'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
One foot after the other - Printable Version

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- Regner Vilhelmsen - 01-15-2012


Fore Dated to the 16th

Word Count :: +516

Regner's breath congealed into a heavy mist that hung before him in the brisk morning air, his powerful lungs expelling a massive cloud of the stuff, almost clouding his vision if he did not keep moving fast enough or aim his breath downwards. From behind him a smaller burst of mist tickled his ear, just breaking into his vision in the corner of his eye. Adelle was seated behind him, alternating between hanging on his shoulder and resting in his hood, which he was wearing down for the purpose.

It was a common came played with Broderskab children, designed to help them build up climbing strength and, listening to the giggles and disjointed Danish that floated into his ears in Adelle's sweet puppy voice, she was enjoying climbing all over her grandfather.

Regner was in the city to search for and gather medical supplies. While the Ichikan wolf he had met had already had a look at the wound on his shoulder, a long cut gained fighting a cougar, a worthy addition to his body in Regner's opinion, a lifetime of healing and witnessing what happened when something healed wrong had left Regner leery of leaving his healing entirely to the work of somebody else, a mix of professional pride and paranoia.

While Regner did have a small pouch of medical supplies and some valuable human bandages the hulking hybrid had this valuable bundle tucked away inside his cloak, silently marked as a backup for if Adelle was hurt. While he was unlikely to find comparable supplies with a quick sweep of the city he should be able to find some reasonably clean cloth to make some bandages for himself.

Still he wasn't in any particular hurry. The wound wasn't particularly painful or debilitating, with his thick fur he could barely see it anymore, relying on a bloodstain in the golden fur it passed over to locate it, and he was enjoying the walk through the human city so far. Cities were something that the Broderskab generally stayed away from, a combination of many of the wilderness born and bred hybrids finding the surroundings unusual and dislike of the more civilised Luperci that often dwelled within but Regner personally found them fascinating and, even better, the city of Halifax didn’t have a dedicated large population like many others did.

A yip from above caught his attention. While he was distracted in his thoughts Adelle had climbed up the back of his head and was currently perched between his ears, pointing her nose towards a side street as her high pitched voice drifted down to him, "Den made!" Regner gave a chuckle and called back upwards, his deep, gravelly voice holding an indulgent tone mixed with amusement, "Som de ønsker Prinsesse"

And so the two made his way through the city, Regner's search for supplies temporarily abandoned in favour of Adelle's game, the small pup leading her large steed down the myriad of roads and alleyways that littered the city, high pitched laughter filtering high into the morning air.

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