'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
hands of uncertainty - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: hands of uncertainty (/showthread.php?tid=3148)

- Endymion Russo - 08-21-2008


private for rachias. set the 20th.

It was finally quiet, but the quiet was almost as bad as the noise. Endymion watched the pair with dry, vigilant eyes, slowly drumming his fingers against his knee. He couldn't tell if they were better. It had been two days and he was already looking for improvement. The wolf desperately needed patience, but his nerves were all frazzled. The drumming increased. He couldn't tell who was the worst, either. He couldn't tell who needed the most attention. He knew that Jasper, whom Endymion had met nearly a year ago, was the first with the disease, but he was young and was most likely to pull through. Laruku and Ahren both looked awful, and were obviously a little older than Jasper. But who had it the worst? The question ran repeatedly through Endymion's head, sometimes in a whisper and other times it rang in his ears like a thunderclap.
Running a hand over his face, the wolf reached for the water jug at his side. It was almost entirely full; he hadn't had an opportunity to water them properly. He sighed and took a drink. Through the thinly-curtained window he could the see sky beginning to turn gray. He hadn't slept since meeting Ryan the day before. The thought made a soft laugh escape his lips, the noise barely breaking the silence. His pale eyes continued to watch the two men.


- Rachias Tears de Ame - 08-22-2008

Ahren is actually in a shed away from Jasper and Laruku. X3

An idea had come to her at some point through the night, something that hadn't left her mind even when the sun had risen up above the lands to signal day time. Rachias had risen along with it at that point, checking in on the her father and Jasper before wandering away from the shack. She had visited the human city for a short while, taking notice of the darkening sky as she began her way back to Esper Hollow. It looked like it might rain yet again, which meant that Rachias would likely spend most of her time making sure that the shack didn't leak through the night. With that in mind, Rachias held the book tightly against her body and moved swiftly through the lands, not stopping until the moment that she reached the shack that contained the sickly men.

Upon entering, the first thing that she noticed was the strange scent that hit her head on. After the episode a few days back, the youngster that her father practically tried to kill, it made her immediately nervous. She stepped in then, drawing the door closed, and immediately set her eyes on him. He smelled like Laurel, even if only a little bit, but that didn't help to ease her mind. "Know one of them?" She asked quietly, not trying to sound to demanding of him. Certainly Laurel wouldn't have let him in if he had meant any kind of harm. Without hesitating, Rachias moved to the normal spot that she took beside her father, dropping herself to the floor to sit by him, resting the book against her legs for the time.


- Endymion Russo - 08-24-2008


whoops! made corrections. :]

The voice made him jump to his feet. He nearly shouted in surprise, but he suppressed it for the sake of the others. The girl before him was unfamiliar, though her scent wasn't; it was similar to Laruku's, who she was sitting beside now. How curious. "I know Jasper," he answered, gesturing to the pale boy. "But I'm taking care of all of them, really." He shrugged, then glanced away as he headed toward the cupboard across the room. There was a second water jug in there, room temperature but hydrating none-the-less. Unscrewing the jug, he filled a baster with the water, then screwed the cap back on and closed the cupboard. He paused, glancing at Rachias, then crossed the distance to Jasper's side. "Is that your father?" he asked to the girl, jerking his head at Laruku before crouching to Jasper's level.
He was guessing, but it seemed likely. Endymion wondered if he would do the same—watch over him—if it were Salvaged lying there. Or Thorn, even. He didn't know. He couldn't know. He would probably never know. Sighing, the wolf gently prodded the pale boy's shoulder. "Water?" he whispered softly, hoping the boy was willing to take it.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 08-31-2008

The words that the stranger offered failed to make her any less nervous about his sudden presence in the shack. She'd never seen him before and had only just moments before caught any portion of his scent. The girl had to remind herself though, that these lands were not her own, and it was quite possible that he was now a member of Laurel's pack. "I've been looking after them for a few weeks now." She commented quietly, following him across the room with her eyes, wondering just what he was after. "I've been bringing water from a stream outside of these lands." She began, noticing the water and the fact that it was what he had gone after. "Since we don't know what this is, I wasn't sure if the water here was safe."

If he had some skill in diseases, then he would certainly understand it.

"Yes. His name is Laruku." She offered the information easily, leaning forward a bit as the stranger tried to coax Ahren's son in to taking the water. Rachias could hear his quiet mumbling, something that she was used to by now, and smiled very faintly at the fact that he seemed to open his mouth to take it. "My father wakes up a lot, talks a bit of nonsense, but sometimes he understands what is going on. Jasper though, he doesn't really wake up much. He calls for his mother mostly, but he doesn't show as much sign of being awake that my father does." And she hated that fact. Even if she had never known him before, she didn't like seeing him ill. Ahren was her friend, after all. What made it worse were his cries for his mother, though.
