'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
nice to know you. - Printable Version

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- Khaden Aatte - 07-20-2008

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... c2b4-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Jassy. Quartz Shoreline. Big Grin Dated the 21st okay? wc: 457

After a few days within Twilight Vale situating himself amongst the pack lands and exploring anything that he might have missed when he was a pup, Khaden had pressed the boundaries and moved to explore the rest of what the mutual lands could give. He kept Conri's warning of the war, and the tensions of it, close in mind but rather than that he was all ready to go. He didn't suspect he'd take too long outside of the Vale's borders and outside his new home within Haven Manor, he just merely wanted to get himself situated in what he would assume is going to be his residence for the rest of his life. Not only that, but Khaden had a sneaking suspicion of his sister roaming through the mutual lands of 'Souls, and the canine thought he needed to investigate it for a while.

So off the youthful male was, his body large and rugged in his halfling form as his green eyes penetrated the scene around him. His ebony fur camouflaged into the deep abyss of the night, as he trekked across the sloping Shiloh Hills, zigzagging between the boundaries of Ethereal Eclipse and Shattered Coast before skirting through Shattered Coast and beelining for the Quartz Shoreline. It wasn't until his paws were rugged, his fur slightly nappy from being caught in whatever the hell the Twilight Valer had traversed in to get this far that he realized he was, indeed, tired and needed to take a rest. And it wasn't until he took a rest when he truly realized where he was.

Large buildings littered alongside of him and were plainly dumped, sprawling, across any inch of land Khaden could see. Any places that were left houseless seemed to have made up for it in concrete and overgrown pathways. It seemed deathly barren and isolated, scarily pushed to a corner of the 'Souls coast and left abandoned. Dawn just breaking across the skies, brilliant colors bounced lewdly against dirty window glass and Khaden couldn't help but frown in the slightest sense. True, Khaden wasn't completely against the humanistic ways - he did reside within the Haven Manor, but his body seemed to be wired to more of the freedoms that the wilderness had provided for him.

Tilting his head from one side to the next, Khaden picked his way through the strange mixture of rotten industry and sneaky greenery to the waterfront. The long hollowed out docks seem to have little plastics still floating along the waters, queer digits still telling their tale even after the aftermath. Khaden, his jade eyes uncertain at what to do next, sat his rump down and watched as the tide swept out. Today was going to be an interesting day.


- Kol Stormbringer - 08-06-2008

OOC: *loves on to death* Sorry if this seems a bit choppy, I keep getting interrupted by customers today. Wink


It had been a fruitful night. Kol had spent the majority of it back in the territory of Halifax, and her leather satchel was once again weighted down by a myriad of texts and one large, blank journal. The diary's unlined pages were still supple enough to be used, and the Stormbringer had pilfered a few pens and pencils from the city as well, thankful that her clan knew how to write as well as read in at least five languages, collectively. Kol herself knew only two: her clan's native Norse and the human language of English that seemed to be known now as Common. It seemed to be the language in which most of the books in Kol's little library had been penned, for which she was thankful. It meant that she could concentrate more on the content of the pieces than on deciphering what they said.

False dawn had found the Stormbringer in one of her favorite places: a small, relatively sturdy pier jutting out in the eastern ocean from the sands of the Quartz Shoreline. She sat indian-style in her fully shifted optime form, pencil in hand, journal in her lap. The growing light as the sun began making its ascent over the eastern horizon helped illuminate her writing and glinted off the silver earring set in her right ear. A distant wind barely stirred the sands of the shoreline, and brought with it the salty taste of the powerful sea. It would prove to be a beautiful day, and Kol was happy to be able to welcome it.

Violet eyes flicked back and forth between the rising sun and the pages in her lap, her pencil moving steadily at the direction of her mind and eyes. All of her family knew how to write, but what Kol enjoyed most of all was art. More often than not the young shewolf had described things with pictures and sketches rather than words, and her mother and grandparents had encouraged her talents. She'd been unable to find any colored utensils yet in her searches amongst the human ruins, but she posessed a decent collection of pencils and pens with which to work. Her growing black and white picture of the sunrise was hardly as impressive as the real thing, especially when lacking the brilliant hues her eyes took in, but she had wanted to capture something of it nonetheless. So engrossed was she that she never even noticed the other black figure that had wandered onto her little sanctuary.

Table by Tay


- Khaden Aatte - 08-14-2008

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... c2b4-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
blah. Late in a reply. Short in a reply. D:

Khaden figured, after quite a bit of time listlessly staring out towards the ocean, that watching currents, while mesmerizing, were no where near as exciting as actually getting up off of his ebony butt and doing something. Proactive. That's the spirit. So snapping out of his pensive procedure, the Aatte boy picked himself up and took off again, leaving his thoughts and the ocean behind him in some torrent of a display. He seemed to be at it again, wandering around, not quite sure of what to do as long as it was labeled under the name of "Dhalia hunting". Really, Khaden had not the slightest of how to react if he would ever find his sister, and naturally, he tended to push it out of his mind. Honestly, he wanted to not find Dhalia just so Conri wouldn't have to deal with her - and, in matter of fact, Khaden wouldn't have to deal with her. It was hard enough to part with her the first time.

Nonetheless, while Khaden tried to persuade himself that he did indeed leave the images and thoughts of his family dramas behind him in the swirls of the ocean, he happened to stumble across a rather peculiar sight. Black fur arranged in an optime form seemed to develop as his sight fixed upon it. Digits holding what Khaden recognized slowly to be a writing utensil, as it marked out lines and sketches on a human pad of paper. Secui head cocked to the side, Khaden approached her loudly, blatantly, hoping she would realize his presence and not startle her. It was finally that he was close enough to her form where he called out jovially. "Why hello there." With a soft wag and a friendly smile, he hoped he wasn't intruding on anything too important.