'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Oh the places you'll go - Printable Version

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- Firefly Sadira - 07-29-2008

Firefly had no real feelings towards the events that had fallen into place. Ember always seemed to be on the other side of the looking glass glaring at her, judging her and somehow wanting to be everything she was. Firefly hadn't even thought about her sister until her return and the hissyfit that Ember had thrown upon seeing her sibling. She wasn't for certain what in the world had even happened between them just that Ember tried to act more than what she was and Firefly had firmly put her back down a notch or two. She'd always been the one in control, Ember just hadn't learned it, Firefly hoped that the bitch had finally learned her lessons with the last confrontation, she really was growing tired of the childish games between the two of them.

She'd been strolling along the edge of the Quartz Shoreline, waiting for her mother to appear, the silver and gold lady seemed to have a habit of enjoying the last dying rays of the sun upon the sea smoothed boulders that rested along the edge of the shore close to the old pier. Firefly shook her head, suddenly reminded of how she enjoyed the same simple comforts upon the old slate slab in the vineyards. She pushed that thought firmly out of her mind, she was NOT her mother, not in any shape or form. Bad enough her coat seemed a strange echo of the silver and gold lady's with just a tinge of change to the hues. Closing her eyes she wrapped her arms around herself and turned her face to the sun, enjoying the quiet of nothing that surrounded her.

- Conri Church - 07-29-2008

The first time that he had heard the laughter was the moment he stepped off of the Twilight Vale lands. It had been quiet, but a whisper, and Conri had been certain that he was being followed. There had been nothing there, not a soul, but over the days Conri had heard the laughter again and again, louder and louder each time. It happened today even, as he made his way down the beach, trudging through the sands. He hadn't slept in days, his eyes bloodshot and his mind cloudy, swirling with thoughts. He'd become to numb to everything, it seemed, all except for the fact that he was completely aware of what he'd done.

"You shouldn't be out by yourself.." The words came quietly, stopping suddenly at the sight of someone else. "It's not safe out alone.." His words were hoarse and quiet, though they held some dire seriousness to them. The laughter came back, cackling in his ears at his feeble attempts to warn the stranger. He'd done the unthinkable already, to the one person he had loved with all his heart, it was impossible for him to know what he could do to a complete stranger.


- Firefly Sadira - 07-29-2008

She'd had her arms wrapped around her as she'd been enjoying the sun and the quiet lull of the sea. Seemingly one of the few times you'd ever catch the darker Sadira being rather innocent and the whole world was shattered around her with the sound of a voice. Dropping her arms to her side she turned her head and with a slight tilt she smiled slyly and raised a brow. "Of course not, but then again I'm not alone now am I?..." she said softly as she watched the marred up male approaching her. She stood there quietly after the words had fallen from her maw, her emerald eyes hooded as she studied him.

She'd spent too much time gazing into the dark mirror to even care if she herself was in danger. She knew how to take care of herself and yet she put herself in the shadow of danger every moment she spend with Haku. The hybrid that approached her was really no scare to her, her reminded her slightly of a sibling who was off adventuring alone along the sea, yet she knew he wasn't. The dark smile spread on her maw again as she ran her teeth across her lips with a soft hum escaping and being swollowed in the crash of the ocean.

- Conri Church - 07-29-2008

His movements were sluggish as they began again, dragging himself through the sand much like a zombie might look. He regarded her words with a faint flicker of his ears, stopping just near her, long enough to drop to the sand on his knees. "You might be safer alone." His words were consistently spoken in the same flat tone, turning himself slightly away from her to face the waves that crashed up against the shore. It was hard to know what a stranger was capable of and even harder on Conri because now he wasn't even sure about himself.

Leaning over, Conri scooped up a small amount of ocean water and brought it up to his face, spreading over his eyes. The salt burned to the touch but the young man barely noticed, wiping it across before dropping his hand to his leg. "You should go home to the people you love.." While she still had a chance to. While there was still someone for her to go home to, lest she end up like him.

- Firefly Sadira - 07-29-2008

She watched the slow and unsteady movements of the male as he approached her. She raised a brow at the words that softly few from his mouth as he kneeled in the sands. Her eyes hauntingly following the astranged male as his words really registered to her. She drew her eyes away from the male and smiled at the red sunlight that was drifting towards the sea as her soft irish accent rang out. "What if I don't crave for what's safe and secure..." she asked as her eyes moved back to the disformed figure before her that was so distant even when he was close enough to touch. She knew she wouldn't be drawn to the male but the words he said and the haunting that seemed to have taken hold of him were dangerous and dark, just like she loved it.

The water that splashed across his face and clung to his hairs sparkled in the dying light as she shook her head soflty as his words came again. She couldn't help it but she laughed. His suggestion that she return to those that loved her was beyond thought. She wasn't exactly loved, as a family member perhaps but she came and went like a tumbleweed rolling where she went but never sure where she'd stop and stay. Her words were short, "You have to be something special to be loved.." she said as she ran a hand softly through his hair, the droplets of water clinging to her fingers as she murmured.

- Conri Church - 07-29-2008

"It will come back to haunt you one day.." He tried to explain, even if he wasn't able to say that for a fact. It was better to try and keep her safe, to save her from something dangerous, even if she was a complete stranger. He hadn't been able to keep Naniko safe, not like he was supposed to, and he had to make up for it some how. Maybe he could scare her in to rethinking her decisions, though by the way that she spoke, it didn't seem like that would be likely. "You are something special.." Certainly she was, everyone was, at least to someone.

Conri didn't get a chance to expand of his words though, for soon a hand snaked through his hair, ears falling back at the feeling. Quite honestly, it felt good to actually feel something, even if she was a complete stranger to him. Instead of moving away or trying leave, something that he would have normally done, Conri leaned back against the touch, letting his eyes fall closed for a brief moment.


- Firefly Sadira - 07-30-2008

Her voice almost purred as she replied, "Love, everything comes back to haunt us in the end..." The dark bit of amusement may have been lost on the male but it wasn't on herself. She knew the truth of the matter. In the end they were all judged, either by themselves or the rest of the world and the good and the bad resulted in nothing but a few short words and a splash of tears. She'd watched ones that the clan cherished turn into a memory and had wondered just what the soul of the long gone had thought of that. Sad and sick but she knew othat overtime no matter what she did good or bad, innocent or devilish it would haunt her somehow. She'd just deal with that later, here and now she regretted nothing she did.

The words he had murmured were almost lost on the lady as she gazed off into the ocean and ran her fingers through the damn curls of the complete stranger. Her emerald eyes turned to gaze down at the male as she felt the shift of pressure and how he suddenly was leaning into her touch. Watching him a moment with narrowed calculating eyes her nails slid through his hair once more, tugging back his head to reveal the closed eyes and bared throat as she whispered. "How special are you boy?" Her dark words were almost laughable when once could see she was obviously the younger of the two figures and yet in her eyes they were all boys.

- Conri Church - 07-30-2008

While she may not have know it, her words hit him hard. She was right though. Conri knew she was right. This, all of this that was going on in his life, was most certainly his punishment for killing his father so long ago. The voice cackled in his head at that moment and Conri shut his eyes tighter, willing away the sound that was so familiar yet so strange. Perhaps he was meant to die back then, when his brother had him, and this was his punishment. If that were the case, wouldn't it be easier on everyone if he were just to accept it?

His head came back easily with the tug, eyes still closed, and he listened to the words she whispered, staying silent a moment. "I'm not.." He answered simply, finally opening his eyes to peer up at her. Maybe she would kill him and they could be done with it. Conri almost wished she would. "I've destroyed everything special I had.." And the only thing that was special about him had been Naniko. He didn't even have that anymore.


- Firefly Sadira - 07-30-2008

The strange silence of the male drove her on, the thrill and danger of the words he'd spoken earlier made her know that there was more to the hybrid before her than she could see. Did she care? No, not really. She probably would never really care about those that found her and didn't know better than to beware of the mysterious ways of strange women, nor those those that came willing to kneel at her feet as the boy before her now. Her sparkling emerald eyes studied the face of this poor soul before her. His neck was bared before her, the pose of submission, unwilling to fight was too obvious to the fae.

Slowly her eyes turned from one shade of green to another as his words fell softly. With her free hand she brushed one finger down the side of his face, tracing down towards the well at the base of his neck as she spoke. "Soo.. I have to be special and yet you can't be..." She turned her body towards the male as her stunning green orbs gazed into his, her hand still locked firmly in his hair as she crouched down. Hooded eyes closed slightly as she challenged the boy. "I can make you forget.." Tracing her hand back up his neck and along the male's cheek she drew on the words. "I can make you feel special again..." It was obvious to her the boy was a wreck and she knew there was great possiblity she would destroy him if he willingly or in a weakened state followed her down the dark path she would lead him down.

- Conri Church - 07-30-2008

The sad fact was, Conri knew that it wasn't something that he would likely ever forget. There was nothing, aside from death, that would ever take away the memory of what he had done completely. Hell, even in death it would find some way to haunt him, he was almost certain. Despite knowing all of this, her words still caused a small amount of hope to bloom within him. How long would he forget? How much relief from the pain and memories would he be given before it all came flooding back to his head? Lastly, was it worth it? Any small amount of peace was worth it, he had decided, and the voice cackled in his head. He only wanted it to all go away.

"Make me forget." He told her then, his voice sad and quiet, almost desperate for it. He wanted her to take it all away, swallow it up and toss it aside, even if just for a few brief moments. He would be hers to do with what she pleased, whatever she needed to do, just to give him a short period of feeling normal again.


- Firefly Sadira - 07-30-2008

Those simple words he said were nothing and yet everything in that one moment. Firefly's grip on his hair was almost instantly released as the heel of her hands were on his chest. One hand traced a path up to his chin as she gripped the male under his maw and forced him to look straight at her as she leaned down towards him. Pausing a moment to where their eyes met before she moved out of his vision, her lips dropping whispers in his ear, "I promise, you'll forget everything.." and suddenly with the last soft whisp of words her heel thrust into the male's chest as she flung him back roughly in the sands.

Standing over the male her eyes carried the cast of a preditor after her prey as she watched the castoff hybrid laying in the sands. The lull of the ocean behind her sent a shiver down her back as she basked in the knowledge that this was her plaything. Not the game she played with her own dark and dangerous cousin but a game of power where she would start and finish on top and in control. Her eyes never left the pitiful form before her as slowly she moved to straddle him, dropping to her knees as she dipped forward, "Everything you'll is right here. Right now." her warm breath on his neck as her chest brushed against his. She could feel her heart quicken as she felt the muscles of the male's body quiver under her soft flesh.

- Conri Church - 07-30-2008

He would have liked to believe that he was oblivious to what she meant, what was going to happen, but he knew. Something inside him told him it was wrong, his heart still belonged to Naniko and this was the very same thing that she had done that had caused him so much pain. It felt like it, at least, even if Conri knew that they would never be able to salvage what they had shared. She wasn't his anymore. The strange woman grabbed at his muzzle, he didn't even know her name, and dry eyes stared up at her, ears flicking in response to her words. The movement of his ears was the only response that he was allowed though, his body thrust back into the sand harshly, and he couldn't honestly care anymore.

He watched her though, quietly aware of what was going on, and adjusted himself beneath her as she came down to straddle him. Her face was quickly out of sight though and his eyes closed tight, feeling the sudden rush of hot breath on skin that felt as cold as death. It caused goosebumps, soft quivers to rush through him, and he titled his head very slightly to the side, exposing that portion of flesh to her. His brain was a muddle of thoughts and he wasn't quite sure what to do exactly aside from lay there. So he decided on that, the only other movement that he made was his hand, which shifted over the sands to lay gently against the side of her knee.


- Firefly Sadira - 07-31-2008

Firefly didn't play the games just for the sensual nature, no, there was much more. No one else would see past the lust of it all but she'd been raised to know the nature, to know the whole world of those little acts of kindness and the bittersweet pain. Love and hate was a fine line, pain and tenderness raced along the same path, tipping back and forth from side to side. She could bring tenderness, joy, sensuality, pain, pleasure or even healing into the acts she practiced with every game she played. The boy needed healing and though she could bring it in the end it was down to him to accept the gifts she gave.

She ran one finger down the side of his face lazily, watching as he tilted his head to the side, exposing the tender flesh of his neck, the pulse just beating under the skin as she traced a line down the path before sliding over his chest and down across his hipbone. She felt the soft cautious touch against the outside of her leg as her lips explored the same path her hand had taken. She paused above his navel and traced the route back up to the rapid pulse. Lighting she nipped the male's throat as she whispered. "You do want this..." she asked as she lay lightly along his body, one hand poised on his hipbone as the other traced small circles along his thigh, slowly testing and teasing the male as she felt the shivers coursing through his body.

- Conri Church - 07-31-2008

Her quiet promises of forgetting it all were what kept Conri going, kept him from just sliding away and in to oblivion. Blank eyes stared straight up into the sky as soon as her face left his sight, squirming very lightly at the touches suddenly offered to him. It was an immediate reaction, the sudden harsh thump of his heart in his chest as her finger traced small lines down his body. Jade eyes shut for a moment, falling in to the feeling, grinding his teeth down over each other to fight back the quivers that wished to take his body.

And then he felt her at his neck, nipping at him, and the warmth of her breath against his fur when she spoke. The idle hand on her leg suddenly had grip to it, holding it there carefully, running it up the side in a slow manner, toward her hip. "Yes." He answered her simply, teeth unclenched and suddenly allowing the shivers of faint pleasure to take him.

- Firefly Sadira - 08-01-2008

The response from his body told her all the things she needed to know before he'd even attempted to connect the words she'd said. Her breath was hot on his flesh as She murmured nothings into his ear before beginning to taunt and tease his flesh as she worked her lips, tongue and teeth down his chest. Softly brushing her body against his with every draw of her lips upon his chest, her claws dragging lightly across his shoulders and down his sides. Her emerald eyes shinning as the bloodred sunset fell upon the two forms blending into one.

The warmth between their bodies seemed to rise when suddenly she wasn't the only one involved in the game. His idle hand suddenly had grown confident as she felt the firm pressure move from her knee and up her thigh. She shivered slightly at the small change in play, the thrills running down her spine as that one simple word rang out between them.

Grinding against the male as she pulled up and away from him, one hand on his hipbone and one on his chest as she gazed down at him from above, knowing now that every touch, every motion would leave an effect on the male and sooner or later he'd give in to nature and forget who he was. It was only a matter of time and constant attention on her behalf, and she had all the time in the world.

- Conri Church - 08-04-2008

Careful touches and hot breath left a small wake of goosebumps on his skin, just beneath his fur. His flesh seemed to move almost, shivering and shifting beneath the small pleasurable touches, responding to each and every one that was so willingly given. He was practically squirming beneath her, suddenly finding himself out of control of a situation that he had always been in control of in the past. It was new and different and, yet, it was all the same. This time he wasn't allowing himself to worry about all of the little things that he often did. This time it wasn't all about making her happy.

He felt her pushed down suddenly, press and slide herself against him before lifting, and his jaws parted to release a feverish groan, eyes clenching shut tightly for a moment. His hand moved quickly, racing up her side and then down across her stomach before finding it's way to the top of her leg, lingering there as the feeling of her movement faded. Jade eyes finally opened, peering up at her face, and with that one simple movement that she made, it was now apparent that he was ready and willing for whatever she was going to offer him.


- Firefly Sadira - 08-06-2008

She had no issues taking control of the situation, of any situation that she could. She enjoyed the things she did and what she saw through her eyes, the judgement of others, never shared only witnessed. The hand that seemed to explore along her body before settling back against her leg seemed to mimic the actions of his toned body. The sound that escaped his maw as she'd ground against the stranger was a small bit of satisfaction. Those eyes that opened and exposed to her the empty shell within didn't phase her, his willing body already rang with the truth of how he felt.

Her emerald orbs studied that body before her, her entire frame at ease with the duty she put before her to accomplish as her teeth slowly ran traces down his body. The quivering muscles and responses given to her showed her that somewhere inside something in this stranger wanted what she had to offer. With hooded eyes she began her descent below his navel, her tongue taunting and teasing as her hands brushed along his hips and her nails drags through the soft fur along his inner thighs. It was more than obvious by the sounds that hissed between his teeth and how things came to height that she had the whole field to play on, and how she wished to.

Slowly she raised her body up from the sands, her eyes gazing down at his face as she moved along his body, pulling forward to where her hips rested along his for a meer moment before dropping her knees back in the sands. The warmth from his body seemed to spread across her own, as she felt his sheathed member against her inner thigh, with a blissful smile she began to slide down his body again, hoovering above him just slightly as she waited.