'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
washed under the blacktop, gone beneath my wheels - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: washed under the blacktop, gone beneath my wheels (/showthread.php?tid=32288)

- Vesper - 10-19-2012


(425) Aaaaaand I finally get this started. :| Backdated to whenever the hurricane was or something. Vessiepoo is in Lupus.

Vesper and Myrika are by Sie!

Vesper had never minded rain, but it was damnably cold and windy outside, and this wasn’t rain so much as a wave of water from the skies. She wobbled as she made her way toward the northern part of the territory, her light frame buffeted by gales that nearly ripped the dark bird off her back. She could feel the raven’s claws digging into her scruff and shoulder but said nothing, only doing her best to move quickly to reach the village.

It was no secret that the feral-born coywolf mistrusted the rickety old structure of the mansion, and while other pack mates might’ve sought shelter there, she wasn’t going to risk sleeping under a roof that could very well collapse under the weight of the pounding rain. Grimwell Caverns had always seemed safe, strong, secure in comparison, steady walls and a steady ceiling of limestone that would only collapse under a terrible earthquake if that. However, she hadn’t considered the Lethe winding through the caverns, or the positioning of her own. With her meager possessions destroyed and the den flooded, there was nowhere else for her to go—except the cozy schoolhouse where her lover and the grown Evocati lived.

“Wings tearing off,” Stark grumbled lowly near her bad ear. She swiveled the other back toward him. “Hoping others safe, trees not crashing,” he added in a deeper grumble, his throat feathers fluffing out as he twisted his head in the direction of the ruins where the flock lived.

“I’d shelter them,” the hybrid told her winged mentor gently, “but I’m not sure that our Aquila would appreciate all the bird shit in her home.”

She must have succeeded in sounding cavalier, because the raven chortled in that odd way of his. She flattened her ear and lowered her head and continued to lope across the territory, managing to breathe a sigh of relief once she was amongst the smaller buildings and partially shielded by the blasts of wind. She found the old schoolhouse immediately, breaking out into bounding leaps to cross the road and finally reach it. She drew upon her reserves of patience to keep from barging in and scaring the daylights out of the inhabitants, instead briefly rearing on her hind legs and calling out above the sound of the storm. The wind tore away the words themselves, but she managed a single urgent yap.

Vesper then stood and waited, soaked to the bone, the rain drumming a veloce tune on her head and a bedraggled raven sitting on her back.

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