'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Helping Out a Friend - Printable Version

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- Coeus - 06-14-2012


I really need to work on more interesting titles...

Word Count → 332

The young Timber wolf strolled through the court house, not really going anywhere but wondering what to do. He had checked on Becca and allowed her free run through the forest and had even flicked a blade around, bruising himself more than anything. Something a bit easier would be much better to spend the rest of his afternoon. Stretching his arms behind his head, he turned his direction towards Hadley's place. Coeus still had a debt to pay to the large hybrid and he would enjoy the company. Turning around in a sordid manner, he went marching into the direction he had last seen him. A new habit had arisen since had come to Casa de Cavalieri, on most days it was impossible to see him without a book in his hand. Today's book was History of the late 18th Century, with material so dry it would put most readers to sleep. Though, unlike other readers, Coeus loved it.

Taking in the scenery and the warm day, he hardly noticed when he had finally arrived at the home that Hadley had been repairing. It seemed to be a lovely abode, if not in need of a bit of work. The wolf had glanced briefly at 'home improvement' books and applied a few things on his initial examination of the property. "Hadley?" He called, walking closer to the house, "I've stopped by to give you a hand if you need it. I've also got a brilliant book I'm just dying to tell you about!" He brandished the finely printed hard covered text in one hand, not looking anything like a brilliant book. Everything from the drab title and the dull brown color palette would deter even someone who couldn't read. Leaning against a nearby tree, his orange eyes examined the house once again. "This place has a lot of potential, from the handiwork I've seen from you I'm sure it will be beautiful!"

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to Astrid Walter

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- Hadley - 06-14-2012

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OOC is fine. mine are fair bad too XD

He had a mate. It was something that still shocked Hadley whenever he thought about it. He had never viewed himself as someone who would have a mate. First it was because he didn't want to settle down, then because he didn't see himself worthy enough of having one. Distracting himself from this Hadley had set to repairing the broken Casa houses with a vengeance, each one coming away with new doors and repaired walls and flooring. Furniture was sometimes left alone, other times taken out to burn when it was too far damaged.

He still had some touches to place on the current house he was working on when he heard Coeus call for him. Hadley ducked out from the house, looking over to where the eager new member stood, book grasped. His skill at reading was still non existent, but he did like hearing about the books. He was fairly sure that whatever Coeus had to share would be interesting. He ducked his head with embarrassment at Coeus' words. Thanks. Come on in. I'm just finishing off with the railing. You can tell me about the book there. He returned inside, moving back over to the staircase. This one wouldn't be crooked, he was sure of it.


- Coeus - 06-18-2012


ooc here

Word Count → 300+

Coeus was happy to be acknowledged by his large friend. He still had few allies within the pack of Casa de Cavalieri and to be accepted by the hybrid overjoyed him. It was also refreshing for his interest in books to be accepted and even regarded with interest. Though he knew Hadley could not read, a story in a book could still be told with an interesting air. Marching forward from his position on the outside, he entered the home. It was a comfortable place, needing of repairs and upkeep, but becoming more and more livable. Coeus enjoyed his own room greatly, but would enjoy the solitude of a home some day, maybe with a special someone or a family.

The thought of it made him warm inside as he ascended the stairs to where Hadley was. "Hello!" He started, a smile on his long maw. "The place is really coming together." His orange eyes scoured the room and focused on the railing that he was working on. It was fine work, far better than his own clumsy fingers could master. Then, he remembered the book that was clutched in his cream colored paws. A very nerdy grin sprouted up, "You know, I'm available any time you want to learn, Hadley. Such books as these are quite the interesting. I've learned all about the 18th century! Most people would consider it very dry reading, but these creatures that are illustrated in the pages are very humorous in their actions."

A quiet laugh rose form him as he recalled the pictures from the artists and the decisions they had made. With him spending most of his time simply wandering and enjoying the summer warmth, he had ample time to philosophize about the choices that were made. If he was bemused at first, he would come to merriment after some thought and would question them even further for their stupidity. The wolf's laugh tapered off, as he watched him, "Is there anything a clumsy wolf like me could help with?"

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to Astrid Walter

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- Hadley - 06-20-2012

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OOC goes here for all your OOC needs

Hadley's tail wagged at the compliment on his workmanship. Thank you. He spent a lot of time working on the small repairs. They didn't look good most of the time, if workable, but he was learning how to blend it together so that the repair looked a natural part of the building. It didn't always work, his ideas on how the repair should blend usually experimental. He'd ended up with a room covered in blankets, looking rather silly, after one attempt. Taking down the blankets revealed the hideous botch he'd done on the walls. Thankfully that was in another house, one further from Casa's main area.

His fingers continued working on smoothing the rail, testing the different heights of the supports he was placing in. Hadley hadn't quite figured out that making them all the same size didn't work, giving it a rather bumpy appearance. Confusion showed on his face as Coeus spoke about the book. I'd love to learn. What's the Eighteenth Century? He'd never heard of that before. It sounded rather important. Perhaps a military group? Or a pack that was extraordinarily powerful? Turning Hadley looked over. Could you hold the rail in place for me?
