'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Time to Snooze - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Time to Snooze (/showthread.php?tid=29813)

- Jaden Ohanzee - 07-28-2012

Thread Information
Date: July 25, 2012

Setting:Near Sunflower Sunsets

Time: Early Morning

Character Form: Lupus-Optime

Dress: Nude Wink


PGP + 3


The night hadn’t been kind on Jaden. As often happened when he was stressed, he was awoken multiple times by terrifying and oddly fictional twists on his past memories as they took over his dreaming world. X’ies seemed to be a heavy enough sleeper that he hadn’t noticed from where he slept a not far off. The Obsidian man flashed his teeth with a wide yawn when he realized just how dry his mouth was. Luckily there was a stream nearby.

He stood on four legs while still half asleep. The two nomads had traveled late into the night before. Even without his nightmares he would have been tired. He slowly began to wake up on his way to get water and was up enough to plan for the day ahead by the time he was done drinking. Inferni was their next stop. This was the first pack they would meet on their journey of diplomacy that had a good chance of ending with violence. The best course of action would be to meet while in optime so he would have full use of the weapons he’d brought along.

With this plan in mind, he took the packed satchel off his back and began to shift. There were plenty of things inside of it that would need to be removed and repositioned before he could get at the folded leather quiver inside. But when two legs finally found him he didn’t stand but only looked tiredly at the packed satchel. Did this need to be done now? He found a tree close by and set his back against it. He could rest here for a second before digging into the packed bag. Thought began to stretch in his mind as sleep wrapped its soothing fingers back around him. Only a moment was quickly becoming more. The satchel was brought closer so he could begin his work but he crossed his arms comfortably and let his head fall back slightly on the tree. Only a breath or two later Jaden was already in a light sleep.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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- Revena Shmit - 07-28-2012

Revena had had enough of dirt, trees, and mud for a lifetime. She needed to find a pack suitable for her and join quickly. It didn't have to be anything compared to her home. All she asked was that they accept her and give her a proper place to sleep where she wasn't covered in dirt and leave in the morning, a place to clean herself, and access to the proper supplies she needed to maintain her appearance. The chocolate splattered female had one pack in mind that caught her eye and her fancy. She'd heard of it from a passerby she talked to a couple days ago. It was called Anathema and had everything about it appealed to her, aside form their less than royal ways of living, but it would make a good home here in Nova Scottia. This is where she was headed now and would be happy to get there quickly so she could finally be at ease.

The coy-dog trudged through the forest on two legs, her pack, with very few items inside, slung over her shoulder. Still, she looked like a mess. But, nothing compared to what she'd looked like a couple days ago. Whenever she came by a river or stream she'd bathe, although pure water never did much in terms of cleaning. Anyhow, she would be home soon. As she walked, an irritated expression splayed on her face, something interesting caught her attention. The scent of a male not to far off. She didn't particularly want to go to him but he was in her path and she was curious, as always, for male interaction.

Her face lit up in a smile and she gave a small delighted laugh and began to skip in his direction. Her tail swayed uselessly and her one folded ear bounced on top of her head along with her short red hair as she moved along. It wasn't long before she saw a large black figure behind a tree up ahead. That had to be him. Revena padded nearer and nearer as quietly as she could leaving her skip behind until the man was sitting before her. Her eyes immediately widened as well as her satisfied grin. He was handsome, and cute, as he slept up against the tree. Shiny black fur covered his toned body and he wore not a single piece of clothing. Revena squatted with her hands on her knees and smiled at him. Hello? Was all she said in the most charming voice she had.

- Jaden Ohanzee - 07-30-2012


PGP + 3


The tired male was quite comfortable where he sat. The soothing sounds of morning played beautifully in the background. Birds sang sweet songs and the nearby river trickled quietly with an irresistible melody. All of it and the light sleep settling on Jaden were enough to block out the female hybrid’s muted steps. He was falling deeper into it even as she squatted right in front of him. His legs had folded too so she was able to get close without standing over or touching them. What finally gave away the woman’s presence was her scent. As she fell into the lower stance it filled the air around her and in front of Jaden with a feminine smell. Deep blue eyes opened suddenly but the dark body was otherwise completely still.

His muzzle drew in a deep breath of her as he also tried to take in all he saw and what was going on in just a few seconds. The position this stranger took gave him a wonderful view of her body. In his just awakened state he didn’t have the sense to be polite. His gaze played from the warm hazel eyes down her white underside and back. She was attractive in the right areas. And she was still sort of pretty for a coyote hybrid. What last got him were the interesting fur pattern strewn about her and charm on her voice. This was an attractive woman practically sitting on him. She was also brave too. What if he were a more aggressive male? It would have been easy enough to snap at her from this close.

He might have thought her a figment of his sleeping mind had it not been for the strange chocolate spattered coat. Motion finally found his body after he scanned hers and a few bewildered blinks. He rubbed the sleep from one of his eyes and sat up a bit straighter. Then he looked good-naturedly into the hazel, Good morning... Is there something I can do for you, stranger?

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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- Revena Shmit - 08-09-2012

The man's eyes slowly opened and lazily looked over her. She smiled attractively back at him not minding one bit where his eyes wondered. She was prideful of her appearance, she did what she needed to keep herself in tip top shape. It had never crossed her mind that the charcoal man could have been dangerous. Revena never had to worry about the dangers of the world before, constantly under the protection of her parents and other members of her pack. The man was trying to adjust, blinking and rubbing his eyes to wake up. He was very attractive as he did this, her smile growing wider as she watched him and a small giggle chimed into the air as she watched him. He finally spoke up with an attractive voice.

Nothing in particular. You were just on my path and caught my attention. He was a welcomed distraction from her path to Anathema. Maybe they could sit and talk for a while. What are you doing sleeping out here? You smell of pack, am I right handsome? Revena tilted her head, tail swaying gently as she looked into his eyes.

- Jaden Ohanzee - 08-09-2012


PGP + 3


There were few more pleasant ways to wake up that he could think of than with a beautiful woman within reach. Of course, it would be nicer if it were one he loved. He also couldn’t truly get past the fact that she had a bit of coyote blood in her. Only because she was exceptionally beautiful was Jaden able to keep from being irritated at her surprise wakeup call. The longer he spent examining her with sight and smell, the easier it was to tell she wasn’t just beautiful but extremely well kept too. Most males and females alike took care to look presentable but this one looked like she took special care to make sure her looks were stunning. Were it not for the lack of pack scent on her and her own lack of formality, the Issum may have assumed her to hold a lead position in a pack.

He listened to her speak with good nature still written on his features. Jaden wasn’t vain but understood that he was relatively attractive. But it was nice to be reminded of it every now and then though. Her flirting twisted his good natured smile into a charming grin. Indeed you are. I am the Issum, or leader, of Sangi’lak. Why I’m sleeping out here is a bit more complicated, He glanced over at the river. What a waste of the morning. At least meeting this woman would bring something salvageable from it. I was readying myself to meet with Inferni’s leadership today when I dozed off here. Didn’t really sleep well last night, he smiled at her and admired the strength and confidence his gaze met when it dipped into hers. But I think I can spare a few more minutes to meet such a beautiful lady. Would you like to sit miss….? He scoot himself over a little and prodded her a name.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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