'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
flight of the (phoenix) - Printable Version

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- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-25-2007

http://sixpop.com/images/file/20416272.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:350px; background-position:bottom center;">
woah! Queen Emo thinks she's being haunted by Erik. It would be...awesoem if Phoenix would try and help her find the source of the 'haunting' (which is purely mental) and get pushed out of her mind by the negaitve engery masquerading as Erik!

She hadn't seen Deirdre the last two times she'd come...she was starting to wonder if her daughter was even still around. She missed the white child something fierce. Just like she missed Lucifer something fierce. She still clung to the hope she and Lucifer would make up...some year. maybe.
She sat th the border, wating. After meeting Slade, she didn't quite have the courage to enter again. The male had frightened her, after all. As she sat, her mind wandered again to the male who seemed to be haunting her. Erik. Shewas holding her journal, pen in hand, absently sketching. It was supposed to be a young Dierdre. Instead, it was a furious Erik.
She put her journal away, shuddering. She looked up from her crosslegged postiton, wating patiently. She was ready to bolt if she thouggt it was Slade again.


- Phoenix - 11-26-2007

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position:bottom center;">
It's gonna take a loooot of convincing to get Phoenix in her head, hardy har.

BTW... Jimmy Stewart > Dennis Quaid by quantum proportions.

How had he managed to so royally screw things up so quickly? Here he was, living the dream of many other wolves: a mate, a family, and he was even Omega of his pack. Then, in no time at all, he'd lost two daughters, and his pack had spent a few days teetering on the brink of war with the Land of Wuffluvers. Phoenix had handled the situation to the best of his novice capabilities, but as always, he felt he could have done better. Or someone else could have, someone with greater experience in this role. All he'd wanted was to help an old friend, and in the end he'd made an oath to kill him if he harmed any members of a clan known for harboring murderers, rapists, and sociopaths. He'd never sought the rank of Omega precisely for fear of situations like this.

A familiar scent was at the borders, reminding Phoenix of yet another of his bungles, only this one had been from before he became Omega. At first Phoenix wanted to ignore Queen Emo. She was probably only hear to see her (their?) daughter. Phoenix knew their relationship was on the mends but he couldn't help but worry to see her in a situation where she was so close to Lucifer again. At the thought of the black male who had defiled his daughter Phoenix snorted. He and Vegetarian Shark should have hunted him down while they had the chance, but by now it was too late. Now, all they could do was make sure he stayed out of the Place of Lightning and Thunder. Phoenix still had other daughters he had to keep safe.

Still... something compelled to see the Queen Emo again, the female he had alternately feared, then befriended, then shunned. His regard of her had taken a fatal blow when she had left the Place of Lightning and Thunder and taken her daughter's rapist as a mate, but he felt he had an obligation to Dierdre to at least get along with her. After all, he certainly wanted to be there on the day she and Vegetarian Shark had children, and he knew Queen Emo would want to be too. He couldn't let old differences ruin that day for his daughter. As he found her at the border, he wanted to say something at least gracious, but all he could manage was a flat "Lookin' for Dierdre?"

- Deuce Rhiannon - 12-05-2007

http://sixpop.com/images/file/20416272.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:350px; background-position:bottom center;">
Boy...she's a little pushy drunk. LOL

Deuce looked up, spotting phoenix. She gave an uncertain smile at the alpha male. yes...is she around? She shifted uncomfortably. her ast meeting with Phoenix hadn't gone so well. She still remembered the repulsed look in his eyes when she told him she was leaving to live with lucifer.
She couldn't help but want to fix things between hersef anf phoenix. Lucifer and Dierdre are talking again. She forgave him... No mention of Deuce's mental problems as of late. Why mention that? It ws her own issue to handle.


- Phoenix - 12-05-2007

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position: bottom center;">
She’s drunk?

When Phoenix had first met Deirdre, he’d wanted nothing to do with the little girl for fear of getting enveloped in Deuce’s mad lifestyle. It was ironic, now, considering he thought of her as his own daughter and she was helping to raise his children as her younger siblings. He was proud of the fine adult she’d become, thanks in no small part to his guidance. “Course she is,” he answered the mother. “I see her almost every day. She an’ her mate babysit my pups regularly.” He didn’t know if Deuce knew about her marital status, but she was bound to find out eventually.

He wasn’t sure what Deuce was trying to accomplish by bringing Lucifer up. Was she trying to force him to accept the little rapist? Quite the opposite was achieved; Phoenix’s hair raised a bit just at the mention of his name. Even if Dierdre had forgiven him, Phoenix couldn’t overlook what he had done. “Dierdre’s a kind soul,” he declared. “But that don’t change what he’s done. I still don’t want him anywhere near Storm. I got other daughters that I need to protect.” Well, it was just one now, but he still hoped that the other two would come back to him someday.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 12-05-2007

((no...that was an accident. LOL))

mate? Deuce looked at Phoenix, startled. her baby had a mate? Dierdre...has a mate? But he continued, making Deuce flinch, looking away. I wasn't trying to make you forgive him, phoenix. I just wanted you to know. She straightened, looking at him quietly. He's a good man, Phoenix. Not at all like you think. He's helping fatin raise her pups.

She shrugged. In the back of her mind she could hear Erik taunting her. She shook her head, scratching absently behind an ear, wishing she could dislodge the cruel voice of the dark male. She ignored him, looking to phoenix again. How is your mate and pups? I hear you make a fine alpha.

- Phoenix - 12-05-2007

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position: bottom center;">
It was totally sick and he knew it, but Phoenix couldn’t deny that deep down somewhere he received some twisted sort of satisfaction from knowing more about Dierdre than Deuce did, especially with something this big. After all, he felt he had just as much a right to called Dierdre his daughter as Deuce did. Stifling such feelings, he merely nodded. “Yeah, his name’s Pilot Haddon. He’s a good guy—does a good job lookin’ out for her.” Not to mention a total contrast from Lucifer. No matter what Deuce said, Pilot had never harmed anybody in his life. Phoenix only vaguely knew who Fatin was, but he was not impressed by the fact. “Well, she better keep a close eye on him around her children. ‘Specially th’little girls,” he said snidely.

He wondered why she was asking about his family. True, they used to be friends once, but when he hadn’t accepted her rapist mate with open arms he’d inferred their friendship was at an end. He didn’t exactly feel comfortable talking to her about his life, since the last thing he wanted was to invoke her pity. Nevertheless, he answered her. “Sun an’ Moon left to be with their real family. One of my other daughters ran away. Th’rest are doin’ as well as can be expected.” Perhaps that was why he was being so territorial with Dierdre. After losing so many children he wanted to hold on tight to the ones he had left.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 12-12-2007

She looked at Phoenix sadly, understanding the pain of losing a child. But that many? the fellow must be miserable. But it was obvious he didn't want her help, nor condolences. I'm sorry. I understand.... She trailed off lamely. She shifted her weight nervously, feeling anxious.

i'm glad Dierdre is happy....I guess it's just best if I left her alone... Those words hurt to say, but she hadn't been much of a mother to the pale woman, had she? As a matter of fact, she barely knew either child. It hurt badly to realize that fact too. She sighed, looked back to home. the home where Lucifer was still angry, where her own alpha hated her.

- Phoenix - 12-13-2007

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position: bottom center;">
Really, Phoenix didn't know who he could talk to any more. He couldn't trust Phasma right now. Iskata... well, the loss of Firefly had put a tension between them and he didn't know how to break through it, as much as he wanted to. He didn't want to intrude on Pilot and Dierdre's happiness. Skoll was a good friend but not the kinda guy one could open up to and have touchy-feely moments with. And it seemed like everybody else he had at some time or another counted as a friend was gone from the lands. Drako, Noah, Piper--all gone, dissapeared. The lonelt male wondered who would leave him next.

Sighing, Phoenix realized that he didn't feel like seeing one more body walk away from him at the time. He probably would regret this later, but before she could leave he spoke up. "Eh, y'don't hafta go." He took a few steps to follow her. "Y'ever stop t'think that th'reason you two have problems is 'cause you're always walkin' away? She wanst you in her life, Deuce. Th'reason she acts so angrily towards you is 'cause you 'leave her alone' too much." Yeah, like he was the best person to talk to about keeping family together. But this was more about Dierdre than him. He wanted her to be happy, to have a complete family. That was something he couldn't provide for her alone.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 12-13-2007

She stopped, turned to him. he wanted her to stay? How...odd. For the most part, he'd spent all his time avoiding her, except that brief interlude where they were friends. But it seemed, for Dierdre, a truce had been called. A hand lifted to the scar on her cheek, a scar only she, Soran, and Dierdre knew of, now that Conri was gone. A scar from a time the mother had fought to hold onto her child, before her exile from Syemv.

But her exile had been long ago, when Akumu was still alpha. The mother looked at Phoenix, wolf to wolf instead of alpha to pond scum. I tried holding onto her once. I only made that mistake once....she fits her name too well sometimes. Did i ever tll you her name means one who rages, as well as broken hearted? The firtst time....I walked away because I'd been exiled from my own pack. And what right did I have to uproot her and drag her with me, when Phasma and Akumu had promised to take care of her? She had the pack...I had no one.

She'd had Soran. But she'd left Soran behind too. I guess I've made a habit of running away. Why stay and get hurt? She never even told me about Pilot. She shrugged. I'm a lousy mother. That's why you ended up raising both my children. Not even m mate, and both kids call you daddy.

- Phoenix - 12-13-2007

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position: bottom center;">
Phoenix looked up at the female, interested in learning the tale behind Dierdre's name. He had never stopped to wonder if it might have a deeper meaning. His own name had a signifigance to it, but it was one of irony that coincidied with his life story. Dierdre's, too, seemed to fir perfectly with her life... though Deuce's choice seemed more intentional than his own parents' (at least he hoped so). He had chosen the name "Icarus" for his son based off a human tale... he wanted his son to learn a lesson from that human who had grown too confident and flown too close to the sun, to plummet back to the earth. But his Icarus was also blessed with the name Phoenix immediately afterward, in the hopes that if tragedy ever struck in such a way he would be able to pick himself up from the ashes.

Sighing, Phoenixstood up on his hind legs. It was much more awkward since he was only halfway shifted but he wanted to look the female in the eyes. "Wolves change. We learn from our experiences. Both you an' Dierdre ain't th'same two females from when she was a pup. You made mistakes in th'past, sure, but who hasn't? There's still a chance, Deuce. She wants her mother. Go, be her mother." Unable to balance on his hind legs much longer, he fell back down but kept his eyes locked on Deuce's. He didn't expect her to accept the advice of a "filthy telepath" but he had to say something, for Dierdre's sake.

The mention of Deuce's other child brought a note of regret to Phoenix's eyes. He missed seeing Shadow and worried about him like he was his own son. He still believed there was a chance that someday he could be the only one who would be able to help him, if he truly was a telepath like his biological father. "How is Shadow?" he asked. "I haven't seen him since I told him about my telepathy... he ran away from me an' never came back. I didn't mean t'frighten him. I never intentionally hurt anybody with what I can do." She probably didn't believe him, but it was the truth. he had never asked to be able to see into other wolves' souls, but he felt a responsibility to use it to help others when he could, not harm them.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 12-17-2007

She looked to the male quietly, listening. if Gibralter had chosen him to be alpha, there must have been a good reason. She didn't think, now that she was more rational, that the male would use his gift to hurt anyone, not her, not Dierdre, not Shadow. None of them. hell, the male had just about raised her two pups.

She answered with a brief smile when asked about Sahdow. He's doing great....you wouldn't believe how big he is. he prowls the borders a lot, wanting to protect it from intruders. he's always on guard against Coyotes, too, since i told him about Syemv. he wants to visit, but i don't think that's such a hot idea.

She paused a moment, then spoke softly. I know you wouldn't hurt anyone with your gift. I admire you for having that kind of self control.

- Phoenix - 12-17-2007

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position: bottom center;">
Most of Phoenix’s friends seemed to think he was a good choice to be alpha… except for Phoenix himself. He didn’t want the job. It took time away that he should have been spending raising his family. Perhaps if he’d been around more then he would have been able to keep Firefly at home. Instead he’d mismanaged the pack and nearly started a war with a hostile gang of hybrid thugs.

He looked away when she mentioned his telepathy. Even if it hadn’t been intentional, the first time he’d read someone’s mind the violation hadn’t been asked for and he’d ended up scared them both. That was what had caused him to fear his abilities at first. It wasn’t until he had realized that he could actually other wolves that he became open to developing and understanding his psychic abilities. Even so, he didn’t consider them a “gift.” “What I can do, I never asked for. It scared me at first, ‘specially when I had troubles controlin’ it,” he explained. “An’ it’s so easy to abuse it… too easy, as you know. That’s why I wanted t’look after Shadow. I wanted t’be able t’train him if he ever develops so that he don’t hurt himself or someone else.” Finally he returned her gave, thanking her silently for her words. It meant a lot for him, to know that he wasn’t considered a monster simply because he could see into another wolf’s mind.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 12-17-2007

“What I can do, I never asked for. It scared me at first, ‘specially when I had troubles controlin’ it, An’ it’s so easy to abuse it… too easy, as you know. She looked away, seeing all too vividly the look in erik's eyes as he held her down and screamed at her. Yeah, i know.... She lowered herself to his level, kneeling so they could be on the same level. She felt relieved that he wasn't making snarky comments about Lucifer anymore. But still, she knew she owed the male an apology.

I'm sorry i said those nasty things last time we spoke. I had no right to. You've done wonders raising Dierdre, even though you aren't her birth father. I just...it makes me jealous that she loves you so much, respects you so much...and she never bothered to tell me she was mated. She shrugged gracefully, returning her bi-colored gaze to him. I would trust you with Shadow any day.

- Phoenix - 12-17-2007

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position: bottom center;">
What an odd life Phoenix held. At times Deuce had been someone he disliked, then his friend, and now… well, he wasn’t exactly sure what they were, but at least they could have civil conversation with each other, as equals. She wasn’t one he would ever sleep with, and yet they essentially had a child together. “She has been stuck in her den with a cold for a while,” he offered. “Mebbe that’s jus’ why she hasn’t come t’visit you lately. You know I’d never come b’tween you two.” He’d always tried to teach Dierdre to appreciate the family she was given. He didn’t know how well his words had sunk in, but it still wasn’t too late for the mother and daughter.

It felt good to know Deuce once again trusted him with Shadow. Back before he’d met Iskata and Faolin, he’d believed he was the only one in the world who could do what he did. Knowing that he had others like himself, who hadn’t been warped into abusive monsters by their abilities helped Phoenix maintain his own sanity. He had mixed feelings about the idea of his own children developing psychic abilities. Even if he had helped others, it was still a burden, having to control himself and deal with the negative effects. “If Shadow shows any signs of bein’ a telepath, you should send him straight t’me,” he declared. “I’ll do my best t’make sure he understands what’s right an’ wrong ‘bout telepathy. Someday, he might even be able t’help someone with it. That’s what I’ve always tried t’do.”

- Deuce Rhiannon - 01-07-2008

She nodded. I haven't seen any signs of it....but it's a possibility. I don't know if mine died with Erik or not...I try not to think about that time in my life. She shuddered, looking away. After a moment, she looked back to Phoenix. Where is her den? I'd like to see her.

She didn't know where in the lands Dierdre was staying anymore. The girl used to stay with phoenix, but if he was ated and a father now, she doubted her daughter would have stayed there. She paused a moment, then asked a question that had bothered her for some time. Does she ever ask about thanos?

- Phoenix - 01-07-2008

Ugh... I have such writer's block right now.

Phoenix turned around and pointed in the general direction of her home with his muzzle. "Their den ain't far from mine," he explained. "Jus' up off it that direction a ways. It ain't that hard t'find, an' she often has a fire goin' or fish hangin' outside." He was glad to be able to give her an answer she wanted for once. Deuce seemed more depressed and broken-down then usual, and in the name of their on and off friendship he didn't like to see her that way.

At her question he cocked his head and turned back at her. "No," he answered. "But if she's curious 'bout him she knows I ain't th'guy t'ask. I never met th'guy, though knowing how he abandoned his daughter I don't think he's th'kind a'wolf I'd like." To Phoenix family was the most important thing. His life centered around his family, both adopted and blood. He'd grown up without one and he hated to see wolves take for granted the very thing he had spent his childhood and adolescence pining for.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 01-07-2008

She no longer loved Thanos the way she once did. But she was going to stand up for him. He was scared, phoenix. He wasn't ready for it...neither was I. And it didn't help I was pushing him to be my mate so we could be a proper family. She paused a moment, then continued, Dierdre doesn't know, but i saw him once, when i left these lands. He told me just how guilty he felt at leaving the two of us behind. Funny...I still think you made a better father for her. You and Physe both.

She shrugged then. It doesn't matter, does it? As guilty as he feels, he'll probably never return. She looked melancholy then, for a long moment, thinking about what might have been. After a moment, she sighed. Thank you for the direction, Phoenix. I'll be sure to stop by and see her.