'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Haku Soul - 11-24-2008


indenttablePrivate, 500+

Oh, how complicated his life was turning out to be. He disliked the direction everything was going, but at the moment there was very little to be done, unless he did something drastic. Unfortunately, the Lilium had made a promise to Cercelee, and he was quite helpless in the position he was in now. Everyone knew who he was because of the Inferni versus Dahlia war. Many did not know him personally, but he knew that gossip had travelled across the lands in many forms. He could not hide in the shadows any longer. The chocolate wolf was not invisible any longer, and he could not simply remove himself completely with what he had at the moment. Mew was coming back into the warmth, and Deuce was expecting his litter. He wanted the children dead and gone, but he was unable to do anything about it without getting his claws dirty, and he could not afford to do such a thing without it being noticed. He would be targeted for sure if that happened, and Deuce trusted him. He knew he had the ability to wipe both Deuce and the children off the earth’s surface, but she was a leader and one of his few friends. Haku needed allies badly.

He could only pray Firefly would not find out, but he had no idea how to keep such a thing from her. Especially not because he knew his curiosity would get to him at last and force him to go and at least take a look. At one point he had loved Colibri Haki, even though things had turned bad and everything had been ruined. The chocolate coated man sighed and placed the bottle of fine red wine on the table. He needed to clear his head, make this evening beautiful. What he now was doing was quite un-Haku-ish. The meat from a rabbit, deer and a rarer beaver was frying in the pan, gently spiced with the gods knew what that he had found from a human store surprisingly close to the cottage he had used ever since his mother fled the lands. Yes, tonight would be a lovely night, for once. No more fire and poison, not today.. hopefully. The table he had prepared was quite simple. Nothing fancy, just two glasses for the wine he so carefully had picked out for them.

In the kitchen located in the next room he had prepared a plate where he would place the food, the different types of meat threaded on small spears together with pieces of onions and mushrooms. Quite simple, but he had created the dish before and knew it was an explosion of delicious tastes. Together with wine, it only had to get better. He did not know what kind of relationship he and Firefly had, but for once he wanted her to feel appreciated. Now all he could do was to wait. She knew he was expecting her, and she never disappointed him. He walked outside and let the door stay ajar, letting the aroma of the prepared meat escape out into the cool evening air. Lovely.


- Firefly Sadira - 11-24-2008

The golden bronze girl had been sitting on the dock in the bay watching the sun setting to pass the time. Haku had called to her earlier and she would go, she always went but the Sadira child wasn't sure just what this was all about anymore. Her emerald eyes flashed as the light reflecting off the glittery bay made her eyes sparkle. Lowering her eyes to gaze down at the boards of the deck she sighed and turned away from the view to find her Lilium and answer his calling.

Her head was still held proudly as she walked across the lands, perhaps Mew was right in comparing her to nothing but a common whore, sometimes it felt thatway after the fires had dimmed and all she had left of the chocolate hued male was a lingering scent in the darkness. She closed her brilliant orbs for a moment as she tried to push the doubts and troubles from her mind. She knew well enough it wouldn't matter, it never did when they were close enough to touch.. just the loneliness that followed when the passions and flare of their fire had dwindled to ash.

She'd passed along the old abandoned houses that lined the lane where Haku's den resided. She could find herway there in the dark but with the dying glow of the evening sun she didn't need to. The flame pelted woman stopped in her tracks as she caught the strange yet savoring scents on the wind. She could see the shadow of the man on the porch as she continued on. One foot infront of the other she took the steps until she drew herself up onto the porch where the beast was waiting. Jaded eyes cast down for the first time as she said softly. "Haku.." The sassy taunting voice held in check as the woman waited, trying to gather just what she was walking into.

- Haku Soul - 11-25-2008



He had not missed out on the looks that had stalked both him and Firefly when the spectators believed they looked another way and would not notice. Wrong. However, Haku had a simple way of dealing with tame issues such as these. He ignored it. He was not free to roam about to rape and murder anymore because of his position and the organization of the packs here, so that would be a bit issue. Lesser issues still did not get to him, but as he was turning softer, for how long would this last? His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the seducing voice of a golden and copper deity with jade eyes. His ears perked contently in her direction, and his eyes took in the sight of her and him breathless as always. They fitted perfectly in more ways than one. Their appearances made them match almost perfectly, both had been gifted with appearances and their colours of earthen tones and opposite eye colours were brilliant.

A small smile bloomed as he gracefully bowed like a true gentleman, one arm on his back, the other one outstretched to her. As the male git up, he waited patiently with his arm extended towards her, waiting for her hand to connect to his. Although the taunting scent of prepared meat filled their senses, he was quite sure Firefly knew nothing of what was happening. My fine lady, please, step inside. His face stayed motionless as he finally remembered what he had forgotten. Those damn candles.


- Firefly Sadira - 12-02-2008

The bronze and gold woman just stared in amazement at the male, the transformation before her she doubted but there was something inside of her a small spark of an emotion she rarely felt that wanted this to all be true, that wanted this to be more than what her mind had come to believe it was. She was caught up in their astranged relationship which she didn't know anymore if she was the mistress or the main attraction. She'd assumed that they'd both given up their infidelities moons ago but something in the back of her mind prowled, warning her of the two sides there were to the male before her.. that she shouldn't put faith in the darkness. She couldn't even begin to understand why she'd stopped sleeping around, probably an effect of the war and her treatings in Inferni but whatever the means it was over and done, she'd only returned to one male's bed since.

Her hand shook slightly as she took the arm that was extended to her, the scents that surrounded her belonged in a fairytale, and how long ago had they denied the wonders of fairytales and dreams come true. She wanted to believe, so hard she wanted to as her heartbeat pounded as he drew her to his side, prompting her to enter before him. "Such a gentleman.. she murmured, her mind in a daze though her voice strengthened. She would play his game, in the end it could only be a game.. hadn't it always been before... except at some point it had changed.. the rules had been erased and the gameboard destroyed. Now she was playing blind.

- Haku Soul - 12-05-2008


500+ I love your new avatar Tongue

Her amazement was noticed with a cluster of adoration for her growing in his chest. It made his decision more solid, even though he still was not sure if this was the right step to take. Well, if he had to choose anyone, he would choose her, so there should be no uncertainty when he was to propose his offer. He had betrayed her twice after he had breathed flames at her for sleeping around with other males, so obviously not worthy of her trust,, but what she did not know could not hurt. Deuce was expecting, but he had told her that he wanted nothing to do with the puppies, and if he was extremely lucky, firefly would not ever have to know what had happened. Why did things have to be so complicated? His eyes did not falter from her glorious orbs. It was no issue for him to keep his expression pure from the chaos he had created. No, she would never be able to guess. The females’ scents had vanished from his fur, and no evidence could be found, not even in the sky blue eyes of his.

The game had ended before any of them had noticed, and the result would soon prove to be fatal for their continuous existence in this pack. Come what may. He smirked as Firefly murmured the word gentleman. So wrong she was, such a shame. Instead he just offered a polite face and let a hand rest on the beautiful female’s back, gently leading her inside to her chair. When she was seated he picked up the bottle and turned his back to her for a moment, so that she could not see his brief struggle with opening the bottle in a decent way instead of breaking the top like he usually did whenever he chose to devour the red liquid. Turning around with the open bottle, he took her glass and filled it up with the sweet scenting alcohol, then his own. My beautiful, tonight I have prepared a special treat for you. With a mysterious smile he turned around and vanished into the kitchen and was back within a minute, with viciously hot spears of meat and vegetables, gently spiced to please the senses.

With the plate placed in the middle, the male finally seated, facing the female on the other end. I forgot the candles, silly me. He swallowed, almost revealing the uncertainty that slowly was growing. He was starting to feel nervous, but he did not want her to see it. He eyed the food and the female, silently wondering if the meal would fit her taste. He played with his own glass, sipping it lightly, wondering when he should find the courage to ask her. You like it..? For a second he sounded like an uncertain teen boy on his first date, nervous of making any mistakes, scared that she would disappear. He knew it was time though, it was time to make it official, to make it everlasting. He just hoped she felt the same as he did, because he was not sure if he could tolerate it if she turned him down.


- Firefly Sadira - 12-08-2008

Perhaps it was just the fact that she was a woman but even the warmth of his skin and the pleasures she found in driving him tothe edge and exploiting his every weakness wasn't enough. When it was all over and done all she was left with was the salty taste on her lips, the scent that clung to her flesh and a quickly fading warmth in the bed she'd made.. And as she'd made it, she slept in it. Quietly for too long she'd played the act, she'd played at being content in being his mistress, his plaything.. and yet she wanted more. Her emerald eyes seemed to plead with him to be gentle this time, she wasn't for certain anymore if she could take the madness that rose when he walked out the door and left her wrapped in the dirty sheets and their sins. So quickly she cast her eyes away as she felt his touch upon her flesh.

A quiver etched under her skin as the pressure of his nails so softly on her back drew her into the house and to her chair, as though she were a princess and this was their own fairytale, except fairytales never came true and neither were believers. Her hands quaked as she slid into the chair he had placed for her. Heart pounding as she slowly watched the male, so nervous he seemed and so unlike himself.. while she was fatally falling to pieces because she was to damn proud to admit the truth, to come face to face with the beast and claim what should have been hers and hers alone. She wasn't his slave to draw to bed, though he was a prince and this was his kingdom and technically he could rule it as a tyrant if he pleased.

Her bright eyes watched as the crimson wine poured and the filled glass was presented to her. To hide the quiver in her hands she rolled the stem of the glass between her fingers as his cool confident words soothed over the aching in her soul, quieting the roar of the lioness into a grumble before that sly smile was given and he disappeared into another room. Drawing the sweet tasting wine to her lips she drank deeply, for once not savoring the flavor as she waited on the handsome chocolate tidbit to return. The glass half empty before he'd returned in that long paced minute with the platter of savory vegetables and delicious meats. The scent of them drawing water in her maw as she offered him a smile.. the scared little girl who hide in her prison within questioned the whole dazling display before her.. but the woman who craved what she was so fully denied nearly forgot the pain he'd leave her with after the passion was exhausted.. and so she gave in and actually stopped waiting for the knife that took her heart after every moment they spent together.

A soft flit of laughter escaped her lips, the wine lightening her dark spirits as his absurd remarks on the lighting were added. She didn't know what she'd expected but the grand pampering she was given was the strangest twist he'd ever drawn upon one of their nights of darkness and passion. The taste of the meats and vegetables was savoring and teasing on the tongue as she was served the feast. He played ever so slightly with ihs wineglass, as she had while he'd been gone... while she'd brooded it seemed he was waiting for something.. She was unsure of what was expected of her as she herself picked up the wineglass, the crimson liquid turning and tilting in the encloser before being brought to her lips and stolen out of sight. "Such a fine treat..." she said softly as her heart quickened, afraid yet excited of what was to come. She knew his moods and tastes shifted so quickly.. this though was something all together new and she was unsure of how to handle it but she would learn quickly..

She had no clue what was coming, something inside of her dreaded to find out, she should have been ashamed but there was a bit of excitement laced with that dread as well. The bronze lady wanted more than she'd ever been given but she would greedily take what was given, to feed the passion, the addiction.. to crave and want more. The rumbling of the lioness that prowled within was slowly coming to a roar again as her emerald orbs held his as she waited for the beast to emerge, wondering if she'd have to tease the monster to life or if it was clawing through the confinements the body before her held it within.

- Haku Soul - 12-19-2008



The red liquid disappeared between the woman’s lips and was never seen again. His own glass seemed impregnable, hanging on without losing more than a few drops. The liquid turned sour in his mouth and gave the chocolate and cream male an urge to frown. She still seemed slightly disoriented; confused. She had every right to be, because this man was very far from a proper gentleman, and perhaps that is why this whole scene he had arranged only was half of what he could have been. The products were there, but the neat decoration and touch to make it magical had not been added, simply because Haku did not have magic fingers. A man could try to wear a suit, but that did not erase the fact that he did not fit it. He caught her pondering glances, and knew that he had revealed that something was on his mind. With both of them suspicious of each other, a rather touchy, almost uncomfortable silence fell between them. Almost, that is.

Haku picked up a tiny spear of meat and let a jagged tooth rip through the delicate treat, but the meat was worked on for a long time in his mouth before it was swallowed. Talons rose but then instead fell to the table to tap at the wooden table, and intense blue orbs were delighted to follow the simple movements, with a few moments ever so often to break off to dart to the emerald of Firefly’s. Mushroom, mushroom. He gave the onion a lonely lick, stealing the spices and taste from the food’s surface. It was delicious to him, but his stomach quietly warned him that it had enough with the single piece of meat. His nails tapped for a little bit longer before more force was put behind and they dug deep into the table with a quite audible ‘donk’. He lifted his creamy face and looked at the younger woman.

They were great at avoiding what mattered, because it was the fun they found pleasure in. However, he believed this could be a right move for both of them. She was his, and it made sense to make it official. And maybe, just maybe, this could help him restrain himself. Laws and rules were not valid for Haku, they did not count. He made his own rules, and this was his world. Secretly, though, he wanted to be controlled to some degree. He wanted to be able to limit his actions to a minimum, and it started with loyalty. Already he suspected that he might would fail, but it was worth a try. Haku had turned Deuce and the unborn children away, and invited Firefly to a spot closer to his heart, something that spoke of trust and commitment. Surely, if anyone accused Deuce’s child to be Haku’s, she would not believe it, right?

Do you believe there is something between us? His voice felt thick like a mixture between honey and glue and a bit more glue. something special? he added, almost as a second thought. He let some uncertainty spill into his eyes, and suddenly it was visible that he was not emotionally untouchable, even though ever so often he treated her as if he was just that. There would be no more of their little games this evening.


- Firefly Sadira - 12-26-2008

The crimson swirl of liquor in a glass kept flickering in the edge of her vision as her emerald orbs watched the chocolate mocha male before her working at his nervous condition that she had yet to put a finger on. The woman was at a draw, she knew inside that the male would never allow her to go back to the taunting life she'd lead of games and dazzling the boys when he wasn't home. Still he would play with the pretties and want her to wait by the fireplace as a beautiful blossom that would never fade, the steele she held beneith her youthful glories would hold true, making her features hold true. The fact that she would always be untouchable under his thumb didn't bother her, she was a coy and cunning bitch and she would find a way to turn the tables and make him pay for the pains he could not see, the wounds she hid so well.

She watched at he played with the spears of delicious meats and wilds but avoided what seemed to be right under his skin. She smiled softly at the male, enjoying the fact that something was causing him discomfort even if it wasn't her this time. She watched his tongue dart out and draw across the spicy flesh as within a moment she cast her eyes away from his baby blue gems, ignoring the want to torment his body and soul, to draw him to a rage and let him down slowly while the passions raged between them. She was suppose to be upset with the bastard, not wanting him with a lusty rage. IT had to be the wine that was doing the thinking now.

Firefly flicked those orbs back to the red red wine as she sighed at that very idea and took another sip, not really caring if it was the wine or not, it was a brilliant idea. Fuck the hell out of the bastard to get what she wanted and leave him too exhausted to go ring the bells with all the sluts along his little road to glory. She pushed the thoughts away with a flash of annoyance as she sipped the wine once more, the tart yet sweet tang on her lips lingering as her thoughts began to wander again and this time she let them. She'd never have fun if she kept arguing with herself.

The voice that broke the silence between them didn't seem to belong to the same man that had crushed her young able body against the rough bark of a tree and fucked her with such fury and passion as he accepted her into the pack. Her eyes seemed to laugh at him as she wondered just where the question had come from. She raised a brow as she slowly placed the glass back on the table. "Hasn't there always been something between us?" she said with a twisted little smile. She wasn't for certain just what was between them but she knew that it was even more dangerous when they were apart. Catching the slight change in his eyes something clicked into place as she realized that this might not be just another game, "Haku..." she said, the words slightly choked. Damn the boy for him and his beautiful wines and romantic dinner..

- Haku Soul - 12-28-2008

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Hasn’t there always been something between us, she asked him. Had there? Their first meeting had evolved into a raging wildfire and ended with him burying his seed in her. Until now there had been created no life in her womb, and Haku had decided to believe there was some magical power that would be no fruitful result for their endless pleasures. Mateship meant in general that they were to be tied to each other, and only each other, and he would do such an attempt, and all the torches he had given life to would burn down in the end and die. Life would be a beautiful place once again, and she would be his own private concubine and all his. The cocoa male liked the feeling of power, and he knew he would feel more supremacy over the female once she was officially his. The creature within laid its supporting claws on his shoulder, and he felt the heavy feeling of uncertainty and tininess lift. The full glass was raised to his lips and emptied in a solitary movement and made a dull sound when it returned to the table. The female said his name softly, and he flickered his ears to each of their side of his head and fell a bit, while his breath carried a soft that entered the air.

"Be mine, be my mate."

The male’s words were steady and buttered with a rare treat of emotion. His grip tightened around the warmed up wine glass. He was actually not sure if she could manage without her games. Reality was so much harder to deal with.


- Firefly Sadira - 12-28-2008

Her eyes never left the male as she watched him watch her. She was only waiting for the words to leave his maw though already deep inside she knew what was coming. She narrowed her eyes slightly at the fact that she had revealed such pathedic girlish emotion at the nature of the major event in their lives. The male was possessive of her body in more ways than one but she hadn't figured out just how possessive. Something in the back of her mind made her wonder why he was doing this now when she knew of the games he played, the women he used. She let the glass roll from her fingers as she watched the red stain dance across the table as the crystal rolled back and forth between their plates. Somewhere inside her there was a heart that ached to belong and somewhere in the darkness of her soul there was a cunning mind that cried for her to listen to reason.

She leaned her head heavily on her arm as she watched him with emotionless eyes as he asked that question, as he seemed to slip into some creature she wasn't sure was the childish slave or the dark brewing beast. Straightening up she leaned across the table towards him, wrapping her hands in his mane as she whispered. "Come here.." she said, her voice heavy as her mind was dizzy with the wine. Her eyes still trying to bore into the soul of the beast as she demanded his utmost attention.

She would give him an answer, but she'd get her assurance first.

- Haku Soul - 12-30-2008

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The male was not aware of how much the other Sadira knew of his little adventures. Technically there was no evidence of Tayui (at least not yet) and an encounter with Cwmfen would not happen yet. Haku believed Deuce and his secret was well hidden as well, but he was very wrong there. If these creatures were excluded from the list, he had not been too unfaithful. However, the meaning with being mates was loyalty and devotion, but at this time Haku sincerely believed that he would be able to still himself and stay with her and only her, more or less. He made sure that he did not hold his breath as his words drifted in the empty air between them.

The Lilium’s brilliant blue eyes jumped from her eyes over to the hands that slowly were lifted and were buried in his mane. The emerald eyed female spoke, and he found her green jewels once again, and wanted to drown in them and by that make this exact moment last forever.

Chocolate ears flickered with a hint of an uncertainty that was forgotten a second after. Was this her refusing to end the games with a distraction that she knew he could not resist. The male leaned closer to her while resisting the urge to throw the whole table aside in order to get access to her whole body. His nose slightly touched hers, cold and wet by the touch. He drew a silent breath and enjoyed the fireworks that exploded when her familiar scent filled his head with lust. Lust, passion, it was almost the same for him. There was something more, though, because Haku knew he would always come back to Firefly Sadira at the end of the day. Always. That meant something. By accepting his request, he would be hers. Always and never.


- Firefly Sadira - 12-30-2008

Her heart beat a million miles a minute as she tried to search those electric blue eyes that she knew so well yet they always held secrets in their depths. She wanted to see nothing but her reflection in them this time and yet like always there was tension in everything about him as her eyes searched his. She failed to find what she waited, and yet she was relieved as well. Her voice was painful as she whispered, "Can I trust you.." Their tale had always had it's ups and downs but the next step that they seemed to be taking was far more serious than any kiss and makeup session they'd had.

The shock of his nose against hers almost made her want to cry, almost made her want to admit that she'd known about the others, that she knew even after he'd demanded her to be faithful that he'd wandered and roamed as he'd pleased. She closed her orbs and breathed in his scent, the scent that had always belonged her to in her mind, but now if she said yes he would belong to her forever. Could she believe in forever, in fairytales.. she knew the truth, she knew there was no prince on a white horse. Why did she want this so much when she knew it was all just a dream.

She was just a girl deep down inside and she couldn't escape the truth. She wanted to be the beauty hanging off his arm, she wanted to be loved, she wanted the white dress, the prince and the white horse.. she knew it wasn't real.. but she could imagine, oh she could imagine. She would cry in the end but could she believe.. The darkness in her soul whispered all the doubts but she was backsliding into the comforting dreams she tried to avoid of a meet woman.

- Haku Soul - 12-31-2008

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The girl only wanted their fairytale endings, but there were no such things. Haku knew, and beneath the shallow beauty of the world there was only cruelty and pain. Fairytales existed to create hope that there was an escape out of all the hurt. He saw the stars in the female’s eyes, and he felt a pinch of sorrow for having created an illusion of safety and love. Things would not change merely because of a title and a confirming kiss, but they could pretend it made all the difference in the world. This was the key; pretending. The cocoa male could not answer her question sincerely, which was if she could trust him or not. He chose to believe that she could, and let his voice carry out a Yes, as truthful as only a brilliantly wrapped up white lie could be. Right now, he himself believed in what he said, and it made it impossible to get caught with lies when there was true emotion behind the words. Haku did not yet know how wrong he was. His hand found the female’s golden shoulder and brushed gently down her arm. He had her.


- Firefly Sadira - 01-04-2009

The gentle touch of the male and the soft word that he offered her made her heart ache as she tried to imagine it being true. She just closed her eyes and let the alcohol take hold as she pulled him closer, her arms wrapped around the back of his neck as she felt the hot warm breath and the sickening sweet smell of red wine between them. A soft whimper drew from her throat as she kissed him softly, letting herself get wrapped up in the false stories of princesses and white horses. Coming up for air she whispered softly. "Yes..." as her eyes cast down, studying the male like this was something whole new.

In a way it was, they belonged to one another now and this was her territory in a whole new way. She had every right to reclaim it and keep it for herself now. The touch to her shoulder was soft and yet shivered ran down her spine as her eyes flickered back to his briefly as she whispered. "Forever.." Her lips brushed his once more before she ducked her head down, her tongue tracing his collarbone and along his throat as she murmured. "My.. lover, my mate.." There were a million different things she could call the male, a million words for the man that was now hers in more than one way.. and forever they were together, for better.. or worse.

- Haku Soul - 01-09-2009

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Fade to black!

Forever she said, and forever it would be. Such foolish thoughts, but who could judge two lovers that believed in such a thing as a life together in happiness. Both Haku and Firefly believed this was something that would work. This would tie them together, and it was not a mere title. It created an immortal bond between them that never could be broken. Such was the words from those bright pink lovebirds, but Haku convinced himself to play along and pretend it could turn into reality also for the two of them, the two Sadiras. He shivered lightly when her tongue traced his collarbone. He loved what they had right now. Through fire and darkness, there were some good things that they both could share together. He took her in his hands, and brought her into his room that now would be hers as well if she wanted. There were a lot of bad things he wanted to do with her tonight, and in this castle, he was king.
