'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
year zero - Printable Version

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- Draco de le Poer - 07-14-2008


For Bleach. Set on the 6th.
I've got to remember this is just a game

     Ever since meeting the brazen Firefly, Draco had been considering his options while here. He had no intention to join any pack, since they would offer him nothing and he would leave them in the dust when the time was right. There was the issue of his family, which he did not intend to overlook—he knew his father was here, and that Jasper had followed after him. As of yet, his half-brother and niece were unknown factors in his life. It was the ghost of his father, the unresolved fury at his brother, the shadows of a former-life that were plaguing him as he made his way down the mountain.
     He was absent-mindedly leaping from stone to stone, following faint trails. Then, all too suddenly, the ground went loose. He let out a yelp, scrambled, but it was too late. The soft earth collapsed under his weight and sent him tumbling. Something sharp hit his side, and he landed in a heap on the forest floor. He coughed, snorted, and tried to get to his feet. A sharp pain in his side argued against this and he gritted his teeth. Above, the falcon cried out and came down, landing in a nearby tree. Are you all right? he asked in the low speech. Draco turned his blue eyes up, frigid. “I don’t know,” he replied in the same tongue. He hadn’t realized it yet, but he had just stumbled onto claimed lands.


- Bleach Evers - 07-19-2008

sorry for the delay!

Bleach dropped the basket, overflowing with herbs and the like, at her feet. Huffing loudly, she shifted the unwieldy leatherbound book to her right arm, and shook out her other. What a chore this turned out to be! Gathering supplies was necessary, as was learning what was dangerous and what was not, but all that in the middle of juggling a book and a basket in all this heat? On the brink of ridiculosity. The woman swiped a few loose strands of hair away from her face, trying to tuck them back into the sloppy knot on her head. She took a glance at her brimming basket; she had found a wide variety of things mentioned in her book, and even things that weren't. The amount would suffice, at least for such a day as it was. Bleach resolved to head home, thankful that her den was just a short way down the mountain.
Swinging the basket carelessly, the woman took extra care to find an easy way down. Without her arms available, she wouldn't be able to catch herself if she fell, or balance herself effectively. She really needed to memorize as much of that book as she could, so she wouldn't have to drag it around everywhere with her. Sighing, Bleach glanced away from her feet to her right, where the trees grew more sparse. What she saw surprised her; a cloud of dirt drifted upwards into the air, and a dark body tumbled helplessly downward. She gasped, threw down her things, and sprinted to the fellow.
When she reached him, she dropped to her knees a few feet from him, not wanting to alarm him. Her yellow eyes scanned his body, taking note of possible injuries. "Where are you injured?" she asked, assertive. While he was injured and helpless, he was still a trespasser.


- Draco de le Poer - 07-20-2008


Feel free to say he has a broken rib or something, and powerplay whatever you need to do to fix it.
I've got to remember this is just a game

     A warning call from the falcon indicated someone was coming, and Draco tensed. He kept his muzzle low, ears back, and the hair along his spine rose. These people were strangers, and he did not trust them; Mab had warned him it was a savage place. Instead of a wild man, what came from the forest was a woman about the same age as his aunt and father. She looked like his mother too, but in very small ways; and that was something Draco was glad for. Had she been too familiar…well, he didn’t know what he would do. Instead, the woman spoke, and her voice reassured him that this was nothing remarkable.
     “My side,” he said, visibly calming. He gestured with his head, and made a point to remain still, indicating he would not move. The wound itself was buried under his red-black fur, and felt like it was on fire.


- Bleach Evers - 07-20-2008

Bleach gave only a glance to the falcon before turning her attention back to the stranger. Edging toward him when she was sure he would allow it, the woman grimaced at his answer and tried not to panic. She couldn't see any blood. A broken rib? If it was a serious break, or (for Heaven sake!) more than one rib was broken, then there wouldn't be much she could do. The words 'flail chest' floated through her mind, and she grimaced again. She wasn't a surgeon, after all! Taking a deep breath, she reached tentatively for his injured side.
"I am going to press gently on your ribs," she said slowly, hoping he wasn't doing a silly thing like going into shock. "I want you to tell me how much it hurts and where, specifically." With her left hand she lifted him up a bit by his shoulder, glancing at him to gauge his reaction. With her right hand she began her inspection. At first she brushed softly along his side, feeling for swelling or an irregular lump. When she passed a curious spot for the second time, glancing at the stranger, Bleach lingered over the area for a moment before pressing ever-so-lightly on it. She could feel where it buckled inward slightly, and smiled with relief. It seemed to be the only damaged rib—on that side, at least—and a cracked rib she could definitely handle.


- Draco de le Poer - 07-20-2008


I've got to remember this is just a game

     The young man remained almost remarkably still as she spoke. He nodded, and kept his breathing steady, as he had been taught to do in situations like this. While he remained composed, as soon as she pressed into the hot spot, he grimaced and let out a low whine, gritting his teeth.
“Yeah, right there,”
he said, turning his head to look over at her. As he did so, the falcon swooped down, and landed on a nearby tree. From the bird’s body language, Draco gathered he was laughing. Frowning and staring at the bird, he spat out a threat in low-speech, a peculiar sort of language that was nearly noise, which earned him a likewise insult.


- Bleach Evers - 07-20-2008

"Yep," she said, brushing his other side briefly, doubting she would find anything else, before rocking back on her heels. She was quite pleased that it was just one minor fracture, even though it would still cause the young man a good pit of pain. Bleach had medicine for that, of course, if he was willing to take it. And, knowing how bad a broken rib felt, she figured he would. She opened her mouth to report the diagnosis, but was interrupted by the quick exchange between wolf and bird. Low-speech was something she was aware of but couldn't understand, so she ignored it for the time being.
"Broken rib," she stated after a moment, crossing her arms. "It's nothing time won't cure, if you take it easy. There will be swelling and the area will be sensitive." Bleach paused. She had forgotten he was a trespasser, so providing him pain relief had seemed like a given until then. Now she wasn't so sure. With the pain of a broken rib he couldn't do much to intimidate or harm the pack, and had already made a bit of a fool of himself, so all she had to do was question him. She narrowed her eyes.
"What were you doing so close to Shadowed Sun's borders?" The question came abruptly, but not aggressively. She still couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

- Draco de le Poer - 07-21-2008


I've got to remember this is just a game

     Broken rib. He had never broken a bone before, and was mildly surprised that he had. As a boy, he had come home with cuts and bruises, but he had never done anything serious. None of the kids had—he had seen one of Bowie’s workers get a nasty kick by a horse, but that had been the extent from that era. London, however, was a different story. The majority of his innocence (or at least, what was left) had been brushed away in one fell swoop.
     “I just came from over the mountain,” he explained, for once being completely honest. “There seemed to be a way down this direction, and I didn’t know a pack was here.” Not until he had fallen head over feet down the mountain side. “I can leave now if it’s a problem,” he added, pushing himself to his feet with no great lack of effort, putting one hand to his side, hair tumbling into his face. That much, of course, was an act. As much as his side hurt, it was not enough to cripple him completely.


- Bleach Evers - 07-22-2008

i totally thought he was in lupus form. whoops!

Bleach nodded, accepting his explantion without much reservation. From what she understood, all the surrounding packs were relatively new and set up randomly throughout the land. Accidentally stumbling (or falling) into claimed territory was something she could sympathize with. The woman stood as he did, watching carefully his posture and his breathing. If she suddenly found the young man dead in a couple days, she did not want to discover it was because she had missed something. Bad for the resume, and all. But his chest seemed to move together relatively well as he breathed, so she was reassured.
"It's not a problem. Besides, you might go into shock at any moment," she said when he suggested leaving, placing her hands on her hips. She doubted he would actually go into shock, but she had seen wolves lose it over lesser injuries than his. "My den is just a short way down the mountain. If you want to bandage it up or take some pain relievers, you're welcome to." She wasn't going to kick him out as soon as he could walk; he'd just fallen down a mountain, after all!

- Draco de le Poer - 07-22-2008


He was, but then I realized he's shifted in future threads and I don't think that transforming with a broken rib is a good idea. XD
I've got to remember this is just a game

     There was a motherly sort of tone in her voice, but he supposed most healers had that riding for them. It relaxed the patient; let them remain calm despite a broken bone or nasty wound. “That would be great,” he said, still holding his side. His free hand made a motion to the falcon, and the bird closed the distance between them, landing on his extended arm. The bird then made his way up to Draco’s shoulder, where he perched contently. “I won’t trouble you longer then that,” he added, smiling boyishly. “My name is Ladon.”


- Bleach Evers - 07-22-2008


rofl! no indeed.
i got... really creative with her concoction. o_o
anddd powerplayed a little.

With interest, Bleach watched the bird as it flew to his companion, leaning back a fraction as it alighted on his arm. The idea that Luperci could have pets was fascinating to her. She made no comment, however, and returned his smile. "Well met," she said, turning to begin their descent down the mountain. "I'm Bleach Evers," she tossed over her shoulder, keeping her bright eyes on the ground. She took great care to lead him on a rather tame path, making their process slow-going. Eventually the massive tree could be seen through the other foliage, and the faint trail gave way to the empty riverbed.
She had been using the term 'den' loosely. Only a small indention in the overhang had been dug; it wasn't spacious enough to fit a shifted wolf, standing or laying. Her belongings, consisting of a large army sack and bookcase, were under the shade of the tree, where she had also been sleeping, as it was the driest part of the area. The continuous rain had produced copious amounts of mud, which made digging a den dreadful work. But she would have to get it done at some point.
Suppressing a sigh at the mess that was her 'den,' Bleach led him under the vast branches of the tree where the earth was dry and the space clear. "Take a seat, and forgive the mess," she muttered, already pawing through the various containers on the bookshelf. She retrieved the spool of gauze, then thought better of it. It would probably hinder his breathing. Searching again, she produced a jar, a flask, and a measuring cup, then took a seat directly in front of Ladon. She opened the jar, which was filled with a greenish-brown powder, and poured out a tablespoon's worth into the cup. Then the flask was opened, the powder tipped in, the flask recapped, shaken vigorously, and finally offered to the young man.
"The powder is an assortment of herbs and leaves soaked in sugarwater, dried, crushed and now dissolved in saltwater. It won't taste very good, but it's potent." Bleach smiled reassuringly at him, realizing it sounded ridiculous.


- Draco de le Poer - 08-03-2008


I've got to remember this is just a game

     Her name was peculiar, and he was sure he had heard it before. While thinking this over he followed her along the path, feet moving easily despite the burning pain in his side. The den was more yard-sale material, scattered about as if a life on display. He sat where she instructed and remained still and calm, eyeing the area with the interest of a foreigner. The falcon moved from his shoulder and settled on the higher point of the roots, cocking its head at the she-wolf and her production. Frowning a little at the explanation of what she was giving him, Draco took the flask and popped the cap. He drank the swill in one long shot, then grimaced and passed it back. “You weren’t lying about the taste,” he coughed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Thank you.”
