'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
the warmest part of the winter - p mati - Printable Version

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- Lannen Haddix - 04-08-2009

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ump/12.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
It had been a long winter, and Lannen had spent most of it in solitude. For some reason, since his long-lost brother had become lost again, even the thought of venturing out tasted like ashes in his mouth. He didn't know why, but it was hard to find a core of calm. The serenity of AniWaya was gone, replaced once more by an all-too familiar restlessness that threatened to consume him and destroy all the progress he'd made since December. It had only been a few shorts months, but it felt as though the world had changed. Something about the pull of gravity, or the way the ground felt beneath his feet.

The snow was melting, slowly but surely giving way to spring. Birdsong lingered in the air, a sweetness hovered all around as the sky lightened through the clouds during the daytime. And now, in the midst of twilight, stars shone softly against a velvet black sky. Everything seemed softer, as though the hard edge of winter had faded. He didn't know what it meant, or what to make of it really. The truth was that Lannen was getting older with the turn of every season. He had thought he had seen everything the world had to offer, but now he found himself closed off to new, small miracles.

The white wolf walked two-legged in his optime form, as he wandered without destination in mind. He had been here before, earlier in the winter. Brown eyes wandered the semi-familiar terrain as his mind turned over the events of weeks, perhaps months ago. His memory of the small girl came to the fore. The seasons were changing. He wondered how she had changed.


- Mati Church - 04-08-2009


happy banana day!

Violet eyes, soft liquid gems fought the darkness. Changing so that the shadows hid no mysteries, focusing on the details the bright sun had accented, while the night only dulled and blurred. Blinking, the world sharpened and the moon glowed behind the clouds that dotted the air. They made the shadows darker and the moon’s light shone at their backs, giving them the color of a deep endless sea. Hope surrounded them. Stars the shone bright in the black curtain of sky, giving just enough brightness that called to her. They showed the eagerness of the sleeping day, small remnants of the sun scattered across the wide plan. They were hope.

What brought her outside into the chilled air of winter’s death was something unknown. It was a warmth in her center, a different foreign feeling that buzzed from her stomach and into the rest of her. It was just enough to keep her awake, just enough to ask her to step into the open, hoping that a few mouthfuls of clear Crimson Dream air would calm the feeling. It didn’t. Walking helped, the movement of her legs distracting her from it. The tiredness of night didn’t exist as she walked hurriedly from the Manor, it was as if she had slept all day long. Awake at such an odd moment, fearing nothing that might be lurking the dark, the large boned youth wondered why she didn’t feel it all so odd.

Nothing made more sense. As if she was standing in the middle of the Shiloh with a purpose, but her mind could not find it. Instead, she could only look upward; eyes watching as the clouds moved with the power of a spring’s wind. A storm hung in the air, the scent of rain lingering. But so few clouds, such bright stars and round moon. Nothing could be more pleasant.

But still, as she brought her eyes to the world around her and to the figure that stood in the distance a storm did begin. The outline of the standing beast hung in her vision, and the Church wolfess fought to find his face in the darkness. The sharpness of her sight blurred, and the warm feeling in the center turned to a sharp pain. Twisting and stealing the breath from her throat. Looking upwards again, the moon shown down with no mocking grin. Its edges blurred and the stars that sat around it disappeared. The pain eased, and she gasped at the relief taking in the air hurriedly and greedily.

Her back legs gave out with an unknown and sudden tiredness. Sitting, her eyes closed and she felt it again now flowing into her extremities. It was a dull heat laced pain, and she could only hope that it would end. Knowledge of what was happening slipped her mind, so completely unsure of whether she was only changing or if she was dying. Having experienced neither, how was she to know?


- Lannen Haddix - 04-25-2009

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ump/12.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
It seemed almost impossible to believe that anything could happen beneath the star studded sky. Anything at all could happen, burst into life or fade into ashes. There was a timeless quality in the night air, as if time stood still, waiting. But waiting for what? Lannen couldn't shake the edge of anticipation that goaded him tonight, further into foreign territory. He lingered at the edges, scents amid the tall grass a warning to keep his distance. But he didn't want to. He wanted to delve in. To find her again. He didn't know why.

Urgency gave way as she entered his field of vision. Her steps were shaky, her face in shadow against the soft moonlight. Her violet eyes flashed, silvered for a moment as the field of stars. He recognized the young girl instantly, and realized that she had grown a great deal since the last time had had seen her.

Brown eyes followed the ebb and flow of her movements. Her limbs had lengthened, her body becoming slightly more lithe. But she wasn't as delicate as a whispered breath. No, this girl was built with strength writ in every line of her body. Then she came to a halt, sat down heavily. Lannen crossed to her side without realizing that he'd even taken those steps.

He assessed her, noting how her breathing had changed. And he realized what was going on suddenly, and noted her panic. He knelt down, resting his hands on her shoulders, an anchor for her to cleave to in this unknown pain. "Just breathe, Mati," he said. "I'm here, just let this happen. I'll be here."


- Mati Church - 04-26-2009


i gotta be my own boss no matter what the cost

Everything about her form was different. Every inch of her skin tingled, every ounce of her blood pumped through every vein like a rivers tide. Her breathing hastened, and though the words told her to keep breathing it was only getting harder to do so. Curling toes into the soft soil Mati watched his face. His words floated to her ears, and she clung to them, as is a lifesaver keeping her afloat. His touch kept her from drifting into a blackness that threatened the edges of her vision. She was scared, and had no will to hide the emotion from her face.

He was there, a realization the occurred only after his voice and touch had been recognized. He was here, his silver form glowing in the stars dim flickering and the light of the round moon. Purple eyes opened from a prolonged blink, finding him still beside her. She breathed, finding that his scent was there too, along with his voice and gentle hand. She wanted to question it, wanted to ask him what to do or what to expect but he had already given her the answers. Let it. Her muscles fought her command to relax, and only after several moments did they heed her order.

It hurt at first, as her brother had said it would. But then, as she breathed, as she told her body again and again to let come what may, the pain subsided. With it, her fear left and she was filled with something else. Something that she could not place, a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity was all she could describe it as. The awkward movements, the changes just occurred without thought, and her Optime form bloomed from the four legs that she had always known.

Knees against the soft cool ground the young wolfess kept as still as she could, unsure is at any moment she would fall. Looking down Mati focused on nothing else other then the dark grass she rested on. Meekly, the fey looked to the face of the male that kept to her side. Her body shook, even as she silently pleaded for it to be still. Lavender eyes glowed in the moon’s beam of light, her heart beating with fury as she attempted to regain control of her movements. Still it was he had told her to expect, he was still there. But as she looked at his own shifted form she couldn’t help but wonder, and worry. What did she look like?


- Lannen Haddix - 04-28-2009

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ump/12.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Lannen sunk down into the soft grass after her trembling had eased and her form had changed. It had been strange, fascinating to watch. Her form had almost shimmered in the moonlight, only the vibrant color of her eyes seeming to stay the same. Her body moved with fluid grace, with or without her command as she gave herself over to the inevitable, the change. It was her first steps into adulthood, a form to echo the changes that must surely be happening inside her mind and heart. It was a personal moment, one Lannen didn't feel he had the right to witness.

He knew there would be pain. He vaguely recalled his first change. It seemed so long ago to him now. When he changed form, it was as easy as breathing. He could shift almost painlessly, without any thought. And now she had that ability. He felt as though it put them on equal footing this time. At their first meeting, she had been a mere child. But now she was something more. With this new experience, they had more in common.

He scooted to sit beside her instead of in front of her and stretched out his legs, rolling his shoulders. His brown eyes watched her carefully, lingering on her face to be certain that he still wasn't in any pain. And it didn't seem she was. Instead, wonder imbued her face. And perhaps nervousness. He didn't blame her. The way she would see the world had surely changed now. He smiled gently at her, "You look nice, kid."


- Mati Church - 04-30-2009


i gotta be my own boss no matter what the cost

Someday it would be different. Mati could imagine what she wanted from her body and it would happen with not effort and no pain. So could see what she was to look like, and it would just change as if there were nothing more natural. But for now she wasn’t sure what to do, wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to go back to the four legged form that had been her body for her entire short life. Though the thought wasn’t the only one going through her mind, just one of the many jumbled and reeling things that made her face grow warm.

Lannen sat beside her, and she silently thanked him, glad that he wasn’t ready to go for a run. A brisk walk would have been trying with her new legs. The idea of sitting brought a smile to her face, glad to keep her embarrassment at a minimum for the evening. Falling softly backwards Mati sat on her tail, crossing her legs with more ease and grace then she thought possible. It didn’t seem to difficult to get them moving, though their feeling was still too awkward to try standing. It took many long minutes for her collect her breath and thoughts, and she could only sit and wait until they were retrieved.

Purple orbs slowly turned to meet the yellow bronze of the male’s, and she felt the heat of a blush rise in her face. Her ears turned in humiliation at his words, and she could only smile at her own embarrassment. Did she? Mati wondered, and stole a glance at the newness of her paw and arms. The lay on her folded legs, but she was able to brush the falling mane from her forehead with a soft finger. I didn’t mean for that to happen, for you to see that. She didn’t know why something like this would have to happen the moment he had decided to make a visit to her territory. Though Mati wasn’t even sure why he was here.

A desperate plea to move the spotlight from her over to him Mati ignored her reasoning that spoke prying and curiosity killing a cat. Instead she spoke with haste, What are you doing here? Though the statement could have been worded a bit more politely Mati couldn’t take them back after they were said, instead she sat silent, looking at the fingers that formed her hands.


- Lannen Haddix - 05-04-2009

Lannen didn't know what had made him come here, of all places. The stillness of the night whispered to him, setting his sense of home on edge. He felt the wilderness calling to him, making his feet ache to cover unknown territories. A whisper through his body to move wherever the wind would take him, a silent temptation to stretch his limits. It was hard to resist it. But that sensation inside of him stilled upon the sight of her. It was strange to feel the quiet in his mind, to having that yearning erased, at least temporarily. It had been replaced by something else, a growing curiosity that simmered in the pit of his stomach.

He cut his eyes back at Mati. His gaze had wandered to rest upon the way the grass moved in the breeze, but now his attention was returned to the newly transformed girl. Her form really did suit her. She was large-boned, clearly strong physically. And her reaction to her first change had been a positive one too. He was glad to note that she seemed to have reservoirs of strength inside of her. She'd need them. Life just got harder from here. The change signified that her childhood was gone and that adulthood was hot on its heels.

"It was going to happen either way," he said off-handedly, the ghost of a smile lingering around his white maw. He flicked his silver-tipped tail before letting it rest in the grass behind him, content to let the air of the night mingle with his breath. It was warm, and felt wonderful to him. "I'm not really sure - wandering, visiting again. I tend to run into you whenever I'm in the area." He winked at her.

- Mati Church - 05-04-2009


There was something, a thought that held his attention. Mati knew well enough that the light wind that caught the fresh blades of grass was not what he dwelled upon. She couldn’t help but wonder what it was that he thought, wanted to know what held his mind. Never had her curiosity be so demanding. It pulled her closer, though her body kept absolutely still. There was distance between the two, but she still felt a closeness to him. It held her attention as solidly as the mystery that lay beyond his eyes, a wonder of why and how it had been planting in her mind.

His words were changed, and to the female they came with only half a meaning. Like something was missing from them. His smile nothing but a shadow on his lips. He continued to speak while Mati sat in silence, attempting to understand everything that had happened and the sudden feeling that washed over her. Unable to put a word to it, she tried to ignore it, and took the wink and allowed herself to smile again at him. There was no apparition of a grin on her maw. Lips curved fully and she sat with her back strait, the feeling just as different as the action of crossing her legs and clenching her fist.

I hoped you’d visit again. Mati admitted, though she didn’t know why she let the secret out before thinking it over in her mind as she had all her other words. She also wasn’t sure why she wanted him to come and see her, all things had been pleasant at their first meeting, but she had been so young that the memory was like a faded dream. Only certain moments were still held clearly in her mind. Embarrassed, she tried to gather the confidence that she would normally posses. It didn’t seem to fit in this body, not quiet yet. I assure you there is much more to see… She spoke as she thought of all the other things the other wolves he could have run into, the list was so long and consisted of everything other then her awkward moment.


- Lannen Haddix - 05-04-2009

She seemed to be withdrawn and completely present at the same time. This new experience must be confusing for her. He remembered, vaguely, what it was like to feel like a stranger in his own body. He had spent several hours just flexing his fingers, curling them in and holding on to things before he had even begun to walk around. He curled his fingers reflexively upon reliving the memory, feeling a clump of grass tickle his palm in the process. He curled both hands into fits, letting his claws create points of pressure on his palms. Then he relaxed his fists and rested his hands on his knees, palms down.

"Oh? he said, quirking an eyebrow at the girl upon her mention of there being other things to see. He honestly hadn't seen much of this pack land. True, in the winter he had ventured far beyond the borders. But he had left after meeting the young girl that night, without stopping to explore any farther. It had been a breach of conduct on his part, and he had been lucky to encounter her. He wasn't far in this pack's territory right now either. He had only ventured over the invisible line upon seeing her, figuring that her presence was invitation enough. He assumed a lot.

Brown eyes crinkling at a sudden though, he moved to his feet. His movements created sounds brushing against the soft spring grass. Lannen rose, stretching now, raising his arms to the sky before turning back to look at her. "Want to go for a stroll, kid?" he asked, extending his hand toward the seated girl. There was no time like the present to break in those legs.

- Mati Church - 05-04-2009


It was best if they thought about something else, something that wouldn’t focus on what had just happened. She would rather begin to learn more about him, that nagging curiosity poking at her mind once again. But as she watched him, she learned things that he would never even know to tell her. Even with the most intrusive questions he would never speak that he held a sort of nervousness, tension that lay in the lines of his arms and shoulders. Something that weighted on him and kept his mind working beyond his control. He could never say that he moved his brow in a way that brought his words, how ever small and none descriptive, much more meaning. It brought them a lightness, to a moment that might have been heavy and overpowering for the younger female. Though they were all just the things Mati saw, just things that caught her eye and rang in her head. Perhaps it was truth, but perhaps it was her imagination.

She gave him a nod in response, her smile remaining on her face as violet eyes looked at him. About to explain where he would find the manor, or the lake he extended his hand to her. His words inviting him to go with her. For a moment she questioned if he had been there for her change, but she was sure he remembered that she had brand new legs. Her smile left, and she could only watch him. Mati wanted to, wanted to go with him more then anything and with an eagerness that made her question herself at once. Frightened that he wouldn’t wait for her hesitation she took his hand, clasping fingers around it and moved her legs beneath her frame more gracefully then she could have imagined. Taking to her paws, the girl felt taller then ever before. She almost stood eye to eye to the male, and again she let herself smile. Balance drifting she quickly clung to his arm, before finding it once again.

Sure. Was all she could say, half sarcastic while also whiling at the same moment.


- Lannen Haddix - 05-05-2009

Lannen smirked at her half-hearted use of sarcasm, internally glad that she seemed to be getting over the initial shock of the change. She didn't seem put off with him, but it didn't seem like she was ready to get up quite yet. He had watched her rise, had seen the inherent grace in the movement, and knew that with practice and instinct, she'd learn soon enough. Baby birds often needed to be pushed from the nests before they even dreamed of spreading their wings. Well, Lannen didn't see any mama birds around to do the pushing, so he figured he may as well start the process. There was no time like the present.

The half-smile still on his face, he clasped Mati's hand with the one she wasn't holding on to. He bent his arm, unknowingly assuming the position of an old time gentleman, and placed her hand into the crook of his elbow. Then he straightened, standing at his full height. He was almost surprised to see that Mati could almost meet his eyes. His bent his neck a fraction to look straight into her face. She certainly was a tall girl.

"I don't know my way around," he said, with some mischief in his voice. "You're going to have to lead." She probably wouldn't like that very much, but it would give her the push she needed to start using her legs on her own. It wouldn't teach her anything if she just clung to him while he walked around. "If you need to, you can hang on to me."

- Mati Church - 05-06-2009


Mati felt her fingers grip his arm, but slowly they released their hold she grew more trusting in the legs that kept her off the ground. She could shift her weight from one foot the other with out falling, and she even tested them by using her balance and hers alone. Without releasing him Mati let her hand grow numb and found that she would not fall without his help. Feeling his hand fall gently atop of her own Mati silently agreed it was best to still have help with her balance. Standing beside her, dark golden eyes looking down the girl felt the most unexpected anticipation run through her body. Though it quickly and thankfully left as his voice drifted down to her.

His statement brought her out of her daze, and she remembered what the task at hand was. Of course he didn’t know where they were, or where to go, and Mati wanted to show him somewhere nice, special. The idea of taking steps first was unsettling, but as he reminded her of his statute presence the mission no longer seemed so impossible. Don’t want you getting lost. She spoke softly with a smiled; attempting to think positively and reminding herself that every other wolf had taken such steps and succeeded. Reminding herself that she had learned to walk once and she could do it again.

And she did. Gently she moved over the spring born grass, feeling the soft bed below paws that were still her own, but just newly formed. Purple eyes looked forward, knowing in her mind where she would take him. It was so close, and she took the second and third step with newfound confidence. It was easy, but her hand did not leave his arm. Oh, Her heat skipped a beat as she stopped abruptly, realizing that they walked in the wrong direction. The same sort of embarrassment that she had just gotten past swarmed her face again, but she felt an even greater heat rise. This way. She smiled at her own mistake and wondered how big of a airhead he thought she was.


- Lannen Haddix - 05-26-2009

Lannen lifted his face to the wind, closing his eyes momentarily and letting his fingers flex into a light fist as he scented the air. After a few seconds, he realized that they were very close to a still body of water. It didn't smell stagnant. The scent of water was fresh, and inviting. Despite the coolness of the dark, he had a heated flush of excitement under his skin as he thought of the possibilities of exploration. He moved his arm from under Mati's grip, and took her hand lightly in his own as he formulated his plan.

"This way!" he said, tugging lightly on her hand before he took off at a loping run. He realized that this pace might be difficult for her, but he knew that she would rise to the challenge. It was there in her face, when she stood in determination. It would be good for her to hit the ground running. She could experience the joys of it and let the wind trail across her new body. She would become more acquainted with it. And if she were to stumble, he would be there to catch her. She was safe with him this night.

Sooner rather than later the duo reached the bank of Rabbit Lake. He slowed then, releasing his hold on her hand. He turned back to face her, mischief and the ghost of a smile on his maw. "Are you coming, kid?" he said, taking the steps that would lead him into the water. He sank into the lake up to his knees before he turned to look at her again, wondering if she would rise to this occasion.

- Mati Church - 05-29-2009

http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... itable.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Lannen didn't seem to notice that she had mistaken the way, but as she looked at her face it was easy to see that he was the one that was finding their way. There was concentration in his features, letting his senses take over and find the way. The girl was slightly embarrassed (beyond the already huge amount she felt) that he needed to lead her around her own home. It was easy though, allowing him to choose the path but the speed at which he wanted to go was something Mati had once thought she wasn't ready for.

He wanted speed, and if it hadn't been for his speed in pulling her along Mati would have been able to stop and really think. Their clasped hands tugging her along and sending her into a run without a second thought. Legs worked as if they didn't even need her mind to move them. The male was faster then she was, even with her long legs. The air sang softly in her ear, and ran through her hair. He was taking the lead and she was so suddenly unsure if she would be able to keep their hands clasped as they moved. You trying to get rid of me? She yelled ahead, with a laugh in her voice. Of course she was sure he wasn't, but he didn't need to go so fast.

In the moment after she spoke, Mati noticed that they had arrived at their destination. Quickly, as if they hardly ran at all. Violet eyes looked out onto the dark placid lake, watching as he barely paused before slipping into the water. His white form broke the solid surface of the water, and she hesitated. It only took a moment, but she stepped into the night chilled water, looking at his face as she expressed her concern. You won't let me drown? Or would he want her to swim its length? He had pushed her this far...

table by Syd


- Lannen Haddix - 05-30-2009

The smile faded somewhat from Lannen's face as he saw Mati considering the dark, rippling form of the lake. He sank in further, going farther away from her. He stepped away backward, facing the young earth-toned woman until the water rippled around his waist. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught his bright reflection on the face of the water, like a cloud across the moon. He nodded, the smile returning to his hardened features. "I won't let anything happen to you, kid."

He felt the water rippling softly around his body and sank deeper into the water, feeling the dirt swirling around his feet as he continued his descent into the depths. After several seconds, he felt the ground beneath him becoming steeper. Now the water lapped his shoulders as he let water cradle his weight, and he felt as though he became weightless. He made lazy strokes with his arms outspread, treading slowly. The water wasn't cold, despite the dark of the night. It felt pleasant.

When he smiled this time, it was completely genuine. He existed within the moment, savoring a strange experience. He didn't know if this would be Mati's first time swimming, but he was certain that she'd like it too. He propelled himself toward the shore, leaning forward until he was doing the freestyle stroke closer to her. "You'll love this," he said.

- Mati Church - 05-30-2009

http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... itable.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Half of his body disappeared beneath the water, and she watched to see if he would disappear completely. Stepping into the pool, her feet faded first, watching and gaining courage Mati followed deeper and deeper. His words reassured her, telling her that he would watch out for her even when her feet were off the ground. He ended, as he always seemed to, with her nickname. Something that none other had called her, but oddly enough didn't make her feel as young as a kid truly was.

Violet eyes never left him as he let the water carry him, as if he was light as a feather. She felt the cold against her waist, and could not help a shiver. As it passed she grew used to the cool lake, and mimicked his movements in the water. Or tied to. She was clumsy as she let it lift from the sandy floor, her arms moving with her legs to keep her heavy body afloat. You sure about that? She spoke with a laugh, but inside her was frightened and wasn’t sure if he could save her if she found that she couldn’t swim.

table by Syd


- Lannen Haddix - 05-30-2009

Lannen nodded as he reached her. He was glad to see her in the water, garnering the courage though he saw that she was nervous. He let his hands cut through the water in a scissor motion, making a lazy circle around her as she started to tread water for the first time. They weren't at all that far from shore, and only a few feet away from shallower water. This would be the perfect depth of water for her, at least for her first time. "You're doing good," he said, a bit of admiration in his voice. He knew that she must be uncomfortable, but he was proud to see her make the effort.

The white man continued to circle around her, brown eyes noting her movements. They were a little jerky, lacking a sort of timing. But still, with strength and wit alone she kept herself afloat. "It is easiest to use your arms to give you direction, and your legs to give you power," he noted, circling the young brown wolfess once more. Then he took a breath and sank beneath the depths of the water, disappearing to her left. He moved with a few, short quick strokes and came up for breath about a dozen feet away, resurfacing and beginning to tread water again.

He grinned crookedly at her. "Think you can make it over here? His voice held half a challenge, half a question, and a lot of fun. He nodded toward her. You can keep your head above the water, just stretch out your arms like you're trying to part the water with your hands and kick your feet behind you." He waited to see what she would do. He had pushed her this far, and he believed she wouldn't disappoint. She was brave.

- Mati Church - 05-30-2009

http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... itable.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

His encouragement pushed her forward, and she fought the still water with more force then necessary. Trying to watch the actions that she made, her nose dipped into the water and she sneezed the clean lake water from her nostrils as he gave her his instructions. In a moment she was moving in the way she told her, as he let his own body circle her with ease. Somewhere in her mind she knew that he wasn’t trying to tease her, but as he moved away she felt the urge and determination to meet the goal and show him that maybe she could stat to swim circles around him.

Kicking her long legs behind her Mati began to swim, just as he was. Dark fingers came to the surface right before her nose and she moved the water and watched it ripple. She moved, with ease and grace that she had never felt in her whole life. No matter what form. It was a beautiful feeling, and as he predicted she would Mati began to fall in love with it. A smile graced her face, and purple eyes looked to the light man that waded in front of her. There was still a tentative feeling under her skin, the confidence still not quite high enough to venture too deep. But Mati spoke to him as she grew close, Tonight is just full of a whole bunch of surprises. Floating towards him, Mati began treading water to stand beside him in the dark pool. She had thought that tonight, under the low round moon, she would shift, run, and swim. She didn’t think she would meet him again either.

table by Syd


- Lannen Haddix - 05-30-2009

The white man was glad to see her embracing new challenges. If there was anything he wanted to impart to her, it was to live her life completely. Dark times would come, as they usually did one way or another, but creating memories like this would give her the strength she needed to temper the negativity. She could find the courage to face new, small challenges in life. And if she could do that, she would be able to face the challenges ahead of her. He didn't think of himself as a wise man, and he wouldn't have thought to give her this advice. But doing these things with her was a subconscious thing. He wanted the best for her, so she could protect the light in her eyes.

Lannen tread water next to her, content to stay where she was. He was glad to see that her confidence didn't waver when she reached his side. He smiled at her, and for a moment a cloud passed over the moon. Her eyes glinted, the color of plums in the darkness. The white man had never seen eyes that color before. He just kind of looked at her for a few moments, wanting to memorize the way her eyes looked in the dark. When the moon broke through the clouds, he looked away, back into the water.

"Lots of surprises," the white man said softly. He smiled at her, glad to be there with her to share the night. So much had happened to her in a short time, but she adapted well. It gave him confidence that she would continue to grow up strong, able to face new situations. Water rippled around his fingers as he splayed them in the water and let them sink below the surface.

- Mati Church - 05-31-2009

http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... itable.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

They floated together, letting the water carry them wherever it wanted to take them. Mati moved just enough so that she stayed close to him, a small fear still present in the back of her mind. She didn’t want to drown. Months in her past Mati had spoken to Onus about drowning, and ever since she had feared it. But she was growing more confident the longer she stayed in the water, and it was becoming a distant memory.

He watched her, and Mati could not help but notice his eyes on her face. He made her wonder what she looked like, with the lake saturating her fur. Probably like a muskrat, dark furred and matted by the water. His eyes on hers, she wished to look away but didn’t. His voice came clearly over the water while he looked down to it, the words a simple agreement. Mati let the silence take over, unsure why she felt the way she did and unable to describe it. She didn’t know why he looked away, and became even more self-conscious. Watching the water herself, the girl didn’t know where to go from here. He had taken her so far and passed many of her limits. He had shown her that she was capable of moving forward when she had thought she could only stand still. It only felt appropriate to be grateful.

Thank you, for this. she spoke softly, look around them slowly as if gesturing to their present situation. She wasn’t sure if anyone else would have done so much for her in one night, and they hardly knew each other.

table by Syd
