'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
I'm exactly where I want to be - Printable Version

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- Grace D'Angelo - 05-28-2012

Word Count :: 714 Fail starter, forgive me <3

Books would be the death of her, of that the D'Angelo woman was incredibly assured about; so many with such a variety of writing styles and content she could easily disappear for days at a time lost within one, forgetting to look after herself during such moments of addiction. Her latest find was a recipe book that outlined a formulae on how to make a sweet scent she could add to her many candles so that they would burn with a subtle, but delightful fragrance. Suffice to say the golden streaked women now felt compelled to go out and gather the listed plants or a close enough substitute to some of them and give a few of the recopies a try just to satisfy her curiosity.

Striding through the dimly lit tunnels with Jason in one hand, she promptly made her way into the main store chamber and collected the bag she used whenever she left pack lands to gather ingredients for one of her experiments and less then brilliant ideas. Shrugging it over her shoulder, the leather bag was slung from her left shoulder to right hip. With her bag on her and Jason in her arms all she needed was to stop off by the stables and collect 'Jason's Girlfriend' as she has so dubbed one of the other Coucal pheasants, whose name was actually Turnip; thus the nickname of Jason's GF to avoid shouting out 'Turnip' whenever she brought the female pheasant with her. It baffled her how the beautiful bird had earned herself such a name and even more so that she actually responded to it.

Emerging from the caves the female let out an irritated growl as the morning light temporarily blinded her, causing her eyes to sting and taking what seemed like forever to adjust to the brightness of the world above during the day. Regardless of the time of day, she always hated sunshine and strived for the night where the moon lightly lit up the landscape with it's subtle and elegant glow. Still, she couldn't have everything her way and to be able to use Jason and his girlfriend to assist her in finding plants, she was forced to do her tracking whilst the sun was up, for the birds needed the warmth and didn't cope well with the chill the night brought.

Collecting the second pheasant, Grace quickly made her way outside of pack lands, sticking to the uneven rocky mountain terrain of which she found easier to navigate then other landscape, having lived upon the mountain for so long now it was her home and on of the most natural places for her to be. Time passes and she moved in silence, eventually lowering the birds down to the ground and letting them run around and explore, keeping an ear open if either one asked for her attention if they found something of interest.

It had been roughly an hour since she'd left the birds to look around, the golden woman moving around at a casual pace and keeping to the more used and shaded trails. A small rustle sounded in the direction she has last seen the two birds and turning to look at the foliage she raised an eyebrow, waiting for one or the other to appear. Only, neither did and before she could call for them the rustle sounded again followed by a piercing cry, breathing in sharply the wind reached her, carrying both the scent of blood and fox.

Without hesitating the woman threw her bag down to the ground and rushed in to the foliage, ignoring the snagging of branches at her legs and concentrating only on the sounds and scents that were relevant to her cause. Ears perked forward she quickly sighted her prey, “Drop her now” the words were screamed at the fox, a warning growl escaping from her throat as he hackles rose and hand clenched into fists, lips tugging back to reveal her teeth and make it clear she was not playing. “She is my companion, not your dinner!” her tone was sharp, promising violence if the bird was not released. “Let. Her. Go” she spat out at the fox, ocean filled eyes spotting Jason hiding in the cramped space under a raised tree root.

Photo courtesy of kookr

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- Niernan Stormbringer - 05-28-2012

Secui form. Ciaran the cat is present, and may be annoyed at Nier. YAY first meetings / 500 exactly!

Niernan enjoyed walking in his secui form, he found that his longer legs and larger paws gave him a wider gait and more balance. He had set off earlier that morning after alerting the others in the pack that he may be wandering further than normal today, he had told them that he would try and bring back something interesting and kept his eyes peeled for new plants or unusual woods.

He found himself humming a tune to himself, his hum a low rumble that sounded like the startings of a growl, but in essence was harmless. Ciaran, who was curled up on his friends broad back, lifted his head and mewled sleepily. Niernan chuckled, that also coming out more threatening than it should, Sorry Ciaran, I'm just humming. The cat mewled once more and put his head back down, where Niernan assumed that he went back to sleep. He envied his cat that ability, that wonderful ability to just pass out whenever. He shook his brick of a head and smiled again, continuing his humming.

The day wore on and the sun beat down on his black back, he bagan to pant, not from exhaustion, but from heat. His ears flicked back and he thought about stopping to find some shade. His tan rimmed receivers flicked up immediately as he heard a female voice shouting. The other sounded hisghly distressed and quite frankly angry. Niernan loped through the underbrush, dodging trees as he made his way towards the noise. He skidded to a halt as he saw the commotion; a vividly ginger fox had hold of an oddly coloured bird, while a golden female wolf screamed at the fox. Clearly the bird was some sort of companion and the wolf was distressed to see it in the maw of a predator. The fox did not look as if he were about to let go and Niernan knew that the bird did not have long left if it were to be saved. In that moment he made a decision.

Black and tan fur blurred as he leaped from the covering foliage, his massive, muscular form crashing into the clearing. Ciaran tumbled from his back, twisting quickly to avoid falling on his face, landing nimbly on all four paws. Niernan gathered the fox into his jaws, holding the animal around the middle, he growled menacingly at the vulpine, Drop the bird. Now! The fox quivered in fear, a whine escaping it but it did not drop the bird. Nier tightened his grip slightly and the fox yelped loudly, the process of which caused it to open its maw, the exotically coloured bird falling to the floor.

Niers cerulean eyes blazed with anger, he panted heavily as adrenaline coursed through his veins, he looked up at the female before him, the distance from his eyes to hers wasn't all that much, but he still needed to raise them slightly. He was unsure what to do with the fox now and he inquired wordlessly through his gaze.

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- Grace D'Angelo - 05-28-2012

Word Count :: 596 Hehe :3

Watching helplessly as the smaller predator held the life of Turnip in it's jaws, the golden woman's thoughts raced and threw together various scenarios and ways to respond, none of which would end pleasantly. Ears flicking back she glared at the fox, half crouching she took a tentative step forward in hope that she could catch the beast and pull Turnip from it's clutches before any further serious damage was inflicted upon the bird, although to some level she knew her attempts would be futile. Tensing and pushing her shoulders back a fraction she held herself still, glaring at the red creature with teeth bared in naive hope that it would change it's mind and release it's catch. But it didn't and wouldn't and there was no way she would be able to get to Turnip before the fox killed the bird.

Despair began to seep into her mind, the conclusion that Turnip was doomed had been made and her muscles relaxed a fraction in defeat. Taking in an unsteady breath, she was about to step out and make a futile attempt to save her companion when a dark figure appeared out of nowhere, so fixated upon the fox she had been careless and oblivious to the approach of another. Ocean filled eyes flicked to the male, confused by his presence and unsure exactly how to respond but as the dark strange held the fox captive she breathed out in relief, running over to where Turnip had fallen and carefully scooping the pheasant up, cradling is against her chest and mumming comforting phrases in low speech, not truly sure if the bird understood her or believed her but the act of doing so made her feel better at least. Glancing over to Jason she called the bird over to her, the red-eyed bird making it's way over to her side in a flash and hiding behind her due to the presence of a stranger.

Gingerly she examined the wounds on Turnip, relieved to see that although bad and painful looking, the wounds were treatable. Now that the birds were free and safe, her attention returned to the dark secui male, his eyes looking to her in question. “Kill it for all I care. Filthy beast” she spat out, glaring at the fox with hatred. Carefully she seated herself upon the ground, resting turnip upon her folded legs and stroking the bird repeatedly in an attempt to keep it calm. “Thank you. For saving her” she nodded her head down at the bird upon her lap, dreads bouncing with the motion. “I mean it, I didn't think i'd be able to get her free from that alive” she smiled slightly, genuinely expressing herself for once rather then resorting to the sarcasm that came so naturally to her.

Taking a steadying breath she calmed herself, allowing the panic and fear to run free from her body. To her right Jason settled down, hugging close to the golden woman’s legs. Looking at the male she allowed her eyes to run over him, taking in his larger form without shame; for in her opinion there was absolutely nothing wrong with clearly checking out a stranger. “I'm Grace, you would be?” she asked in an attempt to make small talk whilst she recovered herself enough from the shock of the situation. Although she knew she shouldn't linger long, she would need to find someone to treat Turnip; unless her dark knight also happened to be a healer, that was, then there was no need to be going anywhere quite so soon.

Photo courtesy of kookr

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- Niernan Stormbringer - 05-28-2012

26th May. 2 pm. Halcyon mountains. La de da / 487

He watched as the golden womans eyes hardened. He had to admit that when she had been distressed those bright blue orbs had been filled with such emotion that he found it hard to look away. Her words didn't come as a shock to him, he knew that if the fox had attacked and tried to eat Ciaran he would have killed the fox in an instant, but now that he was confronted with the situation he was unsure. He hesitated for a moment before he pinned the fox to the floor and silently apologised before gripping the delicate spine between two of his over-large canine teeth and shearing it. The death was quick and mostly painless. He had also thought that by severing the spine so neatly he could use the pelt as it was hardly damaged.

He released the foxes body, letting it fall completely to the floor by his paws. He sat down, placing his haunches on the floor, letting his cyan eyes graze over her tall form, he had heard her whispering in Low Speech to the bird in her hand-paws. He caught the odd word, having learned a little bit from Ciaran, to know enough that she was attempting to sooth the bird. His eyes flicked to the blur of movement as the other bird moved to huddle behind the womans leg. He bowed his head and raised his shoulders in response to her words of thanks. His growly, rumbling voice as gentle as he could make it, falling from his maw rather than erupting as it usually would. It was no problem friend. I wasn't sure if I could get her out alive either, I beieve it was just luck.

He dipped his muzzle again, he could feel a burning rush of blood reach his face as he felt the strangers eyes on his body, yet he could not suppress a little smile. She introduced herself as Grace, he let the name sink in for a second before allowing a wolf smile to pull at his now raised muzzle, A pleasure Grace, I'm Niernan. He could tell that the woman was pre-occupied with the state of her companion, reminding him that his own had fallen from his back when he had leaped to the rescue. He looked behind him and saw that Ciaran was sat beside him, his tail twitching with annoyance. The cat unleashed a sheathed swipe at him, battering his muscular fore-leg with a rain of heavy paw blows. "Idiot! You knocked me off!" He mewled angrily.

Nier looked back up from his cat to Grace, This is Ciaran, my companion. I apologise for his behaviour. I have annoyed him. He stated, his Irish lilt not quite swallowed by the growl of his secui voice. He looked down at the still form of the shocked bird in Grace's lap, How bad is she? Will she live? He asked, concern infecting his tone.

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- Grace D'Angelo - 06-13-2012

Word Count :: 307 Hehe :3

“Niernan” she repeated his name allowed, along for it to roll off her tongue; a strange name where hers was so boring and seemingly common. “It's nice to meet you, although I would of preferred to under less...” blue eyes flicked down the bird cradled upon her lap, “Less worrying circumstances” she concluded, an apologetic smile sat upon her lips. Carefully she examined Turnip, trying her best not to unnecessarily jostle the pheasant and constantly making calming sound effects along with nonsense filled low speech; thankfully the female pheasant seemed to understand through her shock and remained still and allowed for the golden woman to have a look at the damage. Having little medical knowledge, especially that of birds, she could only see that the wounds were likely painful but seemed all surface damage and the off puncture, although she could easily be wrong which scared her a fair amount.

A small motion of movement drew her eyes away from Turnip, amusement filling her despite things as she watched the cat swipe at it's owner with what could only be described as sheer feline annoyance. Before she could stop herself, she laughed, adjusting her arms so that the shaking of her golden form didn't hurt Turnip further. “Ciaran, you know behaving like that just makes you look like a displeased wife picking a fight with her husband for no reason. Not very becoming of such a fine masculine feline as yourself” she spoke in high speech to the cat, not confident enough to convey the message through low speech.

Yet as quickly as the humour had come her attention was drawn back to Turnip. “I honestly don't know, I've read little and heard little about bird injuries so I can only see small surface wounds. The damage could be a lot worse, but I just don't know”.

Photo courtesy of kookr

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- Niernan Stormbringer - 06-13-2012

Crappost! / 254

Niernan flicked his ears forward at the sound of his name rolling from her mouth. He quite liked it, most others only gave him his full name when he was in trouble, even the shy and retiring Coli had started to call him by his shortened nickname. He nodded solemnly, As would I.

He laughed loudly at Grace's comparison of him and Ciaran to a married couple, sometimes it felt like it. He grinned down at his cat companion who had now fallen silent and was regarding Grace with a shrewd eye. For one so young Ciaran saw things a lot clearer than Niernan did, he resolved to ask what was on the felines mind later. He then saw Ciaran give the golden wolf a cat smile, appreciating the hidden compliment in the comment. Nier smiled then too, happy that others thought that Ciaran was handsome too.

His gaze and mind shifted back to the bird then, he listened to Grace's diagnosis and shrugged his shoulders slightly. I have no knowledge of healing. I can assess injuries to myself or my brother, but to others I am oblivious. He paused then, unsure of how this perfect stranger would take his next suggestion, I do know a healer though. My Virding, my pack leader, is an experienced healer. I believe he could care for her. My pack isn't too far from here. I would even bring her back to you if you would like me to. He offered, his voice sincere and his eyes soft and trustworthy.

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- Grace D'Angelo - 06-28-2012

Word Count :: 329 Crappost back <3

Worry wormed it's way into her stomach, the situation finally sinking in through the rush of adrenaline and panic- Turnip was injured and she had no idea how bad nor how to treat her, the caves were to far away to carry the pheasant without worsening the injury or outright killing the bird. Knowing that things were likely not going to end well her chest tightened with hidden emotion, eyes falling down upon the bird softened as she once more whispered comforting low speech to her companion, golden hands stroking lightly across Turnips fragile frame, making sure to avoid the injured and sore areas.

Opening her mouth she was about to announce what she had deemed as inevitable when the black and tan male began to speak. Titling her head up she looked upon his face, falling deadly still as the others offer was given; it wasn't in her to just up and trust another with the life of one of her companions, but she knew well that if this male's pack was close as he claimed it was and with a healer as well, then Turnip may actually stand a chance. “You'd do that for me?” she asked, wary of the males reasoning behind the offer, to her, a complete stranger that had already caused him more then enough trouble. “Turnip... she means a lot to both me and Jason. I'd honestly appreciate it if you could do anything to aid her, my pack is too far and I don't think she'd fair well if I were to take her back with me” she smiled genuinely, honestly grateful for the males offer regardless as to why he had suggested his packs assistance.

“I'm from Anathema; and before you comment we're not all as bad as our reputation lets on. We only have a few twisted personalities within our ranks” she quickly added, feeling the need to speak more about herself, provide the other with more information about her.

Photo courtesy of Analog Weapon, texture by SweettEmottion

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- Niernan Stormbringer - 06-29-2012

bloopy bloop bloop / 196!

Nier nodded at her shocked query, he was honestly perplexed at why she seemed suspicious. But then he was intensely trusting and had only had positive encounters with other wolves in Nova Scotia. He nodded again, shrugging his vast shoulders a little. I can get her to Vinatta safely and in a reasonable condition in no time at all. Especially with Ciarans help. He said, nodding to the cat by his foot-paw. He attempted to smile reassuringly, I know that if someone offered to take Ciaran I'd be wary, and I don't know how I can prove I'm trustworthy, but we can make it to Vinatta and I'm sure Saul would treat her straight away. He rumbled.

The name of Grace's pack hung in the air between them, it seemed that she had expected him to react negatively, but he honestly had no idea such a pack existed and that they had a bad reputation. He cocked his head to one side, I'm relatively new to Nova Scotia, I have never heard of Anathema. And I generally don't judge someone by their pack. I just wanna help. He wagged his tail slightly, trying to display his innocence.

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- Grace D'Angelo - 07-05-2012

Word Count :: 271 Finished!

Gingerly she rose onto her feet, cooing and calming the injured bird whilst the other prepared to take the pheasant back with him to his pack. It was painful to blindly hand over the bird to a strange, even if he had done nothing wrong thus far and had shown her much good will; she was naturally suspicious at first, having been within the ranks of the cave dwellers for so long she couldn't help the caution that clung onto her. Blinking slowly she tried to hide the small, surprised intake of breath when he commented upon not having heard much of Anathema before. Dark rumours and whispers always seemed to follow her packs name and over time she had been quick to judge how others will respond to hearing where she came from, assuming they'd label her a murderer or a criminal because that is what the outside world had deemed her home pack to be.

Moving Turnip away from her body she passed her over the the male, the pheasant resting gently upon his brown palms now. “I guess that's a good thing. We have an unnecessary and baseless bad reputation I'm kinda just.. defensive of my packs name” blue eyes flicked to the bird before she sighed. “I best let you take her, lingering around will do little to aid her. It was good to meet you, I'll see you soon, hopefully with good news” dipping her head she crouched down and scooped up Jason, taking her leave there and then before she changed her mind, waving a hand absent mindedly back to the male without looking back.

Photo courtesy of Analog Weapon, texture by SweettEmottion

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