'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Chance Encounter - Printable Version

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- Garnet Massacre - 11-07-2008



It was early morning and Garnet was going for a pleasant stroll in the cool air. Winter was fast approaching now, pretty soon she would much rather be with Jazper, all warm and safe in his mansion and arms. Garnet sighed and put her hand behind her head as she walked along, gazing up at the fluffy clouds. They were light gray with a hint of yellow to them, maybe it would snow later. The dark coyote fluffed up her fur for warmth and hummed a little ditty. She spotted some flowers not far from her rustle and snap as some small creature moved about in them, but she didn’t give it too much thought. After all, they were in a field and no wolf or anything else dangerous could hide amongst the tall grass, that is, unless it was some stray pup.

Garnet stiffed suddenly, her black nose twitching as she stopped walking. The wind had been blowing from the north and she had only just picked up trances of a border marker. The coyote let her arms hang down at her sides and she looked around cautiously, scanning the foliage with her red eyes. Maybe she had wandered a bit too far from anyplace she knew; and, more than likely, the pack whose border this was probably didn’t like a coyote wandering about near it. The dark lady sighed and began to slowly move away from the border, hoping that there were no coyote-hating wolves wandering nearby.


- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-12-2008

The pale woman was out and about again, as usual. She didn't have time to rest with iskata's time so close. She had to wal the borders and keep them clearly marked. She made sure her members were keeping the pantries well stocked with food, and made sure everything was ready incase th pack shoudl have to flee. She had gathered herbs incase of illness or injury. anything that could go wrong this side of the mountain would, she knew. They didn't know if winters were the same here or not. They had to be prepared for anythng.
She was watching the feild for rabbit. They made good stew, if one could cook up enough. A movment caught her eye, and she stoipped, staring. A black form moved through the brush. Deuce frowned. that wasn't Lucifer, and it wasn't jazz either. her fur stood on end and a soft growl began in her throat. There was a stranger on her lands. She moved forward, her ears straining for sounds, her nostrils flared. And then the wind shifted again, bringing her the scent.
She growled, her fur raising, making the shaman appear even larger. She approached swiftly, her hands balled into fists. Her voice was a thick, gutteral snarl wen she spoke. "Who the FUCK are you?!"


- Garnet Massacre - 11-12-2008



Garnet was moving away from the field, trying to go quickly and quietly. She was distracted, however, by a sound behind her, followed by what could be compared to a roar. The dark lady stopped dead in her tracks, fur standing on end and tail tucked from fear. Slowly, carefully, the coyote turned to look at her attack, finding it to be a large, angry looking white female who carried herself like someone of a high rank. Either that or she was just really, really pissed. Garnet didn’t think that it would be this bad, and she prepared to bolt. The coyote held her hands in the air, hopefully in a non-threatening way, and she tucked her tail in submission. The last thing she wanted was a fight; the female doubted she could win against this wolf.

Recalling that the other had screamed a question at her, the coyote stammered. ”G-g-garnet, ma’am. I didn’t mean to intrude, I could have sworn I was still outside any of your boarders. I don’t want a fight.” Again, she lifted her hands above her head, red eyes looking just below the white wolf’s duel colored ones. Remembering her time in Inferni, she knew that to stare at another was somewhat of a threat, or at least a more dominate posture, so the coyote lowered her gaze. Hopefully, this female would listen to reason and not simply attack her because she was a coyote. Hopefully, Garnet could out-run her if that ever happened.


- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-13-2008

Geeze....I didn't think Deuce would be so mean....LOL
Sorry for the short reply...

Garnet? The pale woman's posture didn't ease hearing the girl's name. Rather, she became more angry. This was the little strumpet whom her son Jazz wanted to be mates with. "Garnet Massacre." The name tasted like poison in her mouth as she spit it out. She lifted her chin as the girl made herself more submissive to the pale woman.
"Get off of my lands. And stay away from my son, Jazz. He doesn't need or want you in his life or anywhere around him."

- Garnet Massacre - 11-13-2008


OoC: No problem. ^^

Garnet was surprised that the white wolf knew her name, her full name. The coyote grew suspicious, wondering why the other female was so upset over this new information. It was as if her very name had caused more trouble than if she had stayed silent. Even though she was trying to be submissive, and not start a fight, Garnet couldn’t help bristling at the female’s next words. Red eyes flashed as the dark lady stood straighter and un-tucked her tail. ”That sure doesn’t sound like what he told me, lady. Look,” Garnet tried to control her own rising anger as she spread her arms wide. ”It’s not my fault that I was born a coyote, and just because I was doesn’t mean you are better than me. What if Jaz likes to spend time with me? Hmm?” She knew it wasn’t wise to act so aggressively in the face of this female, but she wasn’t about to give in. Garnet cared about Jazper, maybe she even loved him, and just because this white bitch didn’t like it didn’t mean she was going to stop seeing him.


- Deuce Rhiannon - 11-24-2008

11 days=I no winz. D:
Deuce is not a nice future mother in law. Sad

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The she-demon raised her head and spit words at the Shaman. Deuce's lips curled, revealing bare ivory fangs. She stiffened again, a growl in her throat. "I don't care wht he wants, he will not be polluting my family with filth like you. I won't stand for it. I'll kill you first." By the look in her bi-colored eyes, the woman meant it. She would rather slaughter this dark female than allow her into her family.
She moved forward, claws slipping out. "Get the hell out of my lands before I tear your mangy hide to shreds, Coyote."


- Garnet Massacre - 12-06-2008


OoC: even more fail. x<< sorry. And yeah, Garnet's not going to like her in-laws.

Garnet looked the she-wolf over, appalled that she even dared say such things. There the coyote had been thinking that mothers were always supportive of their children, even if they were doing things that the said mother didn’t like. However, it appeared that the Massacre had been wrong about that, because this crazy white wolf would kill her rather than accepting that her son loved a coyote. Again, though, the red-eyed lady knew she could never fight with this, at least not fight and win. Garnet back off a few paces and turned to run, though not before she called over her shoulder one last time. ”Crazy bitch!” And with that, the frustrated dark coyote beat a hasty retreat.


- Deuce Rhiannon - 12-09-2008

The coyote backed away. Deuce held stil until words were screamed at her. The pale female lunged for the black girl, snarling, as the coyote took off in flight. Hatred for coyotes clogged her mind as she followed the hybrid girl, making sure the Jezebel left her lands. At the border, she sent up a long, chilled howl, informing the girl to never return to these lands. There would be no warm welcome here.