'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
What could a little curiosity hurt? - Printable Version

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- Henratha Gyrkin - 04-17-2009

ooc: Words:400+

What was this place? The ruddy hued wolf wondered, his gooseberry hued gaze scanning the large expanse of open terrain. The shaggy furred brute slowly sank to a sitting position at the edge of what appeared to be an old stretch of farmland. Rath had chosen to shift to his lupus form after having spent the last few days in his bipedal optime form. While he did like his taller, optime form best, he had felt a strong urge to walk around on all fours for awhile. Perhaps it was the fact that he could cover more ground quicker. Whatever his reasons were, he did not care to ponder them now. Instead, his attention was fixed upon the structure a few hundred yards away, nestled right where the field and the forest met. Could this be the farmhouse? This peaked his curiosity, leading him to rise from his haunches and head towards the structure at a leisurely trot.
He wondered if the home was inhabited? If it was, that would throw a wrench into his present plan. As of now, he was hoping that the house would hold some old farming implements, in particular an axe. He would be absolutely overjoyed to find an axe. A smile crept onto his features as he anticipated what he might find. However, just as he came within a few feet of the home, a shift in the wind carried the scent of another wolf right towards him. The scent carried the familiar hint of a Dahlia de Mai pack member, but beyond that he the smell did not reveal anything else to the reddish brown male. The fact that this home was obviously inhabited had just derailed his original plan completely. The tall brute paused for a moment, trying to formulate another course of action. He could, perhaps, knock on the door and see if someone was home. That way he could at least see who it was who lived here. Yes, that would suffice for now. He would have to find some other buildings to search later. With his mind made up, Rath padded up the front steps of the cabin. Then, before his shy, nervous personality could get ahold of his better judgment, he reached one of his large forepaws up to the door and pounded it three times in the traditional knocking manner. It quickly became apparent to him that knocking with one's paws in lupus form was not nearly as effective as knocking with one's hands in optime form. Hopefully his attempted knocks had been sufficient to let the owner of the house know that they had a guest, if they were there that is.

- Haku Soul - 04-17-2009


Raging against reason, the man was taking a little walk again. His creamy limbs were dragged lazily after him, and the half eaten tail hung lazily between his legs, only slightly taunted now and then by a breath or two from the breeze. The children were somewhere, and he did not particularly care as long as they did not bother him. He was certain Conor would do his best not to get in his father’s way. Not after the last confrontation. Poor child, where were the child services when they were needed, huh? He felt slightly better today, though there was still this ever present head ache and the fever coursing through his body. He was back at the cabin and just rounded the corner when he saw the big and ruddy hued wolf standing at his doorsteps, pawing his door. Pawing Haku’s bloody door! For a split mad second Haku imagined it was another trespasser seeking to invade his house. It was insane how much shit had happened, how many strangers that had walked right into his house thinking they had the right to wander wherever they wanted. Oh, he had proved them all wrong. A sneer started to bloom in the chocolate and cream male’s face as he started to walk towards the man. Then the scent of Dahlia reached him, and the other wolf turned into something immune. Just as good.

The man removed the threatening sneer and silenced the growl that for a moment had leaped into the air and announced the approach of a bloodthirsty creature. The male slowly padded up towards the male, looking up at the other beast with a mild curiosity. Truth be told, he was slightly surprised he had no idea who this guy was. Haku was usually updated on the member, and would normally be able to recognize any Dahlia de Mai member regardless if they had met before or not. He had been sick for a while though, so it was no surprised that his knowledge was outdated with empty holes. ”Yes?” He had been scratching at the Lilium’s door, and now the Lilium was here at his service. Always at someone’s service. Goddamn, and usually with no gratitude whatsoever. Oh well. The secui paused, awaiting an answer.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 04-17-2009

ooc: 300+
Rath jumped slightly at the appearance of the large male behind him. Was he the individual who lived here? His questioned was quickly answered as his mind processed the word the large chocolate and cream wolf had uttered. He had responded to his knock which must have meant he was this home's inhabitant. Needless to say, Rath was a bit intimidated by the rather large male. He was in his hybrid form, a form Rath himself scarcely used except for hunting or other tasks that required a bit of pulling power. Realizing that he had not yet replied to the male only made him more nervous. What had been his reason for knocking on the door? Thankfully, he remembered, giving a weak but friendly smile and offering a polite nod before speaking. "Sorry to bother you, I was just in the area and wanted to see if anyone was home. I'm Henratha Gyrkin, I just joined Dahlia de Mai a short time ago." His tone was civil and his posture was straight and upright. He did not wish to peer disrespectful, merely confident to the larger male. Much to Rath's surprise, he wasn't too much shorter than the other male, despite the fact that the intimidating wolf was in his secui form. This, suffice it to say, gave Rath a shred of comfort around the larger, seemingly agitated male. He could at least hold his own should the situation go sour, although at this point he doubted it would. He hated conflict, and as he quickly noticed, this male seemed far more experienced in the realm of physical combat. Rath couldn't help but notice the many scars that riddled the powerful male's body. As his gooseberry green gaze connected with the male's own blue gaze, a sense of recognition came over the ruddy hued male. This male reminded him of someone, but at the moment Rath was too focused on suppressing his nervous habits to try and think about who it was that bore such striking resemblance to this man.

- Haku Soul - 04-18-2009


It should be obvious that Haku was the owner of the cabin. His smell was just as strong as his mother’s had been before she had left and he had taken over the same house. Conor, Emwe and Alexey were also names that could be tied to scents, but his was the one most dominant. The secui raised his tail slightly and perked his ears forward in a superior manner, though ready to help the male out with any problem he might have. He could not imagine it was any other reason for this visit. Or maybe the male was just walking around, trying to get to know his pack members. That was a good thing, although Haku would have preferred just to be left alone. Things did not always go as he wanted them to. The large male gave the Lilium a little smile, but Haku did not return it. Haku usually did not bother to smile unless he had a reason to, a goal. The vibrant eyes in the colour of blue were not completely cold though. If anything, they had a drop of warmth in them. There had been too many fucking loners around finding his house for some reason lately, so he was relieved this was a full member with manners. None of the rest had had any..

The name that was presented to him was unknown to the male, and just proved that he had failed slightly keeping updated while being sick. Haku gave a brief nod, memorizing the name. ”I see. I thought you looked rather fresh. I am Haku Soul, I live here with my two boys, Conor and Emwe.” He tilted his head slowly and sized the male up and down. A powerful tool, at least if speaking about his build. If there was anything Haku wanted, it was more males in the pack. Strong males. It was not all about their physics though, he needed them to either be dim-witted or tainted. He wondered if this male would fit one of those descriptions. The cocoa man knew he was staring, but his rank could easily justify it. He had not revealed his high rank, but it was not always necessary with presenting titles vocally. The poor guy would probably not know which rank Lilium was anyway. Those silly flower names of the packs... He missed the old hierarchies he had grown up with.

”Anything else?” It sounded a bit odd just to stop by to say hi and bye.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 04-19-2009


Rath remained perfectly silent as the male introduced himself and looked him over. Everything about this male's mannerisms screamed that he demanded respect. His superior posture made Rath loosen his own tensed muscles, lowering his tall stature ever so slightly. It was only polite to defer to those of higher rank. While Haku had not mentioned his rank in his introduction the fact remained that Rath was still on the low end of the food chain, nearly everyone was higher on the totem pole than him at this point. For now, he was perfectly content to remain at his current, low rank. Hopefully he would get the chance to prove himself in the future. Rath's analytical mind was quickly drawn back to the present situation by the male's short question. Anything else? Should he really ask Haku if he had any spare tools? Would he be overstepping his boundaries? He wasn't at all certain, but he figured that the best way he could answer at the moment was as truthfully as possible. Perhaps that might win him some points with the chocolate hued wolf. After all, honesty was a good quality at times wasn't it? "Actually, I was wondering. Would you by chance happen to have any human tools that I could use? You see I'm a woodwright and a bit of a carpenter. I build various things out of wood, although my present specialty is instruments. However, I am hoping to try and construct my first full building, once I get some tools that is," his tenor voice spoke in a firm yet submissive tone of voice. He did not wish to be an annoyance to the male, although something inside him told him that he was already being a bit of a nuisance by bothering Haku further in the first place. Oh well, hopefully his inquiry would be met with a simple affirmative or negative answer, nothing too dramatic. The secui seemed as though he was ill and needed rest, something the nervous ruddy hued male did not wish to deny him for too much longer.

- Haku Soul - 04-19-2009


Why would he want to construct a building? Wolfville and Berwick had thousand of homes, so why not take the easy path and pick out a nice home there? Rath would be able to choose everything from a villa to a small and crappy student flat. Yet, he wanted to create his own home with his own hands? Maybe he fitted the dim-witted category then. Well, what the rest of Dahlia’s members did in their spare time was none of his business, really. The secui shrugged slightly at this knowledge, unknowing about the wolf that he wanted to construct the building for. Haku found himself judging people too quickly these days, and he had always told himself not to judge. Such a hypocrite. The man was ill, his head throbbed and his body hurt, but it had helped with some fresh air. He could always throw on a fake happy face to get on the good side of the other man.

”Why construct a building when there are hundreds of houses to choose between closer to the city?” He shrugged his shoulders again, but would not dismiss the male just because he did not understand him. ”There might be some tools in the barn. Truth be told, I’ve never really checked.” Haku did not wait for an answer before he turned and wandered to the storage. Of course, he had gone through the building when he first had come here, but it was close to a year ago, and his memory was blurry. ”What kind of tools are you looking for, exactly?” Haku had no idea what the other guy was looking for. He did not know how to make a house and what was needed. Nature provided him with all he needed. If he hadn’t had this house then he would have made himself a den.

The wolves in these lands shouldn’t make everything so difficult. Why did they all want to live like the humans had? Haku was a product of this philosophy as well, but it did not necessarily mean that he supported the new style of life.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 04-20-2009

ooc: 300+

Rath's white tufted ears perked at the chocolate male's inquiry. He knew he had not been very specific, so it was understandable that the other man had not understood his reasoning. "Oh, I already have a house. I'm not planning on building a home. I'm building a greenhouse for a friend. It’s a mostly glass building where plants can be grown in the colder months of the year," he explained, as he padded along behind the sick secui. He had to think for a short while before answering Haku's second question about the kind of tools he was searching for. There were so many different types that he figured he would have to narrow them down into a few specific categories, so that he would not ramble on annoyingly. "Well, right now I'm looking for an axe, a hammer, perhaps a chisel or two, and a saw. There are a lot of other tools I need, but they are fairly specialized tools for more intricate projects. I figure I'll have to search through Wolfville to try and find an old carpentry shop or something. Right now, though, I mostly need an axe." His green eyes were quickly drawn to the barn that Haku was leading him to. Out of habit, he immediately began to take note of the various structural details of the large wooden building. He might need to draw on such knowledge for later projects. Briefly he thought about the list of tools he had recited to Haku. In truth his real list would be far longer, as he would require several small carving tools, chisels and other woodworking tools to make the instruments he so loved. What he had named were just the bare necessities. Hopefully he would at least be able to find an axe in this old barn.

- Haku Soul - 04-23-2009


Oh. Ooooh.. Greenhouse for a friend. His mind went through all the members he knew of in Dahlia, and he could not guess who it could be. Maybe Svara or Deuce, since they were the healers in the pack and depended on medical herbs. He looked over the shoulder to gaze at the gooseberry eyed man, knowing he would not be satisfied before he knew exactly who this greenhouse was for. The other man went on, and Haku found himself losing ground. What was a chisel? He knew about axes and hammers, but he did not know much about this. To be honest, he did not know anything at all about tools. Haku stayed silent for a little moment longer before he entered the barn. It was dusty, but he could immediately spot an axe leaning against a dark corner. That was it, the other man would have to find the rest himself, because Haku had no clue where to look for such devices.

He tilted his head in the direction of the axe, visibly gesturing towards the thing. Now he wanted answers. Not because they were needed, but because he wanted to know. Did not bother if it was his business or not, really. ”So, who are you making this greenhouse for? Must be a good friend since you go so far just to help her It had to be a female. He gave that possibility a shot. Worst that could happen was that it was a male, and that was not that bad, really.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 04-23-2009

ooc: Word Count:409
Upon entering the barn, Rath inhaled the scents of the dust and aged wood within it. He liked such smells. They portrayed some things aged nature, as well as they were just pleasing to his senses. He caught Haku tilting his head toward the corner of the barn, and sure enough there was an axe. Rath was absolutely ecstatic and padded over to examine the tool more closely. He contemplated shifting to his optime form to examine the tool more closely, but decided against it for now. Right after he reached it, though, the Lilium inquired about who he was building the greenhouse for. He had expected the chocolate bi-colored male to ask such a question as it was only natural that a high ranking member of the pack would be interested in what was happening between pack members. "I'm building the greenhouse for Colibri Haki; and yes I do consider her a good friend, but I don't think I'm doing anything too difficult to help her. By letting me build her a greenhouse, she's helping me practice my carpentry skills. It's a mutually beneficial situation," he decided to leave it at that as he did not want to divulge too much about the conversation he had had with the timid female. After all, she had divulged personal information to him, such as her love for flowers and bits and peaces about her past. It was not his place to speak about such things. To his surprise, as he remembered his conversation with Colibri, his thoughts focused on his earlier observation that Haku reminded him of someone. His fur pattern and color, his eyes, these were almost identical to Coli's traits. Could Haku be Coli's father?
Rath kept his questions to himself. The entire time he was thinking about the resemblance between Colibri and Haku he was examining the axe with his vivid green gaze, making it appear as though it was the only thing he was thinking about at the moment. "This axe is in wonderful condition. The blade is still sharp, even though it seems to have been sitting unmoved for quite some time," he observed out loud as he noticed both the finely honed edge on the axe head and its worn wooden handle. He would be incredibly grateful if Haku would let him have such a tool, or even borrow it for that matter. That way he could at least get started on Coli's greenhouse.

- Haku Soul - 04-30-2009


The chocolate and cream secui sat down and watched the other male go over to the axe to investigate if it was of any use. Haku wouldn’t know, he had no interest whatsoever in this, but he did not mind trying to be helpful to attempt to not get on the wrong terms with the new member from the start. The large brute answered his question, and Haku gave a soundless sigh, his suspicions were true. Colibri Haku, how wonderful. He wondered if the other already knew the nasty history between father and daughter. It did not seem like it, but he knew he was not the only one that knew how to put on a deceiving mask. He could not see a reason why Coli would have kept that secret from him. Not exactly a secret though, because his daughter had been so kind to let everyone she met know what he had done, regardless if she knew them or not. Pathetic little snot.

The Lilium’s pose did not change, but his eyes darkened ever so slightly when her name sounded. No comment rose from the secui, but the male was already commenting the axe. ”Glad to hear,” the man replied to the member. He let his blue gaze travel around in the barn, but it would be up to the other to find more. ”Take it, I have no use for it. I cannot help you with the rest, truth be told I don’t know how much of what you mentioned look like.” The barn looked slightly empty except for a few things scattered on the floor, so the Lilium headed towards the exit, wondering if there would be anything of use in the cabin. ”Take a look around and come to the cabin afterwards, maybe there will be more there.” He left the barn and wandered off to the cabin, entering the house.

The house was empty, but that was how he preferred it. He wandered through the kitchen, but knew it was empty because there were rooms he had emptied and refilled when he had first moved in. The basement was still filled with junk, and he nosed open the door and wandered down, sharp talons clicking against the wooden steps. Aha. Halfway hidden behind all kind of junk, there was a wooden desk that seemed to have served like a workshop for whoever had lived there.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 04-30-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Rath nodded thankfully to the Lilium for giving him the axe. "Thank you, Haku, greatly appreciate it," he responded, his words holding a sincere tone of thanks. The shaggy wolf quickly realized that he would have to shift in order to carry the axe, or anything else he might find, back to his house in Berwick. So, closing his gooseberry green orbs, the reddish brown male focused intently on the change he was inducing in his body. Faint cracking noises could be heard as some of his bones rearranged themselves and the muscles beneath his skin rippled as they too moved around to their new places. His shaggy mane lengthened, and the white flecks on his fur became more pronounced white highlights as his unkempt mess of hair grew out from behind his head. In a matter of a minute or so, the ruddy hued male stood up to his full 7'3" height, stretching the slightly stiffened muscles in his arms and legs. His kinky hair hung every which way, as it usually did which forced him to pull it back and hold it in its usual ponytail while he looked for something in the barn to tie it up with. The flexible twigs and bark strips he had been using always failed once they dried out, often breaking at the most inopportune times.

He searched the inside of the mostly empty barn before stumbling upon an scrap of thin, frayed rope that appeared to have once been a chew toy for a mouse. It did not look to be incredibly strong, but Rath was not one to care about what he tied his hair up with. As long as it held it in place for awhile, the male would be satisfied. He tied the rope around his hair in as tight a knot he could manage. That task done, the muscular male turned around and snatched up his new axe from it's corner in the barn. Instinctively he gave it a few practice swings to test how it felt in his hands. He even ran his thumb gently over the blade to test the keenness of the edge. It was a magnificent find. Following Haku's advice, he turned to scan the confines of the barn for anymore tools hidden within it. The structure was quite empty unfortunately, and he found nothing of use.

Exiting the barn, Rath made his way to the cabin, as Haku had instructed him to do. Upon entering the house, the male rapped his hand on the doorpost, announcing his presence to the higher ranking member. He did not wish to intrude without Haku welcoming him in. That was part of the reason anyway. He knew the secui had told him to come to the cabin to continue searching, but at present he did not see the chocolate male anywhere. If Haku answered his knock, Rath would be able to find him. In the brief time he was waitng for Haku's response Rath scanned the interior of the cabin, his green gaze taking in as much of the homes structural details as they could from his present spot in the entryway. It was quite the elaborate home, with it's two floors and sturdy construction. The young carpenter was always seeking to gain new building ideas for when he engaged in hsi future projects.


- Haku Soul - 05-15-2009

Apologies for the wait. I'm a busy person these days. 300+

The beast grumbled darkly under his breath as he clumsily made his way towards the abandoned yet packet workshop. Sealed moving boxes that had yet to reveal their secrets along with a sea of trash attempted to block his path, but he climbed over it or simply grabbed hold of random obstacles and threw them aside. The corner of the man’s right eye caught movement, and he turned his face just in time to see a pair of naked tails whip out of sight. It was no random guess when he came to the conclusion that he had a society of rats nesting down here in the rotten cellar. Things had changed since he had arrived at Dahlia de Mai. Some things for the better, and some for the worse. When Colibri Soul had lived here, the place had been clean. The Lilium had taken good care of his home the first half year that he had lived here, but he had become lazy, and it was starting to show.

An ear moved briskly to register the knocking upstairs. Had he not made it clear that the member could enter when he was done in the barn? A touch of mild aggravation caressed his chest. He gave a sharp bark, and it almost sounded like a command that the other was to get down here so that they could finish this. The headache pulsated soothingly in the background, suggesting that they should make this quick. The Dahlian man turned to gaze up towards the scarce light source granted by the cellar door that patiently stood ajar, intense blue orbs almost glowing in the dark. Haku decided not to wait for the man, and continued making his way through the mess to the workshop. His night vision was brilliant, and he could recognize several rows of tools that obviously had been useful for something. The brown man did not bother pondering what they were used for. Henratha could pick and choose whatever he wanted, and then he was to leave.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 05-15-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ooc: No worries. I too have been busy ^_^. Word Count: 412

White tufted ears flattened timidly at the Lilium's commanding bark. Perhaps Rath should have simply gone inside instead of announcing his presence in such a way. The chocolate male did not sound as though he appreciated being asked for permission about every little thing. Now at least, Rath was gaining an understanding of what not to do around the dominant male. The nervous male did his best to immediately memorize these details as he strolled into the house, leaving the door open behind him. He made his way to the basement staircase and heard Haku moving around below. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves the shaggy werewolf climbed down the stairs, his new axe clutched tightly in his left hand. Upon reaching the basement Rath's gooseberry green gaze immediately locked onto the workshop that the secui was forging his way towards. He strode forward until he was a few paces behind the male, to get a better look of what lay before him. There were several finely conditioned tools lining the walls. What caught Rath's eye first was an old level, which still seemed to be in useable condition, hanging on a hook above the workbench. That would be quite useful to him in constructing Colibri's greenhouse. It would completely eliminate the guess work when leveling the walls for the roof.

Taking another step closer, Rath finally forced himself to speak. "That is quite a fine tool set that you have down here," his tenor voice cracked slightly, showing that his timid nerves had not quite calmed themselves entirely. Still, his voice held confidence, something which might prove important in keeping what little respect he had gained in Haku's eyes. The white flecked brute adjusted the ponytail on the back of his head, in an attempt to busy himself for a moment. Then he returned his gaze to the chocolate hued secui in front of him. Would the intimidating male offer to give him these tools as he had the axe? As he wondered about this, he glanced down at the axe in his hand. That would be wonderful to finally have enough tools to start doing some work. He could see there was enough her for him to start building the large windows for the greenhouse, although it was clear that he would still have to find some of the more specific woodworking tools like chisels and saws. Most of these tools seemed dedicated to home maintenance, not construction.


- Haku Soul - 05-21-2009

Yeah, but the difference is that you reply like superfast! Thought we could end it here, as Haku is a grumpy bastard! You can post a last time and then I can archive it and award us some nice game counts! 300+

There was nothing wrong with Henratha Gyrkin. Haku was merely Haku, and not a particularly pleasant man in any way. The man was sick and grumpy, and although the other brute was friendly and only wished to be polite, at this stage the cocoa man could only see it as lack of brain cells or something else. Truth be told, he just wanted the other to find whatever he was looking for and then leave. The day had started better than most, but the little walk before he had found the fresh member by his cabin had apparently drained the Lilium more than he had believed at first, and so the man’s grumpy mood only slowly worsened as long as he had this guy’s company. The worst part was that those tools would assist Colibri Haki in getting her own greenhouse where she could freely grow her poisonous plants. The failed father had no doubts she would try to poison him at one point.

The shifted man came down and hurried over to the Lilium. Fine tool set? Well, Haku surely had no idea what made a bad set and what made a good set. The blue eyed brute shrugged his shoulders and gave a silent sigh. The gooseberry coloured gaze was upon him, and the male lifted his eyes to allow some eye contact. ”Look, I’ve had a horrible day-“, the man paused slightly, before rephrasing; “I’ve had a horrible week, so I am far from pleasant to be around. Whatever you find, if you find something you can use, just take it. I don’t mind, I will never use it, so go crazy.” Was that clearly enough? Haku let his eyes wander away and started to walk towards the cellar exit. He did not need to babysit an adult. There was nothing of value to steal, and Haku did not care. He just wanted to go to his room and slumber. A last nod was given, and it was now obvious that he was leaving the scene.

Not a good first impression, but the member had simply met Haku at the wrong day and the wrong time.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 05-23-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ooc: I didn't reply fast this time. I'm so darn busy, trying to get done with highschool. And I just got rehired at my old job, so I'm busy with that too. There simply aren't enough hours in the day for me to plan and then type replies to all my threads for both my characters in one sitting. At least not in the past few days there haven't been. Anyway, sure we can end it with this if you wish.

Rath listened as calmly as possible to the chocolate male's reply. Rath had noticed that the male hadn't been behaving all that pleasantly, so it only made sense that he wasn't feeling well. "I understand, I'll get what I need and then I'm out of here. Thank you for your help, sir," Rath replied in a genuinely thankful tone. He hadn't been sure whether to address the man by his name or as the respectful title of sir. Would that only irritate him further? The shaggy optime was not sure. Turning to the tool set, Rath's eyes caught sight of a worn, but still useable, leather tool belt, which he quickly snatched from the workbench. He could load it with the tools he was taking. His green gaze scanned the entire tool bench, mentally noting what he would take and what he would leave behind. He saw yet another tool carrying device, a tarnished, slightly rusty toolbox which he stuffed with two hammers and several boxes of tarnished metal nails. The nails were especially valuable to him, as they were hard to find. When Rath and his late father had run out of nails they had made wooden pegs to secure things, or used other wood joining techniques which were far more detailed and difficult than simply nailing things together. Rath grabbed what appeared to be a set of whetstones which were on a shelf next to a set of files and rasps which he also stashed into the toolbox. Rath spent the next few minutes stashing every carpentry tool he recognized into the toolbox and tool belt. He ended up leaving with most of his knew load being made up of several boxes of varying sizes of metal nails, a virtual goldmine to the carpenter. Those would definitely come in handy when building Colibri's greenhouse. Needless to say, the male was ecstatic to have found what he had. Now at least he had an axe and some tools to start working with. Perhaps later he would be able to find some of the more trade specific tools, but for now he was content. He climbed the stairs as quietly as possible, and left the cabin in an even quicker and quieter fashion. He did not want to disturb the agitated Lilium anymore with his actions.
