'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
M - And if I don't belong - Printable Version

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- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-17-2007

See? I use it! LOL BTW, I have a nifty plot for Azizi and gavin, if San agrees. I'll put it up for consideration at UW. I also have an idea for Queen Emo/Luci/some yote I'll PM you about. 558 words
Two mates, two dens. That didn't seem right to the mother, but Lucifer wouldn't let her in his den. He'd pushed her away at the hunt. He'd never stopped pushing her away. She ached damnably; she loved the male so damn much, and he kept pushing her away. Her den was clear on the other side of the cavern; she had natural rocky shelves for her few books she'd hidden away. there were more at her den in the city, but that was really only somepalce for her to hide out. She wished she was there now; she felt as if all the pack knew of her and kucifer's seperation. Not only that, but she felt as if the Great Mother, Dierdre's grandmother, hated her. She understood why, but still...
She sighed heavilly, aching. She'd laid out a soft blanket she'd found in her human den on the floor, along with pillows, making her den as comfortable as she could. But it was still cold and empty without her mate and son. She hadn't seen Shadow in a long time; she figured his wandering spirit got the best of him; painful as it was, it happened all the time. She sat in her den, staring at the celing of the cavern. She was lonely and miserable.
She rolled onto her stomach, pulling out her notebook. She flipped to a blank page and began sketching. It was Lucifer, the way he'd looked when she'd professed her love for him, before he'd admitted what he'd done to Deirdre. As she sketched furiously, more dertails came to mind. Behind Lucifer were two figures, one more indistinct than the other. One was meant to be summer, the other noah. Both gazed at Lucifer with Pride and love in their eyes. And then she moved her foucs to the figure in his arms, and her own ghosts. She hesitated, then drew a triad of faces behind her. One small pup's face, the male she'd killed, and her pale daughter. All ghostly. The faces of Shadow and Diedre were half hidden, but loving. the face of Erik was twisted with hate as he seemed to glare balefully at the viewer. She continued to feverishly fill in details, then flipped to a new page, her pencil flying over the page. Coming into gradual view was the form of Erik, staring at a Queen Emo, holding a dripping blade, her mane wild and knotted, her eyes glazed and unseeing.
She let the pencil fall from her fingers, her eyes staring into space as memories overtook her. She shuddered. So many of her problems stemmed from that night. So many trust issues, so many nightmares. He'd hurt her that night, hurt her bad enough she'd drunk herself into insenibility to deal with it. A drink sounded good now. She kicked her journal into a corner of her den, striding to her open pack and pulling out a bottle of whiskey from her stash. She opened it, taking a deep swig. The alchohol burned on it's way down, making her cough. but damn, did it feel good. She walked back to her 'bed', sitting down and taking another deep drink. She was beginning to feel good...if not good, better than before.

- Lucifer - 11-18-2007

wc: 504

The black male was making her pay in his own way for what she had done to him, she had made him feel like a lesser of a being. He would never cheat on the female that he had taken into his life as a mate, as a lover and as a mother to his children. The male wasn't made from that cloth. He would stay loyal to her till the day that she tells him to go away. He was like his father, even after Summer had passed away, Lucifer could feel that part of him still was in love with Summer, no matter how many times he had wronged him. Lucifer respected his father very highly for that matter alone, if there was nothing more to have respect about the grey male for.

It had been two day's since the hunt, the male hadn't taken any of her advice and rested after the jump that he had made to save her life. In a way he was still crossed with her for not leaving him to die, or finishing the job. Though as a mate he still in all right had to check up on her, and make sure she had food. The male would make the offer to her to go hunting, it would give them some time to be as one. Maybe it would help the both of them to learn to once again work as one.

Black paws hit upon the ground bring the two of them closer to each other. He was sure she was trying to stay out of his way, which made matters worse for him. He kinda missed her nagging and bugging him to allow her to come back. The wolf shaped male held a bottle with in his mouth it was her herbs that she had left with him in a huff. He wouldn't use them, that would mean he was weak. No son of Noah would be weak against a knife womb.

Seeing the white lady in her den drinking the males mouth began to water. He hadn't drank in so long that he was missing it, he sat down the bottle putting his noes to the ground he sniffed a path up to the white female with a grunt he looked at her, his common sense won this battle. He wasn't going to drink as much as he would love nothing more. Just what he needed was to get drunk and mate with her, she would twist it, and take it all the wrong way.

"Now that's not fair, you drinking."

The male knew that if she would push he would finally make the vow's of there relationship come to be. He wouldn't be any good at it, but he would do it. He was only a few days away from being two, and the heart of the heat season for the females was only a little more then a month away. Lucifer was going to have to go into hiding, for sure.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-19-2007

Queen Emo looked to Lucifer, her bi-colored eyes more than a little sad. She turned her head, wanting nothing more than to jump up and put her arms around him. She set the bottle down; she shuld have known better. Ever since she came to the Mountain Pack, she felt she was an outsider, and not wanted. She shouldn't have left the Pack of White Supremacy...hell, she shouldn't have left the Place of Lightning and Thunder. She sighed, looked to the male again, her eyes pleading him to just forgive her.

Her eyes moved from him to her journal, where Erik's face stared at her like an accusation. She sighed softly, looking to Lucifer again. The skin over her eeys wrinkled into a frown. Her voice was soft and lost when she spoke. What do you want, lucifer? You've made it clear it's not me. There was no accusation, no anger, no reprimand, only resignation and a deep hurt.

He'd rejected her at the hunt, and the Great Mother's look had only compounded her insecurity. She didn't belong here, did she? Her mate didn't want her, her daughter's grandmother didn't want her here. Made her feel useless. Her eyes strayed to her alcohol, and she wished she could drink herself to insenibility again.

She could feel the words bursting insde of her, aching to come out. She bit them back, but they were too much for her, weakened as her will power was. I just wanted you to love me! I never meant to hurt you, i just couldn't understand why we'd never mated! I needed to feel wanted to feel loved, not just metally but physically too. Her emotions subsided again, leaving her feeling drained, but she wasn't done. Her voice faded into a monotone. I only wanted to know you loved me....

- Lucifer - 11-20-2007

The male walked into the den eying the bottles that she was drinking out of. The black male smacked his lips together. Looking to the bottle then looking at her, if she had drank enough she wouldn't be able to stop him quick enough to take the bottle away from him. It had wanted to taste the sweet stuff for such a long time, though it was hard for some one to addicted to the stuff to stay away. His eyes shot back and fourth again, the the bottle and then to her. Forget it, the male made a mad dashed to the bottle taking it by his mouth as she moved back into the shadow resting the bottle against the wall of the den, taking it down as quick as him mouth would take it. He sat down and then as more went into his body he laid down. With a woof the male stood up his head was burning, as he stubbed over to the white female, he was quickly finding him-self drunker and drunker.

"Drink M'love, Drink!"

The male gave a shill whine looking at her, as he pushed the bottle closer to her, he wanted her drunk. He wanted to her loosen up and be her-self, the female that he feel in love with.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-20-2007

The white lady wanted to argue, to tell him to leave, to break his heart as he'd syntax error'd hers. Instead, she took another bottle from her stash, opening it and taking a deep pull on the fiery liquid. She felt loose, almost free, but every look she took at the male reminded hr she was drinking to forget. She closed her eyes, drinking deeply. She wanted to be so drunk she forgot even her own name.

Halfway through the bottle, she opened her eyes, giggling softly. She felt odd. She hadn't felt this....unhinged in what seemed to be a lifetime. She turned to Lucifer to see if he felt the same, smiling lopsidedly. She noted his bottle was almost empty, she offered him her bottle. it's teh good schtuff, ya know. Evn drunk, her voice held the gentle lilt of the irish. Being drunk made it more musical than any amount of stress could.

She grinned lopsidedly, putting an arm aound the male companionably. Even drunk as she was, he was the most beautiful male she'd ever seen.

- Lucifer - 11-23-2007

The male had enough to drink to just throw any ill feeling's out the window. As he was sitting there she had a clear plate, and sure the more he would drink the more of her sins would be whipped away with in his eyes, heck with in a bottle she could be a Saint, though both of them where far from that. the male still liked the idea of drinking even if he was playing with a game that his father had hoped he would turn away.

Lucifer just didn't care, the male licked his lips as he stumbled taking the bottle that was offered to him, as he sucked it right down, it was hard to hold in down, as his stomach curred, there was no stopping him now, he was on top of the world, ten foot tall and bullet proof and she was free of any wrong doing and of course he found her appealing with in his eyes.

"Ya good stuff"

The drunker he got the harder it was for him to hold back his thick southern twang came out, full with accent and slag.

"Sup, good lookin'?"

The ebony male feel into her arms as she pulled him near her. He loved her touch, maybe he could run into the human lands and find some pills or something and they could play around with them, and see what became of the two of them.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-24-2007

((Boy...she's a little pushy drunk. LOL))

She laughed throatilly, stroking his hair, her eyes darkening with the stirrings she was feeling. She nuzzled his neck, nipping softly. She left her face there as she murmured into his silky black fur. You have got to be the sexiest male i've ever seen, you know that? She laughed again as she groomed his shoulder slowly.

Every inch of his body that toughed hers set her on fire, and she wanted more. Soon she'd be crawling all over him. This thought pulled her back a little, leaving her to rest her head on his shoulder, nuzzling him gently every now and then. She was feeling very lovng...and very needy.

- Lucifer - 11-25-2007

The male grunted as he pushed his chest up against her's taking any and all nips she was giving him, as he gave a soft whine. The male licked his lips as he laid back letting her craw upon him. Looking up at her, she had the most stunning eyes. He gave a laugh as he kissed her softly upon her neck as he nipped back, nuzzling her neck and then licked it.

"Nah, I don't look in the water ta offen, however ya are just about the best lookin' thing around here. I'ves got about a half a mind to ask you to care a litter of my pups."

- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-25-2007

She tilted her head back, letting a soft mewl of need and want escape her lips. She was feeling divine..and divinely inspired. She ran her fingers through his mane, feling hers tickle the back of her neck. As she was, she couldn't quite remember why she'd cut it short...nor did she care.

She laughed throatilly, running a claw down his chest slowly. I've got half a mind to say yes, she teased in response to his remark about pups. She laready knew she made beautiful pups...with him as the sire..they'sbe divinely gorgeous. She laughed again, nuzzling his cheek. they'd be gorgeous pups.

- Lucifer - 11-25-2007

Lucifer wrapped his arms into her, holding her next to him, the reason why they where not in the family den where he was staying was far beyond him, though being here with her he didn't care, holding her next to him he loved it, smelling her sweet sent all over him, he gave her a hug as he nipped at her neck again letting it travel down her shoulder and to her arm, as he sat back letting go of her, smiling.

"Well ya know, what's stoppin' us?"

The black male was foolishly drunk but at this second he didn't care, he was with his lover.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-25-2007

She laughed soflty, enjoying every sensation. His suggestion made her grin crookedly, pulling him to her. She kised him slowly, her arms wrapped around his waist. Take me, then...make me cry out your name, Romeo. She nuzzled his neck nipping gently, her hand findig it's way to hs lap, stroking his thigh slowly.

- Lucifer - 11-25-2007

Lucifer had thought about spreading her leg apart and moving into her, the black male gave a sly grin, as he reached up taking one of her breast in his hands twisting two fingers around her nipple, though he was drunk out of his mind he wasn't half bad, maybe a little harder then what was needed but he wasn't that bad. Kissing her neck as he slowly turn his head up to her ear, as he let go of her nipple and breast shifting away from her.

"Ya know, I think it wouldn't be half bad ta see what you can do ta me. After all I'm just the pup here. Care ta teach me my mistress?"

The male shifted to lay on his back holding him-self up by his elbows looking at her.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-26-2007

She made a noise between a moan and a croon as the male played with her breast. She nipped at his chest playfully, moving her face slowly down his body, alternately licking and nibbling. She flicked her tounge over the head of his shaft, marvelling at the velvety texture. She too it into her mouth, running her tounge over it.

When she was ready, she raised herself over him, lowering her body slowly over him. She sighed happily at the feel of him inside her. She felt full, complete in a way she'd never felt before. She laid down on him, loving the feel of his body against hers, his shaft embedded deeply inside of her.

- Lucifer - 11-26-2007

The male could help but to moan, should this be counted as his first time? Maybe?! The male had taken his now step-daughter, but did that count since neither of them where really able to re-call any thing about that night? He knew he should but he didn't. Yes they say he forced him-self upon her, but on the other had he wasn't able to re-call any thing. Thank god there was one person out there that didn't hold it against him.

The black male softly placed his hands upon her hips. As he pushed him-self onto her, pushing harder and harder. He bite down upon is lip as he let on of his hand slide up her side and back onto her breast as he pulled her into him, taking her firm breast into his mouth placing her pink nipple between his teeth, as he pushed down on them slowly, applying just enough that he hoped that she would be able to feel it. He looked up to her as he pushed into her one more time looking up to her as he flicked his rough tongue over her smooth and soft tit.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-27-2007

She moaned softly, enjoying eveyminute of this. She stroked his chest, crooning with pleasure as he suckled on a breast. This wasn't her first time, or even her fifth. Erik, for all his cruelty, had taught her the pleasures of sex. And she knew, when it wasn't forced, just how enjoyable it was. She leaned down and bit his neck tenderly, then leaned back up, looking into his eyes. She slid up his shaft until just the head was inside of her, moving only slightly, fucking just the tip.

With an innocent smile she murmured, Do you want more, my love? Do you want to take me now? Take me hard and rough? Her eyes glittered with the love- and lust- she felt this moment. She wanted the male to dominate her, to prove his masculinity on her. She welcomed the moment he'd spill his seed into her, welcomed the idea of carrying his pups. She leaned down, but his ear, breathing heavilly. Her voice was husky now. Take me, lucifer. Fuck me good and hard.

- Lucifer - 11-27-2007

Just as she had asked the male gave a grunt rolling her over, pushing him-self on top of her. The black male didn't like this game where she was pulling him out until the very tip of him was in her. This wasn't right, he snarled as he took her by her hips, as he thrust him-self into her, griding him-self between his inner legs, as he lifted his head back moaning, she felt like a warm, moist glove that was fitted to him.

The male pulled out pushing him-self back into her as hard as he could again, with a grunt, easing off, as he raised her leg's resting them upon his shoulders as he moved in and out of her, pounding her taking all of the frustration out on her that she built up with in him.

He stopped for a second, as he bent down kissing her below her navel. Looking into her, with a drunken glaze look with in his eyes.

"I love you"

He moved his arm to brace him-self on her shoulders, as he kissed around her brest.

"Tell me what you want me to do. I want to pleasure you."

- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-30-2007

She groaned with rapurous pleasure as he proceeded to give her what she'd asked. A slow, content smile spread over her face as he uttered the words she wanted to hear. Oh, lucifer, she sighed, resting a hand on his face, I love you too.

She shivered as he kissed her body, sighing softly with pleasure. She stroked his face tenderly. justr have me, darling. be rough with me, or gentle, whichever pleases you most. make it fast, or make it last. just being with you pleases me.

- Lucifer - 12-02-2007


Sorry for the pp

He wanted her to love this night, he wanted her to know that he could be a great lover, and a great provider. Lucifer smiled at her, hearing that she loved him to. Her nips sent shivers down his spine, not helping with trying to find out what she wanted. He groaned arcing his back, pushing his hips into her, as he came back down, nipping at her thigh, as he looked into her eyes, with a smile. He pulled her hand back holding them down as he kissed the side of her chest. With all hopes he would give her what she wanted.

The male grunted seeing her open like she was, hands and arm's back, looking like she would be willing to take any thing that he would do to her. The male felt him-self slowly slipping into an animal state of mind, to where he wanted to make love with her, now it was not longer wanting her to feel good, as much as it was making sure that he would be able to carry a family line on with in her. The male pulled him-self out of her, as he held her arm's down. He sniffed around her body, the shifted male was losing the thoughts of a more "humanized" being. His mind taking him back to a feral canine. Pushing his cold noes between her legs, the male prodded around, making sure she was ready for him. She had the sweet sent, that he had never smelt on any one before. Parting his jaws the male let his rough pink tongue slide out of his mouth, licking around her mound, she was wet, wet and sweet, just like her sent. The male grunted a bit as he dared to steal a sample of her inner walls. Letting on of his hands off of her arms, he wasn't ready to have her in control of her arm's just yet, he balanced both wrist with in his one hand. He looked at her breast nipping at them with a snarl. She was his mate, and he wanted her to know that he loved her.

Rolling to where he had his feet closer to her head, while laying beside her, the male took his hands, parting her legs, as he again moved so he was between her legs, he wanted a better taste of her, he was going to claim his mate. The male lowered his head to between her legs, kissing around the furry mound that was between her legs. The male flicked his tongue over her a few time before bring his lips over the her tender outer walls. Sucking on her, the male felt the bone with in his shaft coming out more and more. With a whine the male rolled her over onto her stomach as he pulled up her rear, lifting her tail the male pushed his hips into her, poking around for a second he started to growl, after a second longer he had found her smooth walls. The male started to pant as he pushed him-self in and out, not taking any time to savor the great feeling of being inside of a female. The knot at the base of his shaft, started to swell, he grunted as he pulled her in closer to him, bring her up so her back was laying against his chest as he trusted into her a few more times, releasing his seed with in her, he gave a snarl, nipping at her neck, as he gave one more pushed, and found that he wasn't able to pull out of her, thought he feeling of her inner walls that he wasn't sure if he wanted out, the male whimpered pushing again into her, letting a whole new shiver of pain though his spine. The male felt like he couldn't go on again. Slowly he lowered his mate back down to her hands as he fell on top of her, and rolled over, as he laid there panting softly, looking at his mate. It had been made official in any one's eyes, they where mate's as well as lovers.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 12-03-2007

((it's okay. It's an awesoem post. mine sucks...i worship at the alter of your awesomeness. lol) And i sorry for the powerplay, but an idea struck me. If you don't like it, lemme know and I'll get rid of it.)

She was carried away by everyting he did, her rapture not ending even when he was finished. She cuddled close to him, stroking his fur with slow, langourous strokes. She loved him....she couldn't get enough of him. She wanted to do it again, right now. She wanted him to make her yowl like a female cat in heat. She'd never had it feel that good, except with thanos. But with thanos, it had been awkward, her first time. she made a contented noise, moving closer to him.

I love you.... her voice was a husky whisper, a contented burr roughening the edges. She was sleepy, but content. She wasn't one of those females who wanted to stay up afterwards talking. She drifted off slowly, unsure if she really heard his voice return the phrase or not.

She awoke hours later, sitting up. her body was sore, her mouth tasted disgusting. But she felt good, felt empowered, felt alive and happy. Her eyes sought out the form of her mate. And there he was...reading her journal. or rather, looking at the drawings, her drawings, her secret works of art. Soran's naked form leapt from the page in all her feminine spendor. on the next page was the murder of Erik, a frightening contrast to how lovingly Soran's form had been placed on the paper. Deuce lifted her chin defiantly, daring him to pick a fight about it.

- Lucifer - 12-03-2007

((You need to be on MSN when I go OMG Vannah plot.))

The male flipped though the pages, he seen the book and couldn't help but wonder. The drunken, blissful sex had been well worth it. If she was ever willing again, he would show her. The male wasn't sure if he went about every thing in the right way, he took what he wanted, he failed to ask if she was pleased with how every thing came out. The black male, still shivered at the thought of him being in-side of her.
"You still love her, and him?!"
So maybe this wasn't the best thing that he could have said to her right after he the best time with her, and her body. The male traced over the images of Soran, did the white lover know of his hate for her?