'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Fear can come in dreams - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Fear can come in dreams (/showthread.php?tid=24755)

- Noah - 01-26-2012

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The male had closed his eyes, dreams where to come to him, sweet dreams, dreams that would bring him the will fuel him with the power and will to go on, to try to live the life that was asked of him. One where he had no mate, he had no children. His own mother hated him, and frankly that just killed his normally happy and caring heart even further. Nothing was going as he had ever wanted, he just wanted to be happy, and have a family, a family that consist of a mate and a child, well there could be more than one child for all that he carried, but he wanted that. That was all he wanted. Fancy frill of the titles that where within the pack and when and where he was able to eat a meal…that didn’t matter to him. Really his life was something that he was becoming to hate.

The silver male shifted around side to side pushing his nose though the dirt, with a huff the male slowly drifted off into sleep. His faithful cat was curled up next to him as the two friends took a midday nap, there was no fighting in the pack, there were no wars around them, so the male knew that he would have nothing to do. No border to watch since the lovely Rendall clearly was not coming to live in the New Dawn pack lands with him.

Noah found him-self floating along in a black mist. Light would pop up and fly by before the male took two second to look at them. Then suddenly, a bright light filled the area. Noah knew the typically rule of not going into the light, play along side of the light, but never ever go into it. Well Noah was done; he hated everything that his life had amounted to. The male sighed and walked right into the light, though…this light….the more he walked towards it was casted heavily in shadow. The Sawtooth male stood upon two legs, he shifted side to side on his two feet. There was no pain. How wonderful! The silver male’s mind went along his check list, if there was no pain…his hands…did he have them both, or was there still one missing. Pushing his hands out, he looked down at them. Both of them where there, he flipped them over, front and back looking at them, while questioning how this came to be. He was so happy to have his hands back he was overjoyed. He wanted to jump for joy, but really he worried about fall and getting hurt. Though..if he was not having in pains and was seeing everything as clear as he could under the understanding that everything had a heavy shadow casted over it The male could not help but to wonder….if there was nothing wrong with his sight, and there was nothing wrong with his hands…his face…the face that everyone looked at in disgust. His hands slowly went up to his face, fingers that were able to feel everything; they went to his shoulder the shoulder that was always tender. Nothing out of what expected of a coat clean and free of any marks and of any scars. The young man howled and whimpered, over joy so far, his finger went to his face, tips felt no deep inset of a scar, and his ear…his worn and tattered ear…it was back to normal.

Everything that Lucifer had done to him, was gone, he was normal. He no long was destined to be a wolf with all these marks and missing arm, no more sight issues, no more hearing issues…Noah was normal again. The male couldn’t help it…he had to test…he had to…”Oh thank you! I am….I am NORMAL!” The Sawtooth male was stutter free; he was free of it all. He jumped up kicking his heels up into his body. He was free…free at last. The silver male went over to the one single bench…and sat down, as he relaxed and breathed in this air, enjoying the time he had to be normal…this dream was not full of thoughts of what could have been and what should have been, he was his age now…he was strong and fearless. He was a Sawtooth.

From deeper in the shadows a voice spoke. This one single voice came through to the silver male, that one voice that made his heart stop and he wanted to run and hide, it was the voice of his father, the black saw tooth male. Unknowing to the silver male that Lucifer had been doing some dream hopping from time to time, since his death. That voice was connected to fear and to the face that came from the darkness that Noah was scared of. ”You like it boy? Follow my life style, be like me and you can have all of that back. You will be stronger and better then you ever will be on your own.” Noah heard the clacking of metal against metal. The younger Sawtooth whined as he stood up, looking at Lucifer. ”No! I will not kill…I will not rape….I will not give back into drugs…I am not that. I am what a Sawtooth should be. Strong and able to stand up in believes…no matter what it cost." DON’T MOUTH ME! I’M NOT YOUR MOTHER! I WILL KILL YOU.”The black male said as he drew his knife. The silver male could hear the slicing of air. The grey male held up his hand, screaming. He did not want death…he wanted to live.

There was a sudden pain, a sharp pain, the silver male looked down and he had been stabbed in his stomach. ”Nooo….” Noah whispered. The pain in his stomach was getting worst and worst. His hand went down to his stomach, blood pouring out of his stomach. ”Oh god…” Noah gasped for air. Closing his eyes, the male feel back gasping for air. Over and over again he was falling, over and over, deeper and deeper.

The silver male eyes opened, looking around he was in full panic mode.
