'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Hail to the Fax. - Printable Version

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- Khaden Aatte - 07-25-2008

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... c2b4-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Kris! Big Grin Ignore the cheesy title... and the cheesy thread. wc: 396

It was the light fringes of what the previous rain had to offer. It had been a few days since Khaden had that weird lust to wander again for multiple different reasons, and for some odd reason, it came back at full force. So Khaden had left particularly early that morning from the Haven Manor to travel the same route that he had done before when he met the Stormbringer girl. Up through the Shiloh Hills, between the lines of Ethereal Eclipse and Shattered Coast before truly making an effort to go to the human memorial of Halifax. As the darkness of the early morning seemed to wither away to more brilliant colors that tinged and highlighted the immense clouds, Khaden flickered his sight towards the horizon as he settled into a good timely pace.

It had been less than a night since the last little rainstorm that the 'Souls lands encountered, and the storm clouds had lingered stubbornly in the heavens above threatening the inhabitants of the world below with rain if they so choose it. But Khaden didn't feel that the clouds were so menacing and in fact, he frolicked in the gray atmosphere, feeling as if the rain had served to wash away and clean up the territories around him. He had no doubt that the country would experience some scattered showers here and there amongst the lands, and for all he could care, the rain could happen right then and there because as he saw it right now, he had found his ultimate treasure.

Slate silhouettes of buildings and urban life seemed to sprawl everywhere, but as far as Khaden was concerned, his adventures had already taken him to his destination. The suburban house afore him was interesting enough. Once meticulously cut and kept grass seemed to have taken over and bled over an immense dirt filled garden. It seemed so natural to him, the feel of dirt under his ebony paw. Taking a glance to the left, a glance to the right, Khaden pushed past the peeling white picket fence and dipped his nose softly into the muddy mixture. He grinned, feeling as it mushed beneath him, churning with a satisfying, if not disgusting squelching sound. Feeling the smirk widen, he flipped his body down onto the ground, covering himself with the sticky, slimy stuff.

- Adelaida Koios - 07-26-2008


Adelaida wasn’t sure what drove her explore to the human city. She had been avoiding it at all costs, just as she had the entire time she had grown up. Her parents had warned her against it, and she had never once thought to go against their wishes, even now that hr mothers was miles away, her father dead, and she grown for some time now. Yet after encountering Iskata, shifted into one of those horrible two legged beasts, the human city had fixed itself into her mind. There was something there, something that might help her understand. Yes, she just knew it. The answers to her questions were of course in the core of the city. Maybe if she could understand the human way of life, she would also understand why the luperci wished to live as humans did, or so that’s how Adelaida viewed it.

Stepping gingerly along the paved street, the brilliant blue eyes peered out of the two year old’s masked face. Having never been here before, she wasn’t sure what to expect, but it seemed to Adelaida that she was alone underneath the overcast sky. Adelaida was not at all concerned about the weather. Although she did her best to keep out of the rain, here in Halifax there was shelter a plenty. Some buildings were too destroyed to offer much in the ways of safety, but many of the buildings held themselves up just fine, despite the years of weather and neglect. So if the rain did begin to pour, she could always dash into one of the open buildings, although what she’d find in there? Who knew?

Presently Adelaida’s travels had brought her into an area full of what she assumed were homes. There was no way for her to be completely sure, but having passed through larger buildings and those with windows showing what lay inside, Adelaida guessed that the smaller, more private buildings served as “dens” for the humans. Perhaps she could enter one of these? How much could she learn about the human way of life from what lay inside? As she stood in front of one building, contemplating enter, she heard a loud sound, something that sounded like a log falling in mud.

Looking in that direction it occurred to her it came from directly across the street. And now that she looked closer, behind the picketed fence there was a wolf, doing just what she wasn’t sure. Eyes widened and then she exhaled slowly. It was just a wolf. Not a coyote, and it certainly wasn’t shifted. Maybe it wasn’t capable of shifting? Forgetting about entering the house Adelaida marched across the street, as confident as she could be in a strange area that was probably filled with strange people. Coming closer the realization came to her that this male was... rolling in the mud. Clearing her throat, Adelaida spoke, hoping that she sounded polite and yet not too timid. "Excuse me sir... but just what are you doing?"
