'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Learning Life's Lessons - Printable Version

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- Henratha Gyrkin - 05-20-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ooc: Sorry for the delay. Hopefully this is a decent starting scenario ^^ Words: 461

The tall male hummed a sing-song sort of tune as he worked. He found that music of any kind helped break the monotony of his work. Even one who loved carpentry could get bored with stripping logs, but that was his appointed task for the day. Much to his surprise, he was almost finished stripping the last of the twelve tree trunks he had scavenged during his first days in Dahlia. He would still need more in order to have enough for Colibri's greenhouse, but the exact amount would depend entirely upon how many panes of glass he was able to find. The prospect of finally moving on to a new task gave him an excited boost of energy and he began to pull the long draw knife across the tree's trunk with increased vigor and speed. With each pull of his sinewy arms the sharp blade cut the bark and other surface imperfections from the old spruce trunk. His gooseberry green eyes were always moving from his hands, to the blade, to the tree trunk and back. He did not want to cut himself or cut the wood too deep. Both of those outcomes would be bad, although it was evident to the reddish brown male that the former of the two was far more unpleasant than the latter.

At last, with one mighty pull of his arms, Rath removed the last of the trunk's bark, leaving an almost whitish, naked looking spruce trunk laying across the fabricated saw horses in front of him. "Finally...I'm finished," he muttered to himself, his tenor voice carrying with it a tone of accomplishment and relief. He placed his double handled draw knife in its ratty leather sheath before taking it back inside his house. There was no need to expose such a valuable tool to the elements anymore than necessary. When he returned, he carried with him a relatively short, single bladed axe, the one that Haku had given him. Now, he was going to make the logs square instead of round. Not only would this make them easier to store, but they would also be better suited to any cutting or shaping he might need to do later in the project. Turning to the log, which he still had laying on the supports, the male began to chop very carefully at the edges of the log, doing his best to create a flat edge. Normally, a lumberjack would use a special kind of axe for this job, not a regular wood felling axe, but at this point Rath did not have such a specialized tool. So, with careful aim, Rath began shaping the first of his twelve logs, the axe blade producing a gentle thudding noise as it struck the wood.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 05-20-2009


It was a great start, I love your writing. Big Grin 393

Bounding off as fast as she could (and in the quickness to where nobody would be able to catch her), the young pup giggled to herself as she recently store a snack that her sister Catharsis happened to hide away from her siblings and anyone else for that matter, stowed in a little place behind the church where Catalyst happened to spy on her and find out where the ebony pup's secret stash was. Catharsis would probably be knowing as to who did it, but Catalyst certainly didn't care (her pride was already to the point to where if she was accused of something, she'd admit it all the way, with nothing that Catharsis and her siblings could do about it, because she was the oldest out of all of them, and the first born, so that meant she had to have had special privileges). Still tasting the sliver of rabbit upon her tongue, she continued to snicker to herself and licked her lips all the way, running endlessly until she couldn't run anymore (or at least when she was far enough that none could follow her).

Slowing down, Catalyst panted to herself, exhausted from the sudden effort of energy. It wasn't until a mild thudding was heard nearby, as the sound aroused her curiosity. It was a sound like none made before, and at first she simply couldn't place what was making the sound or why it was emitting such a tune. Drawing her interest now to this, her dual hued gaze gave one last look behind her to see if anyone was following, until she let her ears and paws do the guidance of leading her to the source. It didn't take long before a figure swinging a sharpened tool down into the wood was seen, and for a moment, Catalyst just stood there in dumbfoundness as to this action; not quite sure what the adult was doing, and why he was doing this. The de Sadira took a moment's time to simply stand there and watch his work, until her curiosity was egging her to question why he was doing such a task, a task she had never seen before. "Entschuldige," She first said in her native tongue, coming closer to the carpenter. "Wha' are you doing there?" Her eyes traveled from his tool to his person, and back again.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 05-23-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ooc: Sorry for the delay. I'm a bit busy these days and I've got a lot of threads to catch up on ^_^. This is what I get for procrastinatings.

The ruddy hued male had developed a smooth rhythm to his work as he continued to shape the first of his logs flat edges. With each careful swing of the axe, just enough of the wood was chopped off to make a relatively flat surface on the one side of the log. This was difficult to do, because he had to cut off just enough that he would be able to use the first edge as a guide to make the other three. Then he would have to chop those remaining edges all while losing as little wood as possible to his axe. Even for a practiced woodwright and carpenter, this was not a simple undertaking.

Two strokes of his axe later, and his first edge was finished. With a satisfied smile, he quickly scanned his work with his gooseberry green gaze before flipping the log onto its flat edge and preparing to start on the next edge. It was then that he heard the sound of a small, feminine voice from behind him. White tufted ears perked, the muscular optime turned to see a white, odd-eyed pup behind him. The first word she had spoken he had not understood due to the fact that it had been from a language he did not know. However, the following question she asked him he understood perfectly, even with the slight, puppish slur she attached to some of the words. What was he doing? He turned to look at the axe in his hand and the log laying on its supports next to him. How could he answer this question in a way that the pup would understand? As he knelt down to be closer at her eye level, Rath did his best to quickly devise a simplified description of his work to give to the pup.

"I'm shaping this log to make it have four flat edges so I can make it into something later," he answered, smiling warmly at the curious pup. He did not remember seeing this pup at the pack anniversary celebration, and as such he did not know who she belonged to. The socially inexperienced male had never seen pups before joining Dahlia, but he could already tell that he liked this one. She had been curious enough to ask him about his hobby, and that was enough to win points with him. "What's your name?" He asked, his tenor voice projecting a warm, friendly tone. "My name's Henratha, but you can call me Rath if you want. It's easier to remember that way." It was interesting to the shaggy male that his nickname was so much easier to say than his full name. Why his parents had named him this way he couldn't begin to guess. Regardless of the simplicity of his nickname, Rath hoped that the pup would be comfortable enough to introduce herself to him. He was a bit intimidating, what with his shaggy fur and his large size. It would have been interesting for a bystander to note that Rath, who was usually nervous around strangers, was perfectly comfortable with this juvenile. Perhaps it was the fact that he perceived her to be a relatively innocent youngling. Whether he was correct in his initial assessment would have to remain a mystery for now.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 05-25-2009


It's alright, it was barely a wait at all. (: 522

The manipulation with the way he was using his tool, working ever so diligently on creating and melding the perfect corners and narrow edges, it certainly seemed like work that took effort and elbow grease, but strangely enough at the same time his profession and natural skill with melding made it seem like this was easy for him to construct. Seemed like a job only meant for the manly and strong enough, for she couldn't imagine her Rosea performing such a duty, perhaps even going far enough to say that this sort of work was even out of Slay's league of profession. For a minute longer did the ivory girl simply watch him in silence, admiring and observing his methods of construction until he happened to catch her attention from her own given to him.

Catalyst had to admit silently, that he was large for his kind, the largest male she had came across here (and that was certainly going a long way, seeing the only other adult male contact received here was from Slay). Russet like fur, a red and dark brown seasoned and deep, nothing like she had seen before (all she had seen were either light colored or dark colored pelts; earth toned, or black and white. Nothing really in between caught her eye). Peculiar emerald eyes, it seemed to be an uncommon combination with his pelt hue, but for him, seemed to blend in perfect. Noticing her, the first words immediately explained what he was doing with the equipment he was melding with. His smile was warm, welcoming, and if he didn't issue that smile, Catalyst might have otherwise felt intimidated by him when he spoke to her. Comprehending what he was doing, her juvenile innocence further questioned his project. "Wha' are you making it for, exactly?" Her one cerulean and one steel gaze danced from the axe to the wood, and then back to his russet visage for an explanation. Maybe he had a particular idea for this slab of wood, or maybe he was just shaping it for now; either way, Catalyst wanted to know.

As his soothing voice then inquired from her name, a small smile happened to spread along the plain of her alabaster muzzle. "'m Catalyst, Catalyst de Sadira." Said with a nod in compliance. She wondered if maybe he already knew about her and her siblings, seeing how Catalyst came in the company of several different adults who proclaimed they knew her, but her personally had never seen them before. She didn't think this was the case with Rath, though. As he gave his own title of a name, it appeared to sound just as foreign as he looked. Twisting her head to the side for a mere moment, she attempted to say out his full name, even though he offered for her to use a more shorthand title. "Hen... ratha? Where... does tha' name come from?" Not hearing anything like it before, she wondered what background it originated from. Even though her name wasn't necessarily German per se, she believed everyone had interesting names that came from interesting backgrounds or concepts.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 05-28-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

What was he making it for? Oh, this was yet another seemingly simple question made difficult by the fact that Rath was not well practiced in explaining things to pups. However, he had done alright with explaining what he was doing. How hard could this next question be? "I'm making it this way so that I can make a greenhouse. It's a house made out of wood and glass that people grow plants in. I'm building it for a friend of mine," the ruddy hued male explained, his gooseberry green eyes gleaming excitedly. He wondered if this female had met Colibri yet. It would not surprise him if she hadn't. Coli was as shy as him, and not one to seek out the companionship of others. However he did not know whether the shy, chocolate female was as comfortable around pups as he apparently was. If that were the case then perhaps the shy wolfess could have met young Catalyst here. The white-flecked male blinked his eyes only to realize that he had been staring dazedly while he was thinking. That was really a habit he needed to remedy. Fortunately his daydream had not consumed all of his thoughts, for he had heard the young pup announce her name and then ask where his name came from. Now this was another good question. This pup seemed to be full of good questions. Where was his name from? The tall male knit his brow for a moment as he tried to think of an answer. In truth he did not know. His mother had said she and his father had given him the name because they had liked it, but he had never asked them why they had liked it so much or what it meant. "I don't know what my name means, Catalyst. I never asked my parents," he confessed with an amused smile. "What about your name? What does Catalyst de Sadira mean?" He chuckled slightly, wanting to see if the pup would be able to offer an explanation of her own name. It seemed like a fair question. Perhaps it would make the pup think and she would go inquire of her parents...if she had any. Now there was a disturbing idea. To grow up without parents. Rath could not imagine such a life. However, Rath quickly dispelled his own fears as he remembered seeing Catalyst with Slay. Perhaps Slay was her parent. However, this did not seem entirely likely. After all Slay had only mentioned having a mate. Surely the large, friendly male would have mentioned if he was a father as well. Therefore Henratha concluded that Catalyst must simply be under the care of Slay and Cercelee. So, now that his mind had arrived at a logical conclusion based upon the limited facts he had gained, the shaggy carpenter watched the odd-eyed white pup to hear what her answer to his question would be.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 05-28-2009



Listening rather carefully to what Henratha had to say about his melding of wood, at first it didn't connect completely with Catalyst about making a greenhouse. It took her a second to rifle through the memories and reveries of her mind, trying to place what a greenhouse was. Thinking hard, her conclusion of thoughts came up with a vague picture of what she remembered while her, her mother, and siblings traveled to several places, and one of these distant places had a house full of plants, and she remembered it to be quite humid inside. "I... I think I's remember a... greenhouse. It had lots'a flowers, an' it was hot." She explained her recollection of one. "Tha's nice your building it for a' frien'... does your frien' have lots'a flowers too?" Catalyst was entirely unaware that Rath was referring to Colibri as his friend, but would soon find out, either given that he would reveal who he was building it for, or find out from Colibri herself.

Hearing that, unfortunately, Henratha didn't know what his name meant or what the origins of it was, Catalyst formed her mouth in a silent oh. Not expecting to have the question turned upon herself, the ivory pup had to take a moment to think once again. Catalyst, it certainly seemed like an out of the ordinary name, and it wasn't German influenced either. Come to think of it, all of the siblings had odd but unique names to them. Sadly though, the pup wished she could have information about her own name too, but like Rath, didn't know the origin about her name. "I don' know. It's a' weird name, isn't it? All my siblings 'ave funny names... Catharsis, Palindrome, Avarice, Roulette. I's know tha' de Sadira comes from a lotta other last names." She named each of her siblings, wondering if perhaps Rath knew of any of them. As far as her surname went, there was a long story behind it, and many lineages mixed in within both her name and blood, more that could ever be fathomed. "I likes your name though." She then said, with a gentle smile upon her maw. "So is this wha' you do all day?" Her tiny muzzle motioned to his axe and the slab of wood, her eyes mainly training upon the sharp wielding axe he held.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 06-01-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Words: 300+

The tall male was surprised by the pup's recollection of what a greenhouse was. How she knew, he couldn't even begin to guess, but his amusement at the pup's knowledge led him to smile widely. When Catalyst asked about whether his friend had lots of flowers, he nodded, "Yes, she does...at least I think so. She told me that she was trying to grow a garden," he chuckled and looked away from the pup for a second, silently scolding himself for making an assertion about something he did not truly know.

His green hued gaze focused on the pup while she thought about his question. It was quite interesting to see how she acted while she formulated her answer. Her explanation seemed to produce little information about where her first name came from, and it made sense that her last name was derived from several others. Rath's strong memory quickly stored all of the names of Cat's numerous siblings, in hopes that he would remember them for future reference. The shaggy, reddish brown male had little time to think before the curious young female asked him yet another question about his work. "What...this?" He asked, not really expecting an answer as he pointed to his axe and the log he was working on. "Well, this isn't the only thing I do all day. Making a greenhouse takes lots of time and has lots of different jobs that I have to do in order to get it done. This is what I'm doing today, but tomorrow I'll probably move on to the next step. It's kind of fun, building something. There are so many things that you have to do that you never get bored." His tenor voice explained in a pleased manner. He enjoyed talking about his hobby. It made him feel good that someone so young was seemingly taking an interest in what he was doing. He doubted if an adult would have the curiosity or the patience to try and take up carpentry, but perhaps he might be able to recruit young Catalyst one day...when she was a little older.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-01-2009



Catalyst had seen some gardens in her time, naturally and also harvested by hands as well, but most of them were back in the day when she was traveling with her mother. Although the gardens that were created by hands were surely a lovely possession to create and keep, the natural wildflowers that grew in the wild were something to truly behold, admire, and respect. Their sweet and often at times musky aroma; she could remember the traveling days where her mother and siblings migrated through a region populated with an assortment of flowers, and how there were so many colors, sweet smells, and wonders to behold of them. Mother would stop from time to time, letting her and her siblings frolic through them, relish in their sweet smells. She would always wonder how flowers survived the way they did in the wild, being all alone and in their solitude. Hearing as Rath explained that his friend was attempting to grow a garden, hopefully Catalyst would gain permission in order to see it one day. "Really? Where does she live? Not familiar with everything 'round 'ere yet... everything's so big!" Dahlia was certainly a vast territory within itself, but perhaps if Rath could offer a name or maybe even direction to where his friend resided at, then perhaps Catalyst would hold more recognition in Rath's friend than thought of.

Interested in the weapon that he grasped, the fine end blade was sharp, precise, looked like it could do quality work and more. Recalling her afternoon with Cwmfen, she mentioned something along the lines of an axe, as well as an array of other fine weaponry. As Rath went into the throes of explaining his job and how long this process would take for him, Catalyst tried her best to comprehend every word that fell from his russet jaws. Out of all the adults met, he was certainly a mouthful! At this, Catalyst couldn't help but giggle gently and smile. Other adults seemed to be brief in their speech, but he was mighty detailed, and it was a little bit of a challenge for her to keep up with connecting everything said in his sentence. Wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it was different for her at this time and era. Once he was done explaining, it took a moment for the pup to fully comprehend what all was said. Making a greenhouse, sounded fun, kind of! "So how's long will it take b'fore it's done? Sounds like a lotta work, but... sounds fun..." She agreed, with her smile shrinking to that of a gentle and tiny grin. Anything that sounded fun or was declared fun by an adult must be fun, right? Yet, Rath's line of work, there was something that was... complicated about it. Catalyst couldn't put her paw on the word exactly, but she tilted her head to the side as another round of a question was asked. "Why does there hafta' be so many... steps?" Greenhouses and any house looked simple enough, Catalyst just didn't truly realize the hard work and effort that was put into carpentry.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 06-04-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Gooseberry green gaze watched Catalyst as he spoke. It was interesting to see how her expressions changed as he mentioned different things. At the mention of who he was building the greenhouse for, the pup had immediately piped up with a question about who this person was or where they lived. She really did seem to have endless curiosity. That was a good thing to have for one so young. She would learn many things that way. "Her name is Colibri Haki, she lives that way, on the edge of town," Rath finished by pointing northward towards the border of Wolfville. He actually had not seen Coli's house, but he had met her close to the edge of Wolfville, and when it had begun to rain she had run off as if she knew exactly where to seek shelter. It was only logical that he would assume Deuce's house had been nearby. Thinking about the shy wolfess made Rath wonder exactly what was going on in her life. He hadn't seen anybody for almost a week, until young Catalyst had happened upon him. Before her, he had met Tokyo Chance, although she and him hadn't necessarily acquainted themselves with one another very well. She had seemed more interested in his craft than in himself. Oh well, perhaps it was just in his nature to be solitary, even when he was part of a pack.

The ruddy hued male didn't have long to dwell upon his loneliness before the young female's voice chimed with more questions for him. "I don't know how long it will take me, but it will probably take me a few months to finish, especially since I'll be doing most of the work myself." The white flecked, shaggy werewolf shook his head slightly, his lips curved in a grin. He really should try and seek out the few individuals he knew within the pack. Perhaps he could persuade at least one of them to assist him in his task. Oh well, another task for another day. For now he turned to answering the odd-eyed pups final question. "There are so many steps because there are lots of pieces I have to make by hand. Then I have to put them all together in just the right way. It's like a big puzzle, but you have to make all the pieces first," Rath replied, hoping that the pup would understand his analogy. Even he wasn't precisely sure what a puzzle was, only that it had been some sort of human passtime involving numerous pieces that they would have to rearrange to produce a picture. As he knelt there with Cat in front of him, the muscular brute couldn't help but wonder why things which he understood as second nature could be so hard for him to explain.


- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-05-2009



Colibri Haki. Catalyst would come to know of the solitary and shy female soon enough, although while she was receiving this information in the present, she wasn’t necessarily good with remembering names down the road, something that she had to work on with her maturity and growth process. Following the motion of him directing to where Colibri resided, Catalyst gave a simplistic nod at this. Perhaps she would have to go visit one of these days, despite the fact that soon enough would she run into Colibri on her own curiosity and explanation, and the two would discuss the day’s duration about different types of flowers and the like. Speaking of which, was Henratha the only one who lived by himself? Catalyst wondered if he had family members or perhaps a guardian like she has that resided with him. Taking the topic off of Colibri and his line of work for a moment, Catalyst was curious about the large male and where his origins came from. “I see… do you’s live here? Do you’s have any siblings or guardians?” Catalyst certainly came from a good clutch of puppies, one that held variety and number, and wondered if perhaps Rath had the same deal with his own family matters and lineage.

Going back to his line of work and the completion of the greenhouse, the mention of a matter of months surprised the young girl’s ears. “Wow, months?! Tha’s a long time!” For something that, in the eyes of a pup, looked so simple from initial appearance and the pieces that went into melding actually house like structures, she was surprised to hear that such buildings took that long to complete. Speaking of which, houses reminded her of the conversation she previously had with Cwmfen, and how she told her that most housing structures that were found were built by the humans. “Oh! Y’ know wha’? Cwmfen told me tha’ houses were built by humans, is tha’ true?” Cwmfen certainly wouldn’t lie about such a thing, for Catalyst knew she was a smart warrior, but she wanted to hear what Rath thought about that. “She said th’ humans built lots of stuff ‘round here. Did you know a’ human, did they teach you t’ build?” Catalyst concluded that if the humans were responsible for the ruins they left behind, then possibly Rath could have gained some of the building knowledge from real time humans that were around? That was Catalyst only assuming, of course. She never seen an actual human before, and wondered what they were like, and how they got so smart as to be building the things that Rath built.

Putting it in simplistic explanation of why there were so many steps to building, Catalyst figured, well, that made sense sure enough. She knew what a puzzle was, a puzzle had a lot of confusing pieces, and making the pieces to a puzzle? That surely sounded like some hard stuff indeed. “Oh.” Was her simplistic reply, complying with Rath on his explanation. “Don’ you ever get confused, though? Like wha’ pieces go where?” She could remember her brain would be teased by an immense amount of pieces that often took time to place in the right spot, given that their corners and niches matched up.


- Henratha Gyrkin - 06-09-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Wow, I rambled a lot XD


When the pup changed the subject briefly, a small grin crawled across his features. Oh to be a pup again, with a relatively short attention span. At that age, everything was a curiosity wasn't it? Rath would have laughed in mild amusement at his own thoughts if he did not think the small female might think he was laughing at her, and he certainly didn't want that. "Yes, I live here, but I don't have any family...not anymore. I did have a mom and dad once, but they're...not here anymore." The russet, white-flecked male refrained from using any term directly pertaining to death. Discussing his late parents was not something he enjoyed, which was indicated by his sudden sadness of countenance. However, the pup had asked an honest question that deserved an answer. Hopefully she would take his answer and leave the subject at that, although he would not blame her if she sought more information. It was the nature of puppyhood that questions should always be on the tongue.

When the odd-eyed white girl made a wide-eyed exclamation over his answer about his time estimate for building the greenhouse, the shaggy male couldn't help but smile yet again. "It might be a long time, but that's just because I'm building it by myself and I want to be careful and make sure I do it right. If I did it fast, I might not do a good job, and I can't have that. Whenever you have to do a job, you have to do it well. It's the good thing to do," his resonating tenor voice carried a tone of firm sincerity, and yet it was friendly so that the pup would hopefully receive his lesson willingly and take it too hard. The best job was a job well done. At the mention of the woad marked warrior, Rath smiled once again. Now there was someone he had not conversed with in quite awhile. However, Cwmfen had not been the subject of Catalyst's inquiry. He would have to remember the white eyed female later. "Yes, it is true that humans built all these houses, and probably all the buildings around here," he paused to chuckle at the pups conclusion that he could have been taught by a human, "No, I'm afraid a human didn't teach me how to build things. My father taught me. I started learning all sorts of stuff when I was about your age. I couldn't pick up the tools until I was old enough to change forms, but I learned how to do things by watching my father. My mother taught me a lot of things too. Practically everything I know I learned from my parents..." Rath trailed off for a second, taking a minute to calm his surging emotions. His parents had been dead for a year now, and yet he was not any closer to accepting the pain of their passing. However, the tall werewolf managed to regain his composure and return his attention to Catalyst in what he hoped would seem like an insignificant span of time to the young wolfess. "Of course I get confused. I'd be lying if I said I didn't, but that's also part of the fun of building things. You have to figure out how to make things so that they will fit together in the best way. It's sort of like a game," Rath proclaimed, believing he had given a satisfactory description. A game probably wasn't the best way to put it, as building something wrong could have dire consequences, but Rath did perceive the process as enjoyable, so for him it was a bit of a contest of sorts. His answers complete, the male focused his gooseberry green gaze on the pup, deciding he had best ask a question before she could unleash another flurry of questions for him. "What about you, Catalyst? What sort of stuff do you like to do?" He inquired with a genuine interest, his head turned slightly to the side to indicate his curiosity. If he remembered right, as a pup he had always found great joy in describing in painful detail each and every interest he possessed to his parents, even if they already knew what they were. Hopefully, Catalyst would take the bait and proceed to unleash a wave of information describing her own interests. After all, what pup could resist telling the tales of their various exploits?


- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-18-2009


Sorry for the wait, back from absence. ^^; 500+

          To what Rath was to say about not having a family, not even having remotely anyone there for him, this stunned the ivory pup. So even adults didn't have their mommies either? Catalyst had never heard of such a thing. To her observation from her dual eyes, it seemed like everyone else in the world had their families, their siblings, someone relatively close to them by blood bond or otherwise. Henratha, however, didn't have anyone here. Unfortunately for Henratha's sake, Catalyst couldn't drop that subject just yet. "You's... you's don't have a mommy either? My mommy... she left us. She left me an' my siblings behind. But... you's don' have a mommy anymore... so that's... normal?" Normal was kind of a big term for her to use in her vocabulary at this stage of her life, and it took her a second to think of the correct word to use. Yes, that was it. Normal. It seemed to be normal then that some individuals in this world didn't have their family members, right?

          Catalyst could understand what Henratha was saying, for if anything was rushed and done with half effort, it wouldn't come out looking as good as one wanted it to be. She was confused, however, that he was the only one doing such a thing. "You's have nobody's to help you?" Her head tilted to the side, wondering at that instant why he chose to work alone, or if nobody wanted to help him in the first place. He was terribly nice for his kind, Catalyst couldn't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to help him with his hard work. At the topic of the humans, Catalyst was interested to hear that indeed they done all the work with the buildings standing currently. Listening how his father taught him the tools of the trade, there was something that stuck out in his sentence that caught her tiny triangular ears in a flicker. "Wait! Wha's this... changing forms?" Ah, Catalyst had not yet been familiar with the shape shifting concept of her Luperci abilities yet, and had much to learn about there. With Henratha explaining about changing forms and able to do his work there, she was a little lost, although if he chose to explain, she would pick up on it immediately. There were adults who she seen walked on two legs, and others on four. She never bothered to ask how they do it, not until now.

          His satisfactory description certainly did justice, for Catalyst eagerly nodded, especially delighted to hear that it was like a game, and games were always fun to do! Not expecting to get questions turned over to her end, Catalyst was actually stumped for a second when Henratha asked of what she liked to do in her spare time. Well, what did she like? "Well... uh, I like to play with my brothers an' sisters! Running', swimmin', playin' hide an' seek..." None of that was certainly impressive as to what Henratha did, and Catalyst honestly wished she had more fun and interesting things to say.
