'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Where the sun touches earth - Printable Version

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- Isabella Heiwa - 09-14-2012

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Setting Location Form NPCs
Date: 14 Sept (this okay?)

Weather: Breezy

Time: Afternoon

Kaoru Hideki


let me know if anything is all crappy crap!

The slave held the reins of the finicky mare, knowing that he ought to be doing the work his mistress was doing. Instead she had ordered him to hold onto her mare and prepare the saddle bags for her. He had flipped them over when she had bobbed her head, chin flicking in his direction. Smooth, liquid movements were all he had done and the woman stared at him carefully. The flowers in the field still had their merry yellow heads, despite the seasons changing soon. Lately, the weather had felt warm almost constantly, as though summer persisted despite the fact it ought to be fall by then. Certainly some trees had begun to shed their leaves with the accustomed rhythm, though others still felt that summer warmth. Thankfully the plants here were still blooming sunshine gold.

"Open it. 開く," she said roughly, hands cupped. The slave peered into her hands and saw the black shells of sunflower seeds piled high. The white Akita rushed to open the bag, flipping it open with a flick. The inside was lined with old, clean linens, as always. The slave stepped aside, sniffling as Isabella dropped the handful into the bag. It was just a handful and seemed so pitifully small inside of the saddlebag. It had seemed a mountain in her pale hands. Isabella scoffed at the sight of the small pile. The slave said nothing, but held onto the reins as ordered. "Go, help me. Ducky seems fine and these empty stalks will force her attention." Kaoru nodded his head, only understanding a quarter of the words spoken to him but obeying those he knew. "はい," he affirmed, bowing at the waist and slipping into the field of sunflowers to pick at the seeds for oils. Isabella stared after the white slave picking seeds from the sunny heads, piling them into his hands. "Quel spectacle de voir .. Bel homme travaillant pour une belle femme." Her lips caressed the words softly as she let the reins drop.

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- Sonje Helsi - 09-15-2012

(Not at all! And the date is good too Smile I'LL NEVER TELL YOU NAUGHTY THING YOU.. But this is my first time going by Cheshire, if you must know n__n *bats eyelashes*)

Sonje by Sie!

Sonje rode her slow-plodding gray mare up the lane aside a grand field of sunflowers. She only scoffed, turning up her nose and cringing her yellowed eyes unhappily. Her ears, twined with gold, pinned back and she gripped Jagga's reins and squeezed her legs slightly tighter against her round, bare sides, urging her into a light trot. She went along easily enough, and though Sonje didn't often have her move faster than a brisk walk, she was eager to be rid of the disgustingly pretty place.

As the two creatures loped—or in Sonje's case, rode—up a particularly long stretch of road, she saw ahead another horse and then two Luperci formed as they got closer. Pulling on the reins, Jagga came to walk and then a slow stop several yards away. "Hail," she said unceremoniously. Or was it the other way around? Either way, her mother (who the word was more suited for, by the way) would say it, so she couldn't see why she wouldn't say it as well. And then she wondered why she'd even addressed them at all. Perhaps she was interested to get to know the curvy female there, who had a similar pack scent to a young woman she'd met some weeks back.

She glanced at the male: broad, white, handsome.. picking flowers. She wrinkled her nose but turned her muzzle towards the female, who obviously stood as the more dominant of the too. Her effortless carriage was emanating. "Doing anything interesting?" she asked, and though the question was childish in itself, she sounded more like a cleverly inquisitive crow.

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- Isabella Heiwa - 09-15-2012



Just because I am naughty does not warrant this torture! How much more must you hurt me so? -teartear-

It was the white male who had looked up first, his sea-blue eyes peering intently on the stranger who approached. He sniffed at the wind and winced as his still healing bull ring pulled on sensitive tissues. He touched his nose as he spoke his mistress' name softly. The woman rose from the sunflower head, a handful of seeds in her palm. They poked her pads as she closed the white fingers over the tiny black capsules. Back straight, she peered at the woman calling out to her. There was something familiar about her but it was only a tingle at the back of her mind. Nothing important, clearly, as she gave a half smile. The greeting was uncommon, something that the dark woman was not used to hearing around her very often.

"Bonjour," she called back in her honeyed alto. Isabella stepped lightly to her saddle bags and let the small handful flit through her open fingers. The resulting crackle of kernels hitting other kernels left her slightly satisfied as she turned back to the stranger atop the horse. "We are picking seeds to make sunflower oil." It was a fragrant sort of oil, with a sweet scent associated with it. The few drops she had ever used were nutty and added a touch of the exotic to her roasted rabbits.

"私は、マスターを働き続けなければならない?" asked the slave, holding a handful of seeds over the bag and letting them tumble in as he looked expectantly at the woman. She jerked her chin in the directions of the sunflowers and the younger male stepped lightly at the plants. Blue-gold eyes returned to the stranger, smiling lightly. "What brings you here?" she said with a tinkling laugh, as though she had known the woman all her life instead of for only a few moments.

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