'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Let's do some stupid shit - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Let's do some stupid shit (/showthread.php?tid=3035)

- Alexey Koios - 08-14-2008


Enough was enough. Wounded or not, she was going for it. Alexey wondered if she was doing this out of affection for the girl, or simply because her morals wouldn't allow her to go on pretending like nothing ever happened. It was a spur of the moment decision, and she had no set plan of action, but her determination was fierce and reckless. Perhaps Firefly had something to do with that newly acquired personality trait. The Filix hadn't even bothered finding Haku to tell him about her plans, tracking that man down was a hassle in itself and there was no time to waste.

She had mentally prepared herself for the worst possible scenarios, half-expecting some kind of disastrous discovery. No matter what she found though, Gabriel's daughter would suffer the consequences of whatever her clan had done to her multi-colored friend. Lexey already had her mind set on killing the Aquila's kid if it came down to it. She was just a child, yes, but so was Firefly.

Alexey was almost out of the pack lands: she had already crossed Wolfville and she was now headed for Whisper Beach. Her eyes mirrored stress and uncertainty to the rest of the world as a mixture of thoughts and emotions clashed with the little common sense she had left. What she was about to do was borderline suicidal, and she would need a miracle to pull it off. However, the Koios femme was willing to die trying. Her legs hurt with every step she took, but the pain jolting through her limbs wasn't enough to slow her down.


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 08-15-2008

DaVinci had been following her trail, it was obviously stale but he knew sooner or later that it would lead to her, or atleast to the territories that she'd decided to reside in. He knew that there was really no reason to seek her out, she was probably happy at whatever she'd been playing at now. Frowning to himself as he caught the sound of heavy steps through the edge of the woods he turned away from his search and loped off after the noisy creature.

It didn't take him to long to find the owner of the heavy steps and after following her silently for a little bit he realized that she was injured. Stepping out from the shadows he spoke up. "You've got a long way to go.." he paused for a moment before adding. "Where ever it is you're off to." Raising a brow at the lady he forgot for a moment how or what he probably appeared like to the poor girl. He hadn't been around to witness the mischief that the clan had been up to now but he knew that sooner or later he'd learn, not that it was on his mind as of yet.

Taking another step towards the girl he went on. "Anyways.. I'm looking for someone.. I think she lives around here." He knew he sounded a bit pathedic but how the hell was he suppose to find her if she actually had shacked up with some pack. He doubted that any of them would just let him come frolicing into their mists no matter how much happiness he brought along, after all, he was the splitting image of a coyote.

- Alexey Koios - 08-18-2008


Alexey slowed down at first, refusing to stop completely. She wanted to ignore him and keep on walking, after all, he looked just like one of them; nothing more than a coyote. The last coyote she'd encountered who wasn't a member of Inferni had tried to convince her that this war was pointless, and their conversation hadn't ended so amicably. Needless to say, she didn't want to go through that scenario once again. Unfortunately, this hybrid appeared to be quite the stubborn bloke.

Coming to the conclusion that he just wouldn't go away until he got the answer he was looking for, she finally stopped and turned around to face him. "I know that." she mumbled, replying to his first affirmation. The answer was a little delayed, but at least she was acknowledging his presence now. So he was looking for someone. Well, so was she, and no one was able to help her. She knew how hard it was to lose someone though, and the fact that he had come forth and asked for help was admirable in itself. "Who is it you're looking for?"


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 08-19-2008

He grinned in amusement at her words. He knew he had been more than obvious in the selection of words he'd granted her but he hadn't expected her to agree with him. Padding along with her as she moved he kept his distance but continued on speaking. "Well, what's the rush?" he asked, seeing that she didn't seem to have time for the rest of the world, whatever this mission was that she seemed to determined to continue on. When she'd stopped moving he backed away a step, giving her space enough just incase she thought there was something fishy about him.

When she asked him who he was looking for the boy replied honestly, how was he to know his sibling hadn't told the world just who she was. "My sister, Firefly Sadira.." He looked off towards the direction she'd come from before continuing. "I know she's been around here.." he was a bit doubtful, but he knew her scent, she could have been passing though, but atleast he could see. "She's a slight but spirited kid.. Emerald eyes, accent, creamy gold coat with bronze and silver to her fur..." He wasn't for certain how much she'd grown but she'd never really been that large, long legs and a lithe body but that had been in Ireland, it'd been moons since then. Who knew now..

- Alexey Koios - 08-19-2008


Firefly Sadira. Those two words sufficed to knock the wind out of her lungs. It might not have been a physical blow, but it hurt just as much. Honey-colored eyes widened in shock as she shook her head, unable to provide him with a verbal answer. It took her quite a few moments to catch her breath, and once she did, Alexey hesitated before speaking. Did this male really deserve to know that his sister was in grave danger?

Looking down at her two front paws in order to avoid looking straight at him, the Filix took a deep breath and went for it. "I know who she is." Oh god, how the hell was she supposed to tell him? "She's gone. Inferni..." she paused, choosing her words carefully. Did he even know who Inferni was? "They took her away a little over two weeks ago. Your sister's a pack mate of mine. I was actually on my way to go find her, I just want to make sure she's okay." Lexey pursed her lips together, hoping her explanation made sense to the hybrid.


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 08-19-2008

He didn't fail to notice the expression that caught in her eyes as he spoke the name of his kid sister. He felt the hairs along his neck begin to rise as he began to wonder if he wanted to know why the name of the girl had created such a shock to their meeting. A frown fell upon his lips as his strange hued eyes met those golden ones before him. The sudden change as she cast her eyes away made him settle in, knowing he wasn't going to be leaving without an answer.

IT took her a moment or two before words fell from her maw but when they finally did a soft growl rose from his throat. So obviously Inferni had lived through the fire, he'd caught the scent of the clan he'd crossed so long ago but he hadn't been sure til now. He was silent a moment before he stood up and replied shortly. "Well, let's get going then?" there was little humor in his voice as he admitted. "I've more of a chance walking into their lands than you would.. unless someone happens to remember me.." It had been so long ago and he'd been nothing more than a child but he'd been a hellish brat back then and half the known world he'd grown up in probably wished that he'd died so long ago. How they'd weep to know he'd lived.

- Alexey Koios - 08-20-2008


This had to be the shortest thread ever, haha. XD

"Alright." She nodded her approval before turning her back to him and continuing her trek towards Inferni. His offer was generous, and turning him down wasn't really an option. Firefly's brother was here to stay, and Alexey found it strangely comforting to know that she wasn't alone on this mission anymore. No explanation was needed right now, they had plenty of time to discuss their plan of action along the way. This male was willing to help, that's all she really wanted to know. Introductions and small-talk could wait until later.
