him.

"It is very good," He said, and then leaned over toward his bag and pulled out the shining silver flask half-filled with gypsy Moonshine. He had a limited supply, but he doubted she didn't, so it was only right he share his stash, as well. "How would you like to try Romani quicksilver, Ariadne?" He offered her a devilish smirk, unscrewing the cap and taking the first drink, as was custom among the caravan, before handing it over, shuddering as the warm golden fire in his stomach was quickly overtaken by the feeling of pure, unadulterated lightning in a bottle. He would have gagged, had he not been so accustomed to the feeling of being hit quite suddenly by a large amount of alcohol, and he could feel the drink already setting in on him. You never needed more than a few mouthfuls of Moonshine; any more than that, and it was very likely that you would pass out and not wake.

He'd make sure that didn't happen, though. Not tonight.

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- Ariadne - 01-20-2012


Word Count → 359 ::

Russia was not really his mother either? Well wasn't that curious. He certainly sounded like a Russian to her tall ears. Then he explained that he was in fact a gypsy, or Romani. Well, Ariadne had met her fair share of them as well, though she had never quite gotten the hang of their language. They were usually a fairly secretive group and even when they traded had often not spoken in their own tongue. Not to her and her crew, at least. "Ах, я вижу. Я торговал с Romani прежде во многих случаях. Я воздействовал на торговую гранку из Острова Крит, который Вы видите. Это - пока этот ублюдок не переплел меня здесь." The last words stained her visage momentarily with a glower and the fire of rage she held towards Damianos sparked momentarily in her golden eyes before disappearing just as quickly.

Drakien accepted her offer of the ouzo, and showed that he actually did know some English. In fact, she was quite impressed with how well he spoke it. "Very good! You'll get the rest of it in no time—seems to be the language most speak here. I'm lucky I have a gift for tongues and learned so many working on the ship. Else I'm sure I'd be completely and totally fucked." If she didn't know English she might very well have become a whore so as to keep herself alive. Damianos would have loved that, and it would have broken Kalypso's heart. That smarmy bastard would get his though, sooner or later...

The wolf took a modest sip of her ouzo before handing it back to her. "Mmmm yes, it is simply the best. To my tastes anyway." Nothing went down quite so smooth except for water. She would be so horribly dismayed whenever she ran out of the ambrosial liquor. Drakien then surprised her by offering his own specialty. Very intrigued, Ari took the proffered flask. "I would love to," she said with a smirk. The Cretan hybrid took a shot of the moonshine and felt it's fire explode down her throat into her stomach. "Damn! That's some strong shit!" she said, her words followed by a melodic laugh. She'd already been feeling pretty good with the sips of ouzo she'd been taking, but that moonshine had gone straight to her head.

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-20-2012


OOC here! :: Word Count → 439

Drakien raised a cool brow at Ariadne's admission, feeling a snarl cross his features briefly. Someone had stranded her here? That explained something of why she would leave such a loving country as Greece seemed to be, especially if she'd been a merchant; he could only shake his head in shame at the behavior of some males, and brush a hand through his mane, frowning. He would have apologized, to show his sympathy, but that simply wasn't the way he worked; so instead he leaned back and stretched his legs out, gazing up into the smoke rising from the fire thoughtfully. "Yesli by on roma, etot chelovek byl by surovo nakazany ." He mused, glancing back at her with a malicious little shine in his eye. He could just imagine what would have been done to him, had he let a personal grudge get in the way of the good of the caravan.

It made him shudder to think about it.

Drakien nearly coughed the ouze back up at her choice of words, a little grin crossing his face though he had to assume she wasn't joking. He could only imagine the trouble he'd have been in if he didn't know any English at all, and could easily relate to the situation she might have been in. Though he would most probably have resorted to thievery, which would ultimately have ended in his death. "The locals seem friendly enough," He said, to draw his own thoughts and hers from the darker things that could have been. "I am certain they would help foreigner like us, no?"

Drakien's grin was rather feral as she reacted to the moonshine, taking the flask back and carefully capping it. There was still a little under half a flask left in there, and he would save it as best he could, despite having four others. He smiled at her declaration, and nodded in agreement, tucking the bottle away. "It is indeed. Not meant for long revelry; only few sips at a time." He explained, and ran a hand over his face, feeling the alcohol settling into his stomach and clouding his mind again. He let a lazy smile cross his face, and leaned back again, only to sit up and rest his elbows on his knees, propping his head in his hands. "Zeita au milă, but I have drunk too much!" He laughed, the Romani prayer coming out unbidden as he closed his eyes to keep the world from spinning.

Perhaps having a sip of Moonshine after drinking whiskey all day had been a bad idea, but damned if it didn't make him feel good.

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- Ariadne - 01-20-2012


Word Count → 387 :: Feel free to steer this back out of mature waters if you want, it's just what Ari does lol XD

It was nice to see Drakien react with disgust at the situation she had been unwillingly put into. It wasn't any surprise though, a Romani would certainly understand the severe breach of conduct that Damianos had committed when he had gotten her drunk here and then left her. The one thing that continued to bother her more than anything was how the prick had convinced the rest of the crew to pick up and leave her behind. Ariadne chuckled darkly at Drakien's words. "Если боги будут хороши, то он будет. Другой рукой, если не мое собственное." If the crew discovered his deception he surely would be punished...wouldn't he? Though admittedly she hoped that she could serve her revenge upon him herself. The hybrid snorted softly before taking another swig of her ouzo.

The wolf seemed a bit shocked by her words, but they were true. If there was one thing she was good at, it was carnal pleasures. Ari had been raised to avoid that profession though. While she respected prostitutes, indeed had been raised by them, calling her a whore was a sure way to anger her. She slept around, but she didn't take money for her services. She did the things she did because she wanted to do them. There was a huge difference. "Yes, everyone I've met has been quite friendly. I'm actually shacking up in a place not far from here that belongs to a wolf. I met him after I was stranded and he was kind enough to offer me a place to stay." Barrett actually seemed to have unwittingly collected a bunch of throw-aways. It was somewhat amusing, really.

The moonshine had been a shock to her system, but not an unpleasant one. For a female her size, she could handle booze exceptionally well. That Romani stuff though, that was no joke. "Clearly. A few more shots of that and I'd be passed out," she said with another chuckle. Drakien stretched himself out before popping back up and professing he had imbibed too much already. Ari giggled and she scooted a bit closer to the wolf, chocolate dipped fingers tracing the muscles of his arm. "You can never have too much of a good thing." The Cretan actually believed this. She was, at her core, a hedonist. Life was about having fun, and she liked to grab any opportunity that came her way.

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-24-2012


Sorry about the wait on this! xD :: Word Count → 431

Drakien couldn't help but chuckle darkly at her words, thinking to himself that, yes, this man--whoever he was--would no doubt be punished quite severely, for the gods were indeed good. When they knew who to punish, anyway; a few words said over a fire might help things along in that area, but it wasn't really his place to help in that way, so he simply nodded and let it go, supposing that she would want to find and punish him one day on her own. At the mention of her living in a place not far from where they were, he raised his brows, glancing about curiously for a moment before returning his attention to her. She didn't smell as though she belonged to a pack, and the only place nearby was Halifax, which he'd been told only that morning belonged to no one; it was a rather curious admission, but he didn't think too much on it, only smiling and nodding along. "That is good to hear. I have been met with kindness, myself, though not offered a place to stay." He admitted, and then looked about for his flask as she took another drink of her own bottle, deciding a bit more Moonshine wouldn't hurt. "Not so much a problem for me, that is; I do not mind wandering." For the moment, at least.

She scooted closer as he confessed he'd had too much already, and he chuckled, barely feeling the fingers tracing his arm as he leaned more heavily on the other elbow, turning to look at her through half-lidded eyes. In his other hand the flask dangled, and he considered it, even as he admitted, "Oh, I would, as well. It is the waking up that would be a problem." With a little laugh. He was no light-weight when it came to booze, but it was common knowledge, at least among the caravan, that there could be too much of a good thing; the Moonshine, especially, was known among the revelers as a kind of poison, the sort that, when drunk too much, would put you into a deep slumber you simply wouldn't wake up from. A close friend of his had fallen under its spell shortly after he'd joined the caravan in the more officially permanent sense, and since then Drakien had learned that moderation was key.

He took another small sip and then set it aside for good, with a little chuckle at her outlook. "Too much is never too much, eh?" He winked, a devilish grin flashing across his face.

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- Ariadne - 01-25-2012


Word Count → 417 :: No worries!

Perhaps she should start making sacrifices so Damianos would be sure to get his just desserts. The question was though, which in the Greek pantheon of gods would be best to implore help from? She was a bit too tipsy to consider that question fully at the moment, but surely her mind would return there again. It was doubtful her revenge would ever be too far removed from her thoughts. Hades had no fury like a woman screwed over. Even if the rest of the crew was too stupid to realize his deception, the next time they went back to Crete he'd surely be discovered. The women of the docks would know his crime the moment he uttered whatever deception he had come up with. Her surrogate mothers and sisters would tear him apart—and not in the nice way. The thought made her smile.

The Grecian nodded at Drakien's words. She wouldn't mind wandering either so much, the problem was she was used to wandering over water, not land. "Yes, it's in your blood, no? Mine too, to an extent, but I'm unaccustomed to wandering over land. You're lucky you have your horse and know how to handle the beast. I've just got my own two feet, at the moment." She was hardly a delicate flower, but seeing as she never shifted out of her two-legged form, walking long distances was wearisome. For the moment she was content at Hillsburn though.

Ariadne was no stranger to the hangovers the wolf hinted at. The last time she had woken up after passing out was when she had awoken to find herself abandoned here. Definitely the worst "morning after" that she had ever had the displeasure to experience. That hadn't been so much from imbibing though. A hangover had never really been much of a deterrent for her. "Mmmm, the last time I woke up from some good old liquored fun was when I found myself abandoned here. I'm sure you wouldn't be so unkind to me Drakien," she said as a cocoa finger poked his chest.

Gold eyes glimmered in reflection of the firelight. "We were put on this mortal plane to live life, were we not? Why pass up an opportunity to have fun and feel good?" Her finger began to trace lazy circles on his broad chest. Barrett had gotten the blunt side of her seduction, with the Romani she was taking a more traditional approach. After all, what was more traditional the alcohol-fueled debauchery?

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-25-2012


OOC here! :: Word Count → 412

"Yes, it is in both our blood." He agreed with a little smile, patting Breixo's rump to indicate the horse. A pale ear flicked back to listen to their conversation, and then the stallion snorted, returning to his nap. Drakien chuckled fondly, remembering the first time he'd been gifted the Gypsy Vanner. It had been the first gift Baba had given him, the first sign that he was truly one of them; it had made him feel welcome. Of course, the cloak had been from her as well, and made him feel just as loved, but nothing truly compared to having a steed as grand and gallant as the other Romani in the caravan. It made him feel like a part of them; one of the group. And, individuality aside, it felt good to be a part of something.

At her mention of roaming the seas, he couldn't help but shudder a little, shaking his head with a wry grin. "Ah, not for me, friend! The sea is too harsh a mistress." He admitted, remembering the long weeks spent being tossed about on the deck of a ship, sea-sick and dizzy. The ground wasn't supposed to move in such a way, and he knew many a man who agreed with him; but he'd never have gotten this far without those waters, so he supposed he also held a grudging sort of respect for those who'd mastered them.

Drakien barked a laugh as Ariadne spoke, and then shook his head, his smile quite sincere even as he eyed the finger tracing across his chest, not entirely sure what it was doing there. They seemed to have gotten very comfortable very quickly; but then, he didn't really mind so much. "No, I would not be." He agreed, and then flashed a devilish grin and added, "I would leave where you could find own way back!" He was kidding, of course, but it brought up the fond memories of being left that way the first night he'd tried to get lucky with one of the women in the caravan. She'd left him with nothing but a note telling him where the caravan was spending the winter months, and he'd been left trying to catch up to them for nearly a month. Quite amusing, actually. He hadn't tried again.

He thought that was rather the point, though. It taught him to have more respect for women, at least the ones cunning enough to know better.

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- Ariadne - 01-25-2012


Word Count → 355 ::

The dog hybrid knew that strong bonds could form between canines and horses, but it was something she had never even entertained the idea of. She belonged on the deck of a ship, not on the back of a horse. Maybe if she truly was stuck in this place now though she might have to change her opinions. Even so it was a bit hard to imagine herself riding one of the large animals. Not only was she a sailor but before her life had taken out to sea she was an islander, and Crete did not have a very large population of horses. They were mostly an unknown entity to her, which was probably why she was so hesitant to think of herself with one. Plus it'd be another step away from the life she had before.

"Pah!" she said and waved a slim hand in the air dismissively. A few good sacrifices to Poseidon and you're as good as gold. The gods just want their dues, as do we all." The ocean had never frightened her in the least. Perhaps that was simply part of growing up on an island though. A life on a boat certainly wasn't for everyone, but to her it had been exhilarating. Few things could compare to the kiss of sea spray on your face.

Drakien let out a rough laugh and Ari smirked at the sound. She liked a good, strong man. A manly man. At his joke she let out her own bout of laughter. "Oh, that is a good one." A man with a good sense of humor, that was another trait to be valued. That was one of Damianos' problems. He took himself far too seriously. He had known her reputation going into their tryst—she had done nothing out of the ordinary for her. But Mr. Privileged could hardly believe a woman would not want to be his. Stupid, uptight prick.

Ariadne stretched herself languorously like a cat before a hand came to rest on the gypsy's thigh. Gold eyes looked up towards his face through dark lashes, an unspoken question behind them.

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-25-2012


Crap post, sorry. xD; :: Word Count → 374

Drakien raised a brow as she waved off his concerns about sea-fairing life, shaking his head with a little chuckle. He understood all about sacrificing to the gods, but unlike what seemed to be the case with her own, there was no retribution from his own deities if you didn't, or couldn't, afford to make such sacrifices. Of course they wanted what was due to them, but it should be a give and take between the gods; not a give or take. Still, he couldn't argue with her beliefs, and merely rolled his shoulder, which could have meant anything, really. He supposed, if he ever bought passage back to the Old World, that he would first have to pay this Poseidon for safe passage. Honestly, without that payment, it had been a very close call.

He took a moment to enjoy her laugh before he joined in, shaking his head slightly in amusement. He might have preferred being left somewhere he wouldn't have found them, that time he'd been abandoned--it would have given him the courage, or at least the outrage, to return to his father--but when all was said and done, he was glad they didn't. Drakien couldn't help but wish someone had had that sort of consideration for his new-found companion; at least to leave her on the same side of the world, for God's sake! He didn't particularly like the man who'd done this to her, or the crew he'd convinced to leave her behind, however unintentional the abandonment had been on their part. Among the caravan, someone would have come to make certain before they left.

He was drawn from his thoughts at her feline stretch, and then her hand came to rest on his thigh, drawing his gaze down to the appendage curiously before it rose again to meet her eyes. There was a question in her gilded look, and he blinked at her hazily, not quite understanding, before a feral grin spread across his face and he rolled his shoulder in a shrug--she could do whatever she wished to him, if that was what she truly wanted. And it seemed to be, from the way she'd been creeping steadily closer throughout their encounter.

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- Ariadne - 01-27-2012


Word Count → 330 :: Probably should throw an M tag on here now lol

She couldn't say what gods Drakien might have followed, but her gods were a fickle bunch. There was none of that all-knowing, all-powerful, all-forgiving nonsense. The gods of her world were really not all that far removed from the mortals they presided over. They had their vices and their tempers. Most of the time they didn't even get along with each other. One just had to look at Zeus and Hera to see how sour the immortals could be to their own kind. That pair also served the example of the problems of believing in monogamy, as far as Ari was concerned as well. Try and give yourself to just one person and you'd end up making the both of you miserable.

There had been times she had thought—hoped—that this was all some sick prank that Damianos was playing on her. Thing was, to play pranks one needed a sense of humor, a thing as she had thought before that bastard decidedly lacked. Nope, the galley would not be coming back for her unless the rest of the crew discovered his deception. And even if they did, the question of when was also integral. If they didn't find out until they were far back into the Atlantic, or worse, back home in Crete, it would be months before they could even return here.

At first Drakien seemed perplexed by her actions, but she knew he had caught the drift when that large grin spread across his face. He didn't seem particularly eager to take any further action himself, but that was fine by her. After a few minutes of her attention she had no doubt he'd be just as interested as she was. With surprising agility and quickness, she positioned her body between his legs. Slender muzzle came up to the corner of his jaw where she nipped him playfully. One dark gloved hand rested on his chest for a moment before slowly, tantalizing traveling down his abdomen.

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-29-2012


I dunno if we still need the M now...but um, lemme know if you wanna keep going after this! (sorry it sucks. :x):: Word Count → 188

Their conversation was fairly innocent, if somewhat disconcerting, and he found himself disoriented when she was suddenly between his legs. Her hands were doing rather pleasant things to his abdomen, though, and Drakien simply settled back to enjoy it, his hands coming up to rest on her trim waist and a low growl building in his throat. It had been a long time, at least since he'd been with a woman; there had been plenty of men on the ship, but no women, and he'd grown accustomed to rougher hands touching him than hers. It was a nice change of pace, to say the least.

He thought very little after that, as she worked her magic on him and he faded in and out of coherence. There were a few moments of regret, thinking he should perhaps treat the woman better than this, as he would no doubt be gone by morning; but she was the one who'd come on to him, and he couldn't feel too terribly about that. After a while, he didn't feel badly at all; there were too many better feelings in the way.

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