'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Mati Church - 03-01-2009

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ump/05.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Sister Brooklyn Smile

Light can through the window, it’s raze hitting the glass pan and filtered over the wooden floor. Lying on the floor, the young lady felt the chill of the hard floor under her chin. Her ears stood strait, listening to the wind tap against the glass. Inching forward, the brown pup’s nose stopped just at the edge of the window shaped cast of sun that painted across the floor. Resting her head along outstretched forelimbs, she watched the shadows her moving ears made in the light.

It was a peaceful day, though winter still raged outside the mansion’s walls. She had sought sanctuary within it, but only after venturing out of doors the moment she woke. She had taken to sleeping inside with the rest of the pack. Things in the den hadn’t been the same, but she spent more time in the house anyways so the transition wasn’t a difficult one. A soft blanket lay along the floor, surrounded by a few books creating her living room camp-out. Most were large and featured more photos then words. Reading was coming to her slowly, but she enjoyed the pictures much more then their captions.

The peace and quiet made her lazy, though she felt the energy brewing in her veins. Her sudden boredom caused her to roll to her side, looking out the window to watch the wind pick up the fallen snow. It flew sideways in the air. Mati watched the mock blizzard, her mind drifting off into her vast imagination.


- Brooklyn D'Angelo - 03-07-2009

Terribly sorry for the wait! 400+

Snow swirled everywhere around the mansion. Brooklyn D'Angelo was in the upstairs rooms, sniffing every corner in a so far futile attempt at entertainment. The clothes she and Jazper had picked up in Halifax were in a small duffel bag they'd found. She had taken to sleeping near them, one paw atop the bag, a childish attempt at protecting her things from some invisible thief. Even now she would look up and over her shoulder, just to make sure the bag was behind the chair, where she'd left it. The material, Jazper had said, was good quality, so she would most likely be able to make decent things out of it. It came as no surprise to the white female that she would not find clothes that fit exactly. In a way, that was for the best. She would still need to learn how to shift and maybe she would grow, too. She'd seen Savina, though not recently. The black woman wasn't straight as a stick, she seemed to have these curves. Brooklyn paused for thought. Would she be like that? Maybe she had to ask Savina. It would be a rather awkward conversation with her mothers. In a way, she wanted to remain a child, but the thought of being a prince was enough incentive to dream of growing up.

Brooklyn lifted her nose off the floor. There was never anything interesting to do in the house. Outside it was still too cold to contemplate walking, for all the warmth filtering into the room. The sun was okay, but the wind wouldn't be. Brooklyn was tired of being cold. Pushing open the door of the room, she stepped onto the landing and looked towards the downstairs floor. It seemed too quiet almost. Bounding down the stairs, the white pup skidded to the bottom and landed on her behind. Not in a painful way, but it was still enough to make her scrunch up her nose. Princes couldn't afford to be undignified. The scent of her sister Mati rose to greet her and Brooklyn cocked her head to the side. For all that she and her sister didn't get along most days, with Haven having to step in, the pup didn't hate her sibling. She just found her mildly annoying. Still, maybe they'd been able to leave all that behind and move on.

Optimistically, she followed the trail of Mati's scent and opened a door with her muzzle. There was her sister, gazing out the window. Brooklyn noticed the books and blanket. Had Mati moved here too? "What's all that stuff?" No hello, no how are you. Just like that, blunt and calm. Most days, Brooklyn had to wonder how everyone put up with her. Maybe they really liked her honesty.


- Mati Church - 03-07-2009

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ump/05.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
no worries at all. I think this will be fun XD

She was boring, her mind too unsettled and cluttered to brew any sort of story or fantasy for her to play out. There were no princes or princesses to fight a dragon, or ride white gleaming steeds to battle evil monsters. Her mind was just blank, neither light nor dark, but a muddled gray canvas that she couldn’t create a thing on.

A voice brought her out of her daze, and made her tip her head back to see her sisters face. The earthen colored girl wondered silently if her uneventful day was coming to an end, though Brooklyn’s question seemed abrupt and even, if she dare think, rude. Muddy purple eyes looked to the mess of things that her sister spoke of. The blanket and books were scattered untidily across the floor and Mati fought the urge to suddenly clean up after herself.

Looking back to the pale youngster Mati gave a shrug of her shoulders. Its my… stuff. her voice was light and careless. A new thought came to her, was she interested in truly knowing what Mati had gathered. She perked at the idea, her tail wagging low behind her. There’s a book about birds, and I found that blanket behind the big arm chair. I don’t think that anyone’s seen it in a long time. it was true, there had been dust in the fibers before she had unfolded it.
