'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
secretkeepers - Printable Version

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- Firefly Sadira - 01-13-2009

The woman was softly stepping around the gravestones of the field, someone had once tried to drill it into her head to show respect for the dead but she'd always wondered why, they were dead, what did they care.. but somehow she still wasn't able to draw herself to being a nussance to the silent world of the slumbering bones of what once was. Her large belly seemed to get in the way of her normally fluid motions as she ambled about the cemetery looking at the headstones and statues that the humans had placed for the world to know the death of their loved. She wondered silently what would happen when she passed from this world, though she doubted that she'd ever do anything to deserve some strange marker like the humans did. Normally the woman wouldn't worry herself with such thoughts but life was changing for her and it seemed her mind was maturing some whether she liked it or not.

She sat before the Mother and stared at her staring back wondering why she seemed to guard the souls of the dead, weren't they long removed from the field.. she knew if her soul had been in that field it probably would have hightailed it far away a long long time ago. Firefly could almost bet there was more freedom in death than among the living.. but she snorted at the idea and just shook her head. Whenever did she get such notions, she had never even really thought about the afterlife or if there really was one since she'd argued and questioned the Bards in Eire. She smirked at the idea and just sighed, maybe was was too interested in the dead was the real problem.

- Adelaida Koios - 01-15-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 1shybq.jpg);background-color:#89D3FF;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: bottom;padding-bottom:215px;">

Walking among the dead was a comfort. They didn’t judge, and if they minded being judged at least they never said anything. Still, the graves underneath were those of humans. It was not canine bones that lay under her feet, and Adelaida felt a big of repulsion at the image of a human. They had been such ugly creatures. At least Luperci still had fur, fangs, and claws, despite their disfigured bodies. Humans were bare, naked to the elements. It was unnatural and unnerving, Adelaida was glad that they didn’t exist any longer of it they did they weren’t in these parts. If she had to see one face to face the female felt as if she might just vomit.

As she neared the Virgin Mary the sight of the swollen female startled Adelaida. She hadn’t really given any thought to if she ran into anyone, but surely she couldn’t just ignore their presence. Well, she could, but she shouldn’t. She had no idea who Cercelee or Haku was, and if she turned tail on one of the leaders it could have negative ramifications for the anxious women. Hesitantly she approached, trying to think of a good way to strike up small talk, find out who this lady was. Was she of any importance, or had Adelaida been better off turning the other way? Shakily, blue eyes settled on the round belly of the women, and Adelaida feigned a smile. "Are they due soon?" The female was huge, how could they not be?


- Firefly Sadira - 01-18-2009

Firefly just stood there watching the snow that was slowly beginning to fall around the eerie grave as silence surrounded her. She didn't mind the loneliness of the yard, it was soothing, something that she probably needed right about now, though she wouldn't exactly admit that. She sat there with her tail twitching back and forth as she debated getting started on the border patrol, seeing how there was no reason to sit around swelling up and being worthless. She knew Haku viewed her as just that right now, perhaps he'd view her as that for the rest of her life, she wasn't sure.. but she knew if the male didn't smarten up she could go elsewhere to find another.

Just as she narrowed her eyes at that though a voice broke through the calm, her ears having just barely registered the sound of paws breaking through the soft snow. Turning her emerald eyes towards the other she realized what the words were that she'd asked and before she could even think her ears pressed back flat against her skull, showing her irritation at the question. Those who'd been in the pack long enough knew better than to ask such nonsense from the Acer. She growled softly and spat. "Too soon and not soon enough." She flicked an eye towards the other as she examined the lady. She'd never seen her before but that didn't mean anything at all in these parts.

She turned fully to face the lady, silent a moment before she finally asked. "Who are you?" She'd never seen the girl in the pack but she'd caught the faint scent before. Being one of the scouts she was slightly impressed that the girl had managed to stay out of her sight and way for so long.

- Adelaida Koios - 01-19-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 1shybq.jpg);background-color:#89D3FF;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: bottom;padding-bottom:215px;">

The response was not what Adelaida had expected. Startled by the harshness of the response Adelaida took a step backwards, lowering her eyes away from the mother to be. Sighing, partly at the situation she now knew she had gotten herself into, and partly at the sorrow she felt for the unborn children, Adelaida decided to let the subject of puppies drop. The female obviously didn’t wish to be reminded of them, which was a shame. Puppies Adelaida could stand, even coyote and Luperci puppies, but with a mother who wasn’t pleased to be bearing them, these puppies wouldn’t have the greatest of childhood in Ade’s opinion.

"I’m sorry... My name is Adelaida." Blue eyes moved up to meet the emerald ones, making sure to avoid the rounded belly on their way up. Unsure of what to do next, it would be rude to demand the name of a wolf higher in rank than her and surely all wolves here were higher in rank, Adelaida was determined to keep the conversation civil. The last thing she needed was another bout of anxiety or fear whenever she crossed this female. "Cwmfen accepted me and my brother Sankor. We’re waiting for Alexey to come home." To come home, for hopefully this was Alexey’s home and it was her’s now too.


- Firefly Sadira - 01-21-2009

Firefly was a touchy little number no matter what the question was. She was like a flare, she could burn low and steady and just in an instant she was up and flying high, in a manner of speaking. The golden bronze woman watched the other, taking in the notice of her lowered eyes and the soft sigh that seemed to cause her entire frame to sag slightly. She furrowed her brows together, wondering just what in the hell this new member had that made her life so upsetting. She wasn't the one swelling with the appearance of children to come now was she. Flicking her ears in annoyance Firefly just grumbled under her breath and turned her gaze away. She was quite the snobby little brat now wasn't she today.

When the other granted her an apology and a name Firefly flicked her gaze back to the other woman for a moment as she grudgedly forked over her own name. "I'm Firefly, Dahlia de Mai's Acer." She wasn't even for certain if this new member, who barely even held the scent of the pack yet knew what the rank was but if she didn't she'd learn one day, that the woman was sure.. unless of course she didn't stick around that long. Either way it didn't really matter too much to Firefly, she wasn't that interested in the conversation, or so she thought.

When Adelaida spoke of Alexey Firefly's eyes shot back to the other as her voice changed. "I knew Alexey.." she admitted. She missed the golden hued lady, the only packmember who'd risked her own neck to come attempt to find Firefly and save the girl from harm. Too bad they'd been too late there.. but that didn't matter, it was still the fact that she'd come for her when no one else had. "You sure she's coming back?" Firefly asked, though she knew from her own Rosea that the woman had said she would return.. Firefly had heard that before.

- Adelaida Koios - 01-21-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 1shybq.jpg);background-color:#89D3FF;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: bottom;padding-bottom:215px;">

The women gave her a name and Adelaida brightened a little. At least the female was polite enough to introduce herself, even if she regarded Ade with such distaste. "It’s a pleasure to meet you..." Her words were mumbled, she didn’t mean it, but it was what one said when meeting another. Easier just to mouth words than cross anyone the wrong way. This lady was not pleasant and Adelaida would try not to give her a reason to become any sour. Shifting her weight a little Adelaida glanced back to the Virgin Mary statue. She didn’t care what this women’s rank was. Dahlia ranks meant nothing, she could sit at the bottom for all eternity, it made no difference to her.

Brilliant blue eyes snapped back to the emerald ones as the lady mentioned Alexey. The masked female should have been surprised that the lady knew her sister, they were after all of the same pack, but all the same hearing that another speak Alexey’s name lifted Adelaida’s spirits and sparked her jealousy at the same time. The question too surprised her and Ade stared bewilderedly at the lady. "Of course." Did this lady really know Alexey? Despite the fact Alexey had broken one promise to Ade by leaving her for Dahlia de Mai, Adelaida believed her tawny sister would return, sooner or later. "Don’t you?"


- Firefly Sadira - 01-22-2009

Firefly didn't normally have a problem with meeting her new packmates, or even older ones she just hadn't seen in a while, it was the further and further they moved into the conversations that turned her into such a bitch. She was not a patient woman and stupid simple questions tended to set her off the longer they continued to fill her time. Flicking her emerald eyes to those of the other Firefly could tell that the masked lady really wasn't so pleased to meet the Acer. Amusement lit her orbs as she chucled softly and just lazily stared at the other while she spoke.

She let her fangs show as she let lose with a gaping yawn, her eyes danced at the words that the lady said, so few and yet they spoke volumes. Suddenly her jaws snapped shut and she looked at the woman with a bored look to her face. "Why should I?" she said. "Promises are broken everyday. They leave, they find happiness or they don't. They forget you and they move on with their lives." she said bluntly. There was little care in her voice and she was lying. Too bad the poor little masked bandit didn't know the golden bronze women enough to know that this was how she was. She'd deliver all the cruel harsh works she could and then when everything came back smooth she was ready for anything, because she'd already prepared herself for the worse.

- Adelaida Koios - 01-26-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 1shybq.jpg);background-color:#89D3FF;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: bottom;padding-bottom:215px;">

Adelaida took in the words the lady spoke and instantly felt sorry for the swollen women. Although the masked female was the queen of pessimism, it was easier to spot the flaws in other’s thinking and beliefs than in her own. Life might be dismal and gray in the eyes of the timid wolf, coyotes and shifters ruling the land and leaving no haven for the normal folks, but at least she had no lost faith in her family. Those strong bonds were the one thing that pushed kept her going.

"You didn’t know Alexey very well, did you?" Her bright blue eyes narrowed, scrutinizing the pregnant Firefly. Alexey might break promises, though never intentionally, but she would not abandon her friends and family, and she would never forget them. "The only reason that she might forget you is if you meant nothing to her in the first place." Ade didn’t know what bonds Alexy had made in Dahlia de Mai, but she didn’t care if Firefly was a true friend of her’s or not. She didn’t care for Firefly’s rank, she spoke more firmly that she had yet to do in front of this female. Firefly was turning upside down what Adelaida knew to be true about her sister and she couldn’t stand for that.


- Firefly Sadira - 01-27-2009

Firefly stared back at the bright eyed girl as she seemed to get touchy about the subject. The bronze and gold woman just laughed as she shook her head. "You need to learn a thing or two about life.." she said bitterly as she stared off across the graveyard before shifting her eyes back to this newest packmate, just another pathedic soul. "Time changes folks.. who's to say your Alexey is the same one you remember." She grinned at the woman, hoping that the world would give her a nice bitch slap soon enough and she'd realize that her perfect little world wasn't so perfect.

She didn't care for this masked bandit that seemed to think so much of herself and her perfect world, but then again Firefly like to see others suffer just if it was to break down their thoughts and beliefs. "Alexey probably changed the moment she stepped paw into this pack.. think you're gonna be the same wolf you once were?" she grinned, hoping to get the lady to get all huffy puffy. She was just nothing more than a bitch but who cared, no one was keeping count.

- Adelaida Koios - 02-04-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 1shybq.jpg);background-color:#89D3FF;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: bottom;padding-bottom:215px;">

Adelaida snarled at the new accusation, her ears falling flat against her skull at the words. Who was this female to say how Alexey had or hadn’t changed? Sure, perhaps one was not always the same wolf their whole way through life, but one could not lose affection so easily for a sibling. Could they? Blue eyes burned, staring hard at the female, round and ready to burst. Had she not been pregnant Adelaida would have grown angrier, but stress was not good for an expecting mother. Even if this wolf was a bitch, the pups inside did not need to hear such hateful word.

"They don’t change that much!" Why was the female fighting her on this? Surely Ade knew Alexey better than most others. They had spent the majority of their lives together, her sister would not turn on her so easily. Adelaida would not believe those words. "Are you so miserable that you must project your misery on others?" That must be the female’s problem, Adelaida couldn’t think of a more logical explanation.


- Firefly Sadira - 02-06-2009

Firefly just studied the woman as she seemed to get even pissier and pissier the more that Firefly spoke. The golden bronze woman didn't care, she actually found it sort of funny that the woman refused to believe that her sister would have changed any from what she once knew. She just grinned and yawned at the tantrum the new packmember was throwing before her. "You really do need to learn to keep that temper in check, it can't be good for you.." she said simply as she glanced at the fierce blue that burned in the eyes of the woman, so like and yet so different from Cercelee's.

She couldn't help but laugh as the childish answer came from Ade as she seemed to think she needed to fight for her sibling who wasn't present. Firefly just raised a brow at the girl and shrugged. "Hey, who left who behind without a word here.." she stated simply. She had been left behind too by Alexey but unlike the masked woman Firefly had been able to keep her emotions in check. Maybe not forever but she'd done well enough so far.

When the black masked lady finally laid down her logic before Firefly the girl was silent a moment before she turned those hard emerald orbs to the older female as she smiled sweetly. "Child, my life is just the way I like it, what I do for others is merely for fun." She had a feeling that the new packmember had never met anyone who got their kicks from dragging others through the dirt but she knew soon enough that the lady would be meeting a whole new breed of wolves here in Dahlia de Mai.

- Adelaida Koios - 02-09-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 1shybq.jpg);background-color:#89D3FF;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: bottom;padding-bottom:215px;">

Adelaida wouldn’t believe a word this female said after this, and why should she? The female knew her sister well enough, and even if she didn’t, Ade preferred to live in her own world than that filled with luperci, coyotes and pigged headed pack members. Firefly had finally pushed the female far enough, though that was not a hard task. The fact that Adeladia hadn’t exploded yet was a pure miracle. "Who could blame her for leaving this horrid place? She must have finally realized what a mistake she made trying to live among you monsters." She spat the words at the female, her lips pulling back into a snarl.

It was a logical explanation as far as Adelaida was concerned. Sankor could think that Alexey went looking for him, but Adelaida felt that perhaps she found pack life was not what she had bargained for. Too late she had realized her mistake and too embarrassed to face Adelaida, she had fled. Even though it wasn’t true, it was a nice thought. And false or not, Alexey would be back. "I’m sorry for my sister to have found such sniveling, disloyal friends as you. And I’m sorry you don’t realize how miserable you are, bearing children to such a cunt of a mother."


- Firefly Sadira - 02-10-2009

Firefly watched the other explode again as she just smiled sadly at the poor creature before her. The masked woman was so lost and confused she didn't seem to know which way was up, atleast in Firefly's eyes. She chuckled as the woman described her as a monster, the whole lot of them monsers. She just shook her head as she rose to her feet and moved closer towards the ruffled woman. "Hon, you don't even know the half of it.." she said gleefully. If she thought the pack was nothing but monsters just wait til she met the crew that resided within the walls of Haku's cottage. Firefly might be a bitch but she hadn't shown the woman her true colors just yet.

She'd almost turned to walk away when the bitch had taken it too far. The one word that was guaranteed to set off the golden bronze woman was uttered and in a flash her fangs were barred and she was lunging for the weaker sad excuse for a life. Her jaws snapped short of the muzzle of the other as she stood over her, the growl echoing in her throat as she spat. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't put you in your place right now. Do you want me to prove just how much of a monster I can become." Her eyes flashed as she warned the girl. "Remember, I can make your life hell... there's little you can do to stop me." her fangs drawing close to Ade's ear as she whispered. "Except run away..." and prove your own true colors, she thought.

- Adelaida Koios - 02-11-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 1shybq.jpg);background-color:#89D3FF;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: bottom;padding-bottom:215px;">

The female’s words only echoed what Adelaida already knew to be true. Her eyes simply narrowed, she cared little what the female had to say and was glad when she turned, ready to leave. Yet something snapped at Adelaida’s retort and seeing the other upset brought a feeling of victory over the masked female. She did not care much for her own life at this point, she had already been beaten to the brink of death by a mob of coyotes, she doubted one pregnant female could do much worse. As it was, Adelaida was not so small and helpless, Firefly was bogged down by the weight of puppies, Ade would have no problem matching her in strength and excelling her in speed.

"Go for it, I’d like to see what happens." Adelaida smiled, knowing the words she spoke would turn her stomach later as she replayed them over in her head, she'd never harm a child already brought into the world, but at the moment it felt she'd be harming Firefly more than any other living being. "Of course, I won’t be the only loser. It will be nice to see those little ones miscarried into the world so quickly." And she knew how to make it happen, her father, for as kind and warm as he had been towards his own children, had made it his personal mission to keep the coyote population low. It was their dirty secret but she had seen him kick and thrash at the vital areas of a pregnant female, and she had seen the bloody after effects. If Firefly laid a fang on her, she’d haveto follow through with her word, as much as a bluff as they were now, once engaged in a fight anything was fair… the only fear was that Alexey might get wind of Ade’s words sooner or later.


- Firefly Sadira - 02-15-2009

Firefly raised up to her full height as the bitch began to threaten her, she snarled and leaned in close as she reminded the blue eyed woman of what she was in the pack. "Kid, I outrank you, if you want to remain in these lands you'd better learn your place before you learn quickly just how miserable your life will become." She really didn't want to deal with the masked newcomer much longer and she honestly couldn't believe this pathedic creature shared blood with the golden woman she'd known before the war. She bared her fangs to the woman as they glittered in the light.

She had no problem placing the woman in the dirt and snow where she belonged but she wasn't going to be goaded into being the bad guy. Firefly just laughed at the woman's words on her children as she hissed. "Threatening the future of the pack already, you really must think you're something special if you think that wouldn't get your ass thrown from these lands in a heartbeat." She spat a little suggestion at Ade as she shook her head. "A word to the wise, this pack protects it's own, if you're not with us.. you're against us and that's no place to be." she grinned darkly at the pathedic woman who seemed so mixed up in her little world. She had a lot to learn if she was going to remain in the lands and Firefly hoped it was a long hard lonely road.

- Adelaida Koios - 02-16-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 1shybq.jpg);background-color:#89D3FF;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: bottom;padding-bottom:215px;">

Adelaida smiled, the female had not moved to lay a hand on her. In a way, Ade won. She knew that as pregnant as she was the female would not try anything physical. The masked wolf might pay for it later, dearly, but for now, she was safe. They could toss nasty words back and forth all day, it would not make a difference. "Throw me out..." Her words were challenging, she knew that she would still be here when Alexey returned. Only the leaders could remove her from the pack, she knew that much, and even if her actions today warranted removal she could stay under the radar, not letting them confront her until Alexey returned.

"You threatened me first... I’m part of the pack, sorry to say, but if you’re going to preach such dribble, than practice it." Adelaida did not care for the traditions of the pack, she doubted in their ability to protect. No one protected her anymore, and she had just accepted that. Living in Dahlia de Mai was not likely to change that, Adelaida knew she wasn’t worth protecting anyway. Sneering at the female and without giving her a chance to reply, Ade turned, moving back the way she had come, back into the recesses of her own little world.
