'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
stumbling acceptance - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: stumbling acceptance (/showthread.php?tid=29599)

- Ivy Havoc - 07-18-2012

Quote: Hey there this is for Ismeme, um first post on the pack thread...yea so sorry it kinda late, was helping my grandma out. but yea. enjoy?

Ivy had not been sure as what to do with herself after joining Casa. The fort was swarming with life, wolves were buzzing around like bees in a hive. She shivered at the thought of beocming one of those bees. The shiver was not one of fright but of excitement, to be part of a pack was things of her dreams, to be part of a family was something of a fantasy. The female moved towards the large buildings.

She paused at the gate, her mouth went slack with awe. the place was huge. the sounds and smells slammed into. She blinked a few times to readjust before moving through the town. Her ears twisted to half mast as she moved past the stalls and into what seemed to be the towns square. She froze, ears and tail lowering at the people. There were so many luperci here, too many. She began to back away before stopping once again. The other wolves that inhabited the village were interacting with the luperci. Some were...were laughing.

The female chided herself. She shouldn't have passed judgement against these people. They let her into their home without judgement. She had no right to do anything like that to the others. But that little place in her the back of her mind wriggled and squirmed like a living cancer. it whispered dark thoughts, whispered venom into her ears. Her instinct told her to run, to hide. Part of her wanted to find a place to sleep, outside the fort walls and in a small den or aclove. Again she chided herself. Ismeme said that no one would hurt her, and she was a luperci.

Alyssum had come to agreement with her, she - or they even- had no reason to lie to her.

Get a hold of yourself Ivy, don't show fear. That's what dad would have wanted...right?

She dry swallowed and plunged forward into the crowd. She gave anyone a wide birth as she trudged on to the large building. Hopefully this would be where she

She was going to have to get over her fears, to fight off her nightmares.