'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
yesterday's news - Printable Version

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- Firefly Sadira - 04-22-2009

Firefly had been having doubts about what was left of her future within the pack, with the way everything was starting to turn she really didn't think she'd be hanging around much longer. The golden bronze woman had been wandering through the human village trying to decide if it was better to just go now or if there was anything worth hanging around for. The scent of her exmate and the Lilium reached her ears as she realized she'd turned herself around in her tracks and had found herself down the block that the male lived. Her shoulders drooped slightly as she realized that she knew the only thing that was holding her back from leaving the pack was right down the sidewalk. With a soft sigh she continued down the path and towards the home that housed her two young sons.

She had no intent on stopping and visiting, the adults that tended to occupy the house were not ones that she wished to see anytime soon. She had once been close to both and now it seemed like they were enemies. She wouldn't admit it but she knew it was all her fault for the broken bonds between them all. She lifted her eyes to glance at the house as she was coming upon the path that lead up to the porch, she could imagine the children inside, either annoying their father to no end or playing happily with Alexey. Her ears pinned back in a flash, the woman seemed to have taken her place as the children's mother and that was perhaps the thing that hurt the most.

She shook her head sadly and closed her eyes, perhaps it was better for them all if she just disappeared.

- Haku Soul - 04-25-2009


He had not been out long before her scent danced into his sensitive nostrils and caused a red alarm to go off. After a member had come in the search for tools to make a house for his daughter’s toxic plants, he had decided to investigate the old barn further. His always existing headache still beat together with the rhythm with his heart, it had decreased into a small and weak animal. His vision seemed clearer and more back to normal, but the season had changed the scenery outside of the cabin. Green fought a determined battle to take over the lands. The male dreaded the thought of summer. Although his coat bore almost no signs of his arctic heritage, Haku Soul was almost full arctic wolf. Both his parents had been white as snow, but for some reason some of the strange Soul colours of more distant relatives had decided to strike down at him and bathe him in cream and chocolate. He had always been spoiled. However, the fur that warmed so extraordinary in cold winters was an annoyance in the hottest season.

These thoughts had been thrown away the second Firefly’s presence had pierced his senses. The male trotted quickly to the barn door that had been left ajar. There she was, still on a reasonable distance from his house, but if she had decided to take the route to visit her children, then he would not allow it. If she wanted them, they would have to come to her. The Lilium did not want her around his house. And who knew what she might could do if she decided to give him another lesson of how to be a crap parent. The fake kidnapping had killed the last pieces of affection he had had left for the woman. They were over. He exited the building and approached the female with quick and annoyed steps. His posture was high and slightly threatening when he stopped at a reasonable distance. ”Where do you think you’re going, Solum?” As he called out the scapegoat’s title his mouth twisted into an unpleasant grimace, a silent mock of her dreadful status in the pack.


- Firefly Sadira - 04-27-2009

She should have expected that voice to appear out of thin air at some time or another, the golden bronze woman just wished that it had been later. She felt the hair raise up along her back as she growled softly to herself at the words that he seemed to leave lingering in the air. She turned, her emerald eyes showing the hatred she held for the bastard as she bared her fangs in an angry snarl. "What does it mater to you.." she spat as her tail tapped in irritation along her thigh. There was nothing more she'd like than to sink her fangs into the bastard's flesh but she valued her own life more than that, though the idea was a tempting one.

She took a step away from the male, her path bringing her closer to the house the further she moved from him. She eyed the male with distaste as she found it slightly ironic that the one time she wished the male was out fucking some airhead that he was infact paying her attention instead. Turning her head towards where her children were kept from her she muttered spitefully at the Lilium. "Don't you have someone to be fucking.." He always seemed to have in the past, why not now.

- Haku Soul - 04-28-2009


His sensitive ears picked up a soft rumble from the woman, but his attention turned to her words. He lifted his tail instantly, glowing with superiority over the lowly ranked scapegoat. Fury seemed to radiate from her, but he did not fear the inferior female. He was stronger in every way despite the sickness that refused to let go. Her question was silly, because the direction she had walked in had made it obvious to him. As she took a step away towards the cabin, he slowly walked in a half circle around her, making sure that he would be the one with his back to the house. ”When you walk towards my home in that speed, then it matters,” he hissed through bared teeth, his pose slowly climbing up to a slightly hostile level. His throat rumbled dangerously, a wordless warning to the female.

Her next words were childish and completely beneath him. It was none of the woman’s business where he stuck his member any longer. It was heavenly to finally be rid of her. He did not dignify those words any answer, only stared at her with a dangerous stare. The secui stood his ground, determined she would be the one to walk away. The man did not want the bitch anywhere near his cabin. It was not his fault that she had been separated from them. Oh, no, that was all her doing.


- Firefly Sadira - 05-02-2009

She glowered at the male, trying to pull rank on her as she stood there. She didn't care for his games of show or what he thought he was. He was nothing more than another dog to her. The pack was getting far out of control with the way they dealt with things. She had committed a crime against the pack and so now she must pay. Right. She'd done what any mother might do when faced with a bastard of a mate who cared little for their relationship or the children in it. She raised her head as the male tried to impose that he knew what was on her mind. "At what speed is that Haku? A nice slow stroll, a brisk trot? I'm not for certain exactly how I was walking.." She knew she was only digging herself into a deeper hole but with the two of them that's the only place you could go.

When the bastard was silent at her last words she just smirked, remembering how it drove him crazy that she had been frisky with the other males and yet how he'd thought it was appropriate that he had done the same with every tail that waltz by him. Atleast she hadn't wound up with puppies by another male while he'd produced a nice little bastard kid here and there. She took a step towards the male and asked. "So what was it about my personal affairs that you never liked Haku, the fact that I did sleep with another male, or the fact that I found pleasure in it.." She didn't care what his reasons had been, but she knew that males and their pride at what they did was not something to be taken lightly.. not that she cared today. He'd already pressed her buttons. If he thought her childish then she wondered just how disillusioned he was because he was far gone from acting like a grown up.

- Haku Soul - 05-15-2009


He acknowledged the error in his words when she spat back at him, asking what speed he was talking about. He let it pass, but it was the direction of her lovely little stroll that bothered him. He growled silently under his breath, staring at her with that ugly glimpse of danger in his eyes. Again the female in front of him sidestepped into what had troubled their relationship at its early stage, when he had believed he had been sane enough to love another being. He watched her. He felt disappointment. They could have been so much more. She could have been so much more if she had not adopted the foolish diva slash bitch attitude. She could have been a valuable ally, but she had thrown it all away. He felt nothing but resentment for her now. It was all ruined and blown to pieces.

He did not fully understand. Was she trying to make him angry? He could simply not be bothered with her, and the past, presence and future did not matter anymore, as long as she stayed out of his way. ”Towards the cabin in any case. Get lost. If it was the boys you were hoping to visit, then forget about it. I’ll keep them far from you, mark my words”, he threatened, taking a step towards the woman, eager to see her turn her back at him and walk away.


- Firefly Sadira - 05-16-2009

She had known when she'd tried to hurt the male that the whole thing had been petty and childish but he'd hurt her and when it all came down to it, no matter how strong she might be she was still a woman. She knew the male in more ways than any other perhaps and yet at times it seemed that they didn't know a thing about one another. There was something about him that she still loved, or lusted for, something that made her furious and spiteful, yet hoping to catch him in a weak moment. She would never admit to him that she wanted their twisted excuse for a relationship back, be it just friends or more she missed one of the few minds that could match hers.

There was something about him though that just aggravated her, making her taunt the male into a fury when she could. Knowing that she could still make him rise was what she wanted. To see if there was anything left between them, but even that thought was basically abandoned as he pulled the same trick she'd played on him just moons before. He took that step forward towards her, expecting her to turn and go on her way yet she didn't. She moved closer to him as she glared. "You'll never be able to keep them away, if I can't find a way, they will." She flicked her mane out of her eyes as she shot. "I am their mother." She hated the fact that Alexey had switched sides in this little warfare but she didn't care when it came down to it really, the boys could slip past that bitch just as easily as their father. They weren't as stupid as the world seemed to think they were.

- Haku Soul - 05-21-2009


He shrugged at her silly words. Truth be told he did not care that much. The only thing he really cared about was that the brilliantly coloured bitch stayed far away from him and his cabin. The kids wandered all over the place anyway. He knew that if they wanted to spend time with their mother, he would not be able to keep them from her for long. Nah, she just wanted to be rid of the sorry sight of her. She said that she was their mother, but he snorted disgustingly at those words. She was their mother by blood, but that was all she was. She had staged a kidnapping of the children. She had given them away. Conor had almost died because he had wandered away from whoever had watched over them, and she had not seemed to care at all. Not that Haku knew, as she never saw her around anymore, but he was used to the girly and arrogant side of the female. She was an egoistic being, just like himself.

”Their mother? You staged their kidnapping and sent them to a man you barely knew at all, and you cut up your own child so that there would be some dramatic scenes with blood.” the man was disgusted by her actions. ”Conor almost died because of you. You split up the family, you ruined our children's lives before they had even begun. You disgust me.” this was true. Of course, this was also his fault, but the two parents could still have staged a life together for the sake of the children. There were many parents that found that solution liveable, but the bitch had never really let an opportunity to create drama and tears go unused. The cocoa male shook his male slowly, warm eyes unnatural cold as they gazed upon the female that he once had believed was the most beautiful thing around. No, he had never claimed that he was perfect. After all, he had chosen her. That was the biggest mistake of them all.


- Firefly Sadira - 05-22-2009

She really did hate getting into these petty arguments with the bastard anymore. They might have had a life, they might have been able to make it but every step he took he carelessly had found a way to hurt her and she was a woman, you can only push them so far before they strike back with vengeance. He'd never taken a moment to tell her he was sorry(to lie), he'd never cared to even mention that he had other children or to even try and explain, he just brought the world down around her and expected her to ignore the pain he caused her at every turn. She had been barely able to be considered an adult and she'd been childish in many aspects. She hadn't grown up quickly like others, she'd played her games and they'd allowed it. No one had taken the time to guide her and so she'd turned into a horrible heartless bitch. Big deal, he was worse.. and yet they'd decided to put their children in the care of a murdering rapist. So very kind of the pack.

She growled at him when he burst out at her, her eyes narrowing as he placed the whole blame on her. She knew she was guilt of her actions but she'd tried so hard to keep from having to resort to such things. It hasn't her fault he never cared enough to try and uphold his end of the bargain. "I never harmed either of them. I never lied when I said I'd chased away some damn coyote from the borders! What can you say, those boys have no business being in your care either! You're a worthless father, you've been to every one of your damn children! You enjoy making them but you don't have a fucking clue what to do after wards.." She shook her head in disgust as she turned away from the bastard. "Keep them then, see how long it takes before you kill your own sons." She really was getting tired of everyone thinking she was the bad guy when right at the head of the pack stood the worst one of them all.

- Haku Soul - 05-22-2009


Haku hated these arguments just as much as Firefly, but unlike her, he was not the one that kept them alive. She edged him forward, seemingly unable to bite her teeth together and walk away like she should. She was on dangerous grounds, and it was obvious. Still, the bitch seemed unable to listen to the signals and make her leave. She was just digging herself deeper into trouble, and the chocolate and cream male did not doubt that the green eyed devil would be thrown out of the pack at one point. If this act continued much longer, he would be the one doing it, regardless if he was allowed to do so or not. Haku knew how to play his boss cards, and he was relatively certain that he could play his cards right and escape any trouble whatsoever with the ivory Rosea. Cercelee was not fond of the woman either. Who weren’t.

The woman came up with her pitiful reply, and the man could only offer her an unpleasant smile. It did not matter what she thought about him as a father. ”Apparently, I’m still a better suited parent than you, since I’m the one that hold the custody.” She could not argument against that. She had lost, it did not matter what she thought. She came to the point where she started blabbering about him killing his own sons, and the male saw the opportunity to tease. ”We’ll see how long that will take me. After all, there are so many different ways their deaths could happen..” his voice was soft, and there was a clear threat present. He was uncertain if she would care enough to stop him, as he did not know what was going through her crazy brain anymore.

He did not know what reaction he was fishing for. He just knew that he wanted to hurt her, and he was quickly realizing that he could if he used the children.


- Firefly Sadira - 05-22-2009

Firefly was beyond being hurt by the male anymore, nothing he did surprised her. She stood there a moment staring at the pathetic beast that she thought that she had once loved. She snapped her teeth shut at the words that he had taunted her with. She knew the only reason he'd been given the children was because he was the Lillium of the pack. If he really thought she was going to fall for that he was even stupider than she'd first believed. "You really think that's why you have them.. keep dreaming Haku.." She bared her fangs in disgust as she shook her head and began to walk away.

The words the male let fall on her tracks made her pause a moment as she felt the fur along her back bristle. She knew the bastard had to be trying to fuck with her, he would never hurt his own children, not the boys. She turned her hard emerald eyes back to Haku as she left him with a threat. "You harm one hair on those boys and I will take them with or without your pack's precious permission." And she would. If she ever learned of anything he did to her children she would find a way to bring them to her.

- Haku Soul - 05-22-2009


Haku had the kids because he had not shown any signs of wanting to harm them or use them (like their mother had). It was not only because of his rank. He held that right as a father alone, and no one had yet to catch him in doing something bad to his children. He had not yet thrown that trust into the fire. Unlike the bitch before him, Haku knew how to control his negative feelings. He had all the time in the world. Firefly was going to pay for her insolence, her betrayal. Her time would come. When she spat out new waves of pathetic words with no truth, he started to get bored. He hadn’t wanted to exchange words with her in the first place, but the idiot wolfess just couldn’t stop once she had anyone’s attention. It did not seem to matter who it was, but she needed it. She needed her pathetic drama to create her illusion of self worth.

He did not dignify her words and answer, and decided it was time to dismiss her. ”One more word and I will make sure you won’t ever be in a condition to do anything about it.” As the pack’s scapegoat, she had little rights in general, and she was tempting fate with her insolence. After all, he was Lilium and she was the Solum, no matter what their personal relationship looked like. ”Bugger off.”, he commanded, like the master to his dog. She would have to wait another day to see her children, but he knew he would attempt to set them up against him. She did not deserve their love. She was a purebred bitch and he hoped she would die alone. He had to get her out of Dahlia de Mai somehow.

He couldn’t be bothered with her. If they did not get rid of her soon, he would do it himself. It was not in the demon’s nature to let anyone get away with as much ass she did, and he wondered exactly when he would snap and go for her throat.


- Firefly Sadira - 05-22-2009

Firefly already had her back turned to the male when he began his useless threats once more. She growled to herself as once more she was forced to pause in her leavings and address the bastard. She had little to say to him and so she made it short and sweet. "Fuck you.." She didn't care what her rank was or what pack stature said she should be treated. This was just another pathetic attempt by the male in bettering himself. He always had to kick someone when they were down just to get his own sick thrills. While he knew her better than anyone else it worked vice versa as well.

The woman shook her head in disgust at the male as she proudly raised her head and turned, walking out on the male once again. She would find a way and he knew it, she'd see her children. He could play his petty games just like she'd find a way to play hers. It was so sick how well they had been made for eachother only to blow their world apart just as easily. They were a pair of ticking time bombs ready to go off at any second.

- Haku Soul - 05-22-2009


She had done this too often for too long. Always having to have the last word, always completely without respect and manners. It was enough, and he intended to let her know this. When her two words reached her ears, it had been done. She turned and started to walk away, but he would not let her get away with it this time. He started moving, not making a sound as he stalked after her in a quicker trot than her. When close enough he shot out, fangs aiming for flesh to sink into. He had every right to do this. Why had he not done this before? The insolent female had deserved worse unlimited times, and yet he had not touched her. That time was gone and she was not to believe she could go on like this. He could not be treated like this, never. At least not by her, and now he was making this clear.

- Firefly Sadira - 05-22-2009

She should have expected something from the male and perhaps in the back of her mind she did. The faint sounds of his movement barely gave her warning as she caught the flash of chocolate from the corner of her eye. "Fucking coward!"She growled as she twisted around just when his fangs sank into the loose scruff along her neck. The woman snarled as she felt his fangs pierce into her skin and flesh, instantly not even thinking she turned her head fast and snapped at the bastard, attempting to sink her own teeth into whatever flesh was made available by the coward. That was exactly what he was. If he'd been anything more he wouldn't have had been such time a sneak about the whole thing. A real leader would have atleast let the wrong know fair warning that trouble was heading their way. Perhaps in a way he had, but his own taunting had been what had caused her to leave him with such a retort.

- Haku Soul - 05-22-2009


Her growling insult meant nothing to him when his fangs pierced her flesh. How could she have expected less. His second last sentence to the female had told her that if she said another word he would go for her, and he kept his word. He was tired of letting her cross the borders, bend the rules and roam around in her arrogant ways as she always had did ever since she had come to Dahlia de Mai. She played the victim, but in reality it was the rest of them that were. She was a useless piece of sorry flesh, and he wanted her to know that this was all that he considered her as these days. Their days were over for good, and if he could get away with it, he would separate her head from the rest of her body. She snapped after him, but he cared little if she managed to catch his flesh or not. He kept his grip and her neck, pressing her downwards towards the ground. If she did not want to submit willingly, then he would force her to.

- Firefly Sadira - 05-22-2009

(quit replying so quickly!)

She snarled in rage as the bastard tried to force her down. Instantly she fought the weight of the male against her body. Arching her back against his chest she jerked her head away, trying to get away from the arrogant fool. Her fangs flashed as she twisted around again to try and take a snap at his face, his throat, anywhere that he left unguarded. Her fangs were slightly bloody, she must have nicked him the first time she's launched her fangs his way. She didn't care where she'd bit the mark as long as he was left a little bloody as well.

Normally she would have tried to play the male, to piss him off but running her body along his and causing more problems, other than the ones that ran off from her mouth. She kicked out with her hind legs at the subleader, not caring or even believing just because he was in charge it enabled him to turn savage upon his own pack.

- Haku Soul - 05-22-2009

Short! By the way, give me a tell if you want to discuss how to end this thread!

His side felt slightly wet, but it did not matter. Nothing did. She twisted and fought against him, but his secui form was bound to be more powerful than her. It was simple physics. She tried to twist around to catch hold of him again, but his grip was firm and he would not allow her to touch him again. A kick was served against his outer thigh, but he followed after the kick and pushed her sideways, continuing to push her down, using his jaws and weight effectively. He was sick of her.

- Firefly Sadira - 05-22-2009

She could taste his blood on her lips and she growled, a grim satisfaction settling in the pit of her stomach as she felt the kick she'd serve meet the muscle of his thigh. She had poised to kick out again when she was thrust sideways, twisting her form around as she snarled at the male.

She was beginning to feel a collective panic swelling in her being as memories long forgotten began to surface. She thrust her head back hard, attempting to connect her skull with his mouth as she screamed out. She was fighting blindly as she tried again to wrench herself from his locked jaws. A low feral guttered sound flooded her throat as she moaned. "Get away from me you filthy coyote.." Strange words, for the male was nowhere near being a coyote.

- Haku Soul - 05-23-2009

>Big Grin

Her blood leaked into his mouth from the pressure from his jaws. It was sweet to finally taste it in a setting such as this. He gave an additional shake of his head, his neck muscles pulling at her painfully. Pain! More pain! He gave yet another powerful tug to make her nerves scream. He was losing himself. The world faded to black and white accompanied by the sweet crimson whenever it was released from their bodies. A scent slowly found its way into his sensitive nostrils along with the increasing strength of the blood’s aroma. The woman’s body lashed blindly out after him, and there was the growing smell of panic escaping her. It was no longer him she saw, but it did not raise sympathy or any similar feeling in him. He did not know much about such things.

Her words revealed the rape all over again, and he was delighted to take part in creating the horror all over again. What he did was wrong and it jeopardized the promise he had given to himself and the pack, but the man could not help it when the beast started to run wild. ”The coyote is coming to get you!” the man sneered cruelly, close to her delicate ears. The man finally let go of her neck, and his teeth were painted red. He was still over her, and he snapped after her again, advancing on her and pressing himself on her, although he could feel more of his own blood run freely as well. This brought up images from the past, The demon breathed heavily, unable to find satisfaction before a few certain goals were reached.
