'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
M-No Escape - Printable Version

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- Amy Sunders - 04-27-2012

WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language or graphic violence. Reader discretion is advised.


OOC no more than 8 people in the thread please

She had made a promise, and she was going to fulfill it. Not necessarily because she thought it was necessary to keep a promise made to a slave, but because she had made Hadley. To have a product she had molded acting so outrageously angered her deeply. The fact that it would satisfy Dhiate just made her more willing to do it. Finding an encampment within hearing distance of the pack Hadley had attached himself to Amy hummed happily. There would be blood, so she had to be careful.

First she cleared a large patch. Then she made sure that anything that could get in the way was removed. Raoth's tail wagged sharply, picking up on the tension. Eyes gleamed with bloodlust, eager to be set loose. Whose side he would be on was still undetermined, as she hadn't bound him to herself, despite how far along his training had come. It wouldn't be long before he was ready to be sold now. The wagon and horse was put a safe distance away, leaving Raoth with strict instructions to kill all who approached the wagon without her approval. Of course, this meant making sure he understood that Dhiate was approved. He might not kill him, but Raoth would definitely take the opportunity to act up.

Satisfied that everything was ready Amy checked her weapons. Daggers were easily accessible. Throwing knives were ready, and a soft mixture of paralysis had been put in her ring. Her sword was there too, but that wasn't what she was concentrating on. This was punishment, close and personal. Lifting her head she howled, summoning Hadley to her. It was time to pay up.

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- Hadley - 04-27-2012

OOC Laughs

A chill shot through his spine. Bolting up from the bed he looked around wildly. What was that? Something was close, he knew it. Shivering with fear he left the room. He didn't see Isa around. Perhaps she had stepped out for a moment? He wished she was there. Her presence gave him courage. He wandered out into the woods, letting the feeling of being secure in the pack wash over him again. It worked, until a chilling howl reached him. It was just on the edge of his hearing, a far distance from where he was. Hadley's ears were trained for this call though, and could hear it. He knew that voice, heard it in his nightmares. The demon had come for him.

He moved towards it, feet dragged. There was no way to avoid answering. Running was pointless. She would find him. It would be worse if he resisted. Hadley had tried that, the pain only getting worse when he did so. Perhaps if he listened, she wouldn't hurt him as badly. The scarred male paused at the borders, wishing to stay where it was safe. The call still rang in his mind though, summoning his presence. Hadley continued over the lands, leaving the pack far behind him as he traveled. He reached a clearing, looking to see the blond angel, the demon that would never leave him, standing with a cold smile.

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- Ismeme - 04-27-2012


OOC here! WC: 291

Isa had left the room to go hunting for a bit. She wanted to surprise Hadley with a fresh meal when he woke up. She was going after a medium sized doe when a howl broke the silence, scattering the deer. Annoyed that she lost her kill, Isa let out a growl. She then realized the howl was calling for someone. Hadley, her Hadley. Why was a female outside of Casa calling for him? Isa could think of only one woman, Amy. The one who tortured Hadley and now kept her friend Dhiate as a slave. Quickly becoming enraged, she took off in the direction of the howl, only to notice Hadley walking towards the bitch. She stood in front of him, with her back to Amy as she spoke. Hadley get back to Casa now, I’ll handle this. It sounded more like an order than anything else but she just wanted him out of the way and safe.

Isa turned her attention to the woman and snarled, furious. How dare you call for Hadley! He is not yours anymore Amy!Isa was absolutely furious, appearing much more threatening than she ever had in her life. There is no way in hell that I’m going to let you anywhere near my Hadley! The demon in front of her was the one who tortured the man she loved, cut him, and made him her slave. It was time she was punished for it.

Isa charged forward, she didn’t have her weapons with her but that didn’t really matter to her. She lashed out with her claws, hoping to get a few good-sized cuts on Amy’s chest and stomach. She was determined to inflict the same amount of pain that Amy inflicted on Hadley.

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- Sebastian - 05-05-2012

Think this is night-time... Correct me if I'm wrong!

Sebastian was lucky. Or to be more precise, Hadley was lucky. Lucky that Sebastian had chosen that night to sketch the moon and stars out in the woods of Casa di Cavalieri. Lucky that Sebastian had not been too deeply absorbed in his drawing. Lucky that the Italian recognised Amy's voice. Unlucky that Sebastian had been far from the call, farther than Hadley had been. Perhaps he could have killed her first.

There was little thought involved. As soon as that familiar sound hit his ears he was running, sprinting towards the source, both of his long stiletto daggers held in his hands. His bow would be more useful, but he had left it in his room. Still, the blades would be more satisfying to use when he sliced out Amy's heart. Assuming the witch even had one.

She was likely to be prepared. Either that or dumb, to be howling out for Hadley when Jazper or Anann would have no doubt ensured that everyone knew no harm was to come to Hadley. It didn't matter. She'd die anyway.

Sebastian wasted no breath. "Get back to Casa!" he roared to Hadley, It was a very clear order. The woman whose name escaped him was present, too, attempting to rush the slaver. Talking too much. Too loud. Clumsy. Weaponless. Dead if he didn't attack.

Sebastian put on a burst of speed and sprinted towards the slaver, ducking low as he approached, sliding low and twisting to the side to plunge one dagger into Amy's stomach, the other reaching upwards to slice her forearm open.

- Jaden Ohanzee - 05-06-2012


Words - 700+

The moon shown above with an unmatched intensity. Jaden felt it hadn’t been mirrored on any night he could remember. The ivory glow even seemed to warm his heart under long black jacket that hung over his limbs. His mood really was the source of this wonderful feeling, but it mattered little which took the blame. For the first time in a very long time the Alaskan was admiring thoughts of shared love. Shared in a sense that the one he felt he cared so deeply for actually knew of his feelings and could possibly have some feelings all her own for him. Thana had been a passionate lover and shared so much in common with him. He fancied the idea of it. Love was such a wonderful thing to share.

But, these feelings couldn’t stop the world’s spinning no matter how powerful they seemed. Another had claim over the obsidian male’s time. His dearest friend, whom he held feelings he didn’t quite understand nor want to face, was dealing with the decimation of all she knew. The half a day he’d spent with Thana once they had awoken was generous considering the hurry he had been in before seeing her again. He had left her with all the information she needed to find him should she want to, so it wasn’t as if he had taken what her body had to offer only to leave at the first opportunity. He dearly hoped she would find him again. He just couldn’t hold up his trip and didn’t want to entangle Thana within the mess of his life just yet.

Step after two-legged step, the male now made his way to Ichika. On him he carried everything that he considered valuable enough to own. The heavy cloth of his jacket and the large leather satchel on his back were the easiest to notice. Only slightly less so were the two blackened metal armor plates that covered the top of his forearms. And beneath the folds of his black garment and sheathed on either side his hips were two daggers. The metal was shined and clean so it slightly reflected moonlight from within the new leather holdings. They were hard to notice but it took an even more inquisitive eye to identify the long cougar scratches on the flesh of his ribs and thigh. All of it made him up to look quite bulky and moderately dangerous.

It was with this bulky danger that he fell upon a battle. The sound of a howl attracted him first. He didn’t know the voice but it sounded familiar enough to stir an innocent interest. When his eyes fell upon the dangerous blond woman, he had mixed emotions about it. She had attacked him. He still had the cut on his palm from her blade but it wasn’t fear he felt. Attraction diluted his negative feelings for some of the same reasons he liked Thana so much. Amy was dangerous just like could be. She had even unintentionally deceived him into thinking that she too had escaped the harsh bonds of being an assassin in some other land. That and how she had taken him prey with the curves of her body blinded him from what should have been an obvious situation.

When two wolves appeared out of the darkness and one spoke to Amy, her words meant nearly nothing to Jaden without the context for which they were spoken. When the same wolf who had spoken charged, Jaden was left with even less time to rationalize the situation than before. To him, someone he thought he knew was being attacked with little or no provocation. When another wolf tore out of the darkness with blades in hand, it only threw him into a more panicked state. The blades on his hips were what ensured Jaden’s resolve. They were gifts, a promise that Amy would see him again, that she would entertain him again with her heavy darkness and flirtatious body. She couldn't do this while dead. If only he had known the she wolf attacking Amy to be Thana’s sister. If only he had derived why she and her companion had done it from the little he’d heard. With even one of these answers he might not have rushed in. But this wasn’t the case. With a loud clank of metal, wood, and the other things he had in the satchel, it hit the forest floor and he sprinted toward the brawl with cracked ribs already protesting and a threatening snarl ripping from his bared teeth with intent to dishearten the attackers. He wouldn’t be able to get to Amy’s side before the first attacks landed so it was up to his threat and her skill to protect her for the next few moments.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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- Amy Sunders - 05-06-2012


OOC pp approved. permission to skip unconcious isa for this round. after jazper will be entering to break up the fight, so make your strikes count!

He came, exactly as expected. Amy smiled as the scarred slave stepped into the clearing she'd set up for his punishment. Hadley. She was going to say more, but interruptions quickly came up. Her teeth flashed as some fool woman she'd never seen before came between her and her victim. Hadley's going to stay. She smirked as the words flowed. True, Hadley wasn't hers, but she'd been denied the compensation she had tried to receive through regular means. Amy took a more unusual route instead. The possessive words didn't go unnoticed, sighing slightly as the stupid woman charged forward, not even with a weapon.

Sebastian showed up too, the little hypocrite. Purchasing a slave and buying his services off Amy, but thinking they were different and telling Amy she was an enemy. She had to move fast. The female reached her first, and Amy quickly twisted. The female's arm was grabbed, moving her around. Placed between her and Sebastian Amy mockingly grinned, hoping that would slow down the attack, even as one dagger hit, slicing across her arm. A sharp blow to the back of the female's head dealt with that problem, knocking her out before Amy tossed her aside. The welcoming appearance of Jaden didn't go amiss, knowing how quickly this simple act could get out of hand.

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- Hadley - 05-06-2012

It was sick. He moved forward, unable to do anything else, trembling with fear. Why was this happening? He knew that she'd come one day, that he'd be punished for ever thinking he was free, that he could be happy. A shiver ran over him at the call of his name, knowing that it was only the start, a simple introduction to what she would be doing. A sudden rush came, and Isa was there, standing in front of him. He stared in surprise, wondering how she had heard, why she had come. The hybrid's approach stopped at her words, looking with a small bit of hope.

No! He lunged forward as Isa charged in. She couldn't do that. She was going to get killed! Hadley was helpless to watch, too slow at closing the distance. Sebastian's arrival was met with desperate eyes, pleading for him to save Isa from herself, from what she had gotten herself into. The sharp order got an immediate reaction, the hybrid turning and sprinting back towards the pack. Perhaps he could get help there. What kind of help he wasn't sure, simply fearing for the lives of the two he cared for at Amy's hands.