'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Gimme, Gimme More - Printable Version

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- Lucifer - 12-22-2007

He had heard word of a new member in the lands, and it wasn't just any old member, it was his mother. Part of him didn't want to believe it, it would be easy for some female with black fur to come into the lands, and some one think it was his mother. The male wouldn't think any one with in the pack lands a lier but one's looks could ever so easy be thought that it's some one else. It would make it so much easier for him to get over the fact it was all made up, if it was just that.

His noes to the ground, he was going to take this time to use it for a quick hunt and also to find his mother..if she was in fact with in the lands. Lucifer lowered his ears back seeing a rabbit, it was pretty fat looking, the male watched it, eating a patch of grass that was just about dead, but it was grass, so maybe that why the rabbit was eating, but he wanted to find her, the male had no clue if she would have tried to make a make shift den or a house of some sort, or if she would take a den with in the pack den area.

Taking his normal rout back to the pack lands, the male took to each common area sniffing around, hunting for the female.
Thanks for table Misery[/html]

- Phasma Kiles - 01-01-2008


indentThe raven woman had kept close to the pack den in her short time as a member of Jaded Shadows, usually only traveling out to get a bite to eat or make a round of the borders. It was easy enough to find her way around the borders, since they were clearly marked, and she took the same path to and fro, but she was still a bit uneasy about traveling into parts of the lands that were unknown to her. Today was different though. Despite the chill in the air, the onyx lady left the den to search the lands. She couldn't hide forever and just go back and forth for scouting, no, she needed to get to know her new home, especially since she was certain nothing horrid would happen to this one.

indentOn her way through the lands something caught her attention, a scent that moved on the wind and made her smile immediately. Lucifer, just another perk of her now being a member here. It didn't take her long to find him, creeping up on him from the rear. He appeared to be searching for something, though there wasn't any other scent that stood out to her in the area. "Have you lost something dear?" She asked then, sudden and softly, taking a few more steps forward.


- Lucifer - 01-03-2008

He heard a voice, he didn't give thoughts to where it came from, or who it belonged to. He took to his natural fear and that was just to jump, and curl his tail down around his legs and lower his head into his neck, not a raised lip though maybe he should have more, anger toward the being that was at his back. The male spun around keeping his head and body low to the ground as he looked up to see the black female standing there, the sent was the next thing that registered with the male. It was who he was looking for, so the rumors had been true. The black male could help but to be overly thrilled and happy for the first time in months to see the black figure. No longer would he have to loom around the borders of Storm to steal a glance at her, let alone see her with out the male leader of the pack finding him.

Standing up a bit, and losing his hold the male gave a half smile to her making sure to respect the new beta. Lucifer gave a nod, looking back down to the ground, why did she come here? Did she know his feelings for the white female that he lived with? After he demanded that they be mates. Shaking his head no, "No ma'am!"

- Phasma Kiles - 01-03-2008


indentThe onyx lady smiled as the younger wolf spun about, a great grin stretching across the length of her muzzle as she watched him. The sudden change in expression on his face brought a sudden sort of warmth to her, however odd that might have seemed. It was always nice to know that he was happy to see her, despite all of the things that had happened in the past. Phasma couldn't help but notice that something seemed a bit off though, the way that he looked toward the ground instead of bounding right up to her. Perhaps she was mistaking the thought of him hiding something as an act of simple respect.

indentIt hit her, rather suddenly, what the problem might have been. It really wasn't any of her business and, though it would take some time to get used to it, she could accept the fact. "How have you and Deuce been?" She asked then, tone implying that she knew all about them, though there was still a softness that laced her words, something to bring out the fact that she didn't have a problem with it. A few more steps were taken forward, bringing her closer to her son, and she smiled all the while.


- Lucifer - 01-06-2008

The male was in a toss up about showing the black female the respect that she earned and deserved, that came along with a rank higher then his own. He didn't want her to have to worry about him, he was doing okay for him-self while she was over in Storm and before her pack dis-baned. He had dug him-self this hole, and he allowed life to push the dirt higher and higher up around his own neck.

The black male sat down, he didn't looked at her paws, and then to his own. The male didn't want to look into her eyes, he didn't want to lie to her, but he didn't want her to have to worry about him and Deuce on top of every thing else that she had on her plate.

Lucifer was alarmed to here her talking about Deuce, he wasn't sure if he should just lay it all out on the line for her, and see what she had to say about every thing that was going on. He shook his head, no..no..every thing was fine, or so he was going to lie to his mother and let her believe that they where still that happy couple when they last saw. He forced a smile upon his face, looking up to her."We're fine! How have you been?'