'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
a little adventure never hurt - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: a little adventure never hurt (/showthread.php?tid=24504)

- Xahria Castro - 01-19-2012


First thread. Hope you enjoy reading. =). -- wc: 462

The time she had spent traveling was not long, but even now she grew tired of trotting in her optime form everywhere. The sights were beautiful, yes. Stopping to stare at every little thing, however, was not close to any of her interests. Xahria sighed, and slowly removed her backpack and bow and arrow. They slide off together, but, her weapon was easy to remove from her back without the other item getting in the way. Taking a look around, the female tried hard to keep her current surroundings in mind for a later time. Then the canine proceeded to remove her simple clothing. When she first took off her hoodie, a small gasp came with shock of the same amount. It had been long since she felt the feeling of bareness, at the removal of clothing. In fact, she wasn't sure the last time she had felt it. But yes, it seemed as though Xahria had been in the form so long her body and gone accustomed to the cloth.

Ignoring it after a few seconds, the female stuffed her clothing into her, before empty, backpack. The item that carried others was not small, and she could fit quite a bit in there at the moment. But alas, she had nothing. Xahria would surely come across useful things in her travels, and looked forward to the day where there were various supplies in her backpack. The Luperci knew it wasn't exactly the best to hope for this, it would only bring more weight on her, but, still. Once she finished stuffing the clothing into there, she flung it on her back again. Then, put her weapon back on her back, also. Quite obvious, but Xahria knew it was best to do this beforehand, as it could be rather difficult to put the two on while in a (half, if secui) feral form.

Then, she changed. Though because she was bred a Luperci, she could shift faster than the ones not, Xahria was not in a rush. Her form went slowly into her fastest form. Secui. The straps to her back stretched slightly at the added muscle, but did not break, as usual for her. After her relaxed transformation, she headed onward. At first, the canine trotted for a few seconds, then slowed down to a walk. Though her back feet ached slightly by now, she was not weak, and could withstand it for now. In fact, Xahria frowned a bit at others that took frequent breaks during travel. Sure, it was okay for first time travelers, but, for experienced ones...why? Perhaps, it was to avoid health or stress, but she'd never know, since the female didn't have any problems of the sort. Or, none that she actually acknowledged, that is.

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Thanks to Sie for her template, and Iguanajo for the editable photo.


- Jiva Takekuro - 01-20-2012

<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Frijole);</style>Jiva Takekuro
Word Count :: 396
OOC: I hope you don't mind me bringing Jiva in! He's in his lupus form, no clothes or anything on his back, but he does have his faux hawk so he is funny looking wolf :3

Jiva had been inside the Nova Scotia lands for a few days now and he wasn’t regretting it, though he knew that he was not going to stay in his old pack. He was finished moving bout the southern end of the peninsula for now and he was headed back north, he heard there had been a few pack formations up that way. Ones he hadn’t known about, even when he was living in Cour des Miracles. The wolf had ran for a while that day and was soon rather tired. He stopped to find himself in a spot he didn’t really think he should be corresponding to where he wanted to be. That mattered little, it wasn’t like he was pressed for time, and looking around him he grinned. He was still a pup after all and all...this...snow! Barking out loud he jumped and dived, rolling onto his back and letting the snow compress under him. He was quite amused by this, and wasn’t one bit embarrassed by it. He was still a pup and he still had to play even on his own. Getting back to his feet he did a few dashes before starting to dig in the snow with his nose, feeling the cold wet stuff around it. Sniffing a few times, but continuing on he found that when he pushed his nose to the snow it tended to melt a bit.

Jiva was new to the snow. Being born in April he had seen the tail end of it at his infancy. So when he saw it for the first time he was shocked, and was quite scared of it. He had to learn on his own that it was a natural part of the earth, and it even snowed in Nova Scotia. He had been shocked when he saw it for the first time, but now it was stupid to think it snowed elsewhere but not here. He continued bounding through the snow, carefree and happy as he could be, not knowing that he was near two packs that were rather dangerous, one notorious for hating wolves. Another where many other wolves had disappeared at. The rumors had not hit him and he either would find out the hard way or otherwise but for now, he was to have a bit of fun in the snow.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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Table made by Kitty!

- Xahria Castro - 01-20-2012


I don't mind at all! Thanks for joining! -- wc: 427

New to this land she was, and the female didn't have much information gathered on it. Even then, however, Xahria was very much used to snow, in fact a little tired of it, and she had only seen two cycles pass by her. From where she was from, snow was not uncommon, even though, not unlike any other land, it was mostly in the time of winter season. Like now. Clothing helped, yes, but all of her forms carried a plentiful amount of fur, obvious for her species of canine. Her eyelids dropped in annoyance. Snow had been fun as a pup, but now, it drove her insane. Xahria much preferred warm temperatures, but it wasn't like she could change nature for the supposed better.

After a few more seconds of padding through the terrain, she went into thought. Her body, or her mind, was not the least bit exhausted, but in truth she was extremely bored - what was that? Her head spun around at the sound of steps, much too light and even a little bit too quick to be her's. Pausing in her own stride - she searched for the sound. No such luck. Widened eyes reverted to their previous state, and Xahria shrugged her furry shoulders. Though before she could even continue, a bark sounded. Okay, now the female had to investigate.

A small growl rumbled in her throat, but only of pure irritation rather than prepared aggression. She fast trotted to where the racket was coming from, and it wasn't long until her eyes laid upon a wolf - wait, no. It only took moments to signify this was not a pure species of wolf. Xahria frowned...well, more than before, at least. She'd never encountered a wolfdog before, but had learned of their existence. This sure looked like a description of them, which she had heard. Mostly from crazy old coots.

It didn't appear to be one of the abilities of shift, but the strange mane style of the obviously younger canine made it apparent he'd had contact with them. Her posture lowered, but not to the point of any kind of submission - her expression made that clear. "If you're going to be immature, why not do it quietly, so you don't alarm others?" Right, so maybe to others, that wouldn't be the best first impression, especially since Xahria's tone carried no hint of amusement whatsoever. But, it wasn't like she cared what the other thought of her. They'd probably never meet again, anyway, if they brought their names to the table at all.

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Thanks to Sie for her template, and Iguanajo for the editable photo.


- Jiva Takekuro - 01-22-2012

<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Frijole);</style>Jiva Takekuro
Word Count :: 372
OOC: Sorry this was a bad reply Sad

Jiva had been having too much fun, and though he was a pampered wolf, he was also aware of dangers, but being his young self, he didn’t always think of the worst things that could possibly happen. So he didn’t pay any heed to the form that came over to him, it wasn’t until the woman spoke that he froze in mid flight, sending himself into a belly flop onto the snow. It hurt but he did his best to mask that pain as he stood on all fours, his ears pricked up. Though her tone and her words brought slight annoyance to his own feelings, and his voice as he spoke.

“Seeing as there weren’t others around before I got here, I didn’t think it would matter.”

His ears went half mast, quite curious of the new wolf, or was it a wolf? Yes she didn’t show any signs of a coyote in her, or even those fabled Jackals. Blinking a little he wagged his tail, showing her he wasn’t threatening at all, but he was sure if he had to, he would do his best to protect himself. He wanted to know more about her. To him making a new friend was like a human finding a piece of gold. Well he heard humans like gold; a lot, so he would get over his annoyance and play nice.

“I’m Jiva Takekuro by the way.”

The man introduced himself, it was polite, at least he thought so, even if she turned her back on him now he would know he hadn’t been entirely rude to the wolf woman. He had been taught at a young age to introduce himself, that way his friends would not have to struggle with a name to call him before asking for his name. He had learned a long time ago that wasn’t the case for everyone he met. A few wolves he met turned their backs on him and just walked away. He hoped this wasn’t the case. The young man despirately needed friends around here, he hadn’t made many as a pup, and he didn’t know why because there were many pups in his pack.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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Table made by Kitty!

- Xahria Castro - 01-23-2012


Aw, no. I liked it. ^_^. Sorry there's not a lot to reply to, here. -- wc: 316

This pup was far from the mature side, she'd picked up on this for certain in moments. She chose not to comment though, until he spoke up again. Introducing himself? Well, this wouldn't be just a minute conversation then. Darn. Though, canine tradition got the better of her, and she found herself giving her name, also. "Xahria." The female wouldn't give the other her last name, she wouldn't want anyone knowing she was not from this land, anyhow. Because that might bring up the possibility the canine needed help traveling around, with her sense of direction. And the way Xahria saw it, she most certainly did not need help. Even if she did get lost sometimes.

Though the luperci did not turn her back, she did move her body to the side, though kept her view on the male wolfdog before her. Yes, the way he had talked was a bit polite, but the woman had no intention of showing that sort of kindness back. She hated pups. Well, there was a fine line between an annoying pup, and a sweet one. And normally the sweet ones were much younger, those she had a bit of a soft spot for. Not, that she would ever admit that. "Now if you're done, I've got to get on my way now." She told him, trying to end it there. Hopefully, it would end there. She turned her form all the way around, heading off.

However, her tracks were slow, and lagged. Xahria was tired, but she had much more daylight to see through of wandering before she could settle down in some shelter. Jiva Takekuro. To her, it was a strange name, but really Xahria Castro was not exactly a whole lot better. She couldn't help but part her muzzle in a lengthy, gruff, yawn. But the female wasn't sure if it was out of fatigue or boredom.

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Thanks to Sie for her template, and Iguanajo for the editable photo.


- Jiva Takekuro - 01-24-2012

<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Frijole);</style>Jiva Takekuro
Word Count :: 327
Lets see if he ruffles any feathers!!!

Jiva frowned. She was such a poor sport, why would she care anyway that he was making noise. Well it mattered little because he was the one having fun and she was the one spending her minutes frowning at his happiness. She could be jealous all she wanted, but he knew if she wanted she could join in. He was happy she at least gave her name, and not perturbed that she didn’t give a last. Not everyone had one nor wished others to know.

“It is nice to meet you, though you should let yourself have a little fun.”

He said, Yes... he said that, He was a little stung that she just came to chastise him and leave. His own father or mother was allowed to do that but a total stranger? That went below the belt. He gave her a slightly annoyed look.

“Do you always go around insulting wolves for having fun then just leave? You must not have not been much fun as a pup.”

She was turning away now, and he wasn’t sure why he kept going, he wasn’t one to pick a fight, but if she was going to just snap at him and leave without any rebuttal, she was wrong. He would fight for his right to have fun where ever he wanted. He wasn’t tied to any lands and seeing as they were the only two for many miles, he wasn’t going to be told off for doing something natural to one his own age. He had no siblings his age, and his pack, or old pack, he didn’t want to rejoin, so he was stuck by himself until he decided what to do. So playing wasn’t something he took lightly, nor did he think was immature. It was something that fulfilled needs he as a wolf had. It seemed the woman before him didn’t see it that way.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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Table made by Kitty!

- Xahria Castro - 01-27-2012


Oh dear, I think it did just a bit! XD -- wc: 484

She did not trouble herself when he just replied with a frown, at first, when he spoke up however, the female couldn't help but get a little annoyed with his statement. Why, she had fun all the time! It was just...less fun appearing than his kind of fun. Yes, that was it. Her idea of fun was lounging around in the sun, eating a well - earned meal. Okay, so it'd been a while since she'd done anything that would be considered playful to others. But that wasn't a bad thing, at least not in her eyes, that is. The boy probably had different views, but Xahria didn't dwell on that. Still, she didn't make a reply, and did not stop her turning.

But the pup simply kept on, and his voice made her halt and look back. For this little wolfdog's information, she did not always do that. It was just that today, she was in a bit of a bad mood and this particular disturbance had made her fur bristle. A little bit more than usual. The female made herself turn back, finally deciding to make a reply. In the back of her mind, Xahria knew it was healthy for young ones like Jiva to be a little silly every once in a while. But, she would not tell him that. Besides, if he was going to be silly, he should of done it elsewhere. The male had proven a bit of a point before, that he hadn't noticed anyone around.

Xahria could of chosen to forgive and forget, but she was stubborn, and wouldn't show politeness so easily. The female walked up to Jiva, towering over him in her superior secui form. If he shifted they might be closer in height, but then again Xahria had no idea if he was a Luperci at all. "Don't judge others so easily." She remarked, her voice drawing the last word out a bit long. Before he could argue, the female decided to continue. "I implied you were immature, but only that you were acting as such. Not that you were."

If they were sharing real feelings here, there was no doubt she'd call the male childish, but then that would make her seem like the one in the wrong. And the last thing she was going to do was lose an argument to someone she looked down on. Well, it wasn't as if she completely disrespected him, Xahria barely knew him. But she tended to always feel more important than those smaller than her, instinct or not. Her eyes of separate color narrowed at him, slight of a warning. Xahria wouldn't ever attack him, unless he went on fighting first, which he probably wouldn't plan to do anytime soon. While she felt more important, she also felt a tinge of regret whenever she bested someone that there was no doubt she could beat.

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Thanks to Sie for her template, and Iguanajo for the editable photo.


- Jiva Takekuro - 02-03-2012

<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Frijole);</style>Jiva Takekuro
Word Count :: 428
OOC: Yeah even I can't argue very good >.>; so poor Jiva... /pats the poor boy.

His words seemed to go through one ear and out the other as she continued to move on, but then with his next comment, him being as reckless and stupid as he was, he had gotten under her fur and she spoke. She did not appear to be angry, but he could tell he got under her fur, and that’s what he wanted. His ears pinned back as he watched her come closer nearly regretting his words though he kept his mouth shut.

“I still found it an insult. I have read that a wolf pup, even in adolescence plays to learn hunting skills. So however immature I was ACTING I was still doing myself a favor.”

He didn’t have his father here to help him out and he could feel that strain. The man would have said something really funny to her or something and made things smooth over, no not Jiva, he had to make his point. A point of a book that was over 20 years old made by humans who had watched wolves but didn’t know them, that point he would not let the woman know. Of course she could say something about it, but to him, he was still young enough to play and to get the access energy out of him, he had to do something. He had hunted today already and he just couldn’t get that feeling out of him, the feeling he needed something to do. Yes he was bored, and he was a playful lad, so that being said what better way than to play in the snow?

“Besides I was here first, not like I invited you over here to tell me how immature I was acting. Haven’t you ever felt the need to just run, romp, play? It’s a lively feeling, and I don’t see why it would make me so immature.”

There he got his point across. He did feel quite smaller than the woman who was in her secui form, he could have changed, but he was used to being smaller, though he didn’t want to give her any advantages, but he was sure even if he switched he would be smaller. He wasn’t even full grown yet though. He stood proud, hoping those words sunk in. He doubted he would see the woman again and if he did he was sure their next encounter would be much the same. A grumpy old lady telling the boy off for doing what he did best right now.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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Table made by Kitty!