'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
What I called home - Printable Version

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- Flayra Zazkex - 05-17-2009

OOC: all welcome for Dahlia. Cerc said I could.

Flayra came walking on the grassy plains. She walked vigorously along the green scenery. She picked up a scent that was getting stronger when she walked more closer to where ever she was going. She knew this scent. She figured out where she was going to. She knew where she was headed. Dahlia de Mai. The place she used to call home some months ago. She started to slow as she approached the border line of the pack, stopping where the scent was the strongest. She was a Crimson Dreamer, she would be trespassing if she just wondered in, even though they knew her well and welcomed her with open arms back then. However, Dahlia used to be her home. They said she was welcome her if anything goes wrong at Crimson Dreams. She just wanted to say hello.

Flayra, like a good girl, sat at the border line, waiting for someone to come by. With her Rose Thorn, she drew patterns in the dirt with the sharp end, humming a little tune that was going through her head. She lightly and slowly waved her head, keeping to the beat of the humming. She wondered who would come to see her. Maybe someone who was new that would ask her to leave. She hoped that they will understand the reason of why the girl came to the pack.

- Haku Soul - 05-24-2009


Like on any other normal day, the Lilium of Dahlia de Mai was on duty, patrolling the borders faithfully like the good watch dog he pretended to be. They were about to expand their borders again, and he was not certain if he was for that idea. He could easily accept this though, as it was also a sign of strength. They were still the largest pack in these lands, and had been so for quite a while. The Soul man wonderer what this strange feeling of anticipation meant. It had started as merely a whisper, but knowing himself and his own personal devil well, there was something in store for him in the distant future. The girl’s scent was not a pleasant visitor, but the male would have to check out why she was back at Dahlian land. He had not seen her since she had gone to her beloved Crimson Dreams, and had not really thought of her after her membership in Dahlia had expired at all.

Naturally, his mood dropped several levels. If there was something the secui despised, it was those individuals that abandoned a pack. Some vanished straight after joining, but this girl had been a part of the pack for a few months before she had left them behind, and that for no other reason than that she wanted to join another pack. Back in the days he had heard her farewell tone in the crispy winter air, but he had not been bothered. She was worthless in his eyes. Her sitting form reached his brilliant blue orbs, and he let left side of his upper lip slightly withdraw to reveal a sharp vampire fang. His shortened tail moved aggressively behind him. His greeting was not complicated, as it was as good as nonexistent. ”What do you want?”


- Flayra Zazkex - 05-25-2009

The girls ears perked up as she heard footsteps approaching her. She shifted her sight to find that Haku was coming. She stood up with her tail wagging happily and she smiled. She hasn't seen in like... forever. He seemed to be doing well. Flayra was glad to see him coming, they can catch and what not. She might even see where and how the others are, even Cercelee. Maybe she'll even come by and what not. The girl put her hands behind her back playfully as the male came closer.

When the male was some several feet away, the girl took a breath to speak. ”What do you want?” That what she heard before she said anything. The way he said it, it sounded kind of harsh and a bit aggressive. The was confused and sort of surprised about that. She looked around, seeing if it was someone else he was talking to. Nope. It was her. Did she do anything she wondered to herself. With her mind confused, she search her mind to find the words to say. "Um, I was just around and thought I'd say hello. I missed ya guys." Her voices sounded the same as someone who didn't know what was going on and was being questioned about what happened. What did she do?

- Haku Soul - 05-26-2009


What had she done? She had left Dahlia de Mai for another pack, and the male did not even know why. Not that he could say that he had tried to figure out the reason why either, but from his general overview as a leader, the only issues Flayra had encountered had been Svara, and Svara had always been everyone’s problem. They had taken her in and taken care of her, and this was how she had repaid them. Haku Soul was aware that his mindset was harsh on those who left the pack behind. Though, as the superior being he saw himself as, he had no issues with judging others, especially when there was a valid reason to. The lightly hued girl had always seemed like a soft, fluffy sheep to him though, but that fact did not justify her departure. He watched the youth look around stupidly, as if he was talking to someone else. His brilliant blue orbs rested on her and her only. Perhaps her body was maturing, but the mind seemed to stay behind in a permanent, premature track.

She replied, and he gave a disinterested snort at her last four words. Her voice revealed confusion, but to him it was as clear as day. It should have been for her too. The pack had sent her off with good wishes, but he had not. She had met the wrong individual, for he saw no reason for her to be here at the borders, especially not without any particular reason other than that ‘she missed them’. ”If you miss us so much then why did you leave?” the male grumbled darkly, his tail moving aggressively behind his chocolate and cream body in aggravation. He took a few steps to the side, bringing his back to Dahlia, his front facing her and the borders.


- Flayra Zazkex - 05-27-2009

Flayra heard the snort that Haku gave when she explained why she was here at the Dahlian borders. If it was because she left that Haku was like this, maybe she shouldn't have left. However, the male should have know that Flayra wasn't going to stay forever. Because a wolf joins a pack doesn't mean that they have to stay. They should be able to leave if they wanted to. Flayra wanted to. Besides, Haku wasn't in charge of the girls life. If she wanted to leave, she would leave.

She watched as Haku shifted his position to have him facing the girl and having Dahlia face his back. The girl stared at his face as she searched her mind for the right words to say, picking each individually and putting them together in a certain order they would both understand. "You thought I was gonna stay forever?" she asked in a normal voice. "Haku, I left because I wanted to. It wasn't because of Svara or anything like it. Isn't that a good enough reason?"

- Haku Soul - 05-29-2009


The question that rose from her unworthy lips was a mock to him, questioning him and his intelligence. Haku did not respond well to such things. Oh, so she had left because she wanted to, and that was her only reason? The egoism in the idiot girl was extreme, and he bared his fangs aggressively. ”Flayra, you are a pathetic little girl, and you care only for yourself, and yourself only. You’re repulsing.” This was true, he felt anger and hatred slowly boil up when looking at the little bitch. ”We let you in, we took care of you and treated you as our own, as a family, and you left because you wanted to.” The growl rumbled in his throat. ”No, that is not a good enough reason, although it’s great to be rid of you, as there’s nothing I loathe more than pathetic, useless creatures such as yourself.” He took a step towards the girl, pondering if he should charge at once or shower her with more insults. The girl was an idiot, so he was not certain if the latter would be worth it.

- Flayra Zazkex - 05-30-2009

Flayra saw that his anger was rising. Being here seems to aggravate him further. Not only that, but he said she was pathetic. Pathetic? Why was she pathetic? People who usually call others certain names sometimes hide something. Maybe she could make him slip up without him noticing. "I didn't take your kindness unnoticed. Even now I still cherish it. I thanked you then and I still do now. I'm not selfish. You only assume that I am."

The girl just watched, not showing any single sign of fear or sadness, nor any sign of return anger. She just remained calm, because she's been through a lot worse than this before. "I'm not afraid of you. I've been through far worse than this, Haku. Besides, if it was a problem, why didn't try and stop back then? If you were gonna be like this now, why not stop me when you had the chance?"

- Haku Soul - 05-30-2009


He only assumed she was? How idiotic could she be, she had just given him a statement that revealed this fact. ”The evidence is right in front of me, I even have your words as proof.” How dared she talk to him like that, foolish little girl. Nothing was a problem because the girl had left at the same when she had revealed her uselessness. This was why Haku had been one of those that had not bothered showing up nor returning the howl when she had announced her departure. The girl was a dimwit, worthless, and it was good to have her back. However, he did not want her here, near Dahlia. She was not worthy. ”Stop you from what, leaving because of your ignorance and selfishness? You seem to have troubles understanding what I say, why would I ever stop you from performing a favour for Dahlia, like the one where you threw your sorry little ass out?” It was not a question he sought an answer to, because she bored him with her pitiful behaviour, believing his words were wrong, twisting his sentences into things he did not say. He did not understand what she was saying, if he was going to be like this now, why not stop her when she had the chance? Stop her from what? It made no sense. The man bared his fangs and ran straight for the girl.

- Flayra Zazkex - 05-30-2009

Evidence? What evidence? Flayra remained silent, but she was get a bit nervous "I didn't say anything about me being selfish. I'm not selfish Haku. I'm not pathetic." She clutched her staff tightly, hiding the nervousness away. She was strating to wonder if leaving was a mistake. She watched him closely for any action that he might execute.

He was the one being a dimwit. Maybe the girl shouldn't have left, but if Haku did come, he would have told her that this would happen if she came back. Basically it was his fault that this was happening. "A favor? Cercelee and Slay said I could come back if things don't go well in Crimson Dreams. I trust them enough to know that they weren't lying." At that moment, Haku charged for her. Flayra was shocked, she jumped back to avoid the attack if he was. What was he doing? "What...?"

- Haku Soul - 05-31-2009


She had lost track of it all, and a cruel smile slowly bloomed in his face, pitying her for her poorly functioning brain. He shouldn’t have expected better from her. ”You indirectly stated it in your choice of words, you cannot deny that.” What she had offered him of explanation had revealed how the girl was thinking, and deep embedded in her was the selfishness dearly attached. She came back after having turned her back to them without any solid explanation other than because she wanted to and that revealed her lack of loyalty and selfishness too visibly. She thought she was still welcome here? She thought she was well liked? Well, she was wrong. Some in Dahlia would surely tolerate the girl’s presence, this he knew, but Dahlia would not gain a thing with this girl. She was unwanted.

”Well, little girl, I am the Lilium of Dahlia, I too have a word or two that can pull some strings. You are not welcome here in Dahlia. I ensure you, you will not be able to return to Dahlia de Mai. If you ever manage to do so, however, I will make your life a living hell.” His charge had been a feint, a test, and she jumped back as he stopped, now a few feet between them because of her rapid reaction. The secui’s tail was raised high, dominance and superiority vibrating in the soft air. He had little more to say. The Lilium was not interested in explaining the obvious if the girl failed to understand what should come easily. She could go back to her pack and have them enlighten her, although he doubted they would. No member would want to share a negative truth to another if they could avoid it, especially not in happy go lucky Crimson Dreams.

”Go home, Flayra, you are not welcome here.” the man announced, taking yet another step towards her, daring her to question his authority. If she chose to do so, he would reveal to her exactly what he was capable of.


- Flayra Zazkex - 06-04-2009

Deny? What was there to deny? Haku was just making things more confusing for the both of them. He was blinded by his beliefs, he was far off from the truth. The real question here is 'who's the one that is unloyal and selfish?' Haku was in this situation, placing all the blame on the young female. He was going around as a king, but that's all. He's the one that doesn't give anything to help the pack expand. The girl remained silent an pretended that she didn't hear anything from him.

The girl heard what he said next. Cercelee accepted her into the pack, and she understood when the girl left. What makes Haku think that he can change her mind to turn her against Flayra? After when she said that the girl was welcome back anytime? The girl knew Cerc and Slay too much that they wouldn't break their offer. The girl was thinking that Haku was just saying it to scare her so that she wouldn't come back. A way to trick, but she was hurt inside by those nasty sayings. She just wanted to cry, but she held the tears back, trying to be strong. She stepped back some steps indicating that was she leaving. She took a breath when she paused and turned around. With a light voice, she said, "At least tell her... that I dropped by." Of course, when she said 'her', she meant Cercelee. At that moment she went back into the direction of Crimson Dreams.

- Haku Soul - 06-04-2009


Moments before the girl had denied that she was being egoistic, although she had stated her reasons for leaving as ’because she wanted to’, which was not a valid reason at all in the adult world. Haku did not always want to walk around and be the Lilium, but he had a responsibility, and his pack members depended on them. He did not run away to find better things because he wanted to, he stayed because he had made a promise to serve, and that went above personal needs more often than not. Flayra attempted to deny that she had no higher purposed than herself by saying she was not egoistic, but she was. Her words reassured him that she was. She did not answer, did not seem to understand what he was saying. He almost pitied the girl for the lack of proper brain function, so perhaps it was a good thing that she was gone. He wondered what was going through the girl’s dimwit brain. She seemed to disagree, and he wondered if she thought it was the other way around. Surely she could not, because almost everything he did was in the interest of the pack and not himself, and therefore he was in this sense loyal and unselfish. He had every right to walk around with his head high, because he was one of the heads that ruled this pack, the largest pack in the lands. Dahlia did not need nor want Flayra, because she was a weak link, worthless all in all because she was on an ego-trip and did not bother herself with thoughts of what was best for the pack. Individuals like that could ruin pack communities.

She pretended she did not hear his words, but Haku let it pass. If she wanted to keep living and thinking like a spoiled puppy, then he would let her. She was not his responsibility anymore, and he would make sure she never again would. Haku did not place more blame on the girl than was deserved. There was no blame, he just started facts about her, but there was no blame. It was a blessing to have such an individual out of Dahlia. Haku did not have to change anyone’s minds about Flayra. As the Lilium of Dahlia, he had powers. His no could shut Flayra out, especially if the topic was discussed. He was above everyone, and could talk over Slay and discuss with Cercelee. He had every right in the world to turn the white girl away, and that was exactly what he would do if she ever tried to shove her face in again. His words were true, no lies, and no tricks. Haku did not lie unless necessary and it was not in this case. Maybe the female child in front of him saw herself so important that she would get a spot in Dahlia again, but she was pathetically wrong if that was the case. He was not trying to scare her, just laying out facts for her to gaze at.

She made ready to leave, and requested that he was to tell Cercelee (he assumed it was the Rosea) that she had dropped by. ”No.” the man spoke at once. He could have done it, it was nothing wrong with letting the Rosea know that Flayra had passed by, but the Lilium would not lift a finger for the girl in any way, and intended to make this point known. The girl could crawl back to her pack. If she regretted moving, then it was a sad thing, but the male was mostly glad about it all. It was not before today that he had seen Flayra’s truer colours, and he was far from bitter that she had left Dahlia behind. If anything, she had done him and the whole pack a favour. The chocolate and cream male turned around to leave when Flayra was out of sight, glad to have this over and done with.
