'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Amy Sunders - 07-02-2012


- X'ies Lambda - 07-02-2012


Current Objective: Stalking. ---
Mood: Cunning----


It was strange how this was all coming about. X’ies was oddly getting sucked into the life of this pack. Almost as if he actually cared about what happened to it. That in itself was ludicrous. Always the grey wolf had only ever cared about himself, and that still held true. Ever action and reaction was merely an act to build upon, a step in his long journey up the ladder of power. Though his feelings were, extending, in his selfishness this pack had become a part of his climb to power. It had become a step, an important one that required caring for lest the rest of them fall down. Though there were too things that existed beyond that in the void of his mind. His time spent with X’y in their own re-enactment of their childhood. Did he care about her? Perhaps, how much did that loyalty and care actually carry though? Was it simply a loyalty born from her position as the corner stone of the pack and therefore an effective joint in his ladder?

Or was it that he genuinely cared about his childhood friend. Those were questions that even he didn’t know the answer to. Regardless light as beginning to shine on certain things within the pack and during his daily jog around the borders he would spot an uncouth figure approaching, and encroaching on their land. He was careful to remain out of sight, keeping to the downwind just to make sure his scent wouldn’t be caught over the air. In his current form sneaking was quite easy particularly for the Lambda whose entire world revolved around words and secrets. He crept closer, keeping to shadows, foliage. He knew the figure that approached, and inwardly his grin would be like that of a Cheshire cat. ” The female dog”.

This situation reminded him of the old days, the last time a dog had brought themselves onto their land and just how he and his childhood companion had sorted that one out.

But these were different days, different times. Still he somehow thought that when faced with the same prospect the situation was going to end up quite similar. Well then again there was the question of Jaden and his former ties to this dog. Would they come out during this conflict? That would be wonderful, he’d love to watch that chaos ensue. Though, the strength of the discord might well tear apart the foundations of the pack. It gave him a moment of pause, chaotic heart versus the idea of gaining his own power. Well he would just have to wait and see how it panned out, he wasn’t going to reveal his presense to the dog or indeed to anyone who happened to stumble across her until the time was right.

So…he’d follow behind in the shadows.

Word Count: 453


- Alistair Gibson - 07-02-2012


Form: Optime pgp: 3+

The unfamiliar scent caught his attention, the fur on the back of his neck automatically rising as he moved towards the borders. Alistair found himself often pacing the edges of the territory without thought, checking for breaches and marking if faint. It had just become a familiar routine that he just couldn't seem to get out of. Ali moved through the brush silently, bihued eyes collecting the scenery, all of it familiar. He was wearing simple clothing, merely jeans and a gray v-neck. The jeans were beat and covered in wood and green stains, and the shirt was ripped and was scented with dirty. These were his work clothes, after all. His knife was in his hand, for he was still on the search for the wood that could be used as a surfboard. Still, no luck for the coywolf.

As he continued towards the scent, another caught his attention. X'ies. Alistair continued, realizing that X'ies scent was near the strange one, probably already at the situation. However, as he finally arrived, X'ies was nowhere to be scene. Ali quickly guessed that the male was in hiding, assessing the situation from the darkness. Alistair paused before the owner of the strange scent, a female of blond. Alistair crossed his arms, eyes slightly narrowing as his fur continued to bristle. "Who are you?" His voice was even, neither friendliness nor hostility in his vocals. His usually warm eyes were cold and focused upon the stranger, ears perked and alert for any sounds of possible...'companions' of the lady. However, there was always a chance that she may join. His knife was still in hand, even though it was a carving knife...It still could be used if defense was needed. Alistair was smaller than most wolves and dogs, but he still had power in his punch and could defend himself with ease. A surfer kind of needed to know that. Ya know, defense against sharks and stuff. Cause Ali totally has fought a shark. Totally.

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- Jaden Ohanzee - 07-05-2012


  • Time: Afternoon
  • Location: Sagni’lak Border
  • Form: Optime
  • Dress: Traditional

  • PGP + 3 Words – 300+

    As it had for Alistair, patrolling the boarders had become a habit for Jaden. He was enjoying the simplicity of this day. It seemed that every other day was filled with stressful matters. From meetings with irritating wolves to ensuring there were pray for the pack hunt, the duties of a leader never seemed to be too few. That is why today was special. It was already nearing the middle of the afternoon and not a single unpleasant thing had happened. Perhaps this day could be spent doing training after the boarders were secure. It had been a while since the archer had time to practice his art and he would enjoy stringing a few arrows.

    Unfortunately, the Alpha had no idea just how wrong he was. But it did become a little more apparent when he saw the blond fur of an assassin on his boarder. It was a little surprising to see her there as she was down wind. He noticed the multicolored body of one of his fellow pack mates as well. Alistair must have been patrolling to and found the woman before he had. The Obsidian male approached the two of them without receiving any hint that X’ies was around.

    What could be expected from Amy today? The thought reeled in his mind as he closed the distance. The dog seemed to enjoy flirting with him and being seductive with the marvelous body she had. That was all and good when Jaden was away from his land, but not on it. He knew his fellow leader had a distaste for dogs and also understood that explaining why one insisted on flirting with him, or worse even, that they had been guilty of doing much more than flirting at one point, would be awkward at the very least. So it was probably best that he and Alistair deal with the woman and send her on her way. It probably wouldn’t be that easy knowing Amy, but they had to try. Hello Alistair, he announced himself before continuing, I see you’ve met Amy, he couldn’t be sure how long exactly they had been talking before he stumbled upon them. She very well might have introduced herself already. What brings you to Sangi’lak? He stepped up next to Alistair and stood close enough to the male to show that they would act as a united front for whatever the dog might want or do. He set his deep blue gaze on blond fur to ensure she knew where his question was directed.

    Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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