'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Black as Sin - Printable Version

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- Avarice de Sadira - 04-26-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v116/ ... rtable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
words 363

The black and white male was supposed to be her “father” figure. She knew that if she wanted to eat with in the first bunch of pups that she was going to have to warm up onto one of the adults. Not that she wanted to be close up and warm to any of them, but why not to the two that she was living with. Her little paws took her smaller famed body around the house, in which she knew that male was staying with her mother like figure. She heard the clicking of her own nail hitting the flooring under her. The child wasn’t sure really where she would find one of the adults; normally they were pretty good about finding her while she was getting into trouble. Looking around the house, she pitched one ear forward letting the other one flap down. There was nothing that she thought that she could do to get her-self into the trouble to get the adult to come to see her. Scowling, she looked over to the fireplace, knowing that it could hurt her if she played in. She wasn’t quite to the point where she understood the difference between fire and soot. The child grew mischievous grin upon her tan face, as she walk over to the fire place, sniffing at the ashes, as she sneezed. Swatting at the black powered, she found in easy to move, she squealed in joy as she moved more of her body into the fireplace as she found a log that had the biggest part of it burnt though. She weighed her options as she laughed and tried to get her teeth into the log, the blackened log snapped between her teeth, she jumped back hitting her head upon the top of the fireplace,” AUTSCH!” The child lowered her head as she stepped back again, shaking her head as she looked up, grumbling. She shook her head looking at the top of the fireplace again as she went back into the fireplace jumping into the ashes rolling around, it left a funny smell and taste in her mouth but it was a blast rolling in this stuff!

- Slaying the Dreamer - 04-29-2009


http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... erhaps.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;border:1px solid black;">
I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

Slay was, at the moment, taking one of his daily naps. He found that if he had a routine - sleep after each meal - that his random narcoleptic attacks were less frequent. He supposed it was a good thing that the pups were old enough to wander by themselves, because if they needed constant supervision, he would not be able to offer them that. The big male stirred slightly in his sleep, white-tipped ears twitching as he silently dreamt of nothingness. Suddenly the loud German yelp cut through his slumber, sending the arctic wolf bolt upright. "Wha?! Whozzat...? Where are you...?" he slurred, still dizzied from his interrupted sleep. Realizing one of the children must have hurt themselves, he dashed from the creaky mattress he had been resting upon, four paws skidding across the stone floor until he was facing the fireplace.

"Avarice de Sadira! Get outta there!" he snarled, a little more grumpily than he had intended. To be fair, the soot completely masked her markings, but... it had to be Avarice. It was always Avarice. The ancient ashes were spilling out onto the floor, making a mess - how was he supposed to clean that up? He did not shift, so he could not use a broom or dustpan. Actually, he did not know what those were at all. Still, he knew how to clean Avarice. "I taught Roulette how to swim in the ocean; I guess you're going for a dip in the creek. Come on, you..." Slay was well aware that the children did not understand most of the things he muttered to himself, but he didn't know exactly how much they did comprehend. There were basic terms, though, that they had been clear to teach right away, and "Come" was one of them. Whether or not the rebellious youngster would listen, well, that was another story.


- Avarice de Sadira - 04-29-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v116/ ... rtable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
words --

Her fits of laughter and giggles where cut short quickly as she heard the stern voice of the male Slaying Dreams. She gulped knowing this could have been the last straw, somehow she knew how to find trouble and trouble seemed to be able to find her, they where thick as thieves. The child rolled to her side as she looked up to the male with a sheepish grin, she didn’t understand why he was so mad, she was having fun and playing. She stood up as she widened her legs out a bit as she shook her coat, trying to get the blacked stuff off of her. She looked up at him flashing a big toothy grin one that would tell him how much of an angel she was, and maybe get her out of this water ordeal that he was going on about. She only played with the water near the ocean but she had never gone into it yet.

She rubbed against his leg, hoping to score a few brownie points with him, as she stopped resting her body against his leg looking up at him, she shook her tail and woofed playfully at him, no way did she want to go into the water, she would fight it tooth and nail if she had to and if it got her out of the water. With another giggle, which came out as ever so evil her sappy words flowing in German “Liebe dich, Vater Slay!” She batted her eyes and everything. She was going to be too cute if it killed her.

- Slaying the Dreamer - 05-01-2009


http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... erhaps.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;border:1px solid black;">
words: 233
ooc: Slight powerplay, I hope you don't mind! She can jump free if you'd like her to!

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

His pale blue eyes narrowed, lips pursed in a bemused fashion. It was rather funny watching the guilty pup try to turn up the charm, batting her eyelashes, wagging her tail playfully, smiling ever-so-sweetly. He tried to keep his stern expression otherwise neutral, but he could not stifle the chortle that slipped out after she called his name in that simpering tone. "Oh, give it up, you," he grumbled with a grin, pushing her with the leg she had leaned on. "I can't let you leave your sooty little pawprints all over the floor, or Cercelee will eat me. And you're already rubbing it off on me, you mischief-maker!" He was hardly upset - really, what did bother the sleepy male? - but Avarice would need a bath, and if she didn't want to come willingly, he'd have to make her...

Moving with the speed of a hunter lunging for prey, Slay swooped down to scoop the dirty pup into his jaws, catching her by the scruff of the neck. The taste of charcoal made him want to spit her out - as well as the fact that she was notably heavier than he had expected - but he held firm, padding with ease out the swinging front door of their home. "Diss wi' on'y take a minute," he mumbled around his mouthful of fur, white paws treading lightly on the spring grass.


- Avarice de Sadira - 05-02-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v116/ ... rtable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
words 327

She thought that her smooth ways where working on him and he wouldn’t be to awfully upset and she wouldn’t have to take a bath, but she was sadly mistaken. She coughed, flatting her ears she was going to have to be a bit more slay if she was going to get out of this bathing thing, it didn’t sound fun what so ever. She felt the ground leave her from under her paws, she scowled as she swatted and smacked at the air trying to get down, after the third swat she whined and stopped falling limp, and letting her-self fall into a thought. Even if that thought, was just about as short lived as playing in the fireplace. English, it was something that everyone had been asking her to try. Maybe if she said something he wouldn’t let the water attack her. “Ava eat?!” There she spoke one word, one horrid word and because of that she hoped that her mother wouldn’t forget about her when she came back for the litter that she must have forgotten about. She curled up her back paw and placed her front paws over her stomach, trying to get the male the idea she understood that eat meant food.

The further they moved away from the house, the child knew that she had not been able to save her-self, she let her body go limp as she dropped her head as she whined and whimpered. She was going to give it was last go at her own freedom. She screamed and then took a deep breath and then held her breath, she refused to breath with every move that the male made closer to the water. She wasn’t going to give in so easy. She had a reputation that she was going to have to live up to of being the rebel of the group and what better why then getting away scot free with playing in the fireplace.

- Slaying the Dreamer - 05-05-2009


http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... erhaps.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;border:1px solid black;">
words: 232
ooc: short, sorry! ;__;

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

The swinging pup kicked and squirmed, as he expected. The big male did not flinch, however, and calmly continued on his way as she went limp between his jaws. There, this wasn't so hard, he thought to himself. Maybe the rebellious girl had run out of tricks already.
It was not so. Her next tactic came as a surprise, as her squeaky voice piped up with a broken phrase of something Slay could finally understand. "You spo' Englith! Tha's great, Avarith!" he mumbled around his mouthful, pale eyes alight with triumph. This was a great step! Sometimes it seemed like the kids were simply refusing to speak the language, despite knowing bits and pieces of it. "Maybe oo ca' help your bruvvers and sisters wi' it now!" His grin widened from ear to ear, not realizing that this would in fact bother Avarice even more.

He wasn't expecting her to scream at the top of her lungs, though, and like any rookie parent, made the mistake of dropping her to the ground. "Did I hurt you, Ava?" he stammered, spitting tan hairs and coal dust from his mouth. "If you're really hungry, I was going to catch you a fish at the river while you got cleaned up. We could eat together..." He tried to keep his paws on either side of her, in case she bolted. She wasn't faking, was she?


- Avarice de Sadira - 05-05-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v116/ ... rtable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
words 334It's not that short, and besides it a good post!

The fall had forced her to breath but oh, she wasn’t over yet. She was not going to be cleaned up by water at any point today. He did praise her for using what English she had used, even if it was chopped and horrid. The child looked to her back leg, it had hit first and then her gut and her front and chin, but was she hurt? Ha nope! She had enough pup fat to protect her if she went rolling down a hill. However she knew that hurt meant pain, she whimpered as she looked up to him and then back down to her paw. She was going have to teach her siblings how to get out of a bath from him, scream and then start whimpering and give him the you just took my fluffy blanket look. She batted her lashes as she gave him that look at said she was rather upset, either at him or from something else, like pain maybe. She gave a slight nod as she pointed at her back leg. She wasn’t sure how to play it up so she started to yelp like a monster was trying to eat her back leg as she pulled it up into her body. A bath today for this youthful child was out of the question. “Ava verletzt.” She licked her lips and then tried to shift her body to lick her leg, but finding he had his paws on either side of her, she laid her head down with a few more yelps for good measure, as she repeated her-self.”Ava verletzt.” Though the pain wasn’t from being dropped it was more of a pain for having to scream and hold her breath and yelp. He was going to give into her ways; she didn’t get the title of being a handful for playing cute and doing no wrong. “Lassen Sie mich los!” She screamed again and then yelped looking up at him with again another hurt look.

- Slaying the Dreamer - 05-06-2009


http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... erhaps.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;border:1px solid black;">
words: 195
ooc: Aw... C=

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

Ooh, he had really done it now.
Without any knowledge of how hardy pups could be, Slay assumed that they were all equally fragile, and now he had broken one of them. Should he call for a medic? How far away was Deuce Rhiannon's house? His friend Susquehanna was a medic, what would she do in this situation?
Without hands, it would be difficult to tell whether her bone had broken or not. He didn't smell blood, so it couldn't be too severe, but Avarice looked miserable, crying so loudly! Ach, he knew he wasn't fit to be a parent. How could he drop a baby in mid-stride? Cercelee would kick him out of the home for this!

"H-how bad is it, Ava? Can you stand?" He shifted his white paws away from her fluffy body, gently nudging her with his wet nose. Hard concern was edged with panic in his deep voice, ice-pale eyes vivid with worry. Avarice was a cruel trickster for scaring him so...
"Slay is s-sorry for ver... verlech," he stammered, trying to imitate her German exclamation. Instead of getting her to speak English, she had reversed their roles so easily...


- Avarice de Sadira - 05-14-2009


!! 219.
though it's easy to pretend, i know you're not a fool

The youthful drama queen was working this father figure male shifted into a panic mood trying to talk to her in German. She wasn’t hurt and was loving that he was losing up on the idea of her going to get a bath, the girl’s eyes rolled up looking up at him with a new shimmer...a hope that she now to make her break for it. She gave her tail a little wiggle as she jumped up and hopped like one of the brown toads that she seen in the pack lands. She looked over to the male as she shook her coat more of the sot shaking off her coat as she looked over at the male, her tail whipped around. She didn’t want to get a stinking bath, no matter how nice he might be, she didn’t want to get a bath. She knew that the only way to get away from the male was to play hurt her own mother feel for this trick a few time and then after that she wised up, but this male didn’t know her…she was the smartest out of all the pups. ”Nr. Wanne” She mocked him smiling as her tail flipped around as she looked at him as she threw her paws down onto the ground wagging her tail.


- Slaying the Dreamer - 05-15-2009


http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... erhaps.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;border:1px solid black;">
WC: 251
I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

Worry melted into disbelief grew into indignation in his pale eyes, and if his jaw could drop any further, it would be brushing the grass. She was faking it? The whole time?! Slay had never really been lied to by a child before, and wasn't quite sure how to handle the situation. Part of him wanted to laugh at her smug prancing, the way her tail was waving so proudly at being clever; the other part of him did not want to be very nice after being made a fool of. Luckily for Avarice, he was not an easily-angered wolf, although he did feel a touch betrayed by her acting. He would learn from his mistakes, never fear.

"You little devil-child, you're going in the drink whether you like it or not," he growled playfully, throwing his own paws to the ground as she had done, plumed tail waving above his bowing position. They were already part-way there, and if she didn't want her chubby butt carried, then he was going to make her run for it. "And until you get all that charcoal dust scrubbed out, your name is Cinder-Ava! Okay, Cinderava? Show me that your leg still works, Cinderava!" he crowed, hoping the teasing name would rile her up. He lunged towards her, intending to herd her the rest of the way. If he could lead a deer to an ambush, he could surely chase a little pup to a river. No matter how smart she thought she was.


- Avarice de Sadira - 05-26-2009

The child pranced around the male her tail high and head just as high; she was slick as snot and even slier. She felt the thump form the male as she turned around and found him in a play bow, the child sat down with an over dramatic sigh, she tossed her head to the side as she looked at him with a look, that a parent would give a child that was throwing a little hissy fit. He was way too old, and way too big to be throwing him-self around like a pup and trying to be all nimble, he was definitely not a pup any more, and he definitely not funny what so ever. She tossed her head back with a yawn, as it came down she mocked him with a dry laugh. Ending it quickly she scowled at him.

Avarice, was a very bullheaded child, she was the one that walked into trouble with her eyes open. She stood up smiling at the male as she widen her stance as she shook her coat, trying to free her cinnamon colored pelt, she smirked with a wide grin as she sat back down looking at the male. She gave him a wink, she understood what she was saying very clearly she understood, however she wouldn’t say a work to him in English unless she had to.


- Slaying the Dreamer - 05-27-2009


http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... erhaps.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;border:1px solid black;">
WC: 236
I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

His waving tail faltered and then slowed to a halt, as he watched her pretend to yawn and sigh. Cercelee always played along with his inner child - but an actual child would look down upon him for wanting to roughhouse? Cinderava was a confident little princess, that was for sure. And she had reverted to the silent treatment, rather than trying to communicate with English. "You're so difficult," he muttered, wondering why the rebel insisted on rebelling against him, when he tried to be the cool parent.

Slay let a low rumbling growl build up in his chest, pale eyes narrowed. If she didn't want to play along, then he would go right back to his original tack, and only her dignity would suffer. She plunked her bum back down onto the grass, strands of her fuzzy cinnamon-brown fur visible through the dark ash coating. Slay waited for a moment, giving her a chance to stand up and walk with him, but she obstinately refused to move, offering him a mocking wink instead. "Fine, you asked for it!" he grumbled, mischievous grin returning to his face as the big male made his move. His wide paw landed in front of her small body, blocking her escape route as his jaws came down, closing neatly on the scruff of her neck. They were back to where they started, a jailer marching his prisoner to the stream.
