'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Sweet Victory! - Printable Version

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- Fayne - 04-18-2012

OOC: Wanted to use this awesome table. :3 / +600

Rump in the air and tail twitching with anticipation as the young silvery female crouched. Forest green eyes narrowed in a focused gaze upon her target. Today she would not fail. Today she would be hunting and killing her prey. She would be catching something larger than a rabbit or a shrew, a measly snack to a hungry wolf. This time she would be killing a young doe, less than a year old. Showing what she's capable of to her new family. She would make them proud and earn her place here. It wasn't the largest catch, but it was more than she usually caught. A wide grin spread across her face as she stood behind a large tree, determined to land her killing blow. The chosen target stood grazing eight feet away completely oblivious to the dangers lurking in the surrounding forest.

Fayne's eyes swiveled in their sockets as she calculated the precise movements needed to take down the deer. Checking again and again that her fatal strike would land and render the doe lifeless in her powerful jaws. Once she felt confident that she had set the proper path, she launched herself from behind the tree directly at the deer. The startled doe took off in the opposite direction, Fayne following close on it's heels. Her speed was unrivaled by the gangly creature. Her thin, agile frame dashing through the woods like a streak of mercury against the natural browns and greens of the forest. She used the trees to her advantage, weaving in and out of them so the deer couldn't see her clearly. She was but a silver blur gliding alongside her prey, staying close and waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

Once she got ahead of the doe, she dashed at it from the side. The delivery of her attack wasn't as graceful as one would imagine. Her paws sprawled out in front of her in a desperate attempt to hit the deer. The inexperienced wolf was lucky to have landed the awkward attack. Sinking her canines into it's tender neck, breaking the skin immediately and knocking the helpless doe to the ground. She bit down harder on the doe's neck, warm blood oozing from the carotid artery and onto her soft pink tongue. The fresh and delightful taste of iron. The deer struggled underneath her, kicking it's feet and swaying it's head wildly in attempt to escape the hunter's grasp. With each kick of the deer's hooves the dainty hunter clamped down harder and harder. Her mouth acting as a powerful and deadly vice. . Fayne kept her paws pressed down firmly on it's body as she drained the life out of the creature. Sweet victory!! A large grin spread across her face as she clamped down, the remaining life of the doe swept away slowly.

The silver wolf's tail was going off like a rudder behind her, happy whines escaping her throat. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with accomplishment. For any other wolf, this would be a small feat but for her this called for celebration. When she was convinced the deer wouldn't get up and run away, she raised her head to the sky and let out a short happy howl. Looking over her catch, standing tall and proud. If Ezreal was here right now, she would be proud of her. No doubt. Her older sister would be praising her, telling her how much she's learned in the time spent away from her. The thought brought a sigh to the wolf's lips. Happy, but at the same time saddened by the fact that her siblings weren't here to witness it. Nor were her mother and father whom she never got the chance to make proud. Now, she had her new family to make proud of her. That, she was looking forward to.

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table by Nat - textures courtesy of 3-sisters-stock


- Tharin Lupei - 04-19-2012

Tharin had been hunting for something to bring back for the pack to enjoy. He knew when he found a decent sized prey he would have to howl, calling for others to back him up so he would be able to take it down. As powerful as he was, Tharin couldn't take down a full grown deer by himself. The best he could do was some fawns, maybe a deer that had already been injured if it was really weak. He had found a couple stray goats, following them around when a howl caught his attention. He lifted his head, listening to the cry of victory. Something had been defeated.

He trotted across the land, recognizing Fayne's cry. He wondered what she had done to bring out such a cheerful noise. This victory had happened in the territory, so it wasn't defeat against a challenging wolf, not unless the submissive female had grown braver and had challenged another pack mate to battle. Even then, he doubted she was strong enough. Reaching the clearing Tharin's tail wagged gently. Blood reached his nose, and even before he reached her side he knew. She had killed a deer. Whining he happily licked at her muzzle, cleaning the blood that was there, tail spinning as he looked down at the dead doe.

- Fayne - 04-19-2012

OOC / +300

The silvery female couldn't overcome this excitement! Her small heart was about to burst with joy. Cheerful whines were gushing from her jaws like a geyser. Her whole rear end swiveling back and forth with each swoosh of her large tail. She looked around the forest, waiting for someone to come and confirm her great victory. The lifeless doe, lay before her. Blood streaming from the puncture wounds in it's neck, creating a puddle at her feet. Staining her paws in the crimson liquid, marking her with evidence of the victory. Seconds later Tharin burst from the surrounding woods greeting her with happy whines and licks to her face. She returned them, overjoyed that he came to witness her accomplishment. Fayne pushed her whole face up against his, nudging him as he joined in the celebration. "I-I can't believe I did it!! I killed a whole deer! Not some tiny rabbit or shrew, but a deer! I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but I did. Here it is, laying at my feet. Dead!"

Words were spewing out of her mouth so fast, she could barely keep up with them. The young female danced around. Rearing on her hinds and kicking her front paws like a wild stallion. Playful yelps escaping her throat. "What to do. I have to take this back and share with the pack. Show them that I'm capable. Not some useless she wolf with no skills. I'm a hunter!" Her antics came to an end as she walked back over to Tharin, giving him another headbutt and some more licks. "I'm so happy." Her words were soft and meaningful. After all that practice in the meadow, it finally paid off. She wasn't even sure if she'd be able to do it again. Maybe it was just luck. But, maybe it was skill. The hunter deep inside of her finally emerging. She hoped that was the case.

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table by Nat - textures courtesy of 3-sisters-stock


- Tharin Lupei - 04-19-2012

Licks returned, showering his face with puppyish joy. He grinned, his tail moving slower than her own as he looked down at the kill. It wasn't a very large deer, and young. She had taken it down though, an accomplishment worth howling about. He would have been howling to summon others to come and join in the kill, but a howl announcing the victory worked just as well. Fayne's excitement was contagious, Tharin listening as she talked about the deer, the fallen foe lying at her feet. It wasn't small prey at all, impressive for the weak hunter. The doe's definitely dead. A deep rumbling laugh followed that, amused by her chatter.

Fayne wheeled away, leaping about and kicking around happily. Tharin danced around the deer a little himself, coming over to the other side, growling happily at the thought of the meal that would come. He cocked his head at the thought of bringing it to the pack. He thought calling them would be more practical, as dragging the deer off would be difficult. Tharin was at the end of his patience just dragging a small fawn along. He couldn't cut in through her words at all, though his ears prick a little. He didn't think she'd have been accepted if they thought she was useless. Every member contributed something.

A soft headbutt announced her slowly settling down. Tharin nestled his head above hers, tail wagging softly as he looked over at the dead deer. You did well. I'm sure we're going to be facing a terrifying huntress in the pack soon. He smiled softly before stepping back, looking at the deer again. How are you going to take it back?

- Fayne - 04-19-2012

OOC: Uuuuuuuh... / +000

Fayne's forest green eyes seemed to glow when Tharin assured her of great accomplishment. A bright smile coming to her face followed by a chortle. The thought of her becoming terrifying was comedic to her. Her small frame and feminine features were anything but terrifying. Unless you were the now lifeless doe, or a dangerous rogue threatening to hurt her loved ones. if that was the case she could be a ruthless warrior as she has many times before. She must have scared the daylights out of the poor creature. It's last sight being her open jaws flying at it from the trees, when only moments before had it been grazing peacefully. "I never really thought of myself as terrifying. But, I suppose I may become a force to be wary of. With time." With that sentence she held her head high, tail swaying behind her proudly. She would definitely make her pack proud if she became a revered huntress. Admired by all. It was goal worth working towards..

Tharin's question brought up a valid point. How was she going to drag the doe back home? It must weigh about as much as she did, if not more. Even both of the wolves would have trouble carrying it back. The young female tilted her head from side to side as she looked over her catch, determining what would be the best way to bring it home. She'd been so caught up in the excitement that she'd lost all common sense. Of course, the best way to bring it home would to to shift into Optime or Secui form and simply carry it. She looked back to Tharin, remembering their meeting in the woods. Shifting in front of him was a horrible idea, something she would never do again. In fact, she was fearful of being in Optime form around him at all. Knowing the looks she would receive were not welcoming ones. "Well. Doesn't look like we could carry it back very easily. That was a silly thought. It would be best to call the pack to come here." With that, she tossed her head back and released a long howl into the woods. Hoping that someone would hear and join her and Tharin in this feast. Now, they had to wait for someone to arrive. She turned to Tharin and smiled. "So, what were you doing when I howled?"

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table by Nat - textures courtesy of 3-sisters-stock


- Tharin Lupei - 04-20-2012

Wait for someone to jump in?

Tharin grinned at the bright laugh that came from Fayne. She was certainly a bright creature. It felt better than when she had been so heartbroken on their first meeting, or when she'd been so shaken by that nightmare he'd worked on soothing her from. He didn't know what gave her those nightmares, just that it was part of her past, the reason why she had the virus that ran through her veins. Tharin was lucky, the nightmares long gone, if still plagued during the day. Fayne's body arched, a more confident pose than her usual submissive one.

He had no idea that he had made Fayne afraid of shifting before him. If he had known he would have done his best to reassure her that it was fine, even if it did make him hurl seeing it. He had pretty much forgotten that first terrifying experience though, the wolf before her separate from the optime creature he'd met. He chuckled as she declared it a silly idea. A howl raised through the air, Tharin letting Fayne have the chance to tell everyone of the kill, claiming the kill as her own. He looked over, thinking about it. Hunting, actually. Working on memorizing where the herds in the territory are.

- Titania Moonsong - 04-20-2012

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Titania Moonsong
^_^ //WORDS 400+//

A triumphant howl sounded; it billowed up through the trees, breeched the canopy and rained over the whole of New Dawn. In the hills it echoed, reverberating off of the rocky construct of Halcyon and echoing beauteous notes in Titania’s ears. The sound sent electric joy through her body, starting in her skull and shivering right down her spine. This was no ordinary howl, it was not a summons to business or a call to the borders; it was something happy, something victorious, and someone wanted to share their conquest with the rest of the pack.

But the Alphess was amongst the rocky ledges of the mountains when she heard the jubilant cry, it would take her some time to get down from her perch amongst the clouds and into the woods, but this moment she would not miss. Coming to her feet and leaping from the boulder upon which she perched, Titania began her descent from Halcyon.

The slate and stone were familiar to her now, the Alphess had grown quite fond of climbing the mountainside, and she was able to follow the quickest path down on deft foot-paws. Sometimes she even dropped to all fours, even though she was in Optime, inspired by Zalen. His method of travel – turning Optime into a four-legged form – was quite efficient when it came to mountain climbing. It was no wonder why they were the master race, now. Though this shape resembled the humans, their bodies were vastly superior, especially their digitigrade feet.

Soon she entered the wall of trees, and thankfully another howl sounded telling her of the precise locale – it wasn’t long until she was in the area, and the permeating scent of blood and meat brought her out of the foliage and into the presence of Fayne and Tharin. Her ears perked and her tail wagged happily the moment she laid eyes on the felled deer, and she walked over to her two lupine companions, kneeling down to their stature to give them each wolfish nuzzles of greeting despite that she was in her two-legged form.

“Look at this!” she exclaimed happily. Looking back and forth between the two, she saw the blood on Fayne’s muzzle and assumed she had dealt the killing blow. She moved to Fayne, licking some of the blood from her muzzle as she adjusted herself so she was sitting on her knees, tail sill waving happily. “You brought this down, just the two of you? Good job. Good job indeed. The moon hides yet still smiles upon you!”

TEMPLATE BY REVO. <3 Mods by Marie


- Fayne - 04-21-2012

OOC: Yay! Sorry I took so long. I was busy yesterday. >.< / +500

Fayne grinned at Tharin's words. Of course he would be doing something like that. He'd told her about his love of the hunt. Though, she hasn't witnessed for herself. "Oh? We should go hunting together sometime. I'm going to be catching a lot more deer." She was radiating with confidence after her one successful kill. At this moment she felt that nothing could escape her deadly jaws and that she should hunt some more just to ensure the skill was still there. She is an invincible hunter. An undeniable excitement welled up within her. The prideful she wolf's tail swished behind her creating an indent in the forest floor and a plume of soft dirt with each movement. Her eyes scanned the surrounding area for anymore prey, ears swiveling like a radar atop her head. To her dismay there were no other victims in sight. In her searching her nose picked up a familiar scent. The kind pack alphess, Titania, was responding to her howl and coming their way. She'd been there at the pack borders to accept Fayne into New Dawn with open arms. For that, Fayne's adoration for the alphess was great.

Moments later the silver and russet Optime came striding from the forest, her excitement was evident in her body language. Fayne's tail picked up like a propeller behind her at Titania's entry. She took a more submissive stance, lowering herself and pinning her ears to her head. She returned the wolf's nudges with nudges of her own and happy whines. Overly excited that Titania had come to witness her great accomplishment. The overjoyed female returned Titania's licks as well, her soft pink tongue reaching out to lick the alphess's chin. Fayne's eyes flickered to Tharin. Fayne had taken down the deer herself by some stroke of luck. But, he had been the first to show up when Fayne sounded her happy alarm. In fact, he was always there when Fayne needed someone. She threw him a bright smile. There was no need for her to deny that he had helped and Titania's praises were more than enough for her. "Yes! It was truly amazing. I can't describe the feeling when you take down something so large, it's an incredible rush! I think my heart is still pounding from it."

It was something Fayne had only experienced when she was frightened. It was a completely different experience when it was a joyous occasion. Something that she would be yearning for from now on. Hunting up until now had only been frustrating and difficult. Seems things were changing for the she wolf, with all that practice finally paying off. Being in a pack and not having to worry about feeding and protecting her siblings had lent her the chance to improve her skills. If only they were here now. She would be able to take care of them. but, it was better off that they were in packs of their own. The life of a rogue was a dangerous one, one that Fayne was glad they'd all escaped from. Fayne's eyes shifted to the dead deer, a thoughtful smile on her face. What a good day it was.

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table by Nat - textures courtesy of 3-sisters-stock


- Tharin Lupei - 04-22-2012

Busier! XD

Tharin grinned, his tail swishing happily. Of course! Whether or not they caught anything didn't matter. He had patience, enjoying the hunt deeply. Perhaps he could even help teach her some, if she was willing. Tharin knew some good tips for catching things. Titania's scent reached him, and immediately Tharin's head swung. His tail lowered, the bold dominant pose tuned down in respect to the young female's position. His tail wagged happily, even if her optime form did make it more difficult for him to know what to do. She knelt down, nuzzling each one. Tharin gave her a quick respectful list, listening to her words happily.

He opened his mouth to correct the statement, only to have Fayne revel in the supposed shared kill. Swiftly he shook his head. I'm afraid that's not true. The deer was already dead when I arrived. The kill goes to Fayne alone. As much as he was sure he would have enjoyed hunting with the female wolf, Tharin hadn't done that, simply arriving afterwards to join in the celebration. He settled down to lay on the ground, waiting for Titania to approve of the difficulty involved in taking down a deer on her own.