'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Joining - Printable Version

+- 'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012) (https://soulsrpg.com/ipb)
+-- Forum: Dead IC (https://soulsrpg.com/ipb/forumdisplay.php?fid=110)
+--- Forum: Dead Joiners (https://soulsrpg.com/ipb/forumdisplay.php?fid=22)
+--- Thread: Joining (/showthread.php?tid=26469)

- Clover Love Lykoi - 03-30-2012

Character Name: Clover Love Lykoi
Character Birthdate: 14 August 2009
Gender: Female
Species: 90% Canis latrans ortus, 5% Canis lupus ortus, 5% Canis lupus familiaris ortus
Is your character a Luperci?: Yes; ortus.
Other 'Souls Characters: None active.
Are you joining a pack?: SL (Currently a NPC in this pack)
If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: OOC? Not sure if this is allowed since Clover is currently NPC'd. Otherwise, an IC thread is fine by me!
Character profile or three writing examples: Any previous Clover posts!

Anna can has 'Souls love again? :3

- Itachi Lykoi - 03-30-2012

Welcome to 'Souls!

Congratulations! You've been accepted into the craziest bunch of roleplayers on the vast Internet! We encourage you to keep checking out our information; you can find a wealth of it on the RP Guide. Don't feel pressured to read it all at once -- the guide is a huge resource and is meant to be used as a reference.

If You've Joined the Game As a...
  • ... Loner, do begin considering which of the packs you'd like to join. Survival as a Loner is less realistic -- wolves and other canines are generally social creatures, preferring to live in a pack structure!
  • ... IC pack joiner, you can now begin posting -- you may start your IC pack joining thread whenever you're ready. Make sure you check the pack information to see if the leadership requires anything extra from you!
  • ... OOC pack joiner, the leader still has to respond here before you can start roleplaying -- don't worry, though; if you're rejected from the pack you'll be titled as a Loner, and you're free to pursue other packs or the same one later.
Post-Joining Process
  • Make an In Character post within five days. Post a thread request to get started, or consider starting or replying to an open thread.
  • Please let us know in the Absentee Thread if you plan to be absent for more than four days.
  • Keep reading! While there's only a minimum of three topics you have to read to join the game, we provide a wealth of information for a reason -- we expect players to read and reference this material often while they roleplay at 'Souls.
  • If you're leaving us, please try to let us know in the Player Updates forum. There is no penalty for leaving; you're free to re-join at any time later.
Still Need a Bit of Help?

Post any questions you may have in the Questions and Help forum. Check the FAQ first, though! The Mentors can assist you with writing, roleplaying, and understanding 'Souls concepts. Failing all else, contact a staff member.

If you need help getting adjusted to your pack, you should talk to your pack leader! They can help you to understand the pack's rank system and how to get a better rank, as well as direct you to plots, potential thread partners, and active members of the pack who may be interested in engaging you.

- Itachi Lykoi - 03-30-2012

Hai cousin, now we only need a leader to accept you! Big Grin WB <3

- Sirius Revlis - 03-30-2012

Welcome to Salsola

Welcome to Salsola! As a new member of the pack, you're ranked as an Associate. We strongly encourage you to read over the Associates page of our website for further information about your rank, promotions, and other relevant things.

As a new member, why not:

  • Start plotting with your fellow members -- start or join an Open Thread on Salsola territory.
  • Figure out if your character wants the Cotona ritual to take place, and where on their body they'd like the scar.
  • Figure out which of the Jobs you'd like and let the leadership know which you're considering.
  • Check out our pack game and start earning points! You can claim a residence in the Borgatas Colotl or Coatl after 50 points in the pack game (note: residences outside these two areas are free).
  • Add yourself to our Directory, and please remember to add your character's animal companions to our Stables! See Salsola Maintenance for further information.
  • Familiarize yourself with the pack's leaders and make sure you contact one of us if you encounter any sort of difficulty or require any assistance. You can send us a Private Messages or post to the Salsola Maintenance thread.
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