'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
A Desperate Plea (Joining) - Printable Version

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- Barix Raleto - 03-14-2009

OOC Name: Namora
Preferred method of contact: PMs
Character Name: Barix Relato
Character Age: 1 year
Character Gender: Male
Regular Wolf or Luperci: Luperci Ortus
How did you hear about 'Souls?: An online RPG advertising resource site

"Whoa!" Barix yelped as he almost skidded in the slushy snow. It had been raining for days, slightly melting the snow and making the ground very slippery. Even in Lupus form, he had to concentrate in order to keep his balance.

"Are you listening?" the older, gray wolf grumbled next to him, frowning. "This is really important, you know." Pointing with his head, he led him to a path lined with denser trees to help shield themselves from the constant, torrential downpour.

Flashing his best toothy grin, Barix replied, "Of course I'm listening, Uncle! Now what were you saying?" As his uncle began to speak, Barix again allowed his mind to wander as he contemplated the challenge that lay before him. He was about to join a pack that he knew little about all by himself. Sure, Uncle Rodel was with him for now, but he'd realized long ago that the older Luperci wouldn't leave Grandfather's pack, not even for his favorite- and only-nephew. Feeling his stomach tying itself in knots, he stopped suddenly when he saw a long barb-wire fence stretching out in front of them as if warning them to turn back. Taking a deep breath, he walked forward again, noting a small break in the bottom of the fence. "We've been given good direction," he mused aloud, trying to sound cheerful.

"... Now remember to be very respectful, especially to the leader. Don't forget to be submissive, Barix. You could get into a heck of a lot of trouble if you don't, you know...." his uncle rambled on, apparently oblivious to everything else. Barix sighed and listened politely, his temper growing shorter and shorter by the second, especially since he'd had to listen to this same kind of advice throughout the journey.

"Uncle.....," he growled, trying to interrupt his barrage of last minute advice but to no avail. He knew that he meant well, but he wished that he would trust him a little more. "Enough!" he barked suddenly, sharp and clear, losing his patience. Forcing a smile, he laid a paw on his uncle's shoulder. "Don't worry, Uncle. I'll be fine. This pack claims to accept all kinds of canines, right? There's nothing to worry about. G-good-bye, Uncle...."

After glaring sternly at his young charge at his sudden outburst, Rodel softened and returned a strained grin. "I'm sure you're right.... Be sure to watch that barking though since full-blood wolves rarely bark. You would think that being eighty-percent timber wolf would be enough to keep you from having that kind of problem...." Sighing, he continued, "Anyway, I'm sure that this'll just be temporary. Dad'll cool down eventually, after all he can't blame you for his daughter mating a wolf-dog and giving birth to you. I don't know why he's being so stubborn about this... Guess he's always had the idea that each should stick to their own 'kind.' Well, see you around, kid." Slowly turning into his Halfling form, Uncle Rodel turned around and sped back through the forest, leaving Barix alone with his thoughts.

He's just trying to make me feel better. Grandpa's never going to change his mind..., Barix decided, shaking his head sadly. This would be the start of his new life, so he might as well make the best of it. Crawling through the hole in the fence, he decided to settle down and wait, rather than announce his arrival. As time passed slowly by, he stared at his paws, telling himself over and over that this pack wouldn't care about his slight German Shepherd blood, but his grandfather's obvious prejudice made it hard to convince himself. Well, he looked mostly like a wolf. Would they even notice the difference? Maybe they would overlook his taller, pointier ears, narrower snout, slightly smaller head and other small differences. He sighed heavily, not entirely convinced.

- Dawali Amara - 03-14-2009


Game Word Count: 417

The foal was playful, and after many hours' attempt he'd finally managed to separate it from his mother. The young ones were always so stressed, so jerky in a way, bouncing this way and that. Then, almost half an hour had passes as he'd tried to get the thing into a harness or any sort. In the end he'd succeeded, in a way; the foal was halfway controllable through a line tied to its neck and around its mouth. Still though, the young thing was not entirely confident with Dawali, and was not being led along nicely. That, however, was expected, and Dawali's purpose of this was to simply make the horse used to a luperci present, and to have some sort of an arrangement attached to it. It would soon find out how it could lessen the discomfort (although it was causing it himself, with the abrupt stopping and starting), by simply following Dawali's directions. Humming and occasionally touching the foals neck (if he was allowed close enough), the red wolf took his time. Things like these would not get a good outcome if rushed, and it had to happen on the horse's premises.

Walking along the path, Dawali followed the fence that circled parts of his packlands. The weather was quite mild, and sometimes he'd slip on the muddy surface - the fence had been his savior more than once. The horse did not have trouble though, it had been bouncing around the increasingly sloppy ground for months along with his mother, and easily adapted to the changes. A barely audible melody, seemingly consisting of purely random tones, Dawali hummed, but stopped once he noticed the smell of a stranger. True, this was a person of his own race, and male, and close by. Looking ahead (Dawali kept his eyes mostly on the horse and the ground immediately before him) he concluded that he was right, with a slight feeling of satisfaction. Along the fence ahead sat a solitary being, and male, too. Quickening his pace, Dawali pulled gently at the rope attached to the foal and started his approach. Once close enough for it to be natural to say something without having to shout, Dawali greeted the male, and continued his approach until he was close enough for normal conversation. Hello there! As usual he was cheery, and polite, but something in the way he carried himself made it clear that he was highly ranked among those who claimed this land as their own.

Awesome sexy table and avatar by Kat! Big Grin

- Barix Raleto - 03-15-2009

(OOC: I'm pretty much done with my profile now if you want to look at it, but it probably could do with some editing, so please don't judge it too harshly. Wink )

Staring curiously off into the forest, Barix didn't hear the approach of the stranger and the foal until they were almost on top of him, and he jumped a little when the older male spoke. "Hi," he answered sheepishly, a little embarrassed at his obvious nervousness but encouraged by other's cheerful voice. As he smiled politely, his eyes drifted to the foal, tilting his head a little as he wondered what it was. He was confused by the way the other wolf led it around since he'd never seen a domesticated animal or a rope. The closest thing that he'd ever seen to such an animal was deer, but this creature was obviously very different, especially since it seemed to lack any horns at all and had a mane. He ached so badly to examine it closer and to bombard the stranger with a million questions about it and the AniWaya pack in general but reminded himself in time that manners should always come first. He briefly considered shifting to his ongime form but decided that would take far too long.

For a few horrible seconds, Barix's face fell as he feared that he'd forgotten all that his uncle had taught him. Finally, with his face brightening, he slowly and methodically lowered his body closer to the ground, folded his ears back halfway, tucked his tail firmly between his legs, and turned his gaze toward the ground at the other wolve's feet. He stayed silent for several more seconds mentally checking the position of each body part, clumsily swaying a little.

Satisfied, he broadened his smile and announced in the most formal voice he could muster, "I'm Barix Raleto, sir, and I wish...," He trailed off as he tried to find the right words. "I hope to join your pack. I'm a very hard worker!" He grimaced slightly as the last sentence flew from his mouth because it made him feel too much like some kind of wandering salesman trying to sell a product.

Waiting anxiously for the response, he tried to predict what questions he might be asked to answer and remind himself of his prepared answers. He felt like he could handle anything except trying to explain his past or heritage, but he doubted that older Luperci cared very much about something like that.

- Dawali Amara - 03-15-2009


Nice work Smile
Game Word Count: 465

The stranger started when Dawali was finally near him, as if he had been in his own world of thought. Dawali simply assumed he had been waiting for some time, and engaged his mind for something to do whilst waiting. He didn't think the stranger was present by mere chance - otherwise he wouldn't have sat here along the borders, probably. Any other person would perhaps also announced their presence. Dawali looked at his face, and noticed traces of something unfamiliar to him, perhaps the wolf before him was a hybrid or some sort? Although he looked as if he was nearly full wolf, otherwise Dawali would have been able to tell by first glance, as with Leland. Should the stranger be fit for joining their ranks the husky mix might find it interesting to have someone else with a foot in their world - because it was definitely not coyote features he was looking at.

The stranger seemed to go through a series of emotion shifts, before he suddenly took on a very humble pose. For some reason Dawali doubted whether the young male was used to the body posture at all, as he seemed to sway a little before it settled on him. It didn't matter much to Dawali, though, but it was curious observations he could turn around in his mind later, perhaps as good-natured amusement. Finally, the young hybrid - or he could just come from a species which Dawali had not seen before, of course - smiled and announced his purpose, along with his name. Attached to the sentence came an outburst, perhaps because he was young, or perhaps because he was eager. It could be both, but Dawali found it quite amusing nevertheless. Still, the red wolf wasn't used to such a formal behavior among the tribesmembers. Most of the time Dawali was satisfied and moreso if the others were simply respectful towards him. He would not make the young man uncomfortable, though, and point it out to him. He could pose like that if he wanted, and as soon as he got around a little he'd know the customs and the like. Chuckling and smiling, he gestured with his hands as he calmly replied to the man's words. Welcome, Barix. My name's Dawali, I'm the sub-leader of this place. The foal jumped a little at Barix's four-legged form, but Dawali soothed it by gently stroking its neck - it seemed to take more comfort in Dawali's presence now than before. You are in luck - we need hard workers around here. Looking to the male again (he'd had his eyes on the foal, naturally), Dawali inquired whether Barix had any particular skills he could offer. Do you have any special skills or talents we could benefit from, Barix?

Awesome sexy table and avatar by Kat! Big Grin

- Barix Raleto - 03-20-2009

(OOC: Thank you.)

At the sound of chuckling, Barix glanced up to see an amused smile on the red wolf's face, and he found that he couldn't help but laugh a little himself. Even he could see that he was trying a bit too hard, but it was often better to do too much than not enough. Since he was a complete stranger to the area, he didn't want to risk jeopardizing his chance of joining AniWaya and having to find yet another pack. Wandering around alone in these lands with no idea of where to go wasn't an idea that appealed to him.

When he heard him mention that he was the sub-leader, he actually felt a little relieved because this Luperci seemed very nice and friendly. Nothing like the way his grandfather acted toward him. He shivered a little at the memory of Goran's venomous glares as he walked past the den that Barix and Uncle Rodel had resided in. To Barix, he'd always seemed to carry an air of power and intimidation that kept other wolves in line, which was likely how he became the Alpha in the first place, though Barix much preferred this affable sub-leader. He wondered what the other members of the pack were like... Would he be able to fit in and find a home here or was he doomed to never find a place to belong? Would he discover friends here? These questions and many others bounced around constantly in his mind, albeit he knew that he couldn't find the answers to them quite yet.

Turning his mind back to the conversation, Barix watched as the other male calmed the maned creature, and he responded, "Thank you, Dawali. I'm pleased to meet you." At the question concerning his skills, Barix silently thanked his uncle for instructing and preparing him for this before answering, thoughtfully, "Well, I don't know if you would really call it 'special' or anything like that, but I'm very good at tracking as well as navigating by the sun and stars, although I don't know how much good that's going to be until I'm a little more familiar with the area. It's no good knowing which direction north is if you have no idea where it will lead you." The last sentence was something that his uncle had said many times, and Barix sighed softly, knowing that these memories might be all that he has left of him now.

When a sudden thought came to him, pushing aside the others, Barix shot Dawali a playful, mysterious smile, hoping to perk his curiosity. "I do have one more talent. It's not at all useful or practical, but it is entertaining. I could tell you about it, but I think it's something that's better shown than explained, which I'll have to remember to do at some time. That is, if you're interested." <And if I hopefully get into the pack,> Barix added to himself silently. He waited, breathlessly as he waited to hear the decision.

- Dawali Amara - 03-21-2009


Sorry for the wait, I'm at a seminar with work this weekend Smile This reply is also a bit shit >_<
Game Word Count: 336

Dawali listened intently as the stranger served him information, both on himself, and what he might bring to the tribe. His behavior was polite, and he seemed to have more common sense than others, perhaps. It pleased the sub-leader to great lengths. Though this male was quite young, he would be a sound addition to the tribe, if his behavior now was a true image of how he was otherwise. He could, of course, be faking. Dawali doubted it, though, as he saw himself as quite good enough to spot attempts at deceit. His chuckle as he had realized himself that his pose might be slightly off also was a good sign that he did not think too highly of himself. All in all Dawali found him polite, well-balanced, and pleasant of personality. The red wolf male was about to comment on what Barix had said, when the young male spoke again, this time seemingly wanting to intrigue. A smile slowly crept onto the face of the sub-leader. Hidden skills, eh? His yellow eyes darted to the nervous foal beside him - if Barix somehow intended to make a loud noise or move somehow, it might be better to leave it to another time. We always have use for navigational skills. When it comes to your special skill, though, I think it's better left to another occasion - this foal here is the jumpy kind, especially around non-shifted wolves. One hand, whose palm was white, but red on the other side, patted the nervous thing on the neck, cautiously but gently. Dawali smiled kindly, then continued, holding the gaze of Barix. I think I could safely have you join our ranks, though, as you seem both sensible, useful and polite. Welcome to AniWaya, Barix. It seemed an overly formal way to say it, the red wolf thought at his own words, but somehow they fit. Rarely did he use formal speech like this, or even behave formally, but for some reason Barix seemed to expect it.

Awesome sexy table and avatar by Kat! Big Grin

- Barix Raleto - 03-22-2009

(OOC: Heh, I should’ve been the one apologizing for making you wait. Anyway, I think that at this point we’re just trying to get this done. Guess this could probably be the last post. )

In the short pause after Barix finished speaking, he became almost completely still, his only movement being a slight trembling in his legs and tail. With his heart pounding in his chest, he listened carefully as Dawali began to answer. After the first two sentences passed, his tail began a hopeful wag even as he cocked his head to the side at an unfamiliar word. “Foal?” he thought aloud, his pronunciation of the word a little off. At that moment, Dawali chose to give the creature that he seemed to lead around a gentle pat and Barix nodded as he came to the obvious truth. Pointing a paw at the animal, he answered his own question, "Oh, right. I’ll have to remember to be careful." While it was true that he shifted a lot more than the other members of his old pack, he still spent most of his time in wolf form. He felt that it would take some time to change this particular habit, but well, if everyone else tended to stay in Optime form, maybe the transition would be easier and more natural than he thought it would be. Oh, well. Either way he didn’t feel like it would be much of a problem.

When the red wolf smiled kindly at him and welcomed him to AniWaya, Barix’s tail wagged harder and faster to the point to the point of being a furry blur, and his yellow eyes shone as a wide smile spread across his face, completely erasing the earlier tension. He took a small step forward and opened his mouth to speak but struggled with finding words to express his gratitude. "W-wow, thanks so much! I’m going to do my best!" He shook his head, words failing him again. For the first real time in his life, he had a place to call home and would actually be considered part of the pack. He would have duties he would be expected to do, and best of all, if Dawali’s attitude toward him was any indication, he wouldn’t just be considered ‘that wolfdog’ anymore.

As he began to realize more and more of what this really meant, he felt some of his nervousness returning. Meeting new people wasn’t one of his strong suits, which was something, unfortunately, that he’d be doing a lot of for a while. He had much to learn… Time to start a new chapter of his life.

- Dawali Amara - 03-23-2009


I'll have you titled up and stuff, welcome Smile Starter rank is Itse, have a read about them on our website, as they're quite different from other packs' rank systems.
If you want another thread with Dawali or have any questions just PM me!
Game Word Count: 400

A sound of confusion, probably uttered without meaning to, came from the wolf, before he realized that Dawali was speaking about the young horse. The red wolf let it pass - there was no need to comment on it, and he did not linger on it even in thought. As his next sentences exited his mouth, he watched with surprise at the extreme joy that the other felt, his tail wagging crazily from side to side. Should he, then, not have let him in? It didn't matter, it was too late to take the words back now. Leland too had a habit of wagging his tail more than the others he'd met - perhaps it was something that came with the mixed genes? The male didn't know, but he was in any matter glad that his words caused happiness. At the young male's excited promise of doing his very best, Dawali smiled again and did his normal little bow - sometimes it was as a greeting, and sometimes as a nod that could say "I know you will". It lasted three seconds or so, where the male lowered his face so his nose pointed to the ground, closing his eyes, and maintaining that neck position for a moment, before lifting the head again. No other part of the body was used,and so it was perhaps not a proper bow, but it was a gesture of respect and confidence. He was highly ranked anyway, should he start bowing people would likely start groveling or something, and he couldn't bear the thought of that. I'm very certain you will. The odd sentence, and choice of words, were not a threat - as they could be seen. Together with the little gesture it seemed a declaration of trust, not likely to be misunderstood. If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to call on me - or anyone else for that matter. We have plenty of members who are more than happy to help. With a small, polite smile, Dawali then turned half-angle to start making the foal move. It was time to go home, during the short conversation he had realized there was an ache in his legs that called for a nap. The return would likely take some time with this jumpy foal, but that was allright. Young ones first, then the old gits. It was the way of life.

Awesome sexy table and avatar by Kat! Big Grin

- Dawali Amara - 03-23-2009

Welcome to 'Souls!

Hey, welcome to 'Souls. You've just joined the craziest bunch of wolf roleplayers on the vast internet. If you haven't done so already, you should check out the rp guide for detailed information about our werewolves and other general role playing information.

Now that you're accepted, you need to do two things:
___1. Make your first IC post within five days.
___2. Update your profile with a bit of background information on your character.

You can also start saving up points toward titles and icons and cool stuff. Check out the Open Threads and Thread Requests forum for people looking to roleplay. You can post random out of character chat in the OOC Garbage with us, too.